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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • My dog is dying. She's got cancer. A tumour in the intestines, and the vet said that it's only a matter of time before she passes away. I JUST lost my cat! Earlier this very month! I can't believe this is happening to my poor Lucy-fur! (nick-name for dog...) It's really not fair, none of the pets besides gold-fish have died before now... and then my two biggest pets die in the same month! T.T I hate this. Hate hate hate. >.<

    On a happier note, though school starts next week, I may get to drop my band class before it even starts! YAYYY!! My parents had called the school to sign me up for it (I hadn't circled it on the class-sheet) But I really detest that class, and now I get to drop it and take chorus instead! My parents are making me take a music no matter what... but after six years of those stupid drums switching to using my voice, instead of those heavy mallets and drumsticks, will be odd. That's a big change, but a good one!

    And another good thing *hyps up*... they're coming out with the Yugioh: Millenium World series right NOW!! No more downloading those stupid Japanese-sub scanlanations for me! This time they'll be official and in REAL English rather than that sub-crap! Yayayayay!!! AND BAKURA-KUN IS THE ULTIMATE VILLAIN! MAWAHAHAHAHA!! And there's NO dueling! Or at least not as much in this saga! I'm so happy! *dances around tossing memory-world sand in the air* XDDD

    kli: And I spend a lot of money on books, too. For me, money you spend on books isn't like money you spend on other things.
    I spend a ton of money on books and manga. That's like ALL I spend money on. I have money-spending-phobia when it comes to buying anything else if it's over ten bucks. I feel like I'm going to be haunted forever if I buy a t-shirt that's twenty-dollars....I know, it's veyr odd.. but I can only spend alot of money on something if it's totally essential, which is basically books (usually manga) and food...

    Gryph: This camping site is filled with ticks, deers, spiders, and frogs. The deers weren't timid unless you tried to approach them. It wasn't that exciting. I went on a walk (SO HOT!!!) and refused to do anything after that. Well, I biked twice around the loop that our camp lot was at.
    Ooh, I love camping! You even saw deers? Lucky you! Every year I go camping like ten times, except this year I didn't, because I went to France instead. *weeps* I love camping and being with nature... XD

    neets: I go into the library and they have this thing where you can buy books 25 cents for paperback and 50cents for hardcover, so I have like fifty million books and my bedroom floor is non-existant because its so covered with books because I ran out of space on my book shelf ages ago. My dad is making me donate them to a used book store and i'm sad.
    Books?! For only a few CENTS?! *shocked* Wow! That's so awsome!! I sooo envy you guying books at that price! I hope you'll be able to part with those books when you donate them...


    • ~Sharky

      +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
      +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


      • First day of school! Whoo hoo! So exciting! Not really. *stares* I'm tired. I had to get all this junk signed and figure out what's needed for which class. Yeah...

        Ah! Band was...horrible! Well, awesome, but horrible! I can't play any of the music. In fact, I should be practicing now!

        *huggles Kaibish* I'm sorry.

        Sharky...I'm not going to say anything. *whistles* (And once again, I forget that I can't whistle...) *hums instead*
        the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


        • Well see that is what the first and worst day of school can do to you. At least you get to hang out with all your friends! Right? That is what i think!!!
          The first day of band can be stupid, i forgot my trumpet! opps!


          • I'm lucky. School hasn't started yet, and won't. Ever. *is thinking wishfully* DON'T tell me it starts in...I don't even want to think about it...Oh, yeah. I was talking to my brother, who works at a grocery store and he asked when school started. I said "I don't like to talk about it. It's a traumatic experience." The lady across the produce display was either smiling or looking at me funny.

            Kaiba: WHEN???? Millenium World? What channel? What time? WHEN???? I've tried to work on the story, but my creativity seems to be stoppered up. I'm also trying to similtaneously write something for the Reflections contest. (The minimum-dueling thing seems awesome too!) I'm sorry about your doggy. Maybe, just maybe, it'll survive. My friend who adopts chihuahuas has a dog who had cancer. So there's hope, right? There's always hope.

            My cousin's pet cats were Tiger and Jamaica. Last month, Tiger died. Apparently Jamaica was attatched to Tiger (they're 16-year-old siblings) and began behaving like him. I found out two days ago that Jamaica died.

            Dad left. Again. This time only for a couple months...ONLY? I hate this. I hate the fact that he's never around, but I don't want him around. I hate that he doesn't pay attention, but I don't want him to. I hate myself for hating him, but I don't want to like him. Eh...that seems poetic. But all it is a load of confused emotions that make me sick...kind of like life, and now I'm getting all philosophical, maybe due to the book I'm reading.

            See, I finally got around to reading Wicked. It's FULL of quotable stuff, and really digs into the meaning of life. I was also rereading Tamora Pierce's PotS quartet, because although Wicked is the kind of book you have to read full-time, you also need EXTREME breaks. AND BE WARNED: It's definitely an adult-content type book. If it was a movie, it'd prob'ly be rated AT LEAST PG-13. I'm 13, but hey, I have more maturity and intellect than most adults I know. It's nothing like the play...

            ...Speaking of which, WICKED: THE MUSICAL is going on tour!!!!!!! AHHHH!!! It's coming VERY, VERY near us! I won't tell you where I live, but the nearest tour site is the Kennedy Center in DC. Which, although (in my opinion) it's less grand than Broadway, it's still really, really cool!

            The first books I can remember reading were the Little House on the Prairie series, in kidnergarten...hey, I was a weird kid! Stop staring! I don't care that most people don't read them til 3rd grade!

            Before Harry Potter, I read lots of Boxcar Children and Baby Sitters' Little Sister. *shudders* I have crates of those books, literally. Then it was Nancy Drew (not too bad) and eventually Hardy Boys. Around 3rd/4th grade I started reading HP...

            AFTER HP, by 5th grade, it was Bruce Coville's Unicorn Chronicles (recommended by Steph), Spellfall (recommended by Steph), LotR (recommended by Steph and another friend), and plenty of other stuff. Tamora's books were recommended by the school librarian in 6th grade, who was--and is still--really awesome. So was the middle school librarian. And the library librarian. I think I started reading YW in fifth grade, but I'm not sure.

            As for old books, try Book Crossing and Abe Books (well, Abe Books is for buying books really cheap).

            Oooh! My mommy has a lawn flamingo. It makes my older brother embarassed, because it's tacky. But they're all the rage where my mommy grew up, so she HAS to have one...but one that moves, lights up, AND the little flag? That's a bit extreme.

            I tried reading Redwall...I couldn't get over the mouse. I dislike animal personification like that. Books about animals...I dunno. I just can't read them. I'm not an animal person.

            I was mad at the Animorphs ending too. Thinking of alternate endings made me more interested in fanfics.

            Narnia. I love them. I have/had my mom's old copies (as well as her Little House books). I kind of...lost...some, though. I left them at my cousins' house in New Jersey. Yet I have a suspicion that <STRIKE>dad</STRIKE> SOMEONE took them while I was asleep. That SOMEONE who has done such things before.

            I read Star Wars a few years ago, summer after 4th grade I think, when the basement carpet was being redone. I know that because my brother's room is downstairs and he had to move his bookshelf, where I happened to*Yahoo searches for "star wars" "jaina" "new jedi order" because she can't remember* AH! There we go...Dark Journey. Read it and loved it, finished all my brother's books (constantly wheedling for him to "approve" the ones he said days earlier were no-nos) by the end of fifth grade.

            *is now attempting to read a Star Wars "fanklub" a different language...Denmark...ooh, that word is Lucas! And Han! And...Amazon? Huh?*

            NINE CLASSES? NINE PERIODS? HOW? I only have seven. I don't know my schedule, but I know my least, I know what I signed up for. I'm not sure if I'll get them all, and here's why:
            Honors English
            Honors Science
            Honors Civics
            Algebra 1 (Honors Math for us 8th graders. Luckily, it's not Geometry, which would be Honors-Honors math.)
            Advanced Chorus
            Literary Arts: Journalism (A class I had to apply for. We work on the newsletter and the yearbook.)

            See, only gym is a non-specified class. Non-advanced. Because they don't offer advanced gym. That would be silly. It would also deny all the popular girls the privilige of watching the popular guys be good at sports. And this means I most likely won't have any classes with anyone. ANYONE. Steph is NOT in ANY honors, no offense. She didn't take ANY kind of chorus, so that's out. The only class I have a chance to have ANYONE in (...even the guy I like...) is gym. Oh, and lunch.

