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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • blah... I think sleep would be a very good thing right now... esspecialy with a hurting arm from Kendo... Oh well..

    ATM: Asian clothes = pure win as do roasted marshmallows

    Meh.. I do not see why people think IE is a piece of crap... It works just fin for me... Then again... so did Old-Chime and current Chime...

    Angel_star: Good luck with those auditions. Just make sure you're calm before and during the audition. I'm sure you don't want to do something stupid in the middle of it. Also, what kind of instrument do you play?

    And... that's pretty much everything I feel like commenting on...


    • AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
      *scremas and runs in cicles* *gathers herself*
      OK. We are moving to Denmark. I will be going to school there (already know language), but their school sistem is different than it is in the US. they put you in grades acording to age. They don't skip people. I skipped second grade. I am in eighth grade now (homeschooled). I will have to repeat eight grade. *begins to sob uncontrolably* My parents could write a letter requesting for me to be placed in ninth, but they think that it would be stupid to go into the ninth grade in a language that i am not very good at in an exam year. *shudders with rage* I am inteligent. I could handle it. *mutters with rage* (excuse spelling. I am intelligent, I'm just mad)
      I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


      • Rubywolf: That must suck, to be shuffled to another country and to have to repeat a grade. Do you know why your family is moving to Denmark?

        Grrr. I would get my iPod shuffle in December, and in January they come out with one in color. I so want an orange one instead of my silver one. Ah, well, at least I have one.

        I am in such trouble in Spanish. We're supposed to be doing this PowerPoint for our final project, but in stages. The second stage is due today. Guess who didn't do their PowerPoint. Well, at least Señora Clark kinda sorta likes me, because I talk goodly Spanish. But our family doesn't do in-action photos, when in fact we do take pictures. Grrr.

        I have this inane desire to throw something at someone. Everyone duck. Just kidding. But, really, maybe I should get a punching bag or something...
        I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


        • Diego is amazing. That is all I have to say.

          I'm thinking about buying Oh No by Ok Go, since I've been meaning to do it for about a year now and never quite got around to it...oh well. Maybe this time? I got The Shins' new album earlier this week...pretty good stuff
          I love Ok Go's Oh No. Loovve. It's one of my favorite albums that I own, and it's got fun songs on it. What's the new Shin's album? I've heard a lot of good things about them as a band, but I haven't really checked them out.

          Mel: do they allow mechanical pencils? I'm going to take it March of this year.

          Gryph, I never did thank you properly for introducing me to Coldplay, did I? Well, thanks =)
          !!! You're back again! Hee. As for Coldplay, they're great, aren't they? & roasted marshmallows... mmmmm... I wonder if you could roast them over a stove? (Actually, that sounds like a bad idea, so I'll let you guys be the ones to try it first XD )

          I honestly don't think the difference between IE and Firefox is that huge, at least from my point of view. Firefox is the safer browser because there are so many more viruses, bugs, worms, whatever attributed to IE. However, that could just be because it's the browser that almost everyone has, so almost all of the online threats are geared for it. IE also did more weird things when I had it. O.o

          Rubywolf: Uhnn... Hopefully Denmark's education system will be good enough to make up for redoing a grade. They probably teach different things over there anyway.

          School, life, the usual. Sooo much homework. ><
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • Originally posted by marina salem:
            Grrr. I would get my iPod shuffle in December, and in January they come out with one in color. I so want an orange one instead of my silver one. Ah, well, at least I have one.
            My sentiments exactly, down to the orange one. Ah, well, it's so tiny I'll probably lose it anyway and have to go buy another. I'll bet somebody rich is buying one of each and color-coding their playlists...

            Originally posted by Mel
            Unfamiliar with Death of the Endless? Hie thee to a library and find (if you are ok with things gothic and dark fantasy with a horror edge; sort PG-15-ish) Neil Gaiman's Sandman graphic novels. They revolve around the king of Dreams, Morpheus, and eventually spreads out to include his six siblings, the Endless. There's Destiny, Death, Dream, Desire, Despair, Delirium (who used to be Delight), and the seventh who isn't revealed for a while and had all of us searching through the D section of our dictionaries.

