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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • The thing is, I consider her to be one of my best friends. One of my closest, nicest, sweetest friends. So, yeah, it bit a little deeper than some other things. Meh. My friend N plays the trumpet. He's pretty good, though he never practices. He's the lead trumpet in the regular jazz band. I'm dreading concert band next year 'cause the trumpet section is going to be totally overpowering. *shudder* They're already loud enough as it is. Well, our lead trumpet is. He's amazing...and officially one of the top players in the state.

    Annnyways. I'm going to my ex's party tonight. Er, I think I am. I'm still not fully decided. Might as well just go and hang out with my friends, though none of my really close friends are gonna be there. Or at least, none who I really want to talk to. Because, of course, they'll all be talking about D's party. Which really stinks. But you know what, I'll go for the dogs. His dogs are adorable. Oh, and I can talk to J. He'll help me keep my sanity, and Eric... *sigh* Thank goodness for my guy friends.

    I'm about halfway through my book. I think. It's really annoying that I can't just read it all the way through. I had to pause to take a shower, and then I wanted to get on the computer, and I'm about to eat lunch so there's no point in reading it right now.

    I have to say that flutes are amazing. For a section made up of all freshmen except for one Junior, our flute section rocks on high. Hehe...and Mr. W loves us. We never had to take that playing test from months and months ago...but that's more absent-mindedness on his part. I'm gonna go eat lunch now, toodles!

    Edit: 480 posts! Only twenty more until I'm halfway there! Well, actually less, 'cause I've got more karma points somewhere. They're locked away in an iron box in the bottom of the darkest pit of Pluto.
    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


    • We trumpet players do not suck!
      SPARTAN-117 is so right. A ton of trumpet players are my Friends! Gryphon you're a nuttcase to not like the trumpet. I myself am a saxophone player. Besides all types music has to use trumpets for some songs.
      In conulsion, Gryphon you are cracy to think the trumpet is lame.

      Country Music!!!
      I can't wait till Sunday!!!Church!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • Today was a long day. Very long. First of all, I woke up early to work on a history project. Then, I got a ride to this guy's house because a bunch of us were meeting there so we could get a ride to see the Da Vinci Code at 11. So we did, and it was lots of fun, and we went out to eat afterward. It got awkward then, because...well it's hard to explain, but it just got really awkward between everyone there except for me and this one other guy I'd just met today. (he was really nice though, except for the fact that he goes to a school that is the rival of my school and the school my dad teaches at! But who pays attention to those things? :P) It was just awkward.

        So, the Da Vinci Code was pretty good...a bit off, especially in the end, but it still made sense, and all in all it was a good movie. I liked it-not as much as the book, but you know, on a different level then the book.

        So, after I got back from lunch around 4:30, I was supposed to babysit my cousin, but I had to get ready for this party I was invited to. Fun stuff...I hate having to get all dressed up for that sort of thing, but it was fun. It was a casino themed 16th birthday party that 2 of my friends had together, and we just sat around playing blackjack, roulette, texas hold-um, and some other game with dice that I forget what it was called. I should never gamble-the only game I was close to being good at was blackjack.

        I'm sick of high school drama. I saw way too much of it today, and it bugs me a lot. Why do we do stupid stuff like this? For example, one of the guys who was at the movie had his girlfriend with him. When she left to go to the bathroom, another girl made a comment to me about how she couldn't wait for the girlfriend to graduate (she's a year ahead of her boyfriend) so that she could go out with the guy, and apparently the girlfriend found out she said this and is mad at her now. It's just annoying how we teenagers do this sort of stuff to eachother. What's the point? I'm just frusterated, that's all. And the fact that I have 2 projects due next week isn't helping. Also, the seniors are driving everyone crazy. Just kick them out of school already so the rest of us don't start seriously slacking off (I mean, we have been slacking off since 4th quarter began, but still...)

        Angel: OMG, Rebel Angels was good! I liked it lots! Yeah, so that's my randomness for the moment...

        I just want it to warm up and be summer already! It was 40 degrees today-that is not how May is supposed to be. And it rained for the last week-today the sun finally came out though. XD I love the sun. It means it's warm out, and summer's coming...and summer means my birthday! YES! I AM GOING TO BE SIXTEEN ANG I AM GOING TO DRIVE A CAR (and not run onto someone's lawn againXD) Sorry, I'm still a little excited about driving. It's just so much fun! My new obsession is driving. It scares my parents, how much I like to drive. Oh well. I guess I should go to sleep or something...yeah...good night!


