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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Smile: Yep, it was a lot of fun! Especially since the guy who I was working with, didn't know how to drive it, except for forwards and was hilarious, watching him clinging onto the thing for dear life, and saying, "Ahhh! How do you steer this thing?!" like a little kid who's learning to ride a bicycle...

    Mmmm...I went to a birthday party yesterday, and we had to do a scavenger hunt around a town, going into stores and such. We had to find things, like a clotheshanger, toilet paper, a cardboard box, tape, a menu, a job application form, etc.

    It was a ton of fun! But we got kicked out of Victoria's Secret for taking a picture, even though we asked first, and they said yes! The saleslady got mad, though...something about how kids running in and out of her store were ruining her business...

    Then we went ice skating, and it was a fun day...the ice rink was playing 80's music! It was amazing...I knew all of the songs, and my friends were looking at me weird when I sang along to them...Haha...

    Dif-tor heh smusma.


    • Oh my gosh, no post in The Topic of Great Randomness for three days?!

      I'll fix that - well, I won't let it be four days.

      kk - that's completely hilarious! Wow... (and why didn't he just stop it?)

      The birthday party sounds liek a bunch of fun, but that Victoria's Secret lady sounds annoying. And running in and out of stores sounds like so much fun... Somehow it reminds me of drama crew, from seventh grade (I still do drama, but with the crew director leaving and then going to a different school, it's not the same, though I still love it).

      Emi - that's so funny! Is your sister's nockname random, or does it come from her name 9that question sounds weird, but my friends get all these weird nicknames that take forever to figure out just where they came from.

      A girl at my stable (If I haven't mentioned it before, I ride horses, have been since first grade) plays softball, and she's the pitcher. On Saturday she was hit by a line drive (I didn't know what that meant at first... The batter hit the ball - but accidently right at her) and it hit her in the forehead. She was knocked unconscious, and cracked that part of her skull. She is going into surgery tomorrow, to get a metal plate. If everythign goes well 9including recovery time), she can come back to the stable in a month and a half. She was lucky and has full sight and no damage besides the crack. She will be partially bald though (until the hair grows back), so we have to get her cool hats. Until then, we are doing everything to cheer her up, and I am buying her a humongous tub of cookies (there is this kind that she goes nuts over), and anything else I can think of. Everyone from the barn is signing a stuffed horse for her. She is really mature, so she seems older than she is - I'm always astonished to her that she isn't my age, or a year below. I think seh is in eigth grade current;y.

      But she will be fine, though she is currently miserable.

      And now I need to go do homework, so I can't post in any other topics now, though I was going to

      "And on he went, out of sight in unhurried grace; the true dark angel, the unfallen Destroyer, the Pale slayer who never really dies -- seeking for pain to end." Deep Wizardry, page 355 Listen, and I'll tell you a story... of the wind in the trees, and the sun, the moon and the stars... of all of Earth dancing


      • Smile: Yeah...after about five minutes, the guy stopped the machine, and said, " can drive it..." Haha.

        Wow...I feel...stranee today...for no real reason...

        Smile again: Wow, I hope she gets better! I'm glad it doesn't seem to be as serious as it could be, and that everything will most likely be fine!

        Another thing: I found another YW reader! Kind of... He saw me rereading TWD, and said, "OMG, I LOVE those books!" I asked him how many of them he'd read, and he said he'd read "all 6 of them..." I guess he hadn't read them in a while...

        Haha...I laughed so hard, at first. I said, "There are eight, now. What was the last book of the series that you'd read?"

        He answered, so very intelligently: "Umm...The green one?" (Is the one with the green cover Wizard's Holiday, or is it another book? I can't remember...)
        Dif-tor heh smusma.


        • kk: *looks over at bookshelves* The green cover is A Wizard Abroad.
          Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


          • kk/Trialia: Ehnn...Wizard's Holiday has a kind of green cover as well. Or one with greenish-tinges to it, anyway. I assume you're talking about the most recent covers to come out-well, I guess you'd have to be, to be talking about Holiday...anyway.

