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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Seabiscuit, start with The Colour of Magic. That's the first in the Discworld series. The second is The Light Fantastic.

    I'm all bouncy, getting my first flat of my own by myself ever
    Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


    • Hello, friends and randomness.

      Today I was sick for the first half, but slept it off mostly (I hope) and my dad and I actually went out to check out some animal shelters! So Sophie might be getting a brother or sister. =) Crazy psycho doggy. (She's a black lab... I think only black lab owners will unstand this)

      Ummm what else can I tell you guys....
      It snowed here! I woke up and there was snow on the ground, which of course I had to walk the dog in this morning. She was very funny! She kept her nose to the ground most of the time, looking as if she was sniffing. Wanna know what she was doing? Eating the snow! As she walked, she just put her tongue down and was eating the snow! Strange puppy.

      Oh! Okay, you know how some people freeze bread, so it doesn't get all moldy and stuff? Well, I don't do that. My mom however, does. So when I woke up this morning and decided I wanted toast, there was only freezer-bread. So I toasted it. And then put cream cheese on it. And then decided I wanted the cream cheese to melt a bit, and so put it in the toaster again. (Can you see where this is going?) Um. So... long story short... I left it in there for too hot for too long... and... well... lots of smoke started coming out of the toaster oven... and I unplugged it... and opened the kitchen door... and prayed that the smoke alarm wouldn't go off!

      Needless to say, I had eggs.

      Anyone wanna remind me that I'm a fireman's kid and I should know better? Teeheehee....
      AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
      Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


      • Wolf: *Reminds you that you're the fireman's kid, and REALLY should know better. Isnt' this the second time this has happened? Tsk, tsk!*

        *Ears perk up* Did someone mention Artemis Fowl, Hitchhiker's Guide, and Keys to the Kingdom? Yay!

        Artemis Fowl books - I love them! The last one was pretty crazy, but Mulch singing "You've Lost That Lovin Feeling" made up for it!

        Yay, I finally got the spoiler code to work!

        Hitchhiker's Guide... It rules at life, it wins at everything, and it's just awesome! I've been reading them recently, and after this, I looked up Eoin Colfer's HG book, and it looks...special. And silly. And my library has it! But my friend made me promise to read Salmon of Doubt before I read it. Which I will.

        Keys to the Kingdom is good stuff too! I've read those about seven times each (I used to have all the audiobooks checked out from the library).
        Dif-tor heh smusma.


        • Well... the last time... the last time it was my cookies, and whatever was stuck on the stove glass that burned and made it go off... um... heh heh. I cleaned the stove, so THAT shouldn't happen any more... ^_^

          Whoo! *hugs kk* I love having you guys who love the same books I love. <3
          Oh gosh. Mulch is too much fun. I must admit my favorite character is Holly, though. She kicks ass!

          Right now I'm watching MASH. More love. Dinner is "some concoction dad's making" says my mom. "Some shrimp and sausage thing." I dunno what it is, but we're having rice, sausage (!), shrimp (apparently)... yum, yum, yum!!!
          AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
          Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


          • I keep meaning to read Hitchhiker's Guide, but its never in stock when I go to the nearest bookstore. It makes me sad.

            While I love my brothers, I have been enjoying them being back at school, since I am still on winter break and can have the house (and tv) to myself. But today they had a snow day. Which, I am excited about. But Parent teacher conferences were last night, and both of them got in a bit of trouble, and so it wasn't a very fun day to have them sitting at home grumbling about the privileges they don't have.

            And to share the good fortune... I don't know how many of you read ebooks, but I just found out that Barnes and Noble's website has like five pages of free ebooks on it. Now I am a big fan of books. Not necessarily ebooks. I like the smell of books and the feel of them in your hand as you read, and seeing the cover and the thickness... sorry. But I just HAD to get a bunch of free ebooks. And Barnes and Noble's eReader come with several free ones when you download it! I was excited.
            The only downside is that you need to have a default credit card entered in order to get the ebooks, even though they are free.
            And not all of the books are winners. There are a lot of romances and, well, inappropriate-for-younger-audiences romances. But some of them sound pretty good, and there are two Star Wars books up there. So I thought I would share with my fellow bibliophiles!