        • I _hate_, I really _hate_ stupid, evil, faulty CONNECTIONS! So now I'm on a computer, but it's the one that DOESN'T have my stories on it. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! *pulls out hair* I can't even get to E-mail on my computer so I can send myself my stories and work on them. Vhai'd Lone One. At least I have internet. And did you know that I made a five and a half chapter out of only one sentence? BTW, I FINISHED TO VISIT THE QUEEN! I finished it either late late late the other day, or early early _early_ yesterday. I have no idea because I didn't have a watch or clock because I was camping. Now, where are the chapters of the Big Meow... *goes hunting*
          "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
          Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


          • Originally posted by Angel_Star:
            I'm reading a new book. Rebel Angels by...Libba Bray? Yeah, I think that's it. Anyways, I absolutely love it! I've finally found a book I can get into. Wheee!
            umm i didnt read that but i read the book that came b4 that "A Great and Terrible Beauty" u should read that 2 if u havent already

            just thought id add that in. cant really remember what else i wanted to say after this cause i got distracted in ther middle of writing this post.....
            * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
            There's only us, there's only this
            Forget regret, or life is yours to miss,
            No other road
            No other way
            NO DAY BUT TODAY
            (from the Broadway musical - RENT)


            • ---> Great randomness.
              Comradely, Diego

              Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
              "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

              "Be a real


              • MagikMelody: Yes, I have read A Great and Terribly Beauty. It was quite a while ago, though. I remember it, but not in full detail. I still understood what was going on in the sequel, though.

                Diego: ...

                Hungry: High school drama stinks.

                Apparently, she didn't invite be because she thought I wouldn't like it. They went rafting or whatever. *shrug* I'm not really buying it, but whatever.

                I have ONE WEEK left of school. Friday is the end! After that, I am officially no longer a stupid freshman! No matter that school isn't really out until the Wednesday after that, I will be a Sophomore! Muahaha!

                Well, I finished Rebel two thirty this morning. *yawn* I still feel somewhat drained, which isn't a good thing when I've got three tests tomorrow. We have to have the Chalcedonian Creed memorized for Bible (ever seen that thing? It's HUGE!); we have a geometry test that I'm not really worried about 'cause I've got like a 105% in that class; and we have a biology test where we have to label the parts of the pigs that she has around the room. *feels slightly ill* That won't be fun. I'm pretty sure I know everything, though. I'll just look over the diagrams as soon as I get offline.

                I finally fixed iTunes. It was being weird and saying that the software required for burning and importing CDs was missing. I couldn't burn any CDs on any program for months. Well, I tried updating iTunes, and it actually worked. It only took two hours to download...*mutters* But anyways, it's fixed now. I was going to be kind (kind of) and burn a CD for my ex that I said I would burn for him months ago and give it to him for his birthday. But, alas, when I mention it to him, he turns it down. I fear that I can no longer go on, for my poor, weak, female heart is faint within my chest because I have been rejected. My poor, sweet, kind offer of a small present was spurned. Okay, enough of that. *shudder* That was...weird. Anyways, I really was only gonna put some songs on there that might possibly cause some little feelings of guilt...hehe. I so diabolical.

                I'm gonna go study now. Ya'll have a lovely day!
                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                • NITAFAN

                  I read A Great and Terrible Beauty and I loved it! I tried to get Rebel Angels on interlibrary loan at school, but they got it the day I left for home so I havent' been able to read it yet. I need to see if the library here has it. (Although I'm surely going to have to hide it from mom)

                  Anyway, I am still alive, mostly lurking around at home during the day...I haven't got a job YET. And it's storming outside...I should prolly turn off my comp soon.

                  I hope I can talk to you guys soon!


                  • G'day, you lot! Second hour again, so this is me being bored. Sami is trading insults with Kelly. I read an emo poem on Deviantart titled "Vomit" by Sami (AirplaneCRASHES), which was great. And now we shall drink of the communal water bottle full of peach iced tea and take a section of a large chocolate bar. I used to follow politics, but I quit when I realized it was making me depressed. I don't feel like using a paragraph format, but who actually cares what I want. I shall leave this as is, although I should have it in at least three paragraphs with the topics more fleshed out, then write the rest of this in a more correct fashion. Sorry for this run-on, then.

