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Dai Stihó, cousin! - Introduce yourself here!

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  • Thanks for the welcome everyone. Yes, its fine if you call me Sapphire. I'll be sure to check out the topic of great randomness.
    "But your dark Master has neither authority nor right to judge us. Therefore stand away, lackey, and keep silent in the presence of your betters."


    • Hi, all

      I've been reading the forums somewhat randomly for a while - by following @YoungWizForums on Twitter. Just finally saw a message I _had_ to reply to, so signed up. I've loved the Young Wizards books for a long time - got SYWTBAW shortly after its initial release.

      Oddly enough, AWAb is one of my favorites - _because_ it's not as SF-y as the others. It's a nice change of pace. I love the Feline Wizards books as well...speaking of which, what did happen to The Big Meow? It stopped for good reasons, but that was a year and a half ago. I haven't been able to find any definitive answer on the subject (definitive=from the author).

      I read. A _lot_. I currently own some 3,500 books, and still go get books out of the library...I spend a lot of time on, which is a wonderful site for cataloging books and talking about them. And finding out about other books by your favorite authors. And...just about anything to do with books. LT is addictive - but I still read a book a day, on average.

      I'll wander around the forums a bit, though probably I'll still mostly read when I see something on Twitter.

      May you live as long as you will, and love as long as you live!


      • Hah! HAH! I BEAT YOU ALL TO IT!!!

        Welcome, jjmcgaffey! Welcome, welcome, welcome! I just recently returned from a break from the forums (unintentional), and am very, very proud to hand you your very own personal straightjacket and plate of cookies! And a baseball cap that reads AWAb, because gosh darnit people, I happen to LIKE that book! Where are all my fellow Ronan fans? kk, you and your "weirding out." Pft! I love you, but I love Ronan too. Don't diss my man! (although don't you dare make me choose between Ronan and Ponchy!)

        Oh! You must, must check out the Great Topic of Randomness. It's the best topic on here. ^_^
        Aaaaaand the topic I'll be staying on until I get my new book. I'm not risking spoilers. So if you ever need someone to talk to, just post there and someone will definitely reply.
        Last edited by Wolf; April 2, 2010, 09:16:50 AM.
        AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
        Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


        • Dai, everyone!
          I've been reading the Young Wizards books since I was a little kid, and now I'm a senior in high school. (It's weird to think I'm older than Kit and Nita!) I follow YW things on the internet fairly closely since no one I know has read the books, and enjoy reading good fanfiction when I can find it.

          As for which are my favorites, AWAb will always have a special place in my heart for sparking my love of all things Irish. I'd like to go study abroad there in college if I can and try to learn Irish Gaelic at least a little.

          I just bought and read A Wizard of Mars, and I love it a lot. Actually, I finally joined the forum after browsing it in the past so that I could see the Spoiler discussions for AWoM. I'm so looking forward to the point in time when most people have read it so there can be more discussion!


          • Dai to both clangingnotion and jjmcgaffey! Welcome, cousins!

            And I am jealous of both of you. =) JJ: 3,500 books? 3,500 BOOKS? I am going green with envy. My 200 or so are measly in comparison. Clang: You have AWoM? (A Wizard of Mars: we like our acronyms here at YW. In order: SYWTBAW, or SYW, DW, HW, AWAb, WD, AWAl, W@W, and AWoM. Fun, eh?) I am very jealous of those who possess that book.

            But that won't stop me from handing you guys the traditional cookies, straightjacket, and board-specific FAQ's. It's not a personal jealousy, you see- just a sort of looooonging.

            I do hope you don't mind me giving you nicknames. You can just say and I'll write out your names in full. But feel free to call me Blue, SB, RB, Silvered, Crazed Greeter, or any variation thereof! =)


            • Mmmm, cookies!

              Yeah, I saw DD tweet about an early release and went to my local Borders to check it out; lo and behold they had five copies! It was a very very good start to my spring break.

              (p.s. Nicknames are fine by me.)


              • Dai!

                Dai Stiho! I'm Lizzy. I've been reading the Young Wizards series for a while, and I had joined a while before, but I can't remember the account or anything. Anyway, I'm German and the series got introduced to me by my American father because he thought that it looked nerdy, and therefore, I would like it. He was right though, because I fell in love with them. It's had to say, however if they're my favorite series, because I read so much, I'm not sure which series I like more.


                • Welcome YouBestThelfeh! I hope you have a great time here on the Boards! It's always cool when we have people on the board from coutries others than the USA! (Diane lives in Ireland!)

                  Here are the traditional warm plate of cookies and straight jacket! The cookies are to eat, and the straight jacket is to contain the typical reader insanity (don't worry we all have it...some more than others!)

                  If you have time, drop by the Topic of Great Randomness, or ToGR. It is the 1302 page, 13020 posts long thread where everybody talks about nothing in particular, and EVERYTHING is COMPLETELY random (hence the name!)

                  Anywho...welcome to the one and only Young Wizards Discussion Forums!
                  All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened. And after you are finished reading one you feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse, and the sorrow, the people and the places, and how the weather was.


                  • Dai, cousins. Just call me Bob,. Started reading the series a few years ago.

                    My favorite two of the series are Deep Wizardry and Wizards at War. I like paperback books better than the hardbacks so it'll be a while before I get Wizard on Mars.



                    • have been member for a while but just recently went back on trying to get back into the groove of things


                      • Dai stiho, cousins! I'm Senna. I've read all of the books except A Wizard on Mars, and I fully intend to obtain it as soon as possible...

                        I've been reading the series since five years old, coincidentally the same time I read Harry Potter...I got hooked at first because I really identified with Nita, and then I loved the way that wizardry became not "POOF, behold, I am making this rock float by pointing a stick at it", but the idea of engineering a spell like a computer program, having to fix bugs in it. That seems a lot more logical to me, more real, or something like that.

                        So yeah.
                        "The lead horse breaks the traces and goes astray to cry its clarion challenge harsh at heaven. Understandably. But can it understand in time the danger that dogs immoderate success?"
                        -Hexagram 61: A wind troubles the waters


                        • Dai, Senna-cousin! Welcome! I am the currently lurking but usually active Blue.

                          Yes, the science/magic part of things one of my favorite elements in YW. It's so much better than Harry Potter! (*is preaching to the choir here...*)

                          I see you already seem to know the rules and all quite well, so all I have to say is: Head over to the Topic of Great Randomness! It's been hibernating for a few days, so you may have to search, but it is very fun and even more addicting....

                 can tell from the 1000+ pages it has. Especially compared to the 2-3 page average.


                          • Dai, ya'll!
                            My "name" is elzefa, I have read all the Young Wizards books.
                            I own all except Wizards Holiday and Wizards at War which might be my favorites because of all the fun Dairine and Roshaun interactions.
                            I think I'll go ennoble some waffles.


                            • Dai! Hi, I'm Curiosity and I signed up a while ago, but this is my first post. The Young Wizards series has been one of my all time fave book series since I ran across So You Want to be a Wizard at the bookstore randomly around 2001 or so. I really love how relatable the characters are - I swear I've met them before somewhere LOL! I just finished reading A Wizard of Mars and I loved it. Can't wait for the next one!!


                              • Dai stiho, elzafa and Curiosity! I'm practically new myself since I haven't been around in so long... but nice to "meet" you!

                                Hmm... what to give.... Well, last night, my grandfather and I made THE BEST batch of meatballs and tomato sauce we've ever made. I'll time-warp and get some fresh for you. Is Rotini pasta good?
                                "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran

