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Twilight and New Moon....Anyone read them?

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  • Originally posted by bandraioa:
    when *spoiler*<span class="ev_code_WHITE">bella says all that stuff about being soul mates at the end :/ </span>that made me maddd
    Why does that make you mad? Thats the way she feels. Are you a Jacob fan?
    Worlds biggest fangirl...future star of broadway...dictionary for the love with way to may fictional characters...You can call me Nate, everyone else does...I wonder if, when I finish my book, I'll have an awesome website with cool forums


    • i hate jacob. he never deserved Bella. *spoiler* <span class="ev_code_WHITE">the fact the embry or whoever it was liked a two year old grossed me out. i mean honestly she's two for crying out loud.</span> *end spoiled* Rosalie got me to like her. it was kinda sad, her story.
      -"Though speach be unlearn'd, The wisdom be earn'd,"
      Cairpre, the bard, The Lost Years of Merlin book 3


      • I thought that was weird too, but it wasnt like he was going to start trying to make out with the two year old. He's going to be a friend, mentor, teacher and anything else for 16 years until he can be a lover.

        Yes, I never liked Rosalie before this book. Meyer finally got us to understand where she was coming from.
        Look closely at your next subway token... and talk to strangers...
        Darth Vader, look out. Here I come.
        iPsych- The Website for the Only Psych Podcast


        • i'm glad we got to her both Rolalie's and Jasper's stories. it finally make me understand. is anyone near a book signing thing? i am. i can't wait!
          -"Though speach be unlearn'd, The wisdom be earn'd,"
          Cairpre, the bard, The Lost Years of Merlin book 3


          • What actually happened with Quil (not Embry) *spoiler* <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Quil imprinted on the two year old (Claire). Imprinting means that she is his soul mate, like they were made for each other. In no way is Quil attracted to Claire. When you imprint on someone, you don't fall in love with them right away. Since Quil isn't getting any older, he can wait for Claire, and see what happens. But for now, Quil is just going to be the world's greatest big brother/best friend. There's nothing wrong about it.</span> Though I admit, when I first read that, I was like, what?

            I also, loved hearing Rosalie and Jasper's stories. I really felt empathy for Rosalie (as I said above) and I totally fell in love with Jasper.

            I'm so mad. I'm only a few hours away from one of the book signings, but I can't go. It sucks.
            Worlds biggest fangirl...future star of broadway...dictionary for the love with way to may fictional characters...You can call me Nate, everyone else does...I wonder if, when I finish my book, I'll have an awesome website with cool forums


            • that was a nightmare. there were over 600 people there and everytime someone said Edward or Jacob they would start screaming their heads off. on the plus side i got all of the books signed. the thing didn't start till like 7:00 and it we were there for two hours before hand and my ticket numer was 104. it took them a hour and a half to reach my number, after the QandA part. and it was a school night. (thanks for letting me rant. sorry.)
              -"Though speach be unlearn'd, The wisdom be earn'd,"
              Cairpre, the bard, The Lost Years of Merlin book 3


              • christmas no im not a jacob fan at alll i hateee him



                • I didn't like Jacob much the first time I read New Moon, but that was mostly because I was waiting for Edward to come back. The second time I read it, I realized how important Jacob is to Bella. Without Jacob in New Moon, Bella would have been really messed up when Edward finally came back. Jacob still wasn't my favorite character, but I realized his importance to the plot, and I was appreciative of him for keeping Bella sane. And also, Bella needed to know what she would be losing if she gave up her life to be a vampire. In Twilight, she was all ready to drop everything and join the Cullens, without even thinking about the consequences. But Jacob helped her to see what she will be missing once she becomes a vampire. Bella wouldn't have been able to live with herself if she just jumped into the whole vampire thing without even thinking about the consequences. Now, thanks to Jacob, she knows what she's giving up to be with Edward, and she knows that he's worth it. Jacob isn't my favorite character either, but he is a pretty cool guy (when he's not being ********), and I do like him a lot better now.
                  Worlds biggest fangirl...future star of broadway...dictionary for the love with way to may fictional characters...You can call me Nate, everyone else does...I wonder if, when I finish my book, I'll have an awesome website with cool forums


                  • i still dislike him. he's so selfish, not saying edward and bella aren't. he's a different kind of selfish. i can't really describe it. now bella's miserable because she's not sure what to do. dump the dog or dump edward?
                    -"Though speach be unlearn'd, The wisdom be earn'd,"
                    Cairpre, the bard, The Lost Years of Merlin book 3


                    • Well, no, because she knows she can't live without Edwrd, and if she has Edward, she can learn to live without Jacob. So she has chosen Edward. *spoiler* <span class="ev_code_WHITE">They're getting married, remember?</span>

                      Okay, I have no idea why there are all thouse asteriks in my last post. I didn't think I used an inappropriate word, but I guess the language filters have been turned waaaaaaaaaaaay up. So I apologise to the mods if I caused a problem. Sorry guys!
                      Worlds biggest fangirl...future star of broadway...dictionary for the love with way to may fictional characters...You can call me Nate, everyone else does...I wonder if, when I finish my book, I'll have an awesome website with cool forums


                      • uhh i havent read the book yet... (*my lirary doenst have it... grumble grumble...) but i just want to know did bella get turned yet???? i mean i cannt wait till she does... and how many books are suppose to be in the series?
                        its a long long walk to the end of the earth... but let me tell you if im walking to you then i'll walk farther than you would have dreamed possible.


                        • Stephenie Meyer is contracted for four books...and she said that after four books, Bella and Edward's story will be done. But she also said that she has no intention of leaving her universe, and that she will continue writing, just from the point of view of another character. Bella and Edward will still be in the story, but they won't be the main characters. *spoiler*<span class="ev_code_WHITE">No, Bella is not a vampire yet, but it is guaranteed to happen in the fourth book</span>*end spoiler*
                          Worlds biggest fangirl...future star of broadway...dictionary for the love with way to may fictional characters...You can call me Nate, everyone else does...I wonder if, when I finish my book, I'll have an awesome website with cool forums


                          • *nodes head in reply* oh i see welll now that that is out of the way and i know how many books are comming out it will hopfully keep me sustaind for a while...
                            its a long long walk to the end of the earth... but let me tell you if im walking to you then i'll walk farther than you would have dreamed possible.


                            • the book is officially the next harry potter or something...i'm still number three or something on the list, and there are over a hundred people waiting for it in queens new york alone! *gags*
                              I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                              For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                              • number 3??? AAHHH!! I could never wait that long!! I would have cracked and bought the book by now. Or borrowed it from a friend.
                                Worlds biggest fangirl...future star of broadway...dictionary for the love with way to may fictional characters...You can call me Nate, everyone else does...I wonder if, when I finish my book, I'll have an awesome website with cool forums

