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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I have gotten Easy Peasy installed onto Tiny (my EEE 904HA). It works great (which is a far cry from the previous version, or plain vanilla Ubuntu "Intrepid Ibex"). The netbook remix rocks. The network and wireless works (finally!--talk about frustrating. All the fixes people posted began with "go to the command line and type sudo apt-get..."--kinda hard to do when you have no network connection..chicken and the egg). Sound works. The camera works. Closing the lid to sleep works. But I still had to futz about with /etc/fstab for my hard drive partitions to be automounted, and I still had to manually futz with my .bashrc to swp the up arrow and right shift keys.

    Still, for free, it ain't bad.

    I've loaded Gimp and Hugin and Mathmap and Wine. I wonder if I should load Scribus.... and I wish it did booklet page imposition. I really miss that PageMaker feature.
    New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


    • Originally posted by Glede View Post
      And Gwendi that is such a pretty picture! Your dog is SO cute!!!
      I like writing so much! It's fun and creative and it lets you get some of your emotions out. Can I read your story? I WANT TO BE A WRITER! Though my mother says I'd be a good lawyer. What is it with parents and always saying that!?!? She says it's because I argue a lot. But I either want to be an artist or a writer or a paleontologist.
      I know, I love my doggie. Sure, you can read my story. I'm not sure how yet because I'm not putting it on Any suggestions?

      I was wondering how to use smileys in regular text, like in wordpad. That's what I'm using to type my story because Microsoft Word "expired" so it won't let me use it at all...

      I had a bad lunch period because when I went to buy lunch, I dropped my money on the floor, had to pick it up, and nobody helped me. Then I asked for mashed potatoes with no gravy and a side of salad, and the lady gave me peas instead. EEEW!!! My friend forgot lunch and she wanted a salad, so I was going to give it to her, but she wouldn't eat the peas.

      I also had to swim in gym today. That means, I had to get changed into a bathing suit and then, when I was all wet, I had 5 minutes to change back into dry clothes...not dry for long, because as soon as I picked them up, they got wet. Yup, you guessed it.

      Lazy Leopard: Welcome back from Kenya!

      Garrett: I clicked on the link to the picture but I don't understand says something like, "The website is under maintenence"

      Dai everyone!


      • Originally posted by Gwendi View Post
        Garrett: I clicked on the link to the picture but I don't understand says something like, "The website is under maintenence"
        Huh, it shouldn't. It's responding really slowly for me: maybe the site is having issues.

        Besides, there's also for LOLdogs, for Doctor Who macros... :-)

        EDIT: ROFLMAO!
        Last edited by Garrett Fitzgerald; January 8, 2009, 05:53:27 PM.
        "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

        "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


        • Garret: Risk sounds like a fun game to play w/ my family. Especially my sister jwiz, who's intent on taking over the world one day. She says I'm going to be her translator because I'm bilingual.(Yikes, I got to learn tons of other languages by the time she takes over!!!) She already has her general, whom we call General Panda. She's really sweet! And then there are all these other people picked out for jobs when my sis takes over the world. it's really funny.

          And I clicked on the link and it doesn't make sense. What exactly am I looking for?

          Gwendi: Is it on Quizilla? Or do you still need to put it on the website? If it is on Quizilla, what is is called?

          Lazy Leopard: Welcome back! How was Kenya? Wait- where is Kenya?
          "I'm so smart!" *KABOOM!!!*- me and my eggbert game
          "Poop a box!" me and my sis while playing MarioKart DS
          "Gah!" "I love this song!" "What?!?"- BFFE and me
          "PILLOWS!" me, Sam, and Kat.


          • Hahaha... Yes, Laur- Glede, I would love that game. It'd probably be even better than The Game of Life.

            My friend, flowers, is General Panda. We were passing notes in Psychology (I'm sure there's something ironic in that somewhere...) and I wanted to take over the classroom. So we plotted that. Then I decided to make sure we wouldn't get in trouble, we'd have to take over the office. So we did that. Then Locke Lounge, cause that's half done already. Then Danner, cause we need food. It also has bars to close off the food area, so it became a dungeon - the Dangeon. Then we took over Budd 105, and we had the school.
            The flowers pointed out we could take over the malls across the street, so we did that. Then Lodi, the town-next-door. Since we already had Stockton, where our school is, which is crime-central, we figured "what the hay? Let's take over the WORLD!"

