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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • kk: Thanks for explaining about the smilies! I'm probably not going to take the trouble to use them (lazy), but if I want to, know I know how.

    alla: I tried NaNo, but gave up after a couple weeks. November's always the busiest month at my school, so it was kinda pointless to try at all. Oh well.

    Gwendi: *hugs* I feel like such a newbie, too, with all the oldies coming back don't worry; you're not the only one.

    seabiscuit: Ooh, a cookie party! Sounds like fun. Where do you find the LOST eps online? I know there are several places...but I'm not sure what they are and my friend insists I watch them all from the beginning.

    Emi: Still crossing my fingers for you and your letter!

    Cress: Latin is incredible. I've never gotten the opportunity to learn it because my school has a rather limited amount of options as far as that sort of thing, but I'm looking forward to it at college.

    Is it just my computer, or is YouTube broken? For some reason I can't get on either the worldwide or UK version, which is weird. Usually, if the worldwide version doesn't work, I switch to UK and it's fine. Hm.

    Anyway, I'm so very glad that I'm finally on Christmas break...even though I've got tons and tons of homework. I've decided I'm not going to force myself to work until Friday. Surely I deserve two days off?

    Speaking of school...My biology teacher has, once again, decided we are superpeople. We were already supposed to read, comprehend, and commit to memory the last half of the genetics unit because we "didn't have time" to cover it in class. My teacher, Dr. T., handed out a huge worksheet packet that would supposedly help us understand the unit. It didn't, but she decided somehow that we had now finished covering genetics and that we were ready to move on. So, she told us to re-read Chapter 17 and read/answer questions on Chapter 18 by the time we got back from break. This in edition to learning (because even though she thinks we have, we've made clear that none of us have) Chapters 13, 14, 15, and 16. ...I can't wait to get out of her class. No one can.

    In addition to biology, I have to finish my oratory, time it, and memorize it, then finish outlining Unit 3 for APUSH. I also need to work on debate with my partner, H, who is absolutely lovely but whom I have never debated with before. Ah well...on Friday, the true excitement begins. And I thought this was supposed to be a break?

    I'm still reading Grapes of Wrath, and still enjoying it immensely. Living where I live, the speech patterns of the Joads sound very familiar. I finished The Time-Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger yesterday. It was amazing. At first I loved it, then wasn't sure, but by the end I'd fallen back in love with it again. Some say the character's are flat, but I didn't find that to be true at all.

    Hope everyone is doing well, and since I most likely won't be on tomorrow, Merry Christmas!



    • Wow... I have really forgotten how overwhelming this is... With all the new posts and everyone saying a bunch of cool things. Either that or I just get overwhelmed really really easily... *shrug*

      And everyone here is so well read! It both excites and scares the hell out of me... I've yet to read Paradise Lost though its been sitting on my bookshelf for a white now. I've kind of gone through a dry spell with reading these past few years. It used to be all I did... I suppose things have a way of getting out of hand sometimes...

      eowyn: I am so very sorry to hear about your seemingly psycho biology teacher... I had one last year that would put a good 4 chapters, and these were long chapters, on one test. Not to mention that the tests were never more than two pages and the only way I passed was by reading each chapter at least 5 times over, because I was never sure what she would ask.
      Maybe its a biology teacher thing...

      And I kept forgetting that today is Christmas eve... which I find severely sad as everyone here seems to be thoroughly energized over the topic. Actually, everyone EVERYWHERE.
      I can't say why the holidays were never so important to me but I didn't realize the significance of the date until my friend started talking about her family party tonight. o.O

      Glede: Congratulations on winning the bet... I'm one of those weird kids that can stay up til 4:30 and not be tired at all the next day. It comes in handy toward the end of a semester, and it will save me a lot of money where coffee is concerned if I go into the medical world.

      Cress: Dante's Inferno is supposed to be spectacular. I missed out on that particular read but apparently its wonderful.

      seabiscuit: I. am. So jealous. of your cookie party. I absolutely adore cookies of any kind... though I'm not so great at making them myself. I went to a friends house yesterday and she had made these big ginger bread and molasses cookies that were amazing. And the ginger bread ones had green frosting on them and were shaped like trees. So that made them that much better.
      And I haven't wrapped my presents either... So that means I'll have to wait until my parents go to bed to do so. Fun.

      ...It's Christmas now!