            Just so's you know where db's comin' from.
            New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


            • Mariona Salem: Do you know why your family is moving to Denmark?
              Yep. We are origionally from there, and I have like 15 cousins that I haven't seen in 7 years. My cousins are ok. They aren't interessted in the stuff I am. They HATE reading.
              I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


              • *Bangs head reapeatedly* why does my site hate me! i can't even get in half the time do to a problem with the dns! *grumbles*
                and...having to repeat a grade and moving out of the country WOULD stink, rubywolf...
                i'm happy to say that the closest i've had is goint to another state,
                moving up a grade...and finding that they're teaching the very things i learned LAST year. still stinks, but at least i'm in the same country!
                I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                • Oh, I love moving! I dont have any friends, Our house sucks, It's too hot, it doesn't snow, and I'm getting sick of Mardi Gras! (too many drunk people)
                  I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


                  • I haven't been here in forever. Well, nearly. And I haven't had to move any farther than the other side of town. So I am sorry i can't relate. But I am sorry about you having to repaet a grade. That would be...uncool. of course, it might, in some unblievable, unexpeceted way, turn out fun? Hmm, maybe i'm not helping.
                    I get a ipod for my birthday. but, oddly, not until the middle of march after taxes...a whole month after my b-day. And, I can't find anybody to go tot the movies with me on my special day. except one person who hasn't mentioned it since. I think she forgot. *sniffles* Oh well. i will find someone. i hope.
                    AGain, sorry about having to repeat a grade. maybe you'll find someway out of it.
                    "You're so funny. Sometimes, I wish I was a little elf, so I could ride around on your shoulder all day and laugh at you." - my mom. (Yes, she honestly told me that. *rolls eyes*)


                    • I've never had to move-it's kind of nice. My house is medium sized, on a busy street that's basically just a connection between two parts of the highway-like at one end of the street, there's an exit ramp from the highway, and about 5 miles down the street, there's an entrance to a highway...but it's not a highway, it's a nice street. My room is right at the front of the house-according to Dad, it's the biggest bedroom, but I think his and Mom's is bigger, but looks smaller because they have so much furniture in it. My room's this shade of blue called "Bother free Blue," which yes, is a Disney color of paint-you know how Pooh Bear always said "Oh bother?" Well, this is Botherfree Blue. I just painted it over winter break. Man, I'm weird-I painted my room because I liked how the name related to Pooh Bear! When I was younger, I was obsessed with Pooh (and by younger, I mean in about 6th grade So not that much younger). Why am I delighting you all with this lovely description of my house and my room? Because I love my house so much-I know that when I leave for college, I'll cry not because I miss things about home like my bed, or my chair, or the couch in the living room, but because the architecture is just so pretty for a house from the time period (it was built in 1908). Crazy, I know. I'm in love with my house.

                      I hate Valentine's Day. It is a stupid holiday-the only good part is those candy hearts, which taste absolutely delicious. I've got a thing for candy hearts-I just can't read the sayings on them.

                      So, on Monday, we're supposed to get temperatures around 7 degrees Farenheit-and if we're EXTREMELY lucky, we'll get a day off for the cold. Maybe. Possibly. And don't worry, I can't jinx it by mentioning it, since it's all the school's been talking about for the last 3 days. I really want a day's not even funny how bad I want a 3 day weekend-actually, 4, since I'm not coming to school on Tuesday. But that's a moot point.

                      So. This is the 5th Friday night in a row that I've sat at home alone, if I haven't been working. Kind of depressing-I keep making plans to do things with friends: go to the movies, go see the school play, get dinner, something! and they keep cancelling on me, pretty much at the last minute. It sort of stinks a lot...I wish I had more "friends" you know, people you can actually hang out with. I can talk with lots of people-I've got a wide circle of people I talk to-but it's harder to get people to hang out with you. Anyway, the point is, I'm really getting sick of spending Friday and Saturday nights alone.

                      So...we've got this junior/senior dance on March 3. We can bring people from other schools (or freshmen and sophomores, if you're that desperate) and I've got a guy or 2 I want to ask...but there are several reasons why I might not. <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>It's the night of my youth group's retreat, which I'm on the planning committee for, so it'd be sort of bad if I didn't show up. <LI>One of my friends from another school may have taken one of the guys (who we both like) to her dance last saturday, which would make him "off limits." Which really isn't fair, given that I THINK he likes me...but I'm not sure. I'm also not even sure if she went with him, since she hasn't been on AIM and I can't ask her unless she's online! <LI> The other guy I want to ask is that guy from camp last summer...but I'm afraid that he has a girlfriend. Despite this, I really like him, and wish we'd kept in touch, because he's really just the sweetest guy I know-always opening doors, and sweet stuff of that nature.[/list]
                      Anyway, that's my list for the evening...didn't know we could make lists in posts. Learn something new every day, I guess.