            • Wolf: Have you read the comic "Dog eat Doug"? It's a daily that is about a chocolate lab puppy named Sophie. Is that where you got the name? If you haven't read it you should. It's hilarious and adorable, though I think that only dog owners would really be able to appreciate it.
              "Doctors help you to live, the Arts give you a reason to live."


              • illiriam: Ooh, thanks! *looks at books* Most are junk, but I see some good ones in there. Amazon has a big collection of free e-books, too- mostly classics, from Poe to fairy tales. The downside is that half need a Kindle.
                And I'm with you on the feel of a book, etc, so I don't have a Kindle.

                Hey, has anyone noticed that when you shut just right some particularly heavy, old, literary, well-read volumes, they make a little sound like 'book'? Except it's more like a thick little 'oo' like a cross between the u in 'duke' and 'duck'. Bouck.

                Heehee. Just thought that was funny. Try it sometime. It's a really satisfying little sound, but it takes a special kind of book to do it. My paperback W@W, whose spine is covered in white little cracks from being read so many times, does it sometimes, when it's in the right mood...

                The Once and Future King by T.H. White (THE best King Arthur ever) always does it. Sometimes I sit there opening and thunking it closed again, and giggling.

                Being a bibliophile can make some people into wizards, but others it just drives insane. A cheerful, jolly insane...I'm happy in my madness.

                Wolf: My dad makes fun things for dinner too! Mostly he makes Indian or Thai food, Thai especially when he sees that tuna or salmon is on sale. Green curry is the latest. (And speaking of, I had no idea how much fat was in coconut milk! We bought a can of the stuff, and like this white cream or butter, with the consistency of soft tofu or maybe butter was settled in the bottom with watery stuff on top. I tasted a bit, and it tasted like it was stuffed with cholesterol. )

                I lurves Holly too. And Juliet, and her wrestling. Although the scene with Butler and the troll was totally awesome in Book #1 and almost made me love Butler more.
                Last edited by SilveredBlue; January 9, 2010, 02:59:26 AM.


                • bookgirl: seriously?! *rushes off to find comic strip* teehee.... this is pretty cute. =) Right now my own Sophie is playing ball with me... I think she was disappointed that I didn't give her some of my little mini hot dogs that I made. My dad was really set on the name "Sophie" for some reason... does/did the strip show in parts of New York? (my dad's from Brooklyn)

                  illiriam + SilveredBlue: yeah.. I agree. Very awesome for the free books, although I do love the feeling of a book in my hands. I think the only stories I can read on a computer screen are like, fan fics and such, and things I've written.

                  SilveredBlue: that's awesome! i usually just head a "WUMPH!" But.. "a cheerful, jolly insane" is what we are, so of course I'm inclined to believe you. As for dinners... my mom got my dad a wok for his birthday one year... I swear to you we had home-made chinese for a week. A week.

                  Okay... a test to see how much we all do have in common- I'm going to delve into the world on t.v. for a minute... how many people here watch Psych?

                  (Right now I'm watching the Law & Order: SVU marathon USA is airing, and I keep seeing commercials for new Psych and getting excited =D )
                  AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
                  Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


                  • Ok so they just changed the rules for state piano competition to where we have to have our piece memorized a round sooner than previously. Conest was less than a month away when they changed that rule so now i am stuggling to memorize my piece in time. On a completely unrelate topic i am currently in the proccess of upgrading my computer to windows 7 and am typing this post on my new ipod touch i got for christmas. I also got new bookshelves because my old ones were about to break and a new bed.
                    "These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others."-Groucho Marx

                    "What is scientific fact? An oxymoron. Science does not deal in facts. It deals in hypotheses, which are never fully and finally correct."-Orson Scott Card


                    • MickRyan: Augh! I hear you on the competition thing! One time when I was doing a comp. where you needed four pieces (easy ones, though, for me- it was off a list) they changed the rules so that the piece I was doing was not allowed. Apparently it was EARLY Contemporary and they wanted CONTEMPORARY Contemporary. meh.

                      Wow, that sentence looks odd.

