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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Wolfy: Sounds like you're doing pretty good to me. I think you should keep it up!

    I believe my lowest is a B+ (92) ish, or so, but since I only had one quiz in math that I bombed (So far at least 3 out of 8 bombed that I know of, it was insanely hard, even my math teacher hates this section), so...lowest is...quite, quite below that.

    Emi: Good luck with all your basketball! Sounds like you have a lot of fun out there....just...yeah, I guess it does suck. Just hang in there for a bit...and don't worry about ranting, we all do it (myself included a shameful amount of times), don't sweat that much, anyway. Just...keep holdin on!

    Ah, poor Hungry..

    So, I guess it looks like the forums kinda died, huh? Understandable--midterms are icky.

    As for me....too, too much drama. I _HATE_ drama! It's pointless, gets you nowhere, only makes everyone involved feels worse, destroys friendships, and worst of all, it's unavoidable!

    Hah. Rant. End. Sorry.

    So, what else?

    Oh, yeshh....Concert. Big concert. First ever public concert. Scary. Me and another girl a year younger than me. A drawing room in a very old mansion. Lots of family, lots of people we don't know. 1 hour. Just us, playing piano. about ten songs each.


    Yeah, it was...intense, :P But it was also a lot of fun. Minus walking/standing/playin in 3 inch heels....*eyeroll* that one was my own fault, lol

    So, how is everyone's new year starting out? February's just a week away, can you believe it??! It's insane. Is the year speeding for anyone else?

    Well, it's nice to pop back in.


    just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


    • Mel: Thanks.. I'm holding on. I actually got to play the last minute and a half of the game tonight. Tried getting a basket but... it didn't go so well. Oh well, he said I did "good". I don't know if that was a true statement or not. Oh and to respond to your sig... Team Alice!! haha!! (and maybe Team Vampire as well)

      Oh and I'm going to CRY!! Heath Ledger died!!! AHHHHHH.... Goodbye loveee.

      Wait Mel again: You said that a 92 was a B+??? What kind of grading system do you have??? For me a 92 is an A-. Huh.. I love how the schooling systems are different!!

      Hold on, I need to change my signature.. I'll be back...

      And I'm back. Oh man, what else is there?? I don't really know. But... Yeah time does seem like it's going by really fast. Pretty soon I'm going to be a senior.. and then I'll be in college!!! Woa woa woa... I want to be able to enjoy the my high school experiences!! Why is it going soooo fast?!!?!

      Alright. Dai All.
      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
      Check out my video: LET GO


      • Mel: thanks. It's REALLY nice to see you back again. It's just; I'm not worried about so much; it's my parents. Ok, I'll shut up now.

        Emi: I think that you should be let in more; it's just so....unfair. And the year is going by to... fast. I'll edit this post later, but I really must finish my homework. always fun

        Dai all
        Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


        • Originally posted by Mel:
          Oh, yeshh....Concert. Big concert. First ever public concert. Scary.
          That's a definite advantage of playing a band instrument -- you get to hide most of the time. :-)

          When I joined the Brewer Hometown Band last year, they told me that everyone started on third and worked their way up: that was fine by me, since good band music has good parts all the way down the line, and it's good to have good players on all parts. However, while I was warming up before the first rehearsal, the conductor came over and said "How would you like to try first?" :-)

          After the summer season ended, the principal clarinet asked me if I wanted to take over, but I figured I should probably learn everyone's name before I do that. I asked before joining if there was any chance of conducting sometime: I took a course in college that I haven't used since. She said it was possible, but I don't know if I should ask again. Maybe this summer.

          I have to make sure I watch for Bangor Symphony auditions -- I don't think I'm back to professional level yet (if I ever was), but if I don't have the incentive of upcoming auditions, I may never put the needed effort into it.
          "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

          "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


          • Well, now I feel like an absolutely...wicked...person, if you'll pardon the pun (you'll understand the pun in a second.) I was upset because my sister and mother were going to see the musical Wicked without me. So my mother, (who apparently can work miracles) decides to sell her tickets to her friend, and buy 3 new tickets for another night, so I can go with them. Amazing, right? However, now my sister is in a funk because it was supposedly "her" time with Mom since I went to a concert with Mom last year. As a result, I feel like a wicked person...but it wasn't my decision! Mom went on her own without consulting me and got the tickets. I had no part in the whole thing. I'm glad I'm going...but I feel really bad.

