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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Wait, nevermind what I said, I'm not sure if I can hit that any more, it was really high, I dunno, Brittany said it was a high c, but I'm really confused right now, all I know is that I can hit really high notes

    Half day today! woohoo!! I made some clothes for my pet rock out of clay, and I'm still working on my crochet poncho.

    And yay, no homework, so i think that I can go to the library whoot whoot, hopefully AWAb is available, if not I will be angry.

    I wanna watch Clubhouse tonight, but my mother wants to see the Oprah tonight, so I might have to miss it. Darn. Oh well
    ... But he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be forever barred.


    • Wheee...

      I'm cold. So. Very. Cold.

      Any book recommendations? I might go to the bookstore today. *is hopeful* Forget the library; it has nothing.

      *does not understand music*

      Not very much math today. I might be able to chat more tonight.

      Rappers have such an amazing talent for making words like 'floor' rhyme with low. And for wall sounding like waw.


      Kinda annoying, actually.
      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


      • *jumps up and down!* I CAN HIT A HIGH A! FINALLY! I've been working on it all summer. And I was singing that song "Summertime" (not nearly as well as Fantasia Barrino though ) And I got the high A at the end! I'm so happy!
        (Although I broke the glass on my teachers windows of her house and I can't talk anymore.)
        Just Kidding...
        I'm still wowed by the boys in our choir. They're so wonderful at singing...It was our teacher was working with the boys and was talking about the 3 different voices.
        Teacher:The bass is usually an old man
        Kid:I'm not OLD!
        Teacher: The baritones are usually the devils or the evil characters
        Boys:[Give High Fives]
        Teacher: And the tenors are usually the guys who get the girls
        Boys who are not tenors: [frown]

        I guess it's not as funny written down than it was when it happened...

        RANDOM-How's your acting going VC?

        I have a math test today and I need to get an A or else I might have a C on my report card so I better study...
        penguins will rule the world.


        • GRRRRRR! RARH! RARH!

          Comradely, Diego

          Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
          "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

          "Be a real


          • Gryphon: I have curly auburn hair. layered past my shoulders... uhhh.... I like to wear blue and I have glasses. I like to write and read... (and do math, but then we are getting into the 3 'Rs'

            Congrats Diego on the great scores... (though not surprized at all by them.... )

            Uggh.. I have to work again tonight. And so it begins again.... the working and then the living between the working.
            -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
            The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
            I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


            • School is easy. We were having a university prep thingie today because it's junior year and guidance thought we should start thinking about it and crap like that. . . so that was fun.

              Feel sorta cheated because I don't even need a 90 average to get into university. I just have one anyway.


              • O.O wow, it's been ages since I've last posted... I bet the oldbies and midbies think I'm dead by now....

                Wilf: never mind the guys' voices settling down... around here, it's hard to convince guys to sing at all... @.@


                • Field hockey game today...and I played horribly *frown* but it was still much worse than last Friday though, it was kind of depressing.

                  Got home, worked on homework, finished history paper (on Reconstruction, but you would never guess that, because my history teacher makes it interesting). Got online...(best part of the day. ) to see you guys! So here I am!

                  Almost done with Trickster's Queen....I love love love love love love love it, although Aly is still too perfect for me...but that's okay, because it's Tamora Pierce, and Tamora Pierce is awesome.

                  Hey wildflower44! Welcome to the Young Wizards Discussion Forums! (Haha, I beat you all to it.) Here we're a little weird (understatement) a little random (understatement!) and a little insane (understatement OF THE YEAR!). We have a bunch of wonderful people here who you'll soon get to meet. The rules of the forum basically are:
                  1. Try to limit your one-liners. DD (that's Diane Duane) pays for these forums out of her own pocket, and one liners cost money! So make sure you have something you want to say before you post. Some people *looks pointedly at Diego* have trouble with this rule.
                  2. Be polite. We have people from all over here, and R-E-S-P-E-C-T is a rule to live by.
                  3. This topic, The Topic of Great Randomness, also referred to as TTOGR or TOGR, is just what it sounds like. If you have something to say but don't want to make a topic for it, please post it here. This topic is getting on to 300 pages (WOW!) so you can see it gets used...
                  4. Have fun!

                  Please call me Ella. A short guide to nicknames/etc. that other people use around here:
                  Agent M is sometimes called M (and when we want to make fun of her we call her marnie--long story)
                  Papercrane (who has made a return!)=ppc

                  Oh, there are so many that I've forgotten, so please don't feel bad if I left your name out, it's my bad memory, and I'm sorry....

                  If anyone has anything else to add, please do so! And welcome!