            *crosses her fingers and prays she doesn't get A lunch or D lunch* We have 4 lunches: A is the middle of 3rd period, B is after 3rd, C is in the middle of 4th, and D is in after 4th. Cept our schedule changes on "odd" and "even" days, so you can have different lunches (depending on when you have gym). I had the 2 worst: D every day except Wednesday, when I had A. Problems:

            D lunch: Too late. The food is COLD, if it's actually THERE. (Twice they ran out of entrees by the time I got there.)
            A lunch: TOO EARLY. It's like second breakfast. If you have gym 3rd period (like I did) then on odd block days, you go to lunch RIGHT BEFORE GYM. Yeah, that's FUN! Let's run a MILE with pseudo-nutritious FOOD threatening to come back up!

   that I think about it, we do have other classes. They're extra-curricular kinds of stuff. Only once a week, six weeks, three different times. I had my first choice on all three, so I was in the library ("read and view": read the book and watch the movie), then in my...traveling chorus...(going to the little sixth graders to advertise)...then library again.

            ...hold on. Seabiscuit, when do you have lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays? It says 5th period on Mon, Wed, and Fri, but nothing about Tue and Thurs.

            Since it has taken me nearly an hour to do this, I'm leaving soon...

            JKR is not the inventor of fantasy, nor its...recreator, despite what the lesser beings say. She may have written a new book (although it seems like every fairy tale in existence piled together sometimes), but that's hardly revolutionary. The fact that she doesn't care for fantasy explains why they seem hollow at some points. If you can't care about it, then you can't write about it. At all. So she's either partially lying (to herself, possibly), or she's incredible at emotions.
            I hope she realizes she can never, ever write an adult novel now. It would reach too many little hands. Hah.

            Oooh. I finally figured out how to do a screen shot thing.

            Azen, the ToGR is random. At random times. Skim some of the earlier pages. At one point, it was like a religious study (or that may be my brain just compiling everything I've read/said/seen/heard in the last few days and causing an overload).

            Ooooh again. The guy I like hasn't been at the pool all summer. Then, two days in a row, he was THERE. Yay! On the third day (he rose again!)...erm, he wasn't there. No yay. But at least I saw him. And his friend. Who is rather cute. Both of them are. I'm hopeless.

            They'd better be there tomorrow.

            My younger brother is a genius. Or hopelessly deranged, if that isn't redundant or anything. He made s'mores out of cookies and marshmellows and melted them in the microwave. I just crushed marshmellow and crushed cookie and ate it. Chocolatey!

            Oooh! Potato! I love potato! I love soda! I love that boy with white-blonde hair and blue eyes and blue braces that compliment his eyes wonderfully! Erm, I didn't just say that...

            WF, I like the way you summed up your reading.
            I wasn't really into fantasy when I was younger the same way I am now. (it started out with princessy books, princessy books started having wizards, went through a brief period of Redwall being my favorite series, and then ditched the princesses and stuck with just the wizards.)
            So true, so true. This is the way of life.

            God, this post is LONG! And you can't say it wasn't slightly random...
            Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
            "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
            "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


            • Hey hey hey! The cookies are... um... Magical alright! and the spaghetti is um.... the point being is that um.... Sharky if you don't like the idea of a love relationship ruling the forum then POST MORE! LOL It alked to Hungry and she and I agreed that we couldn't just say 3 years past and they got married. Cause then what hapens to all you guys that dont post anymore? HINT HINT LOL Then we werre thinking on going on some adventure or something together in The Castle. You gotta help us out here Dwin!
              In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

              Douglas Adams


              • Originally posted by fred22:
                Hey hey hey! The cookies are... um... Magical alright! and the spaghetti is um.... the point being is that um.... Sharky if you don't like the idea of a love relationship ruling the forum then POST MORE! LOL It alked to Hungry and she and I agreed that we couldn't just say 3 years past and they got married. Cause then what hapens to all you guys that dont post anymore? HINT HINT LOL Then we werre thinking on going on some adventure or something together in The Castle. You gotta help us out here Dwin!
                I have to agree with Azen. We're only posting stuff like that because we're all bored because no one else was posting. So, if you're in the Castle, we need someone else to post. Or at least to interact with...

                Hmmm...this morning I got up and did the hardest workout of the cross country season...again! But this time when we were done, the alumni of the team brought us popsicles! I had about 6 popsicles, there were so many. Yum. Then, I got home and had a cinnamon bagel, and now I'm eating some Bottle Caps (you know, the candy?) I feel so weird today...

                ...hold on. Seabiscuit, when do you have lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays? It says 5th period on Mon, Wed, and Fri, but nothing about Tue and Thurs.
                I don't have a lunch period on those days, so I have to find a teacher who'll let me eat in class...which is never fun. I'm thinking of maybe dropping a few classes if it gets to be too much. I can drop a seventh or eighth class anytime in the first six weeks, so I'll figure it out eventually.