            Almost done with finals, which is good. I'm getting tired; even though I don't have tests in every class, finals week always tires me out. I mean, yesterday I went to school at 8:30, and was back home by 10:30, since I only had one final. It was kind of cool, actually. Only 2 more tests, and one more project to put together, and I start my last semester of high school. Ahhh...last semester. Scary. New thoughts...

            Basketball last night was hilarious. My team went to scrimmage the team I played on last year at ten o'clock at night. It was a ridiculous practice; at one point, I believe I said "I broke a nail!" which is something I would never say, because I'm not that big of a girly girl. hurt. XD I don't deal well with pain.

            I guess I should go do homework...I've got to finish my final project for my sci-fi class. A friend and I are making a magazine, and it's actually pretty cool, in my opinion.


            • My life is just crazy right now. It's a combination of fun crazy and bad crazy, but in
              general its crazy.

              This past weekend was fun, it was the MIT Mystery Hunt ( is the site in general, but doesn't have this year's puzzles up yet). My team was a first year team and a small team so we knew we'd not be competitive, but we had fun and solved some puzzles. We ended with 11 check marks but two were freebies. Either way, we managed to make our goal, which was to beat Low Expectations - the team which got the fewest puzzles last year. We apparently didn't get in last this year either which was nice. .

              Some of the puzzles were really insane. One we solved was lolcats anagrams. Well, they were split into groups of 3 letters and you had to rearrange those into lolcats sayings and in the process had to cut out one letter, those letters then formed an anagram which after solving was the answer. There was also one which based off of a knitting puzzle, one which involved running around the campus in separate groups following complicated directions then calling the other group with the number you find so they can continue with the complicated directions using that. I heard that was a lot of fun.

              Also, not so very puzzly puzzles there was one which was beating experts at a hand of tichu before making 3 rules mistakes. Me and Jono did that one for our team -we pwned them it was amazingly fun. The score ended up -15 to 115. One of the people on the other team meant to call tichu (say he'd be the first out) which would have given them another 100 points, but still we would have won. It just worked out really well. They were surprised.

              There was another 'puzzle' which involved entertaining the judges/GMs/whatever they were. We had to combine genres characters and props and we ended up with a choose your own adventure mime limerick skit. It was hilarious. We presented without practicing at all, but it worked. They ended up saying 'we're giving you slapstick even if you didn't mean to have that' and we were like 'yeah that was purposeful' but it was amusing.

              There were some cool word puzzles we were really close to solving but didn't quite make it. Also some other just plain crazy puzzles. There was one which actually how to solve it you needed to call up people in cities around the country and ask them to read you words off of monuments. Most teams called up random strangers. One team bribed a random stranger with $60 for one of the words then another team called the same person up and he said 'well another team gave me $60, why should I help you.'. We didn't get that one because we were trying to find the answers on google instead. Apparently what you needed to do was call up random strangers instead.

              It was fun. I spent about 48 hours doing puzzles. I wasn't able to get all my homework done for tuesday so told my professor what I was doing over the weekend. I think its a worthy excuse .

              It also was really good at distracting me enough that the ezcema is starting to go down .

              Have been slightly sick since Sunday. Engough that its made me miss class some, but not enough that I'm non functional. I've missed too many classes lately I think. Oh well I understand all the material anyways so its not a big deal. I just need to get back to making it to class.

              Am needing to be working on a like 60 page paper in a group. Trying to coordinate it is crazy. Especially 'cause two members are very much microsoft owns the computing world, we send everything out in .doc or .xls or whatever the excel format is. And then the other two are very much linux running, using text editors (vim) and LaTeX to write up stuff. Use repositories to store stuff. Have git set up to be able to pull from each others machines the work for this project so the two directories/folders are identical between two computers...
              It doesn't work very well. I think we convinced them to use LaTeX, said we only want them to learn simple formatting, we'll do anything complex if they tell us in a comment what they want to be done somewhere. The less techy of them seems fine with it so hopefully it works.

              Oh yeah, right, I was talking about the being sick thing. Well that hit Jono really hard last evening. I spent most of last night taking care of him. He had a high fever. Didn't actually have a thermometer to measure it, but heat was radiating off of him a rather huge amount. It ended up making it so I missed class today. I don't regret it though. It wasn't a very useful class to make it to anyways.

