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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Gryph, that snowman scares me. *hides*

    Tori, I think that it was another word that triggered it...not heck.

    I had to go to pep band last night. Why on earth we would be forced to come to school on a SATURDAY is beyond me. However, we also got snow yesterday. Not a ton, but enough to make the roads a mess. They should have rescheduled the game. I ended up leaving early. You see, Mr. W originally said that we'd get out between 8 and 8:30. So, I called my mom to tell her to pick me up at 8:30. By the time I found out that the upper authorities were going to make us stay longer, mum had already left the house. She wasn't about to turn back around. Mr. W looked like he was going to make me stay longer when I said that mum was already there, but I think he remembered who my mom was...I think she scared him once, lol. But anyway, he just told me to stay safe on the way home and wished me luck at auditions Tuesday. (Notice how wind ensemble auditions keep getting pushed back? If they aren't Tuesday, I will seriously CRY. I'm sick of

    So, yeah. Four day weekends rock. Except. Don't you love that word? Except. It turns around the entire sentence. Except. *laughs* Okay, I'll stop now. Anyway, I have this massive project to go along with Julius Caesar in English. I'm kinda hating Caesar right now.

    I've gotten sooo many e-mails and letters in the mail from colleges. It's starting to get annoying.

    We have to schedule our classes for next year in a couple weeks. I'm still not sure what I'm taking, besides AP English and AP Chem. I'd like to somehow take pre-cal over the summer so I could take calculus next year, but I'm not sure if the stupid school will let me. Psychotic people... And then I have a free elective that I have no idea what to do with. If I get into wind ensemble, I kind of want to take concert band, too. Then again, there's also Spanish 3. Or, if I took a study hall, I could TA. (Er, be a teacher's aid.) Which would be niftylicious if I could do that for say, Mr. W or some nifty teacher like that. But, who knows. I'll figure something out. I kinda want to take the same classes as my friends, but we're all interested in different things. I know most are probably going to take all AP and honors, but I really don't want to stress myself out too badly next year.

    So, yeah. I better start working on Caesar before mi madre comes home and devours me for being such a procrastinator.
    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


    • TIS MY BDAY TOMORROW!!!! *is totally excited cause he will be 17* *fends off poot from his short post*
      YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
      "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


      • Happy early birthday, myth! *sings Happy Birthday quietly so as to not disturb anyone*

        Aarrgh. Geometry quiz tomorrow, which I need to study for. We took our Odyssey unit test Thursday, which was easier than I thought it would be. Now only if I actually did well on that...

        Whenever my dad gets back, he's giving me and my sister a ride to go see Ghost Rider, which sounds kinda dumb, but at least I don't think I'll be paying for it. Going back to school tomorrow is gonna be horrible *yawn* after a nice 4-day weekend. Ja...this post is almost completely pointless...
        I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


        • ohh my friend Dan said that ghost rider was good but then again this is dan i am talking about XD

          my team lost our b-ball game

          not cool

          BUT BETTER NEWS:
          my cousin is staying over at my house this whole week!!!!!
          "There's only one thing you should know, I've put my trust in you! Pushed as far as i can go"


          • Ok, so me and my friends are sitting at the lunch table waiting for class to be calledback in. One ofmy friends is like, "So, I got a call from NY last night." Now, I am pretty closly related to this person. So I m like "Who called u? The Good Lord?" And then she's all, "My aunt." So I said, "OMG! Ur aunt is God?? Wow, I really have 2 do some reading on our family! Ooo, I wonder if he can get me my own laptop, I'v been a REALLY good girl this year." Now, at this, as me and my friends are all Christians, good ones at that, my friendwas just a little ticked. Another of my friends chips in,"Good Lord Erin, u lern that santa is not real, so u make God the new Santa?? Hmm...I wonder what he'll bring me for my B-Day this year..." Now, at this, we all just cracked up. I was then like, "God, and Cousin It(from the Addams Family, also nick-name for my last ex.) thinks that I m UNhappy, crazu dude. Than I try to look like I am having a muscle spasam or seziure at the thought of it, but my eye-lids are twitching, so another friend was like, "God, having day-dreams r we?" At that, I just SHREEKED in a freeked out way. The vice p. told me to go to his office, and he told me that if I shreeked 1 more time, I would get a detention.(I shreek ALL the time.) Later my friends asked me what my punishment was, andI was like, "It's worse than the Death Sentance. He's making me spend time reading a speach that The Iiot Of The U.S.A. made." (the president.)which,he would, if I got a detention. We all, once again shreeked in laughter, but school was out, so I got off.HEHEHE
            Need help with homework, E-Mail me @ I am ALWAYS bored!! Or, if u want a brief lesson on Tudor era Monarchy.


