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  • Who says they have to just go to a movie? maybe they'll go to the ends of the galaxies with eachother...I can't see her dating someone who isn't a wizard though. It might feel a bit restricting for her, dating someone who has no ideas what the wonders the universe holds, or even just the wonders of our own world. Particularly since she couldn't tell the person. (magical people and non magical people getting together often cause problems unless the magical person convinces the non magical person of the existance of magic, and the fact that the magical person has it. :P)
    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
    For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


    • Originally posted by young reader:
      Who says they have to just go to a movie? maybe they'll go to the ends of the galaxies with eachother...I can't see her dating someone who isn't a wizard though. It might feel a bit restricting for her, dating someone who has no ideas what the wonders the universe holds, or even just the wonders of our own world. Particularly since she couldn't tell the person. (magical people and non magical people getting together often cause problems unless the magical person convinces the non magical person of the existance of magic, and the fact that the magical person has it. :P)
      Actually the galaxy thing sounds way more romantic than a movie. I'm just saying from a girls perspective. I also don't see Nita going out with someone who isn't a wizard. On that note I also don't see Kit going out with someone who isn't a wizard either. It would be too hard to go out with someone who isn't a wizard because they would never understand them even if they thought they did. It would just be easier that way. Right?
      Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
      Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


      • I'm not going to go into my shipping ideas, but I have the line: "How does the line go? 'Not old enough to love as yet/but old enough to die, indeed."........."Is it truly so much to you, Sprat? Have you truly had no time to love?" Mom and Dad, Nita thought ruefully. Dairine. That's not love, I dont love Dairine!-Do I? She hardened her heart and said "No, Pale One. Not that way. No one...that way."
        Now, Dairine and Roshaun, however, yes her crying is very rare. She hasn't cried sence she fell down on the sidewalk. The chain said something big. Also, the mobles said that they couldnt tell her anything on the matter, so that can go either way too. We will just have to wait and see.
        Yes I'm a witch, deal with it! So mote it be! My other car is a broom. Blessed Be! A.D.


        • Actually the galaxy thing sounds way more romantic than a movie. I'm just saying from a girls perspective.
          Yeah, Spyells, I agree with you there. Also, I think that it wouldn't be exactly possible with a wizard going out with a non-wizard, or "sevarfrith" or whatever the Speech word was for "a place where wizardry isn't known" (which I always thought could apply to people's brains, meaning they were non-wizards). But now that I think of it, before Nita knew Ronan was a wizard, I bet she wouldn't have minded going out with him...
          I know, for those of you who hate Ronan, that sounds bad. I don't exactly "hate" him, I just don't think he would be right for Nita. It made me sick at the end of WAW when Nita, Kit, and Ronan were talking about the battle, and Ronan said something like, "By the fact that I'm alive, and in contact with this cultural artifact (Dari's bedspread), I assume that we won," and Nita added "Mostly because of you." That was uneccessary!
          Dif-tor heh smusma.


          • Heehee. I just read all 13 pages of this topic and it is so much fun.

            I used to be majorly, majorly against Nita/Kit because they're just best friends, like brother and sister. You guys have convinced me that maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they were to end up together - which is a possibility, considering all the little hints. But...

            I still much prefer Nita/Ronan. It made me mad in aWAb how things never really got resolved between them, and the entire time in W@W, I was waiting for something to happen, at least for them to address what had happened between them, and they never did. I don't think Nita is over him, and there's a lot of unaddressed tension there still. And maybe this is all just because I happen to like Ronan.

            I'm with everyone else about Dairine/Roshaun. They are so perfect for each other. I don't think Roshaun is dead.

            Dairine/Kit is just SQUICK.


            • I wonder (if you look at the Harry Potter thread you'll see where I'm coming from and you can thank Young Reader for this too ) if Nita and Kit have had any intimate moments that we don't know about. Authors can't put everything in books. (like we all just recently found out that Dumbledore is gay) So I wonder if Nita and Kit have done anything. I'm not saying that they've kissed. I think we would have kind of gotten a hint if they had. But what I'm saying is maybe there are things there that have been said between them or a thought they've shared and we as the readers just don't know it yet. I don't know maybe I'm just imagining stuff. Or maybe I'm trying to keep the topic going. You guys tell me.
              Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
              Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


              • required .
                And Nita's feelings are definitely tangled at the moment. (And mine about the matter, if you haven't noticed.)