              My computer has a strap now for wearing on my back it makes me happy.

              Am trying not to feel sick as I eat the second half of dinner now. It's hard though.

              Last night at around 3 am there was a fire around here. It hit two triple deckers. One of them was old and abandoned, wasn't safe for apartments to be in it before it was fixed up so nobody was living in it. The other one had multiple people I knew in it. There were also two members of faculty in it. And my boyfriend's landlord's office. We were worried about one of my friends for a while. We heard one of the people we knew got out pretty early, but not about the other one for a while. Everybody is fine though. Only one of the firefighters got hurt. We saw two of the people we know today. They seemed to already have places to stay for a while too.

              Anyways I think that's all, Jono needs to get back to bed probably, so we should leave the coffee shop. I just wanted to ramble first because it was amazing weekend, and then crazy days after.

              edit: What's even crazier is that the fire is suspected to be arson as I just learned. At least everyone is okay. I feel really bad for one of the people I know who has huge loans and probably lost all his stuff. Also the other people who lost most of their stuff as college students, but they have families with some stuff too. The building burned to the ground though. So it must be hard on them.
              We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


              • W_O_W_ I hae not been on in like, three weeks *gasp* once again, sorry my last post was so depressing, I'm trying to make my life better (though it just seems to be getting worse), BUT I don't want to talk about it right now.
                Wolfy: thanks for your concern, and I'm sorry for apologizing and you did not just dump your problems, you actually made me feel better. I still think it was the concern.
                Also, Emi and Neo, thanks for telling me that I'm not the only one with problems, and I'm sorry about yours (you too Wolfy) I shall try to be less depressed,and thanks to everyone here, it might actually work this time.
                I had Area Band last week, and it was really cool. The school's in the region send their best band students, and we get together and play and end the week with a concert. The hour's were long but it was really cool, cause our conductor, Mr. Popat, was completely amazing!, and I made a bunch of new friends. Mr. Popat had a bunch of jokes about band players, and their instruments, and they were really funny
                Anyway, one of my best friends(of whom I've been farily distant with lately, though she went to AB with me) has decided not to ignore me anymore(she's been ignoring everyone), and I got her to tell me why she was acting so...what's the word?...strange. (more than normal) It turned out our school guidance counselor told her to go to therapy, and her parents made her. It makes me feel like I should be helping her, but I don't know how.
                Oh_My_Word_! I was just on my e-board for school and I clicked on my science teachers board, and check this out!:
                I don't know if you can just click on this, or if you have to type it in, but do whatever you have to. It is hilarious. Well I think it is, and I haven't laughed in forever, so if it can make me laugh, it will make you too. FUNNY!
                I have to go now, to finnish the rest of my HW and help my sister study; I don't mind it soo much this week 'cause she has midterms and she needs any extra help I can give her. Anyway, i have to go. Thanks guys, you are really getting me through the roughest time of my life. Hsve fun! Dai' all!
                ~We're the kinda friends that kill each other for a handful of Doritos and in the end we don't say sorry we say Haha! Too bad!!~. Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.


                • Ash my Chemistry teacher showed that to us like the first day of class. Haha, it is fairly funny, although I probably won't be able to remember the whole song. Glad that you're starting to get better.

                  Tuttle that sounds like serious fun. I love puzzles. Hope Jono get's better soon!!!

                  Hungry: That's "wicked" great you get to go to see Wicked!!! I really want to go see that... but NY is like seven hours awayy.. Not up for that drive. Although, I do want to see Spamalot there too because Clay Aiken is one of the cast members. Don't laugh, I really did say Clay Aiken okay?

                  New classes = fun. Seriously. I acutally like my Probabilty and Statistics class, it's not as hard as I thought it would be.. plus my teacher has these cool gadgets (the laptop where you can write on it and a projecter thingy that's like a camera or something) Hard to describe but it's cool. Um, Voice Workshop is... cool! Really, the only downfall is that after every unit we have to sing the song we've been working on in front of the whole class (by ourselves) sometimes with duet. This unit we're all singing Over the Rainbow, but we will all have our own variations of it. It's going to be interesting. I think I'm starting to lose my voice now because I've been singing way to much. Nothing beats practice!! And my Intro to Sociology is cool too. The teacher is really nice. We have to take notes almost the whole block but it's not that bad, because what we're learning is really interesting. And of course I have my last block off which is absolutely amaazzing. Life is good right now.