            • Poor Gigo. I'm sorry that you had a day.

              Our tech guy for our school is trying to teach my Spanish class to record sound and put it on our PowerPoint presentation. Most of these people don't really understand. Now they're yelling at Señora that this is much too complicated.

              If I'm lucky, I'll get through this class without having to share the brownies that my friends made for me. I'm celebrating my half-birthday today, though it's a month late. It's wonderful to feel loved.

              I need a nap, even though it's 8:52 in the morning.

              Oh, Gigo, I love your siggy.
              I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


              • Haven't gotten to post here for a long time, but I suppose I should explain some of what's been going on. The past few months has been horribly busy, and the past few days have gotten even more insane.

                Well, the most recently affecting stuff has been based out of Jono.

                So a few months ago one of my friends told me he liked me and was interested in dating me. I told him I wasn't interested in dating. About a month later another friend told me he liked me and was interested in dating me. I told him I wasn't interested in dating. I got really close friends with a third person, and he was to some degree interested in me, but he wasn't going to act on it.

                Well, that third person would be Jono, and he's been my best friend on campus without a question. Note the fact that the first of these people lets call J, and doesn't trust Jono at all, especially with me. J has accused Jono of doing inappropriate things when all he'd been doing was stuff like rubbing my back, which when you're really close friends and the entire group is open with physical interaction being friendly.

                Anyways, so about three weeks ago Jono kissed me one morning...and it went from there. And we kinda have started dating. And it took a few weeks to be able to tell J about this. And he kinda is convinced that Jono has manipulated me into not having a choice about all of this...and that he's going to take advantage of me, and it'll end in stuff that is bad for me, most likely in about two months. And I've had to be talking to J a lot these past two days. A friend told him on tuesday, I talked to him 5 hours on wedensday, had a few hours of running around trying to get me housing. Finally got to eating at 8 PM, and collapsed at that point too...and then yesterday had to talk to him for three hours. And he's afraid of stuff, and is trying to make me paranoid, and when he's talking I don't know, but otherwise I'm happy, and we're close, and I don't know what to do to keep everything from exploding, and it is really insane.
                We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


                • *moral support huggles Tuttle*

                  Nooo, I have a math test Monday and I missed at least a quarter of the unit because of...other commitments...have to find a safe place to stash my report card now...

                  *sigh* And now I am mostly brain dead, have a rather lowered self esteem after writing two math contests under a cold as well as watching my science olympics team nearly fall apart at the seams, spent a bit of time trying to explain what I know about fractal dimensions (nearly nothing) to my friends after we all read Flatterland by Ian Stewart (with my's a great book, witty, quite easy to understand the second time through...or the third...^.^)

                  Hmm- don't know of much else to rant about- too tired. =.= Wish me luck for the band concert tomorrow morning at Festival. And a happy birthday to all the birthday people I missed.
                  *wanders off to bed- no wait, I can't because it's 12:20 in the afternoon...*
                  -Tell me and I may remember; show me and I'll understand; involve me and I'll never forget. Thank you, PM. Your light lives on.


                  • Yeah, I can sypmathize on math, except for the fact that I've been there it's just so boring I miss the lesson, then don't know what we're supposed to do!

                    *random* I've never taken an IQ test, before, what are they like? I have a friend who's IQ is 179 and she won't tell me. As for mine, well, how would I know my own IQ? Sometimes people think I'm a genious, sometimes an idiot. Is it possible to be so bipolar you're both at once?
                    (sorry, I babble a lot.)
                    There is no light without its shadow


                    • Am I just...I don't even know. Do I have a pheromone (sp...too lazy to look it up) that repells guys or something? Because seriously, this is ridiculous! I've been rejected twice in one weekend, both times by guys that I'm friends with, and who I thought would go with me just based on the fact that we're friends and it'd be fun to go as just friends! See, there's this dance next Saturday, the junior/senior dance...and I have no date. All the people I normally go to dances with have dates; ergo, I need to find one. In 3 days, so he'll have time to get the permission slip signed and give it back to me so I can turn it in so he can go. And at this point, I'm about ready to give up. It's just so frusterating...and it's making me mad. Very mad.