            So it's our future plan. That, and to start our own clothes line, because I can never find clothes to fit ME. *grumbles*


            I SHOULD be completing... okay, STARTING my driver's ed book thing that I've had for almost a year now, but it's just so dry and dull.... and the questions are stupid! One of them was about where gravity was must influential to your car or something - the equator, uphill, downhill, or the center of the earth. I was all like..."Huh?" cause it said it's the force that pulls you to the earth's core, but a car can't GO below the earth's crust when you're driving it.... Gah. That was over the summer, and I gave up. Now my mom's making me do it before Monday. ick. So I shouldn't be on here.... hmm...
            "You're so funny. Sometimes, I wish I was a little elf, so I could ride around on your shoulder all day and laugh at you." - my mom. (Yes, she honestly told me that. *rolls eyes*)


            • Gwendi if you don't want to post your story on quizzilla or however it's spelt... you can always put it up on - I have my stories on there.

              Garrett, did you start up those websites? OR was it just a random photo... I'm so confuzzeled. Hahaha.

              First semester got extended until the end of this month. Stupid snow/ice. Speaking of snow... today's weather was- insane? I don't know how to explain it. One moment it was snowing like white fluffy cotton balls blowing all around and then the next moment it was like nothing even happened. Weird huh? It kept going on like that ALL DAY. I went to go get gas for my car (which I only had to spend $10 to fill up from halfway btw) and it was snowing like crazy. Shortly after (like five minutes) I was at my bank depositing money and the snow stopped. I was a little peeved... why couldn't it not be snowing when I was getting my gas? I should have gone to a full service.

              Did anyone else watch the People's Choice Awards last night? I thought it was so dumb... although I did like seeing Reese Witherspoon.

              I should probably go to bed now. I need to read pages 74-103 in Animal Farm. That needs to be done I guess. Haha.

              I'll get back to you all later.

              Dai Stiho.
              Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
              Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
              It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
              Check out my video: LET GO


              • Emi: You're reading Animal Farm? That book was sooo weird! I didn't like the ending... It was sort of stupid, because it didn't really solve any of the problems caused in the plot... Then again, I'm used to reading books from the ever awesome young adult section, and that were all written in about the past 30 years...
                "at least i thought it was a wall. It sure felt like one. It was hard, it was flat. It stretched out on either side of me. You know... wall." -Bobby Pendragon


                • Glede: No, It's not on quizilla, and I'm not going to put it on there any time soon, if at all...

                  Emi: I might put it on the website you linked, or I might just not put it online at all. I'm still not sure. How does the website you linked work? I mean, can you just see anything that anyone put up, or do you have to give permission for someone to be able to read what you post?

                  Glede and jwiz: I absolutely love the game Risk. You can put 'armies' on different territories and then you roll dice to attack and defend. For regular risk, that is. On the website Garrett's talking about, it's a little different, but it's still fun...I'm still not completely sure how to play online, though I'm getting the hang of it.

                  Question to random people who may be reading this post: Did anyone notice that almost every time we put up a new post, there's even more awesome smileys? In case you guys haven't noticed, I like to try to use the new ones in my posts...if you think that they're just in there randomly, well, you might be right, and you might be depends on what I have to say in that post. Woah, that's a long paragraph just describing my love of smileys... Oh well!

                  Garrett and Zirsta: did I mention that I like your signatures? Well if I didn't, I'll say it now. I like your signatures.


                  • Originally posted by Glede View Post
                    Lazy Leopard: Welcome back! How was Kenya? Wait- where is Kenya?
                    Kenya was a lot more pleasantly interesting this year than it was a year ago when I was there last. We could go on safari and see friends without wondering whether we'd get caugh up in riots this time. Also, I got to see the smallest rhino I've ever seen. Oh, and Kenya's in Africa, on the Equator, about 32 degrees East. (Look at a Google Map)
                    -- Rick.


                    • Wow, I realize I haven't posted for pages... Hmmm...

                      I feel so happy today! I wanted to get a touchscreen add-on for my laptop, but I can't find any that have had good reviews about them... But then I found the Duo Laptop Pen, a product that lets you write and draw on you screen... It seems pretty cool, and they're not too expensive... I think I might get one.

                      Glede, Jwiz: Wow, two sisters posting on one forum! I just think that's a little amusing. That must feel weird... I'd totally freak if my sister suddenly joined the forums... Or suddenly started reading YW, for that matter... My sister says that "The Young Wizards series looks like a series for total nerds and geeks..." I said, "So?" and then she left...

                      Glede: Yeah, I have a friend like that... She wanted to rule the world, but have her government be made up of animals...

                      Jwiz: Good luck with the driver's ed thing!