                      Sooo, anyway, good luck and sympathy!

                      Wolf: I'm really not a television watcher so much...(although my little brother is the opposite..I think his eyes are going square over the holiday), so I'd have to say I haven't seen that. In fact, I don't even know what it is. *blushes*

                      Being cheerfully, jolly-ly insane (c.j.i.!! Like CSI except with..uh..never mind) can sometimes make you slightly out of touch with pop culture. I mean, I knew when Michael Jackson died (you'd have to be living under a rock in the US not to know that), but that's about it.

                      Maybe that's a tad exaggerated....Hey, I know exactly when AWoM is coming out, though!

                      So who's doing the SYWTBAW group reading with Alla, Lazy Leopard (?), Tobias, and me?!? I'm trying to raise support....

                      (Sorry if I left someone out, btw)


                      • I LOVE Psych. I have seen more episodes over break than I have at any other time though. Its my brother's favorite show and so I got him seasons 2 and 3 for Christmas. We went through both seasons in several days. Now we are doing The Office, and then Bones. Normally I wouldn't watch so much at one time, but it is giving me a time to catch up on some knitting and hopefully finish the scarf I am working on.
                        I am excited for the new season as well. That song for the commercial is really, really, really catchy.

                        Good luck MickRyan on learning your piece. I only ever played clarinet, and this was several years ago, so I can't really relate too much. I do sympathize though.

                        And SYWTBAW reading? I am intrigued.


                        • Mick? MICK??? *falls over laughing*

                          Sorry, mick, the m is right next to the n. Ooh! I just had an evil idea!

                          *smashes champagne bottle on computer screen*

                          FIZZZZZZ...sputtter sparksparkspark smoke

                          nwo1fi 30oigf21wq-0 1 dkn1 s1od1 s1o1d1f1311i1n1 11sa1 111q11111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111 *does spell to save laptop*

                          Ahem. Maybe the champagne wasn't the best idea. As I was saying:

                          I officially christen you MickRyan, to be refered to as Mick, Mickey, or Mickey Mouse. Mwahahahaha!!

                          ....I'm a tad more insane than usual. Must be Diet Coke at 10:00 pm. Looots of caffine.

                          Illiriam: We are trying to get through all 9 YW before #10 comes out. See this thread, and ignore like the whole first page until the bottom where Alla revives the thread.


                          • Okay, in order to CONTROL MYSELF (*glares at SilveredBlue*) I will go in order. And then deliver some bad news.

                            NickRyan- aww, man! good luck! and.. haha, I feelya on the whole typing-on-the-itouch thing. when my parents took my computer away from me (what other way can you punish a geek, really?) i was typing on my itouch =P Hidden in plain sight, yep, that's the best way to go! haha. and holy crud, windows 7! my parents just bought a new desktop with that. tell me how much you love it, so i can hate you cuz ill be stuck with vista! ^_^

                            illiriam- *SUPERHUG* Psych AND Bones?! I lurve you!!! (My mommy actually looks like Bones... it's pretty funny/cool! We joke about her being a movie star all the time)

                            SilveredBlue- Okay. Look. I love you and all. But what the HECK has gotten into you? I am raising eyebrows and dying laughing just looking at you! Oh my gooosh. And, alright. Don't kill me. But my first answer to the joint-reading was "I am so freaking sorry." Because I really think I'm gonna make myself work my freakin butt off this second semester, cuz I really wanna be a star on my transfer papers. And then I thought, "Well... it's just the first book... I could totally do it and have so much fun." And then I hit the "reply" button and read back on the posts so I could correctly comment on everything... and then realized you meant all the books. So while it looks like so much freaking fun... I feel like I have to pass. And I'm so freaking disappointed. =( See, I actually do this on my own time, and finished them all swimmingly before schedule, and then discovered W@W wasn't going to come out for another year and a half, at least. *more sad face*

                            And.. please leave "Mickey" alone. Poor boy has enough to worry about. ^_^

                            (although if you keep badgering me, I may just bring some of the books back with me to the big bad land of college...)

                            Okay. Now for the bad news. I'm sure you all know by now how much of a klutz and forgetful and just all around ridiculous-minded person I am. But hey, bibliophiles are usually eccentric, right? ....right? So today I slept in, a lot, and got uninterrupted sleep, cuz I didn't have to walk the ruddy dog. So of course I was immediately drafted to help my mom put the ornaments away off the Christmas tree. That was done. Then my dad put the tree away. So now that was done. All that was left to do was to move the loveseat-couch from the porch back to its rightful place in the livingroom.

                            Oh, wait. You guys probably can smell the disaster from here, can't you? Oh, by the way. This loveseat usually sits in front of a radiator. A big, heavy, unforgiving, slightly rusty, radiator.

                            So this loveseat thing is leather, and annoying, and freakishly heavy. And yes, I'm pretty much a small fry. Here in one corner is ME, boasting all of her 95-100 pounds and just under 5-foot frame. My mom picks up one end, I finally am able to wrap my arms around the other. HEAVE! Um. Uh oh. Small ledge. Pause. Okay. Keep moving. Uh-oh. UH-OH! MOM I SAID UH-OH, GORRAM IT, MY GRIP IS SLIPPING!!! Grip keeps slipping. So finally we "set" it down, and mom decides maybe we should just push the darn thing. (This is what my friends call a "me" story- taking something that happened in 5 minutes and extending it to about half an hour. Teehee.) Arright, so we're pushing the thing! Push, AH!, push, Okay, I'm pulling! Ish. Ah! Oh. And then I really lose my grip. Except this time it sends me tumbling backwards. Except I would be tumbling if this kind radiator didn't break my fall. Literally. And I sat there, my one hand behind me, my one hand kind of keeping me propped up(ish) off the floor a little, me sitting there paralyzed in shock. "I hit the radiator," I thought. "And it HURTS! Ow!!!" Now, I'm not usually one to go on about pain... but... HOLY BLANK-ITY BLANK-ITY BLANK!!!!

                            That all happened like, what? about 7 hours ago, as I write this. Probably a little more. My mom was quite funny, cuz she asked me "do you have a spine injury?" Hello, first off, if I did, I wouldn't be able to talk. Second... it's so obvious we were just watching House. Hahaa!! So. Um. Now I have two HUGE red marks on my back, and they Hurt. Like. Hell. What was it I said to my friend... *goes & finds it in the IM* Megan, my back hurts so much. My parents look at it and tell me its just "scratches," but its really not. It hurts soooo much. Two long, horribly red scratches down my back. It looks -and I think feels- like I've been whipped O_O

                            And it does. =( It's almost 2am here, and I think I'm going to try at least to sleep. Ugh. I will not be comfortable. Ugh. Please give me any suggestions to try and make it feel better...?
                            AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
                            Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


                            • Oohhh noo! Poor Wolf! Ice! (for 15 minutes, then off for 15 minutes so that you don't get frostbite). Yeesh, I bet that'll leave an impressive bruise...

                              heehee. I really have no idea what got into me. (I'm reading my own post and am boggled by the sheer craziness.)...I am very random sometimes. Sorry Mi-uh, Nick. Just ignore my caffine ravings. I've always wanted to do the "111" thing from HW, though...

                              And Wolf! You don't have to do them all! Really! Just the ones that you want to/have time to do! (see Alala's post) So please join in for at least one!


                              • You mean alla? You're just messing up everyone's names now, aren't you? Glad I picked some nice four letters! Hahaaaah! =P

                                I did ice it for about half an hour, but I stopped for dinner and didn't go back on it... I didn't realize it was that bad. =( Also, the hand that I tried to stop myself with is bruised, too. Stinks when you're a righty and the bottom half of your palm is slowly turning a nice light shade of purple. I will have a nice bruise on my back, let me tell you... ugh. Hurts like I can't even tell you when something rubs up against it.

                                And alrighttt... I'll look at the post in the morning, though. 2am officially here. Gotta go to bed or I'll be a dead woman, not just a causality. (Yes, okay, I *was* watching MASH earlier. ^_^ )

                                Neosporin, for sure... neosporin and ice... ow... i can't really say anything else than it really does feel like I was whipped... and ow...
                                AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
                                Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!