                      At least we won our basketball game today, and I scored 5 points and fouled twice and all that basketball jazz. It was great...took my mind off the dance problem for awhile. And the homework one. See, I missed the entire week of school during the week of Valentine's. Luckily, we had 2 snow days that week, but it still leaves me with a lot of homework, especially in Trig and Chemistry. And both of those teachers? Yeah, one's pregnant, and the other's sick. They have like, not been in at all, so I'm horribly behind in both those classes, and my progress report is horrible as a result. So I'm mad about that too. Also, the massive amounts of snow won't melt, and it's all brown and ugly, so I don't like it anymore. Oh, and when it does melt? It becomes ice, like it did this morning. I fell down. Grrr...

                      And I'm getting OCD-ish about the fact that I haven't worn a top retainer in 2 weeks. I can't believe I lost it by puking it into the toilet! That's just...annoying. I want a retainer-my teeth are coming apart, and there's a GAP between my two front teeth again! And I'm OCD-ish about this why? Probably because it cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000 for the 2 rounds of braces, one round of a herbst appliance, some gum surgery, the tooth I had to get pulled, countless orthodontist visits, and retainers from both times I got braces. Oh yeah. I'm mad.

                      I'm seriously mystified by this...why is it that no guys will go with me? Am I just asking the wrong ones? I don't think there can be wrong ones! They're my friends (or they were.) Either way, it's not like I've got a dress or anything to wear, but Mom says if I do by some miracle get a date, she'll take me shopping. In the shower earlier, I was reminiscing (sp) and I was all "I'm like Cinderella; except at this point, there's no Prince Charming waiting for me at the ball." Except, you know, without the evil stepmother; and I've only got one sister, who's evil sometimes, not all the time. And no Fairy Godmother. But I have been working literally all weekend-Friday night, homework, Saturday I cleaned all day for my brother's birthday party, today I've been doing homework all day. Kind of stinks; I don't really want to be Cinderella unless I get a Prince Charming in the end.

                      Also, despite how much I love Grey's Anatomy, it's depressing me, because Meredith and Derek are always together and just...being a couple, I guess. I'm kind of sick of being the bitter teenager who's single, because it depresses me and makes my parents think I'm depressed, which I am, just not to the extent they think. This is pointless, however, since it really doesn't matter, since it all comes down to the conclusion that I. Still. Don't. Have. A. Date.

                      Edit: am I allowed to cry when I get rejected? Because I am.


                      • I'm so fried and burnt out and overwhelmed and augghh...! When I got home from school, I sat around and had a snack and read the newspaper, essentially pretending today was really a snow day, and the fact that I had just come home from school and endured those 10 or howevermany hours of slaving and homework piling was all a delusion.

                        Yeah right.

                        I have so much work, I shouldn't even be here, typing up a message to relax. Last week, I went shopping with my mom and begged for berries ~~ they replenish the things that stress drains. I'm gonna need a truckfull this week. Auugghhh ><

                        I've forgotten how much I love that smiley.

                        I mean think about this, what if, when you post it sees your name "Gryphon" and is like "Ahhh! It's Gryphon! Trigger Trigger Trigger" Okay, I'm just kidding with you. Right?
                        I really think it hates me. I was actually triggered for h.ell last time, but that's not really bad either. >< Watch this post get triggered too. ++ I have lj already, so if you ever get one, PM me! I've been using it because some of my friends irl begged me too, but I've been slowly adding on some people I know online too.

                        I haven't started picking out courses for next year yet, and I don't want to think about it. I either have to keep spanish or drop spanish, but take two more core classes (example: the sciences, language arts, math), which, considering my school, is not a nice thought. I also want to either take Calc BC and have that be my only AP class next year OR ditch calc (in which case, I'd have to take Stat or discrete instead) and take up a couple other APs. But at my school, the only APs I would be allowed to take would be math or science. >< It's because of their prerequisits.

                        I hate homework...

                        But I love tut <3 Sounds exciting aiiee Do what you want.