                  [EDIT: THREE! HUNDRED! PAGES! Thanks everyone for being the life of this great topic!]
                  "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
                  There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
                  And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
                  What could mean more than this?"
                  --Bright Eyes


                  • Oh, oops XD I too, welcome you, wildflower44 ^.^

                    If people mention being clobbered/hit/attacked/influenced/whatever by Poot, that's the forum demon ^.^... it makes you post one-liners, kills topics, curdles milk, and abducts babies. Oh, no, wait, those last two are Baba Yaga, never mind. And Lee Enfield Burke is a woman. And you can call me semi or S-chan or something if you can't spell my name (most use semi). And, if you get confused, reference the various (somewhat neglected, by now) threads in the newbie zone, and if it confuses you more, just scream "HELP!" and someone will probably help you. Unless you do it IRL, in which case... I dunno, maybe your neighbors will think your sibling and/or pet summoned a big hairy demon to attack you again or something...


                    • okay! *struggles with overload of confusing information*. . . not really.

                      my librarys where I live are EVIL and because of this I have never even heard of Trickster's Queen (I'm assuming it's the sequel to Trickster's Choice- am I right? please say yes I have really wanted a sequel and never even knew one existed until now!!)and I've only read Wizard's Holiday and A Wizard Abroad ONCE each, fortunatly WH wasn't too long ago and I still have a (vague) idea of what it was about but AWA I have practically no idea what it was about, as a result I did not understand a word of the 3rd chapter of the Wizards at War exerpt because I forgot who the One's Champion and Ronan are,
                      I know this is probably really confusing but I'm so mad at my librarys right now,
                      my dad's in the military so at least the base library HAS the YW books, only they haven't gotten WH yet and AWA is never checked in except for once when I read it, sorry for going on for forever! arrgh.


                      • welcome, wildflower. I am *looks at her name* Alla! I haven't been here for very long, but yeah. I am a crazy Aussie and founding member of the Tumbleweeds of the World Foundation (TOTWF). Don't ask about the tumbleweeds, you'll learn as soon as you come to a chat . Oh yeah if you want to keep updated with Tamora Pierce info check out this webpage.

                        Anyways go the binary joke, semi! I love that one. I confused sooo many people with it at school!

                        Gryph: book recommendations huh? umm... Isobel Carmody, Sara Douglass, John Marsden (the Tomorrow Series - it starts with Tomorrow when the War began) ... *looks at those three* i didn't realise I read so many Aussie authors - generally i steer clear of them ... umm Frank Herbert (Dune - I have just started reading this and it is good!), Anne McCaffery, Robin Hobb (the assassin ones - i haven't read any of the others, so I can't recommend them)... Is that enough?

                        Ella: Aly too perfect? I can see where you're coming from. I finished it about a week ago and my copy is currently being lent to a couple of friends (one of which by the way, has just joined these boards). *sobs* I miss Alanna - I dunno why, I just want Tamora Pierce to write another something with Alanna - I have read those ones soo much that I can nearly recite them, and I've read the first two in German!!! That was ... interesting.

                        Ohh, well... I had better go - I have an english speech to memorise



                        • grr. . . .unfortunatly I'm not allowed to go to chats so I will most likely never know what the tumbleweed thing is about. *bangs head on wall, hard* ah well.
                          thanks for the Tamora Pierce site though, another million books to add to my ever-growing book suggestions for the library to purchase list, which I someday will get around to giving them.


                          • Books to buy... the new Discworld Novel Going Postal has recently been published (see for a review). I bought it yesterday and spent most of the day and half the night reading it. Would also reccomend Dianna Wynee Jones' Year of the Griffin... very amusing and very re-readable. Also recceomend Robing Hobbs Farseer Trilogy, the first of which is titled Assasin's Aprentice.

                            I realised the other day that all the fiction I read is very escapist in nature. I also read a *lot* of non-fiction, though... not sure what that says about me
                            "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


                            • Wow...TTOGR has grown to 300 pages...*sniffle* I remember throwing a party for the hundredth page. I feel ancient.
                              Anyway--hey Wildflower44! I'm ppc. I used to be on a lot, temporarily slipped into an absence, and have just returned, so I don't have any helpful or interesting info to relate, sorry...nor do I know what TOTWF is. It mystifies me greatly. 0.o
                              My art place thing -
                              OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
                              --Douglas Adams, HHGG


                              • *huggles ppc* YOURBACKYOURBACKYOURBACK! *more huggles*
                                *hands ppc toblerone.* since you were gone I've started to hand out chocolate.

                                WELCOME WILDFLOWER!
                                I'm Zgirl! I'm from Minnesota and I'm feeling hyper right now. You live in North Carolina? Never been there...
                                Read Meg Cabot! Her books are really good even though the look cheesy they're not!
                                *glares at M and Gryph*

                                Okay I had a good day at school today. This one 9th grader in my math class, (Don't you find it odd that I'm in 9th grade math and there's only 4 9th graders in my class?) Anywho...all of us 7th graders love talking to him and he gets in trouble and gets detentions. He got 3 detentions today! (Yes all in the same period.) He has a bad reputation though...the teacher calls him HotShot. (No not the dolphin.)

                                *Wacks the TOGR with toblerone* INITIATION FOR THE 300TH PAGE!
                                (JOIN MY CLUB TO *HUGGLE* THE TOGR.)
                                penguins will rule the world.