                      My heating grate thing in my room keeps rattling since I took it off and put it back on after I was done painting. It's keeping me up at night. Wish it'd stop. Oh well, have to go to work in the morning. Going to bed now, so I don't look like this: but I'll probably look like that anyway.


                      • This post is coming rather late. I've been reading here, but not posting because I didn't have enough time.

                        lol, Mel, you make me smile thiiis much.

                        Thanks, Gryph. I don't think anybody has ever told me that I'd be an explosion of fluffy bunnies and sugar before.

                        Diego...I don't understand you...but I heart you!

                        So, yeah. Valentine's Day is just a marketing tool used to make people feel bad about themselves and buy chocolate to make themselves happy. At least, that's what it does to me.

                        I had to get up early this morning for a QR thing. I took this Language Arts test...gracious, I did awful. It was about stuff that I hadn't ever studied, so, yeah, I had problems.

                        People with perfect pitch bother me. We had pep band last night. There's this freshmen who decided to blow into a coke bottle and said, "Oh, that's a G. For you, S, that'd be a...[insert whatever a G is on sax], which is fingered [insert whatever]." So, S plays it...and it's the EXACT SAME NOTE. He kept doing this. By the way, the freshmen, C, doesn't even play sax except when he gets bored and picks up random instruments.

                        So, yeah. It was weird. I also got to hear about all the drama in S and Z's lives...well, old drama that they decided to bring up again. I kinda felt like smacking them and telling them that they were acting like girls... "OMG I cannot believe that HE SAID THAT TO ME TWO YEARS AGO!" *shudders* The stupid idiots.

                        I would write more, but I kinda feel bad and don't feel like thinking or typing anymore. So have a splenderific, colourful day! <3<3<3
                        the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                        • AHH!! SNOW DAY FOR HUNGRY!!! Sorry, haven't had a snow day in 7 years-I'd say it's about time for one...though technically, it's a freezing day, not a snow day. And we're getting one tomorrow too! (my aunt babysits for one of the teachers, who called her and told her that the superintendent is giving us another one!) Our superintendent is from Alaska-so he literally almost didn't give us the snow day when every other school in this and 3 surrounding counties is off-not to mention most of the rest of the Mid-West region. I went out to go get some coffee from Caribou with my friends-it is extremely cold out! Just glad I can drive now, and actually do something today! Tomorrow, however, is another story because I was already going to miss school for this program I'm no plans there. But still! This is like seriously blowing my mind...I'm not in school. I have another snow day tomorrow. Forgive me if I sound like a crazy nut who's never had a snow day before-I've had them, it's just that the last one was in 5th grade, while I was still at a Catholic elementary school, before I moved to public schools.

                , I got woken up by my dad at 8:30 am, because Panera called, wondering if I would work. I'm sorry, but it's a snow day, and I really don't like my job all that much after my shift on Saturday, so I told them that I felt sick. Bit of a lie...but who wants to go to work on a snow day?

                          My mother is now trying to convince me to find a date for that dance...I don't know. All my friends are also telling me to get a date...but what if they say no? (I've got 2 people I'm debating on asking...I can't decide between the guy from camp who I haven't seen in 6 months but really like, or the guy I'll see tomorrow at that program thing...any opinions?) I'm really bad with rejection for some reason-maybe I'm just a bit of a wimp. Oh well...

                          I love this! It's crazy and insane and I just love not having school! Is it too much to hope that we'll get Wednesday off as well? I'm sort of forgetting what I was going to say-maybe it's that I love my friends, my family, and the superintendent? Lol, maybe not.