                    Well now, I just hit the caps lock key again. I hate where the caps lock and enter keys are. I can't count the number of times I tried to backspace to edit or something in that area and hit the enter key, forcing y'all to read the mess that is uneditied Kinsey-speak. And then I have to do the asterix-y thing and fix it. Grar.

                    Sami's musical advice for the day: Listen to Aphex Twin and Boards of Canada. That's all.

                    Mousey is from from Canada, I think. I could be very, very wrong, however. Well, I'm sorry if I am incorrect.

                    Ren Faire was awesome. I did. . . next to nothing. I have to go in about four minutes. Sean called at about 2 this morning, on the home phone. Thank you, Sean. Woke Mum up, you did. I'll call you at 12 or 1 tonight (tommoow morning, whatever.) Be prepared. Be very prepared.

                    I'm hungy like the wolf! Or at least, the guys in this song are. I'm not fond, but it's what is on the radio, so I'll survive.

                    I have to read the last 1/3 of Great Expectations and write an essay on it by midnight. I'll do fine, since I love essays. Why does this thing not have a spell-check? I cannot survive without my spell check!


                    Hugs and sneezes spread diseases,

                    Kinsey, with love and hugs and whatnot.


                    • Hello. I'm bored. I stayed home sick today. I'm reading the Hornblower books. I'm also babysitting. Little brother number three is fighting with little sister number three over a beachball. Little sister number four is around here somewhere... Never mind. Little sister number four is sitting on the floor playing with a large bead necklace. Dog's now barking for the beachball. Just discovered that little sister number three is never going to Kindergarten.

                      I take Latin. In the alphabet, the I can be a J. Thus Jupiter is Iupiter. I think. Might be forgetting a consonant. Anyway, one of my vocabulary words (I am now the owner of a smily face bouncy ball. Go me! ) is 'ianitor' which means 'doorkeeper.' If you switch the first 'I' to a 'J' you have the word 'janitor.' So a janitor is really a doorkeeper, who'd have thunk it? That's not all. The accusative singular form of the word 'door' is 'ianus' which again if you switch the 'I' to a 'J' you have the word 'Janus' which is the Roman god of gates, doors, and the new year. Also, the month 'January' is named for him. Here endeth the lesson.

                      I also figured out why I eat people. See that avatar? The one to the left? That is a murder of crows. There is one large one whom named Morrigan. I am Morrigan. I eat people. Fear me and laugh. That is why Morrigan instigates battle. She/I is/am bored. After the battle, she is bored once again, and then she eats so she won't be bored. Tada.

                      I also wish I knew the password to my old account's email address. Oh well.


                      • Diego, I would like to say that you are awesome, godly, and deserve to be worshipped in every country. I <3 That fire-breathing band looks like rammstein. And I like that head-banging chello (or something -- I'm not the instrumental genius) player's hair.
                        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                        • Trisana: Thus Jupiter is Iupiter. I think. Might be forgetting a consonant
                          its actualy Iopiter. Just curious, are you useing teh cambrige latin book's. If so look in the front to see who wrote them. Ms. Pope, yay, one of our own latin teachers helped right the book. Her clases arent the funnest though all you do is check homework. . wait to you get to latin 2 now thats suffering.

                          Sorry i ranted a little on latin im just nervious about my upcomming Latin exam, or more precisley if ill pass it. latin is a very interesting(both good and bad) language.

                          dai all
                          (\__/) "Be amazing"


                          • Which Fantasy/Scifi Character are You?. Weirdly, and completely not at all what I expected, it turned out I'm a Harry Potter. I'm still trying to figure out how that happened.

                            On the plus side of the pain of Latin, you can always ace any grammar test after you've been through enough conjugations, because, heck, who else would bother to know what the plupuerfect subjective passive case means?
                            New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                            • Wow Kli that quiz does work. It says i am most like Raistlin Majere who is one of my favorate charicters of dargonlance.
                              -if you have never read the dragonlance series, go out and get it NOW!!!

                              Augh i have a teriable headache. Stupid allergies
                              (\__/) "Be amazing"


                              • Originally posted by kli6:
                                Which Fantasy/Scifi Character are You?. Weirdly, and completely not at all what I expected, it turned out I'm a Harry Potter. I'm still trying to figure out how that happened.
                                Huh! I'm a Jean-Luc Picard. xD
                                Nanu nanu.