                Hi, Spot. Have you seen the Board FAQ yet? There, I'm done patronizing.
                (What's with all the Harry Potter stuff creeping in here? Better post this quick before I think better of it.)


                • OK----
                  This is really odd but:
                  Carmela/Ronan (ha, betchya love that Mela1)

                  But really I don't think that the Nita-Kit thing will work out. They're MUCH too close and more like siblings. But I think that maybe just maybe Ronan will fall for Mela.
                  What is the Meaning of Life?
                  Read. Write. Dance. Live.
                  ...Dai Stiho!


                  • NO CARMELA/RONAN. . . Ronan isn't right for Carmela. Ronan is, I don't know. His personallity just dosn't go well with Carmelas. so I think I would be really unhappy because it wouldn't be right for him. and Carmela focuses to much on how he looks. Not who he is. Actually I talked more about it in the other romance topic that has started up.

                    and, I think Dairine/Roshaun. HE MUST COME BACK.

                    Ok, I'm done now.
                    Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                    • *agrees about Dari/Ro*

                      *disagrees about Carmela/Ronan*

                      I personally think they'd be perfect for each other! OK, not really, but I think it might be possible. I mean, Carmela might find a way of lightening Ronan up, or something...
                      Dif-tor heh smusma.


                      • NO. I like Ronan the way he is. and I think that he can still find someone else whose personallity fits his if he can't be with Nita. I don't want him to change just because/for Carmela.
                        so i still say...

                        NO CARMELA/RONAN.
                        Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                        • Ah, but time shall tell...

                          Sorry, couldn't help saying that. I don't think that they'll actually get together, I just think it'll be amusing if they did. Catastrophic, yet amusing.
                          Dif-tor heh smusma.


                          • I believe that it is obvious that Nita matured sooner then kit did which gave her "more then friend" feeling for him, but kit was still to young to see it that way.
                            I think by nita "hooking up" with Ronon it will just prove how much more her and kit need each other. I mean who wants to go around feeling everytime their partner got kissed.
                            It would probably get annoying. I think the way kit acted in W@W bring it up with Nita, and then Nita getting all Defensive about it, kind of makes it seem like there is something there between them.
                            However I still do not think kit is fully aware of his "emotions" yet and that they will probably both date other people but in the end will end up with each other.
                            I do believe that Carmella is just there for the fun of it, sure she thinks Ronon is the hottest think alive, but its no deeper then that, nor will it be.
                            As for Dari and Ro they were ment for each other. They both seem to get under each others skin, with puts them in their place at the same time. (does that make sense)

                            Sorry for babbling, I am just a simple hopeless romantic.
                            I'm just sayin'!


                            • *understands the feeling* Still, it should actually be hoped that something happens with carmela and ronan...Doesn't it seem just the tiniest bit unfair that Ronan get used as a plot device, causing half the forum to hate him for trying to steal Nita, and then get tossed aside when she chooses someone else, never to find a love of his own?
                              Besides, he's a loose end as long as he still has feelings for Nita.

                              I'm not sure if Nita matured much faster than kit-at least in the sense of loving Kit. She was often the first to dismiss the idea of her and Kit being together.
                              I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                              For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                              • I would agree that it is unfair that Ronon would get used at a plot device, i like him and i think he would be a great guy for Nita, just not as good as Kit.
                                Plus who says life is fair, i mean Nita's mom is gone and she is only 14. thats not fair but it happened.

                                Maybe mature wasn't the word i wanted, but if you look about, in AWA Nita was ready for relationship stuff, where as we don't really get that from kit until i think in TWD when kit wished nita would wear short skirts. Something to that affect.

                                Granted that only probably a couple months difference but then it would make sense that he knew about the kiss between nita and ronon and realized, wow what am i missing.
                                I'm just sayin'!