                          So...anyone watch the Superbowl? I didn't-I played Monopoly in front of the tv since by then we knew we wouldn't have school today and I didn't feel like doing my homework. I'm not that good at Monopoly, but somehow I won. We got through the entire game too-it didn't take as long as it normally does, which was pretty cool. Normally, I despise Monopoly-I mean, really, why is it so entertaining to people like my younger brother? I don't see the attractiveness in moving a little Starbucks cup (we got Monopoly: Here and Now for Christmas, since our 30 year old set finally just died completely when someone spilled a Jones Soda on it. RIP Monopoly 1970-2007 ) around the board and buying properties like Jacob's Field in Cleveland or the Golden Gate Bridge. Seriously though, how did Cleveland make it onto the board? Wouldn't you think someplace like...I don't even know, Hilton Head or somewhere more attractive to people would be there? I'm not going to lie though, I'm a big fan of Cleveland-there's a lot more to do there than people realize. Anyone ever been there and gone to the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame and Museum? Pretty cool brother saw a pair of duct tape shorts there that Iggy Pop made for a concert, and as a result made a pair of his own for an orchestra concert. Anyway...Cleveland. The Botanical Gardens have these huge blue butterflies in them. I have issues with these blue butterflies, because at a zoo with a butterfly house, these humongous butterflies attacked me-ok, flew at my face, but that's besides the point. And I'm in a room, with the butterflies, freaking out with my family. My dad finally just covered my eyes and led me out of there like a horse. Very embarassing. Wish I knew why those butterflies freak me out so much, and why I have to freak out whenever I see them...must be a completely mental thing. Anyway, the point is, besides those gigantic evil butterflies, Cleveland's awesome. I've got family there, so I spend a lot of time there, visiting them. I almost think I like it better there than I do where I live, if that's not too weird.

                          Chicago's also a cool city-I'm thinking about going to college there. Or maybe in Boston...but I've never been to Boston. I want to go to so many places on college visits! I have no clue how I'll ever narrow it down, since I barely know what I want in a school. I'm thinking about an English or History major, so I'm looking at schools that are strong in those areas, but...I just barely know how to do this whole school thing!

                          I should probably get off the internet now...that caffeine is making me a little loopy. I don't react well to caffeine; it tends to make me a little nuts, which is one of the reasons I stopped drinking coffee, despite the fact that I love coffee. Hope everyone has a good day!

                          Edit: Wow...I just realized that yes, I am indeed crazy, since this post makes absolutely no sense.


                          • I watched the Super Bowl. Shucksdarn, the Bears lost. People at school laughed at me for rooting for them, but I kinda like the underdogs. The kickoff return for a touchdown was pretty sweet. There must have been about 10 fumbles in that game. And it's supposed to be the best teams, and there they were, dropping the football like it was on fire. Whatever.

                            Grrrg...I wanna go home. I'm stuck at school waiting for my sister's basketball practice to end. Mi cabeza va a explotar, porque tengo mucha tarea. I also need to complete my Scripture project on Jonah. Funfunfunfunfun...not.

                            I really should have come to the chat on Saturday, instead of go to my volleyball tournament. We dropped 3 of 3, two of those games to teams that we should have beaten. We played really horribly (the stronger language that I want to use is rude), and Coach was effin mad. But I got to play middle blocker, which is really fun; I'm about 5'6" and the second-tallest person on the team, which is kinda sad.

                            I should stop complaining.

                            Me, K, J, MC, R, and K are going to the Valentine's dance on Friday. We're going to avoid all guys and have a hilariously fun time, then sleep over at Kim's...although we probably won't sleep but stay up, eat, and watch cheesy movies. But first, I have to ask my parents if I can go. Don't I have my priorites sorted out.
                            I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


                            • Yay! Go Colts! We rooted for the Colts because the Bears beat the Saints. How rude!
                              I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


                              • Oh how I miss you guys so much.

                                I have been in these weird Kuna, okay not weird, but kinda strange islands of the San Blas for the past month. Life is treating me okay I guess.

                                I'm in Panama now, in a couple week we will go through the canal. Im not supposed to be on any site of the internet except Borders for books.

                                I will try to get a better post in, in a couple days. We will be at a marina (First time in 2 years) that has internet, so i will be able to update and give out hugs to everyone. )

                                As for what i have been doing to keep myself sane, well it was making me insane, actually.

                                EDITTING. I swear, imt rying to edit my stupid (okay not stupid) NaNo, because it really needed it. Im up to chapter 11 of editing. But, its taking ages. My parents are coming, bye.

                                Love and be loved

