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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • One of my friends is going to horse riding camp for 15 days this week too!! What a coinkydink, (My word for coincidence,) Actually one of my friends sisters owns a horse and spends all her time at the barn. I like horses but I'm not crazy about them. They're very cute animals but also very BIG animals!
    penguins will rule the world.


    • Help! By the way, what does Poot look like?i was never able to find his pic...

      Cunfuzzled might be my word. Are we allowed to ahve specific words? Can you really own a word? How much do you thinka aword goes for now-a-days? Ramble, ramble, ramble, ramble....

      *Flicks flaming peanut M&M at...M*
      Ask not for whom the dog barks. It barks for thee.
      And really bad eggs...
      Go salaí cúnna ifrinn do chuid calóga arbhair.
      S.P.R.B.I (Semi Puke Related
      Barf Incident)
      Weak Sauce!


      • WHat is with you two!!! Can someone please explain to me why you're always throwing nuts at each other?! I remember M threw walnuts at you and now you're throwing peanuts?!
        *Zgirl hurls an acorn at crookedfrog! *
        Oh and I'll try to find a picture of poot for you. It's by semi and it's very clever.
        penguins will rule the world.


        • This seriously needs to be hung up and framed. (Tear drips down cheek.) It's YW Forums history. Seriously look really close at the picture and look at the usernames. My old username M's old username, Whoa! It even has Gryphon's old username! Anyways this is Poot.
          Oh Semi! Your new drawings are great!!!
          penguins will rule the world.


          • Okay.. I hope that you all bare with me here as I have 5 pages to catch up on since Monday. So, here goes.

            Jen.. thanks. I have only been here for 2 1/2 months now. Gosh.. it has gone by fast.
            About Ze nachon, lo.... uhh.. sorry, don't know what that means.
            I have seen all of the Matrix movies.. and the last one is disappointing, yes. At least it is an end, I guess. I agree with M. The first one was definitely the best.

            I didn't see any fireworks... due to a sick boy. He is such a trouper and recovered fully by Monday night. (Just in time to go to school Tuesday... so that was good.)

            Nitafan and M: Saw both of those movies, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and The Breakfast Club.... long time ago. (long long time ago) I really liked both of them then. I saw both recently. Bill and Ted's won out in the still good catagory. Ahhh well, just shows my age. *grin*

            BIW: Hmmm.... garlic bread. I guess I know what I am making for dinner.

            And Please don't pick on Diego when he is unavailable to defend himself. He is currently in Mexico for the month. I will let him know that ya'll are picking on him. And he can be very talkative when he wants to be....and too smart for his own britches sometimes.

            Well, there are several good RPG places to go... I stumbled across one that is fantastic. Xauror Another one is Hogwarts International. I am a Professor at the second one.

            Ahh... only 3 more pages. *wipes brow*

            Happy Birthday Z! I wish you the best!!!!! I am glad that I came on today then, so I didn't miss it. (Takes a nibble of cake... hmmm... yumm... and no calories.)

            Ahh... I finally finished. I have such a feeling of relief to be done with wading through everything. I joined this site on May 3rd and I believe that tToGR was at page 150. So, in the last 2 1/2 months, we have jumped nearly 80 pages. Geeminy! I think that the most I have seen is 5 pages in one day. Ahh... well, there was 5 since Monday when I was last on. Okay.. no more complaining about how many posts there are. It just means there are more friends to be made and more to talk about. How could anyone ever get bored here???

            Well, you all take care, or as Diego would say Que te vaya bien!
            -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
            The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
            I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


            • I feel like a bad person. I got accepted into Hogwarts College but I haven't even done anything there yet! Hee-hee I like Gryphon and Chani's posts because they are very long. As hard as I try I can never do really long posts.
              *runs away and giggles* (How very immature of me but I had to do it.)
              Yummy garlic bread. That's one of my favorite foods!
              penguins will rule the world.


              • Dude HP6 title announced and looking back Patricia Wedre was an awesome author. Writing Dealing with Dragons! and w other awesome books in that series man do I need to reread those.
                "He who made kittens put snakes in the grass."

                "Even if love does not dawn,
                The sun also rises,
                The day goes on."


                • I like garlic bread. Yummy! I can't do long posts either. I don't have anything to talk about. I have the Dealing with Dragons books. They're kind of short, but I like them.