                        My relationship with guys... I have no idea. It makes me want to scream. Hungry, I'm really amazed/proud of you that you've got the guts to ask a guy out. I know, for a lot of people, that doesn't mean a lot. People say it's okay for girls to ask out a guy, and sometimes it is, but... you know? I was talking to my friend about this, and she's like, "really, if a guy asks you out, then you at least know he likes you. And B gets so many girls because he has the guts to ask them all out. It's all... phh..." And you guys have heard of my past relationships... >< Everything is so complicated.

                        I am going to prom, but I'm not turning in my money until the last day. If all of my friends end up going with dates, I'm not going. That... would really suck.
                        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                        • i have an english midterm on wed. i'm sooo not looking forward to it!
                          "Dear Artificer, I've blown my quanta and gone to the Good Place!" -Fred
                          "Bombs are good. I love bombs." -Iggy from Maximum Ride


                          • I. Really. Hate. Homework! i had five reports due this week. i turned in one early and another today. But i have a Sci fair report due tomorrow and am clutching my head moaning because one minute i think I can do this and the next the computer won't work to find the rubric and I can't do it. Later, I have a story for English due and a book report for Sign language. This week was looking depressing since Monday and so far is.
                            On a happier note, i bought a book I leant to a friend that got lost yesterday. So it is brand new and I have both of the two in the series.
                            "You're so funny. Sometimes, I wish I was a little elf, so I could ride around on your shoulder all day and laugh at you." - my mom. (Yes, she honestly told me that. *rolls eyes*)


                            • Ahh. I was going to write like a week ago, know how things are with me. Nonstop, usually. I'm actually sort of supposed to be doing homework right now....

                              ~^ Ahh! So much love going around the forums this month. Huh. Well, people, go crazy. We only get one life to live here. As for me? Well....maybe, just maye there's something goin on....but I don't know yet.

                              Hm. I'm gettin an increasing interest in MCR. It's weird, I didn't really like them before, but my friends are crazy about them, and you know, it's funny how much your friends can influence you without your noticing...

                              Also: What's with all this Gray's Anatomy?! It seems like suddenly, like this month, no, this week everyone's been saying how much they love it. I personnally don't get it. Someone will have to explain it to me....

                              Hungry: Ooh, sorry about your job. And your retainer. But...ick, I don't think I'd want that back. Well, your teeth with be righted again, soon hopefully.

                              Violet: Hi! Is it ok if I call you Vi? But ayway, wow, your friend is smart. We took our usual exam-like thingy this year, and it had something that I think was like an IQ, but not really. I was above average, but not _that_ much more!

                              Oh, and don't worry about babbling. We all do. Mostly nonsense, sometimes supportive stuff, occasionally smart things. Welcome to the crowd.

                              *huggles Tuttle* *and Gigo* *and Hungry* *...and Gryph*

                              And happy belated birthday, Myth! Woot!

                              So now? I will finally do my homework. And maybe put some lotion on my poor, tired hands. cold + lack of water + piano + heater + genetics = my hands! *eyeroll* that was really geeky!

                              But anyway. I'l have more to post later. I'm sort of out of it. I had a whole slew of cool thoughts earlier....XD me + cool does not mix, haha

                              just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                              • I don't really know what's with me and Grey's Anatomy...wait, I do know. The first time I was sick in February, we had the first DVD of the first season from Netflix, so I watched it, and it was really good. So I begged Mom to put more DVDs in the cue thingie and started watching it...and luffle-ing it. Hey, it's about time I got some tv in my life-I hardly ever watch it.

                                So...the whole dance problem got worse today when my best friend/cousin decided that she's going to go to, so she can help get a sophomore in, and is just going to stay. So...this really stinks. But it's ok-I went running today. Nothing bad will bother me until tomorrow, and I'll go running tomorrow and freeze my butt off, and it'll all be ok again! Running is seriously my anti-depressant, I've decided. Seriously.

                                I just applied for this writing camp next summer-it sounds pretty cool. I really hope I get in! 2 weeks at a college I'm considering, and more other stuff. It's got a nice campus too...I really hope I get in!

                                My head is spinning with the meter of Byron, by the way. Don Ju-an and all that stuff...XD

                                I'm trying so so so hard to be happy right now...I think, because of the running, it's working. I'm going to go take a shower, since I stink, and people want me to go to sleep. Sssllleeeeeeeepppp.....