                Hmmm...I should go eat some real food, instead of candy and stuff like that. Adios people.

                -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                • XD I took geometry in 8th grade (called fast math ("honors-honors"?)). Why're you so lucky that you _don't_ get it? Geometry = shapes! And not much else, trust me. Besides, erm, proofs.

                  After all of the core classes, I only had a credit worth of electives left over, and I took economics which takes up the entire credit. I'm begging for a good teacher for that...

                  What, the HP books are good books! The only thing I have to say is that they're being bloated by all of the press. That's no reason to give them bull. And heck, you can write fantasy without reading fantasy (though I'm sure she was a little confused about what fantasy meant with books). To say otherwise would be to say that people have no independent creativity or imagination. Like, say, some homeless kid stares up at the sky at night and plays around with this damn brilliant, yet fictional, idea that was inspired by something other than other people's work. Such as surroundings, real life stuff, and "what ifs."

                  Yeah. S'mores. Sometimes they're too complicated to be worth it, or at least to take the time to do it right. The last times we've been camping, almost every night we get the fire going and roast marshmallows (or at least the kids do). It's a little hard to get graham crackers out with one hand (unless you were smart and got it out before) while the marshmallow threatens to ooze off the stick in your other hand. But if you get that part done, I suppose you're okay because then you'll have two free hands to get the chocolate (but I never had any anyway. If it took longer than 5 seconds to find, I wasn't going to bother. XD ). So there are other solutions. The fastest works like this: set your marshmallow on fire (by putting it in the middle of the flames. Trust me, the other method is MUCH slower and takes minutes rather than seconds), blow it out, peel off the black outside (optional. Personally, I think it tastes gross), stuff it in your mouth, then stuff the graham cracker in your mouth too.

                  There was much more to the chain story than sharky posted. But WF wasn't copying, and I was booted twice. And PM, who never joined in, yet was there the entire time, did not graciously volunteer to post it. XD

                  I love Avenged Sevenfold. Knowing me, I probably mentioned it already, but it's really good. And I'm gonna have to buy it because I feel guilty otherwise. XD However, I also got IOWA by Slipknot from BW, and it's so harsh... I think it'll take me a really long time to get to like it. Yes, I came see how Vol 3 is considered "tame."

                  I don't think I've thrown books away. I mean, I've gotten rid of them, yes, and I'm not sure where they go, but I think mom or dad takes them to the Goodwill or something. And I have a lot of books I've only gotten a short way into and never finished. Some of them are really really bad like that series by Robert Stanek. Boring, and pointless.

                  I'm not saying which one, since it would be SO easy to figure out where I live if I said it, and no offense, but I don't want you guys to know where I live.)
                  I do the same thing. I can't even say what my school is if it's not a private school or a public school. XD What it is is practically what we call it (and to this, my dad made a joke that they ran out of dead people to name it after XD XD XD ).

                  I'll probably get the second Eragon. A discussion of this book nearly heated to the same level as a political or religious convo, so I'll make notes about why I beleive what I do.

                  25-50 cents for a book is something. I get books from the used bookstore for $1.50, and Borders is expensive. And music... I'll just die right now.

                  Kaiba: *HUGGLES* My friend-across-the-street's dog just died. They've had a lot of trouble lately. First their cat, then a dog had to be put down because he was biting people, and now this one. They only have Fluffy left, and Fluffy is one freak of an animal.

                  Our cats aren't going to go for a while now, but they'll probably all go about the same time. :/

                  I kinda wish I had done chorus or band, but not that badly. My dad is insanely good at guitars even though he hasn't played at all in years. He has talent to the point where he can just pick up and play (he did it to Linkin Park on the radio when he hadn't touched a guitar in years). Both BW and Joe are into guitars too, but BW is torn between envy and puzzlement at how Joe got so good so fast at it. I suspect it's because he played oboe. Joe's is a very musical family.

                  I can't buy manga. They'd probably go by really quickly, and what, they cost about the same as books, right? So if I ever feel like reading any, I'd just borrow from friends who have experience know what manga is worth getting.

                  I got a couple of pictures of deers, but they were really bad so I deleted them. One was blurry; the camera wouldn't focus. The second was because the camera delays taking a picture, and it took it as the deer walked behind a tree. So I got it's head and it's behind which isn't all that exciting.