                  In basketball... Hm.. Let's just say I'm in pain from my shoulders down to my wrists and my back. We had to do "charging" drills yesterday. A charge is when someone is taking the ball up for a lay up (you are on defense), and you plant your feet before they reach you, and if they run in to you and you fall it'll be an offensive foul (you get the ball). So, we were practicing that. One person had to run in to another... and we had to fall correctly.. Ugh now my arms kill like a yeah... you get the picture. I swear on my life I thought one of the girls broke my collar bone... but all that's there is a bruise. But it was kind of fun because then you could get all your frustration out on the person that's supposed to take the fall. *oops*. I'm waiting to take an ibuprofen before I go to practice so I'll be a little pain free. Haha, I'm not sure how that will help though.

                  Well that's all for the update really...

                  Dai Everyone
                  Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                  Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                  It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                  Check out my video: LET GO


                  • Tuttle: I hope Jono gets better soon, and that person who lost everything and had a lot of loans... poor person. But the puzzles sound like a LOT of fun!!!

                    Ash: I'm really glad your life is starting to improve. Glad I could help.

                    Emi: I hope you don't get to hurt in basketball... it sounds like torture, hurting you like that... but I don't know a lot of stuff about Basketball... that's my mom... I only Fence.

                    And i am suprized, as it's been a REALLY long time since I posted last (compared to my average posting times...)

                    Dai all
                    Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                    • ... I have not been on here in almost... jeesh, more then six months! (though it looks like I didn't miss much, since I am SO not into drama.. rather stay out of it. That's why I love my little school).

                      Speaking of school, I am in love with my linguistics class! The teacher is amazing, she has such enthusiasm for it, and she gave us chocolate the other day, jsut because there was some confusion over class on Friday.
                      So, I learned something about the area I live in. The west coast is just clumped into one dialect, since there is very little difference. BUT, there is a vocabulary line. It runs STRIAGHT through stockton. Northern Ca tends to say one word, while Southern Ca tends to say the other. It was pretty neat to learn.

                      Some of my friends are taking ASL, so I can start talking to them in sign. It's fun, because I can say something about a class or teacher without anyone knowing what I'm saying (unless they know sign, of course!). Though, I've signed aroudnd them all so much, they've picked up a few of my favorite and most used phrases, like "bored/boring", "sleepy", "restroom", "Go to", and some others.

                      I have no classes on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings, but I still don't get to sleep in. I have to get to school early so I can study and all that. I didn't do too great on my reprot card last semseter, I even got a C in my college class, and two in my high school classes, and only one A. One C was really high, and I know why I got it and know how to do better. The other, I don't understand and the teacher says it's because I didn't turn in work. But said work was excused because I was sick and absent (I really HATE asthma... ) and she said just not to do it. So I figure that if I turn EVERYTHING in and keep it all, she can't give me a bad grade again. (and yeah I know a C is passing... but I am a perfectionist when it comes to grades; B's are only slightly acceptable for me.) But i'm worried cause the sci fair group i'm in isn't... well, one girl procrastinates and the guy didn't even do one last year and openly said (to the class and teacher) that he didn't want to do one this year. (then why did he join OUR GROUP?!?) The other girl and I are on SLEWS (some field trip like thing that means we don't have to do a sci fair project.). Still... I don't want to get another C. Or even a B, really....

                      my friend got her lisence on the tenth... and her parents don't really give her gas money. but her (college) boyfriend was gonna give her some today... They can be so goofy. He went home with her to Lodi, only to catch a bus BACK to Stockton....