                  I'm so bored... I almost miss school. Almost. But not quite.
                  the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                  • Same with me. But I actually DO miss school. For me school is fun, it's all about meeting new friends and new experiences. I could never imagine being home schooled. I'm almost positive those kids, (the older ones like 8 year olds,) who do diaper commercials or target commercials where they walk around in there underwear are homeschooled. Mostly because is everybody at school saw you on TV for a commercial like that it would be embarassing.
                    penguins will rule the world.


                    • Gryphon what I said about the green dog is true and so is the dog that glows in the dark!! I think that both had been genetically altered, GM ANIMALS!!!! I only know cause I like my science!!

                      God you lot post alot in a short space of time!! I thibk I will have to start coming on twice a day again to keep up!!! Hope your all ok and I'm sure I will be around on saturday but I doubt I will post 2mrow cause I'M GOING OUT!!! A STAFF NIGHT OUT!! I don't oftern go out and this is one time I will cause its my last one!! I finish work in a week and I'm feeling nervous and scared etc etc and I will be leaving my good buddies behind *sob* at least you lot are not going anywhere!!
                      see you saturday people
                      God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                      Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


                      • We're claiming words? Mine is rah rah rah!

                        Oh, I'm on there! *Covers old username* C'mon, Skitty is a stupid username. Gryphon sticks and has meaning for me. Which makes it nice.

                        Dealing with Dragons... Oh, I have a story about those books. I first read them, or listened to them, rather, on a very very very long car trip to visit relatives. At the time we only had the tape to the first book. It didn't last through the entire round trip. Can't remember, but it might've not even lasted one way. Anyway, at the very end, around the climax, I think, the car ate the casette. It wasn't very pretty. Then next trip, this one to Vermont, the car ate the second book tape about half way through, if even that far! Not fun. Then later on last Christmas I got the entire series (it does have four books, right?), but I haven't read them. Why wasn't I reading books in the car instead of listening to them? I get car sick. Bleck. Usually I'm not car sick, but it only takes half a minute before I can't stare at a page on a book anymore.

                        Oh, yeah... I was gonna tell you about my microwave story. Hehe. Well, normally I get the really really easy kind were all you have to do is slit the plastic cover and microwave for a certain length of time. Well, this one was a lot more difficult, but I didn't realize it until afterwards. So I scanned theinstructions and picked out the time, slit the cover, and popped it in. I tossed the box away. The microwavable [lunch] dinner was pretty frozen still. Weird. Well, I kept on playing with it until it was burning hot and the rice had turned to a soupy mess. Anything on the edge was black. Brilliant, Gryph.

                        Stay in touch with your friends, Fox!

                        Ooo, lesse if I can get the authors right.

                        TP: Terry Pratchett
                        TB: ?
                        DD: Diane Duane!
                        JR: J. Rowling
                        CSL: CS Lewis
                        JRRT: Tolkein
                        DWJ: Diane Wynne Jones
                        PP: Philup Pullman
                        TW: Tad Williams
                        PW: Patricia Wrede

                        Did I get it right? I dunno who the blanks are.

                        Now to post!
                        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                        • *adds*
                          TB- Terry brooks, maybe
                          TZ- Timothy Zahn???

                          WHat is with you two!!! Can someone please explain to me why you're always throwing nuts at each other?! I remember M threw walnuts at you and now you're throwing peanuts?!
                          It's, er... traditional. yes. traditional. And it has nothing at all to do with the relative intelligence and sanity levels of the two to the rest of us. *nods soberly*

                          *sighs* We post too much in TTOGR. Really we do. I'm never going to be able to catch up...
                          Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                          • That's okay. You don't have to catch up because you were one of the firsts posts in the Topic of Great Randomness, *dumdumdum.*
                            I only knew 2 of those authors-J.R.R.Tolkein and DD
                            Yes it's very pathetic.
                            penguins will rule the world.


                            • hee hee. More then tradition. I hate peanut m&ms and I just kinda came up with walnuts.... It's just something me and crookefrog do. *shrug*
                              *throws flaming chocolate walnut at crookedfrog*
                              Ooh! I hope Mr.Buggles is ok! How's Fuzzbuzz?
                              Happy B-day Z!
                              "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                              "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                              "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                              "I could live


                              • Does anyone like my new avie? It's Alicia Keys!
                                I don't like nuts that much. Peanut M&M's are okay though. My mom loves them. The worst nuts are Nuts in Chocolate kisses! It wrecks the taste! Usually I spit out the nuts after I'm done.
                                penguins will rule the world.