                  About the Audrey/(variation of Azen) thing, you'll have to think about what you can do. See, time moves a lot differently. You ought to take it really slow, maybe have them meet every once in a while, go on adventures, but you don't have to rush them to marriage in one topic. Audrey and Variation can exist outside of the Castle topic, afterall.

                  Umm... I don't know how to jump into Castle. You could always start a new day in a new topic, and then people won't have to read so much to join it.

                  You... don't have a lunch period? That doesn't sound fun. Especially to me when lunch is a time for socializing (though you can in class, but only in some classes. History has a very silent, strict atmosphere) and is a psuedo-study hall.
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • HOLA!!!!!!! I'm back! Was in luvverly San Fran. I officially love that place. Ok, I have no idea what's going on cause I'm too lazy to read it all and I have to go soon, but I'm in a really good mood and I have to share this with EVERYONE!
                    I got into the high school that I thought there was NO possible way we could afford it, but I'm going now!!!!!! YES!!! I'm really happy.
                    The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                    I promise not to funfun anymore
                    Be happy cause life is good


                    • The following scene occured while I was walking into Honors Geomentry.

                      *group of Sophomores whispering* Stupid freshmen! I'm in a class with a bunch of freshmen!

                      Me: *blinkblink*

                      *cough* We're a "bunch of freshmen" taking a sophomore class. So, basically, we're equal. And not stupid.

                      We got our lockers in P.E. today. There's this girl from 3rd grade who's in Honors English 1 and Bible with me. My homeroom teacher cried in class, which was highly embarrassing. In the assembly I sat in a seat secluded from the rest of my homeroom (fine by me; I'm with lots of people who think they're the greatest at everything...) and got to stare at S's head while he chatted with Ms. Perfect, H, in the row in front of me. *seethes*

                      Oh no, I don't care that H is great at just about everything, has the devotion of nearly every guy our age, and is perfectly nice to everyone as well. Augh! Teacher's pet in band, cheerleader, etc. *growl* What's annoying is that I can't really get mad at her, because she's so nice. She's like Ally in that respect.

                      I just skimmed all the posts after mine. *sigh* I feel like being lazy. I'm going to die in P.E.

                      Yeah. I need to go practice the insanely hard music (Lauren: "Mr. W has lost his bloody mind!"), so yeah. Toodles!
                      the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                      • *wince* I'm really gonna start posting regularly.

                        As soon as I have my own computer again.

                        And I was only picking on the Azen/Hungry thing, cause we were talking about it before the chain story thing picked up, which, of course, got deleted. But you two lovebirds g'on. Although I will only marginally let up on the ribbing I give out. But to make it up, I'll really try to post more, and perhaps keep Castle from turning into a perpetual soap opera. Which reminds me: Dwin stll has to get married to Eowen at some point. Which would require the availability of Eowen. But that can be paused for the moment. I mean, it's already happened once, when a entire bloody war interrupted the intricate courting process... *sigh* And there's dad calling me.

                        I'll be back to complain about the beginning of school later.

                        Don't do anything stupid. Or if you must, don't get caught.

                        +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
                        +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)


                        • i was thinking that Hungry and I could wait untill you guys get married then start a new topic where wwe got married. SOAP OPERA! I DONT SEE ANY SOAP! NOR DO I HEAR SINGING! Then in the new topic (hopefully you join it) we go on an adventure or something...) That sound good to you, Are lovable (not hugable) Sharky the insane?Thanks
                          In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

                          Douglas Adams


                          • Soap operas are called soap operas because when they originated in the 1920s (about then, at least) they were DRAMATIC (hence the opera) and were sponsored by (aka had commercials of) soap (hence the soap).

                            See what you learn when you actually pay attention in history?

                            I am slightly confused to what you're talking about (an RPG, right? VGDawn...which I joined...), but to be "soap opera-ish" (and this is coming from a person who watches her 10-year-old sister watch soap operas), you should both get married, then get angry at each other, find out that two of you are long-lost twins, and have an affair. Oh, and maybe get lost on an enchanted island where dead people live. Better yet, add in a couple natural disasters and an evil, manipulating person who rules over everybody else. And that's just for starters.

                            XD I took geometry in 8th grade (called fast math ("honors-honors"?)). Why're you so lucky that you _don't_ get it? Geometry = shapes! And not much else, trust me. Besides, erm, proofs.
                            The thing is, for us Algebra is a 9th grade course, and Geometry is 10th grade. When you take Geometry in 7th grade, it's like honors-honors. VERY few people get into it. And even fewer choose to take it. So basically, you'd be a seventh grader taking a ninth grade class with eighth graders.