                      So, besides all that... nothing of much interest has happened here in the dent of California... that I know of at least.
                      "You're so funny. Sometimes, I wish I was a little elf, so I could ride around on your shoulder all day and laugh at you." - my mom. (Yes, she honestly told me that. *rolls eyes*)


                      • I am exhausted. I just got home from an overnight at the college I really want to go to...and I still love it. XD Surprising, isn't it? But...I just love it. And during my interview with an admissions person, she let it slip that I'll be hearing some good news in about a week and a half. I'd be bouncing around screaming, if I wasn't so tired. It was just a really good visit; I stayed with a member of the cross country team, met the entire team (and can't remember any of their names at all...ooops) and met the coach as well. So...basically, if/when I go there, I'm going to run cross country. XD I'm just...I can't believe it. I guess I'm in shock, since I'm so tired. It just felt right there, I guess is the way to put it. I first I was so nervous I was having trouble eating (being around a bunch of college girls and all the crazy people pledging for fraternities and sororities, since I apparently came during pledge week, was extremely intimidating.) But then I calmed down, and everyone was nice, which helped a lot. I can't even express how happy I am... Now all I've got to do is get that $23,000 scholarship, and I'll be set. Easy as pie (I'm being sarcastic here.)

                        Finally done with finals. Yesterday was stressful, since I had to take 3 finals, then get in the car and drive for an hour right after school ended. Glad it's all over, but I'm going to miss my sci-fi teacher a lot. I can't believe he's going to retire at the end of the school year! Who am I going to come back and visit next year?

                        Emi: Glad you like your new classes; they sound like a lot of fun, especially the voice one. I wish I'd seen Spamalot when it was in town last spring, but oh well; I go see musicals/plays that aren't high school plays about once every 5 years. (yeah...that's about right, since 5 years ago I saw the Lion King, I think...maybe. I'm too tired to do the math correctly.) Clay
                        Aiken is pretty cool; I'll admit it, I listen to him every once in awhile. His Christmas album is good.

                        Tuttle: those puzzle things sound pretty cool. I'd probably be bad at them, but they sound like fun. Hope everything's going alright in your part of the world. *huggles*

                        Eeek...I think I'm going to go take a nap, since I'm so tired and excited at the same time, it's ridiculous.


                        • OMG OMG OMG I'M AN AUNT W00t!
                          I am soo hyper... Well, not really HYPER, but man am I ever happy! Not sure of the spelling of my nephew's name, it's one of those annoying ones with many spelling, Adian or Adin. *w00t* So happy, and now I get to tease my dad about being old even more mwahaha...

                          anyway... Yah, I'm an aunt, and now I get to coo at another baby... Well, as soon as my half-sister gets out of hospital and comes over with my nephew... Man that sounds weird! I'm 12 and an aunt! I'm NOT an ant, though, much as my mum will tease me about it. I'll just tease her about being the evil step-granny and then try to convince her to play another round of word association.
                          *wanders off again and wonders when her dad will get an e-mail with pics of her nephew*
                          "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
                          Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


                          • Just wanted to let you all know that I heard from DD tonight, after she pretty much disappeared from the net last month. I had been getting a bit concerned that she hadn't checked in anywhere I could find online, so I feel better now. :-)
                            "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                            "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                            • Congratulations Mousey!
                              I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


                              • Mousey: Congratulations!!!! I hope being an Aunt doesn't give you more responsibilities.

                                Hungry: That's so great! I hope you do get in that college. Finding scholarships isn't that hard, if you like apply to every single one your school holds. Haha. Good luck!!

                                I'm siiick... and I have to sing in two days!! Ahhhh!! This is the worst timing ever! It always happens to me though. Like if I was going to sing the National Anthem or even in a concert I'd always get a cold or my allergies would wack out. Ugh, it's horrible. My nose hurts. *Tries to sing Over the Rainbow with out sneezing*

                                But to make things better I get my braces off tomorrow. Yay!! And we get to play our rivals... I won't play but my team does. It's exciting though, being on the bench, because then you get to yell at your teammates! Haha. To some of you that might not sound like fun, but you notice a lot of faults that your teammates do or even the refs do sitting on that bench. It's quite interesting.

                                Oh oh oh! My induction for NHS was tonight, it was a short ceremony, but it was nice. My aunt got me a bracelet with and E on it because you know my name is Emi. And then she also got me a candle holder that has this nice message on it. My parents gave me 40 dollars and a cute little pink rose. I think that was a little over done, but I'm the first one in my whole family to be in NHS, so it's kind of a big deal I guess.

                                Lets see... what else... hmm.... Oh I need help on a song for my next unit in Voice Workshop...

                                It's Pop. Anyone know any good Pop songs?!?

                                Dai everyone!!
                                Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                                Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                                It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                                Check out my video: LET GO