            College is still amazing. I am having so much fun; it's weird to be "living" with all my friends though. I don't home I guess I was one of those people who didn't hang out with people all the time, I was happy to spend Saturday nights at home alone occasionally. But here, everyone hangs out together all the time, which is weird to me. But apparently people did that in high school too, I'm just a lazy bum who likes sitting around.

            Classes are going well-still working on my research paper on Lugh the All-crafted. Yes, like from A Wizard Abroad-same Irish/Celtic myth. It's so much fun, because I get to spend a bunch of time reading old mythology, instead of pouring over books of facts and figures. Hey, I was told I could write this paper on ANYTHING I wanted, so why wouldn't I write it on something fun?

            I've decided that I actually like doing laundry now, when it's just for me and not for 4 other people like it was when I did laundry at home. Although...I did do 3 loads last weekend because I got a lot of clothes dirty on Saturday night during a flour fight while baking cookies. College is fun-I highly recommend living on campus. Alright, I should go back to researching...and eating. It's snack time. XD


            • seabiscuit- you're lucky, you get to write fun papers. I'm stuck in the middle of a five page, single spaced paper on tough political stuff, terrorism and such. Its for my English 2010 class so it is an argumentative paper. Exhausting. I don't live on campus, but I still get to enjoy most of the college living experiences. You're right, there is always something going on. I go swing dancing every Wednesday at the Union Station, which is just a few blocks from campus, so fun!
              "Doctors help you to live, the Arts give you a reason to live."


              • Originally posted by seabiscuit1009:
                kk/Trialia: Ehnn...Wizard's Holiday has a kind of green cover as well. Or one with greenish-tinges to it, anyway.
                Really? Mine doesn't. I have this one--

                Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                • Well, I guess there are different covers for Wizard's Holiday then, I forgot. When it first came out in hardback it had this cover, which is the one I've got. *shrugs* That one's greenish, anyway.


                  • smile: My sister's nickname derives from her actual name... no one can pronounce it (and neither could she when she was younger) so they just used the last two letters of her name and made it Koko.

                    Trialia: woah! Your cover looks so much cooler than mine! Haha. I have the same one as Hungry over there. Haha.

                    Hungry: Sounds like you're having loads of fun in college! I'm going to be starting next year... so I hope it's as fun as you say it is.

                    Ah, so Nano, school, work, and my bf are taking up most of my free time and I can barely go online, except when I have to update my word count on Nano. Haha. I need to learn time management or something...

                    Speaking of college (from earlier) I'm almost done with my apps. I would have loved to send them out for Early decision but none of my teacher recommendations were done in time. Gr. Stupid teachers. Haha. Oh well.

                    I'm still waiting for my letter from the Young Americans to see if I got in or not. It should be in either tomorrow or Saturday or next week. I hope it's soon, because I'm dying to know.
                    Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                    Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                    It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                    Check out my video: LET GO


                    • On Facebook yesterday, I created my first Piece of Flair. Unfortunately, I can't look up the URL from work, but it's the SYWtBaW desktop image with the text:

                      "I was reading about
                      YOUNG WIZARDS
                      13 years before
                      Harry Potter"


                      Edit: Oops, looks like I need to come up with a new sig quote. Shucky-darn. :-)
                      "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                      "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                      • I accidently made the reply box clear my post...
                        oh well...

                        My Wizard's Holiday is the same as Triala's, but I originally read it from the library, with seabiscut's cover. I like both of them.

                        I was completely sleep deprived this week... hopefully next week I'll be well rested

                        I don't think much of anything happened that's interesting, unless I missed it in my dazed state. But I don't think I was that tired, so i think nothing happened.

                        My sister submitted her early decision already, but we aren't expecting anything back yet. Good luck Emi! And good luck with Young Americans!