      My friend just texted me that... and my response was "I forgot... again."

      and the day before yesterday I went sledding with a friend, it was the first time I'd been in nearly two years, and I didn't hit a tree! It was fantastic...

      oh I almost forgot.

      Merry Christmas!
      Last edited by Nella; December 25, 2008, 01:28:11 AM.


      • Nella: I agree about the staying up late, and being fine the next day, I'm like that.
        Oh, and your avatar is so cute! it looks like something my rabbits would do... I have three, and they like eating fabric, wood, and electrical stuff.
        And you have snow? Well, you would have had to, to go sledding... Lucky you! Right now, it's raining.

        So... Christmas! XD I'm so happy. It's been a fun day...

        I got a DVD of the special edition of The Princess Bride. That is such a good movie! I feel very thankful, today... It's so wonderful, being blessed by an amazing Christmas!

        And I'm VERY excited about New Years Eve! I'm going to an all-night event at my church... It's going to be awesome! I get to see one of my closest friends, again. He moved away a while ago... It'll be good to see him again...

        Dai, all!
        Dif-tor heh smusma.


        • Mrry Christmas everyone... I've bee working night shifts all week so I've been going crazy.

          I got some cool presents... a portable DVD player, Clue classic for the computer. And also a Smithsonian Astro - Lab projecting planetarium, and a couple of other cool gifts. I'm like a kid in the candy store right now.

          I'll be gone for a couple of weeks, so just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
          There is Always DEEP Shadow where there is MUCH Light!
          "I will meet the terminally clueless today...idiots and those with hairballs for brains.... I do not have to be like them, even though I would dearly love to hit them hard enough to make the empty places between their ears echo..." Rhiow - TVTQ


          • Originally posted by Stormwind View Post
            I got some cool presents.... And also a Smithsonian Astro - Lab projecting planetarium, and a couple of other cool gifts. I'm like a kid in the candy store right now.
            If you can't manage a projecting planetarium, check out -- it's pretty cool.

            So's, for that matter...
            "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

            "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


            • Stormwind: Ooh, those projecting planetariums are fun! I still have one, somewhere... Oh wait, my rabbit chewed the plastic of it...darn.

              Garrett: Stellarium is amazing! I have a real telescope, and it's very useful in showing where planets and stars will be later in the day, so that I can go look at them outside.

              Sigh... I feel so tired! I was up late reconstructing a robot that looks strangely like "Robot S13" from the Gunnerkrigg Court webcomic. Except it doesn't have the little wings on its back... I could build those... hmmmm...
              Dif-tor heh smusma.


              • Originally posted by Garrett Fitzgerald View Post
                Gwendi, if you want to play on the computer, come on over to :-) It's online multiplayer Risk, basically: each player controls her own energy, and decides where to move it based on the Battle Plan of the commanders of each team. I'm commanding the Wookiees in "Star Wars: A New Game", and Tuttle is commanding the Center for Biological Diversity in the Tournament of Charities (or was, depend on whether we get knocked out before you read this
                I will try to go on when I can, and you probably will have been knocked out, as I haven't been able to get on the forums for a while now.

                Gwendi! *hugs* I haven't heard from you in ages!
                Yeah, I know...I've been pretty busy, as I said above.

                There's an injokes topic over in the Newbie section. One of the first explanations is that of the tumbleweeds.
                Thanks, I'll look it up as soon as I finish this post. I just noticed the new tumbleweed smiley that showed up, along with the dead horse...not sure what to think about that one.

                *hugs* I feel like such a newbie, too, with all the oldies coming back don't worry; you're not the only one.
                Thanks eowyngirl, I'm glad someone else sees my point of view.

                Merry Christmas and other holidays! I had the best Christmas ever! I don't want to just take up space with a complete list of stuff I got, so I'll just say that I got The Beatles White Album and the Top 27 Beatles songs on One CD. I'm a big Beatles fan, as you can probably see. I also got some wood, which may not seem very interesting, but I think it's awesome because my dad is going to help me woodburn it!

                While I still have a cold, it's not that bad anymore, so I'm happy anyway. Since everyone here is probably used to my insane random shouting out in the middle of everything, I'm not going to hold back. Like my first few posts in the TOGR, I'm going to make it prettiful colors.

                HEY BUNGALO(sp?) BILL! WHAT DID YOU KILL?