                            What, the HP books are good books! The only thing I have to say is that they're being bloated by all of the press. That's no reason to give them bull. And heck, you can write fantasy without reading fantasy (though I'm sure she was a little confused about what fantasy meant with books).
                            I love HP, don't get me wrong. And yeah, the press is hyping them up a LOT. But...well, you can't write about something you don't really love. It would be hard. JKR is fantastic, and I'm sure she's read I guess if she loves what she's writing, it doesn't really matter what she thinks it is! AHA! My life has just found new meaning. THAT is the truth behind all this, and it very well could be the secret to the HP success. (That or extreme media coverage. )

                            I don't have a lunch period on those days, so I have to find a teacher who'll let me eat in class...which is never fun.
                            How do you not have lunch? I can't survive without lunch! It's the ONLY time I see ANY of my friends. ...Course, we have over 1000 students, and four different lunch times that make my head hurt.

                            I can't buy manga. They'd probably go by really quickly, and what, they cost about the same as books, right? So if I ever feel like reading any, I'd just borrow from friends who have experience know what manga is worth getting.
                            Which is why nearly all the books I get from the library are manga. Manga costs more than the average paperback, btw. Around $10 instead of $5-7. I found that out the hard way: AFTER paying for it...

                            How many of you go to private/religious schools? I used to, and the thing I remembered most was the BORING, BORING religion part. EVERYONE would read and hid books in their desk. It was so easy I could answer if I wasn't paying attenion. Of course, that was back in 2nd I said to my brother (and please, please, please don't take this as an insult, because I'm Catholic, and this was explaining how fed up I was with CCD) "It's all too repetitive! There's only so much you can learn from one little book, even if it does have itty bitty printing!" Once again, don't be insulted. I know there's ton you can learn, possibly even the meaning of life, but every year we studied the Same. Exact. Stories.

                            Re-reading Protecter of the Small. So good. Stayed up til 3 am. Slept in til 1 pm. Woke up. Read more. Did housework. (Bleh.) Reading again.
                            Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                            "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                            "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                            • Which is why nearly all the books I get from the library are manga. Manga costs more than the average paperback, btw. Around $10 instead of $5-7. I found that out the hard way: AFTER paying for it...
                              Books cost US$5-7!!! Wow. Even taking into account conversion rate and the Australian GST, thats cheap! Kids books here (such as SOTL and POTS) are about $15-17 each. Adult scifi and fantasy books are around $20. So expensive.

                              POTS was alright, personally I like SOTL better. Hehe, when I did fencing, we assigned characters to everyone. The personalities actually fit! It was so cool. The coach even had a similar personality to Wyldon and we had a groups of court minstrels - who didn't fit any characters, but spent alot of their time singing and jumping around .

                              Four lunch periods? My mind boggles, but I have a feeling that this has been explained to me before...

                              Wow. This is really scary. In three days, I will have been a member here for one entire year, and the TOGR has nearly grown 200 pages.

                              Hehe, I just spent the last ten minutes reading through the first few pages after I posted. You guys seemed so excited that you had an Aussie around XD.

                              And then theres all that sad discussion about the hostage situation in Russia.



                              • PM:
                                ... that it did start out as sharklord and nitafan211's romance topic . It's only a change of couple, not of theme, really. It's hardly their fault that you two stopped posting just because you went off on your holidays .
                                *sets phaser to 'smite'*

                                *resets to 'deep fry'*

                                *resets to 'annihilate'*

                                *mutters* Castle wasn't our romance topic. It was a topic to describe the aftermath of the war, and to set up the new kindoms from the devided Salcur. I mean, there was...some...action, and...some...adventure, and, well, the romancing never dominated a topic, and I'm not saying that it's bad that Azen and Hungry are having fun, I mean, what else would the forum be doing otherwise?

                                And ANYWAY, the Dwin/Eowen thing was spaced out over several forums, I think it's up to four now... (Waiting for Naeva, Salcur: The Gathering, Army of the Winds, and the Castle)

                                For any further questions, refer to the forum rules where they discuss the "Infallibilty of the Shark."

                                GAAAH. I have to do so much Bio work before I go back to school. As of today, I have ONE WEEK, to do all of this. This is SOO cruel and unusual punishment.

                                Oh, and by the way, the plan sounds good to me, Azen.

                                +Member of the STTF (Save the Topic Foundation)
                                +Member of the FBI (Forum Bureau of Investigation)