                        It's weird that my sister will be going to college, and it's weird that she's driving me to school, and everything. But it must be weirder for her...

                        I like the sound of the Piece of Flair, Garret!

                        My school is doing West Side Story this year, so I thought I'd watch the movie again. Now I have the song Tonight stuck in my head. But I only have two lines of it stuck inside my head. I'm good at getting things out of my head, but the lines Tonght, tonight are being persistent. I'll get them out though...

                        It hardly feels like it's getting close to Winter here - it's warm and the leaves fell late. We are supposed to get hot summers, cold winters, but summer wasn't hot by our standards... It's frustrating.

                        I guess I'll be back later, and hopefully something interesting will happen (good interesting, not bad interesting)

                        "And on he went, out of sight in unhurried grace; the true dark angel, the unfallen Destroyer, the Pale slayer who never really dies -- seeking for pain to end." Deep Wizardry, page 355 Listen, and I'll tell you a story... of the wind in the trees, and the sun, the moon and the stars... of all of Earth dancing


                        • Oh my gosh...Oh my gosh...Oh my gosh....

                          I just got a call at 10:59 at night. My best friend's dad...was just found dead at his work. Heart attack, they think.

                          My parents won't let me go over there to see her, this late at night. They're considering not letting me see her tomorrow, after church. I can't stand for that...I need to be there...

                          Nothing led up to this. There was no sign at all. Nothing. No one knows why it happened.

                          My parents told me to go to bed. As if...

                          Please, people, pray for her and her mom and brother, please?

                          I have to go now. I...I just can't write anymore.

                          Later, people. Dai.
                          Dif-tor heh smusma.


                          • OKay, kk - I'll pray for them.

                            (and of course you can't go to sleep - your parents honestly thought you would?)

                            If your parents won't let you see her, call her.
                            They have to let you see her tomorrow! (today?)
                            If you call her, she can ask that you go over, and then your parents can't say no.

                            Maybe your parents think that she just needs some time without tons of commotion. But whenever something bad happens to me, I want my friends to distract me and help me.

                            I am so sorry, kk...

                            The same thing happened to one of my dad's work friends, a couple months ago.

                            And the healthiest of my uncles had extremely high blood pressure and had to go to the hospital.

                            I promise to pray for her, her brother, and her mom.

                            and if I can do anything else at all...
                            "And on he went, out of sight in unhurried grace; the true dark angel, the unfallen Destroyer, the Pale slayer who never really dies -- seeking for pain to end." Deep Wizardry, page 355 Listen, and I'll tell you a story... of the wind in the trees, and the sun, the moon and the stars... of all of Earth dancing


                            • Thanks, Smile.

                              Yeah, I was surprised, but she actually came to church this morning. I got to say hello, and hug her, but not much else. I was supposed to be running the church's computer stuff...

                              My mom's agreed to drive me over to her house tomorrrow, so I can talk to her. It'll be good.

                     podcasts...I'm enjoying The Naked Scientists podcasts right now... The Webpage for the Podcasts...

                              I should go to bed...I need it. A whole weekend-long all-girls youth conference at church, and then church this morning to finish it up...and everything that's happened with my friend.

                              Dai Stiho, people.
                              Dif-tor heh smusma.


                              • kk: *hugs* Hang in there. I don't know if your friend needs you to be there or to stay clear, but whichever it is, be ready to help.

                                My mother-in-law, who lives with us, is in the hospital at the moment. I hadn't noticed how yellow her skin was getting until this weekend. She isn't in any pain, but has been really fatigued. I wanted her to check with a primary care doctor first, but Donna and Mum decided to head straight for the emergency room, since they figured that's what the doctor would tell them to do anyway. Turned out Mum was so anemic that they had trouble finding enough red cells to crossmatch for the transfusions!

                                They still don't know what's wrong with her, but they're not letting her go home quite yet.
                                "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                                "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."