                Sorry that's not as random as it once was, but this is a Beatles-oriented post, so I thought part of Bungalo Bill would be fitting. (I still don't know how to spell bungalo, and I'm too lazy to look it up, so humor me please.)

                Dai everyone!


                • ...I just had a whole post and then lost it. x.x I hate that.

                  kk: I have a rabbit also... which is pretty much the reason for the avatar, and he too loves to eat things. Especially electrical things... I've lost a good 5 laptop chargers to him, and its one very cruddy feeling to pull on your cord and only come up with half. Still he's very cute... a bit crazy but cute. We got him when he was a baby and smaller than my palm, mind you I was only 12 then, but he's MUCH bigger now, being a lop.

                  I'm watching the crocodile hunter! He makes me so happy! I was so sad when he died...

                  And The Princess Bride is an amazing movie! For a few years now I've wanted to get my hands on the book and haven't gotten around to it... Maybe after Paradise Lost.

                  Garrett: That stellarium link is so cool! I almost want to download it... except I have no knowledge of coordinates whatsoever... Maybe one can look them up?

                  and yes... We have quite a load of snow... Except... that have is actually a had, because we were dumped with a huge rainstorm on Christmas Eve and that demolished our nearly two feet to a few inches. x.X I am not happy to see the sidewalk and grass. at all...

                  At least we're expecting another storm...

                  OH I think I got a package... *excitement* Those might be my Doc Martens! squee!

                  And Gwendi I really like the pretty colors.


                  • Stellarium

                    Yes, there's lookup functionality in Stellarium.

                    "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                    "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                    • How was everyone's Christmas?
                      Mine was pretty good. I got a book of the complete works of Shakespeare. And a few new pairs of levis, which I really needed. I only had two pairs that were still in wearable condition. lol. And I got to talk to my boyfriend. Well actually, I didn't really get to talk to him directly. He isn't really supposed to talk to anyone except for family when he calls home, so we just put him on speaker phone and listened while he talked about what he was doing and everything. His mom and dad asked questions, I asked a couple but mostly just listened. We had to repeat ourselves a few times, there was about a 10 second delay so we'd talk over each other sometimes. But it was good just to hear him again.

                      Anyway so we got a huge storm last night. We were supposed to go to my aunts house after my other family's christmas party but the storm just got too bad. I went off the road a couple times, and I had to pull over once and smack my windshield wipers a couple times to get the ice off because they had frozen up and I couldn't see the road. Thankfully we only live about four miles from my Grandparents house so it wasn't a long drive. Its beautiful outside now, we have about a foot and a half of snow. I enjoyed staying inside curled up with a new book.
                      "Doctors help you to live, the Arts give you a reason to live."


                      • My Christmas was pretty nice. My boyfriend just met my whole family, which was a little nerve-wracking, but I think it went well. I got a whole lot of money, which is always nice. I'm going shopping tomorrow!!!

                        The Princess Bride is AMAZING! It should go to the top of your reading list, it's hilarious and wonderful.
                        The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                        I promise not to funfun anymore
                        Be happy cause life is good


                        • I hope everyone had good holidays and a good time in general. Personally I had a good Christmas

                          I don't know if I've said anything since classes ended. Finals weren't bad. Have gotten 3 of my 4 grades so far, an A, a B, and a C. The class I got a C in I was hoping for a B, but the rest of the class did too good on the final and my low midterm mattered too much . I didn't put any effort into that class though so as long as I passed I was fine with it. It means I fullfilled one of the graduation requirements and am down to only upper level classes for that major. The B was in a PhD level class, so a B wasn't bad, though if I hadn't had stats (the class I've not heard about), I could have pulled off an A. I'm happy with a B though, it was what I was expecting. The A was in a upper level math class. It is still possible for me to maybe pull off graduating with honors. If I can get As on both projects left, which I'm not sure how likely that is, and 4 more As in classes, then I could manage . I'm not sure how likely that is though. I've not been getting good grades lately, though I've been really understanding the material and professors generally like me. I am expecting a few more As at least (there would be a smilie here too but I'm at smilie cap). Actually, if I go with the schedule I'm planning on, then I'll probably get at least 3 As (one of the profs is hard material, but really easy to get an A with if you pass). Would need to have one more than that and the projects. The projects will be hard though.

                          And Christmas rather than more school stuff.