                      Dai, Everyone!
                      Dif-tor heh smusma.


                      • Zirsta: Yeah we're reading Animal Farm I haven't really finished it yet... I'm supposed to. :-P

                        Gwendi: Everybody can read whatever you post up. If you click on any of the genres just to browse through it you'll see what I'm talking about. I'll give you my homepage link:

                        You upload your documents (Chapters) and start a new story. Write a quick summary and voila it's on the website.

                        LL: I wish I was able to travel to different countries... I haven't even been to Canada and it's like seven hours from where I live! The only other country I've been to was Japan... and that was when I was two.
                        Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                        Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                        It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                        Check out my video: LET GO


                        • YES!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST GOT MY ACCEPTANCE LETTER TO S.P.SV. HIGH SCHOOL! i am so happy just warm and fuzzy inside. i can't believe i waited till this late to check my mail!
                          It is better to die on your feat then to live a life on your knees-Emiliano Zapata.
                          That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.-dad


                          • Hey everyone! I've kinda disappeared but...

                            I went back to school this week and the workload kind of hit me across the face (hence the not being around)... I had a debate one day an oral report the next and a test the next... (Well the test is on monday but you get the idea) And that's only for one class!

                            Regardless... I'm taking a course on the role of women in literature that's absolutely amazing... So now I'm reading "Paradise Lost" (which I absolutely love) and "The Madwoman in the Attic." - which is about the "Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination" for those who haven't heard of it- and am, though seriously out of time, ecstatic over my reading opportunities...

                            It's cool to hear that everyone had a good New Years etc... even if mine was... for lack of a better word... boring...
                            I _could_ have been out in negative temperature weather swing dancing with my friends!
                            *grumbles* Family obligations have a way of sucking that way...

                            LL: Having always wanted to go to Africa myself, I'm quite jealous of your overseas excursions... and you have a niece in Australia you must go there too! *superjealous* Like Emi I'm not exactly what you'd call 'well traveled', though I AM going to Greece this spring, something which I'm absolutely pumped for. I can't wait to see Thermopylae I'm practically squirming in my seat...

                            Anyway lets change the subject so I don't get too excited...

                            The little rhino you linked us to was SO cute! Is there any unnatural reason for its size or is it just a baby? (I don't know too much about rhinos, other than that it'd be a really bad idea to **** them off.)

                            Emi: I read "Animal Farm" in the 7th grade and because of that I don't think I really enjoyed it like I could have... Tell me if its worth a second read.

                            Glede: You are not the only one who's horribly ticklish... XD

                            And yesterday I went to the dermatologist (for my face) and had her check out a little birth mark on my chest... Anyway she said it looked abnormal and started talking about the procedure of a biopsy etc. So I said "okay"... and went to leave but saw her getting out this needle and I was all "We're doing it now o.O!?" and she was like "Um... yes..."
                            All in all it was a very odd experience...
                            But I've never gotten stitches before and now I have! Yay me. Surprisingly it didn't hurt, not even the numbing stuff (hence why I didn't feel the stitches). The last time I got a shot in a kind of fleshy place it was a rabies vaccination in the rear end and that hurt quite a bit... I advise all of you not to get bats in your room.

                            OH and my Dr. Martens finally came in the mail! squeeeee!

                            I think I'll go read some now...

                            *wanders off*

                            *runs back*
                            Congrats Septimus! I know and love that feeling of getting into high school it's all very refreshing...

                            Now I'm just going to have to go through it all again but only worse with college x.X
                            Last edited by Nella; January 11, 2009, 01:35:04 AM.


                            • The baby rhino was found apparently abandoned in the Rhino Sanctuary in Tsavo, and brought to the pachyderm orphanage near Nairobi. They think he may have been born slightly premature (which might explain why he was abandoned) and they guess he was about two days old when he was found. They observed him carefully from a distance for a while to be sure he had been abandoned before bringing him to the orphanage. Hopefully he'll do well. Rhino babies are slightly easier to look after than elephant babies.
                              -- Rick.


                              • I have returned from vacation, but my computer seems to be acting up.... grrrrr.

                                Garrett, I joined the Team Young Wizards, just to let you know.

                                Hope everyone is good, and I'll be back soon I hope... time for bed...I worked the night shift last night...
                                There is Always DEEP Shadow where there is MUCH Light!
                                "I will meet the terminally clueless today...idiots and those with hairballs for brains.... I do not have to be like them, even though I would dearly love to hit them hard enough to make the empty places between their ears echo..." Rhiow - TVTQ