                          Christmas Eve my mom picked me and my boyfriend up from our apartment. Ended up going shopping because neither of us had any Christmas shopping done. Tried one store, got nothing, tried another, and he managed all his family and I managed his siblings. This was actually decent. One of his sister's was rediculously hard to shop for. We both managed things eventually though. He came back to my family's house and helped my dad with encryption stuff and such after dinner. Then there was church at 11 PM, which we went into our church (by which I mean, the church me and my boyfriend go to). It was a good service. My parents liked it, which was good because its a small church so the music isn't as impressive. But they liked the sermon which made up for it. After Christmas we went back to my family's house and spent the night there.

                          In the morning my family opened gifts from the immediate family and the distant relatives. There wasn't many, but I actually prefered that in some ways. I'm not sure my parents understand that about me. I'm trying to get a pictures of what my family got me, though I could just link to the webpage of the place is possible to get it from. Is pretty, a tealish wool cloak. They gave my boyfriend a mini remote control helicopter. Is amusing to watch people trying to fly it, because its really hard to control.

                          Around noon we (me and my boyfriend) went over to his family's house for most of the day while my family went to my aunt and uncle's. I was avoiding there because of being worried about smoke and my allergy to it. It worked well to be over at his family's place, they really accept me there and I fit in. They got me a "sock" (equivalent of a stocking, but there were little canvas bags filled up) like everyone else, which part of me says is silly, but was kinda nice. Everyone had a slightly bigger thing in their sock, for me there was slippers. Spent a while sitting around socializing and playing with the helicopter. The kittens (about a year and a half old), kept trying to attack it treating it like a bird. It was hilarious. Eventually another friend really close to the family (godson, godfather, close friend) came over. We had dinner, which was really nice to be around other vegetarians for, then opened presents. People liked what I got them, which was good (an amusing magnetic frog (front and back magnetted together), a little dragon statue thing, and some blue beads). They gave me a lot of cocoa; mint cocoa, raspberry cocoa, amaretto cocoa, and a set of normal cocoa, marshmellows, and a mug that says cocoa. Amusingly boyfriend gave his sister the same gift as someone else gave her - some of the chinese (?) balls for your hand to rotate around and are exercise for your hand. If that description makes sense. *shrug*. Played a game which the family was given, and had some christmas comedy put in, and that was mostly the day.

                          Today I actually got the gifts from my local extended family. There was pyjamas and fuzzy socks from my cousins and homemade alpaca wool hat and gloves from my aunt and uncle. They apparently know people who raise alpacas and make stuff out of the alpaca wool. Letting the hat and air out a bit to make sure there aren't any scents I'd not like since my nose is incredibly sensitive.

                          I think the theme this year was "keep Tuttle warm". Cloak, Slippers, Cocoa, Hat and Gloves, Pajamas and fuzzy socks, and t-shirts a necklace and fuzzy socks. The t-shirts don't fit in, but those are the people from texas I think, so it doesn't really matter .

                          Today I had a highschool reunion - since my high school is so small rather than having a five year reunion and such, they have a reunion for all graduates of the high school. So for me it was a 2.5 year reunion. There were actually some of the people from my class I get along with, which was really nice. We were sitting around with them laughing about random stuff after boyfriend talked to people from his class. He graduated from the same high school 2 years before me. Now we're sitting around in a coffee shop and I'm helping a friend choose classes for next term. It looks like I may end up with someone I know in one of my classes. Possibly my only class. I'm likely going to have an ISP (independent study), and a project, and either one or two classes, depending on if I decide to overload. My friend is looking like he's joinining into the class I know I'll be taking because its at a better time of day.

                          Has been a good few days. My parents don't like how little I've been with them, but its been nice to see lots of people. My parents generally don't mind when I'm going and seeing people I don't normally see though.
                          Last edited by Tuttle; December 27, 2008, 12:20:40 AM. Reason: Because I remembered something else I wanted to say
                          We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


                          • Well, I'm glad to see that most of you had a great Christmas!! It's been awhile since I last posted.

                            I'm not really sure which posts I want to respond to, but I'll look at them later.

                            So, my Christmas was fairly good. I got a couple of books, a movie, and a couple of cd's that I really wanted. Which was fine with me. I also got some clothes. There wasn't really a lot of presents because we're a little tight on the financial department. But surprisingly I didn't care. I mean, I'm sure if it was like three or four years ago I would have been a complete brat and would whine about not getting anything (blah blah blah). I guess I've just matured and I sort of see what my mom and dad are going through- to get by. Anyway, I had a nice small Christmas party with my immediate family. I only have two aunts and uncles and four other cousins. Although, we got wonderful news at the party. My oldest cousin just got engaged last Saturday!!! We were all excited for her... and sort of thinking *finally*. Haha. (She's almost thirty) But she says she's going to have the wedding up here (in New Hampshire) and not down in Florida where she lives. Some peeps were a little disappointed (we all wanted a vacation to FL haha). And the wedding isn't going to be until the Fall of 2010. So it should be an exciting time for my aunt to plan the wedding.

                            My arm/wrist is spazzing... I'm getting like pulses of pain shooting up my wrist to my middle finger. and it's not the wrist I got tendonitis on- so... yeah.

                            I love the new smileys. They're so cute. Haha.

                            I feel like I'm going to fall asleep... I only got a few hours of sleep before I had to go to work. And then I was almost late because I woke up ten minutes before I was supposed to go to work. Gah it's been such a great day. But my mom and my sister and I are all going out to go see Marley & Me. I hope I can stay awake in the theatre. That would be horrible if I fell asleep during the movie... although I have done that before.

                            Okay I have to stop typing. My wrist is freaking out again. I'll probably post again later.

                            Dai Stiho everyone!
                            Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                            Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                            It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                            Check out my video: LET GO


                            • Nella: Perhaps it is a bio teacher thing. One can only hope...? And good luck getting your hands on The Princess Bride--the book is just as good (in my opinion), if not better than the movie.

                              kk: I'm so jealous...The Princess Bride is amazing. On the other hand, I really shouldn't be jealous because I had an amazing Christmas.

                              Gwendi: I hope you enjoy the White Album...I didn't like it as well as Abbey Road, but it's really good.

                              bookgirl: Yay Shakespeare! And yay for sort of getting to talk to your boyfriend.

                              I second Cress about The Princess Bride. Also third, fourth, and fifth.

                              Tuttle: I like the idea of having a reunion for all grads of the high school...several of my closest friends are one or two years older than me, and I think it's sad that I won't have as much of an opportunity to see them again after they graduate as those in my class.

                              Emi: Congrats on your cousin's engagement! ...Maybe your wrist is having sympathy pains.

                              It seems like everyone had a good did I. I was really happy because though I didn't get a lot, I got the collector's edition of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, which I'd been wanting ever since I found out there was going to be a collector's edition. It's beautiful...I'm such a Harry Potter geek. *hugs book* Enough of that. I also got a Borders gift card, which I can't wait to redeem, and various other things that I don't particularly feel like listing right now.

                              My school work is calling my name quite clearly...I'm trying to block it out with my iPod, but I think I'm going to get up and do some biology in a bit. Or perhaps history, since that's less bothersome. But first, I will finish Grapes of Wrath and eat some of the candy that our neighbors gave us. Om nom nom.

                              Edit: The weather is's really warm, though it shouldn't be, and it's thundering and raining like crazy. I love storms.

                              Also, I finally figured out why I wasn't seeing the smilies, and I fixed it. Yay.
                              Last edited by eowyngirl; December 27, 2008, 04:42:48 PM.


                              • Hey guys! I'm back from Chico. I was there for Christmas and stuff. Man, how I love my abnormal family.

                                I got a lot of clothes and stuff 4 Christmas... Still... Merry Late Christmas guys!

                                What you guys get?

                                P.s: A funny thing that happened when I was at Chico. I went bowling and kept on getting my bowl in the gutter. (it sucked) But one of my cousins, who's newly married, called me silly. I was all like this: It made a lot of people laugh. I also won two stuff animals in those... what are they called? I call them clay machines. *shrugs* Anyways, I only had a dollar fifty so I could only get like three at the most. I missed once... Oh well! I still luv my new stuff animals. One is a sad looking puppy and the other is a golden teddy bear! But back to the bowling... Wait... I was already done with that. *shrugs shyly* Srry... Anyways I lost both games! The first time I got 58 score the second time I got 57 score. But it was fun, so I'm happy.
                                "I'm so smart!" *KABOOM!!!*- me and my eggbert game
                                "Poop a box!" me and my sis while playing MarioKart DS
                                "Gah!" "I love this song!" "What?!?"- BFFE and me
                                "PILLOWS!" me, Sam, and Kat.

