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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • I seem to be having a lot of *awkward* moments with my boyfriend lately. *pause* I don't know what's with the asteriks around "awkward". Meh. Well, not exactly awkward, just uncomfortable. Kind of. Yet, good. I don't make sense, but that's okay.

    Shh...the biology homework will get itself done. My friends are weird. They always have to put that "honors" on the front of it. Whatever. I am extremely out of shape. P.E. is fun torment. I'm oxymoronic today. Fwee!

    *huggles Hungry*

    9/11...*sigh* It was 5th grade, methinks. The teachers were all called out of the classrooms. For some reason, they thought that the 5th graders were "mature" enough to tell, so they told us in class. My teacher, Mrs. G., got out a television and showed us what had happened. It didn't really affect me all that much, because, well, it really didn't seem to have much to do with me personally. No one I knew was hurt; no one I knew knew anybody who was hurt or killed.

    So yeah. During Bible class today, I randomly drew a heart on my arm with L & Z inside it. I got extremely boreded. Meh. I guess I can't ignore my biology any more, and I have to study for a Spanish test. Toodles!
    the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


    • ACH I can't believe this, there's so much homework, so glad that I'm done with everything.... The only sport that I know of that they let my grade do is archery(teh gasp!!!)

      We have a volleyball team to(well....abut 7 the A, B and the colors teams0 and we have a foot ball team too!(A, B, C, D!)

      ~*If Time Has A Heart, Its Only Becuase Other Hearts Stop*~


      • Originally posted by Mel:
        a mound of speeling homework (again)
        Sorry, this just amused me. I find it ironic that the typos came to attack so that the word "spelling" is misspelled. *is amused*

        Class ring... I like rings too. I didn't want to get a ring though. Simply because I know I would lose it right away. I'm not very good with keeping track of things, one reason I don't like expensive jewelry and stuff. I am completely and totally amused with cheap, plastic jewelry though. I love finding stuff from when I was a little kid. Such as the necklace I am wearing right now that is made up of little counting bears. (Anyone remember those? Haha, fun! Everyone thinks they're gummy bears though, but I would love a gummy bear necklace because gummy bears are suuuuper tasty).

        We haven't done water workouts in cross country for years. I'd like to though. My summer swim team we play water polo sometimes though and it's the "no rules" thing too, which I love, and usually girls vs. boys which turns out entertaining enough.

        In a way Mel, I am your brother (well, I mean, I'm a girl, but you know, with the injuries stuff). It wasn't too bad until recently actually though. And most of it isn't from my stupidity - it's from my clumsiness (generally). I've jammed all of my fingers and sprained 3 or 4 of them. I injured my knee (and once it healed, promptly reinjured it from running too long on it too soon after it was better). Shin splints - eek. Glad I haven't had those. I fell a lot as a kid. My legs are basically one big scar. My knees each have numerous ones on them, and I have tiny scars all around my body. Generally when I bruise or scrape myself (fairly often) I can't even remember how I've done it.

        I fractured my skull in 4th grade when I was hit in the head with a golf ball playing at a local park. Some dumb kids were playing too close to the structure and it hit me. The fracture and resulting bruising of my brain resulted in me having a seizure.

        And, just last Wednesday, I have made my most impressive injury(ies) to date I think. I'm not proud of them, in fact, it's so frustrating and bothersome because it's been limiting everything I do recently. In a period of less than 20 minutes, I managed to: twist my ankle playing badminton, pass out (and possibly have a seizure. I'm not epileptic, but they weren't positive because I recovered incredibly fast and usually if it's a seizure you don't regain memory for at least 30 minutes), and break my nose. I fell on my face, so that's why my nose is slightly broken and my right eye is black and blueish right now.

        My ankle keeps swelling up and we saw a nose doctor today - luckily it's not crooked, so it should heal on its own, its a small fracture.

        But really, I'm depressed because this can't have come at a worse time. I missed our first cross country race, and I was doing so good and looking to be a top contender for varsity this year, and my license test is supposed to be on Friday, but I might not be able to take it because of this. Auditions for the fall play are tomorrow and Wednesday but my mom probably won't let me try out because I'm supposed to be taking it easy.

        So basically, I get to sit at home being bored out of my mind with homework to do, and at school I get to be miserable knowing that I have nothing fun to look forward to after school.

        Sorry to be all miserable and depressing. I went off into a rant and I kinda needed to get all this off my chest...
        Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

        "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
        -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


        • Abby:
          Youch! I...You...oh man, that must've hurt! Hm...but I think my brother still takes the cake for the most disgusting cut. *brace yourselves*

          I dunno, he must have scraped his leg or something down the shore last year (or was it the year before?). Anyways, only the middle of it wasn't scraped badly (weird, I know). So, naturally, a scab formed in the middle faster and healed. Really fast. So while the outside of the cut scabbed, the inside already had skin in the middle, and it was all flappy and felt like peach skin...euch!! Aaaaand he kept peeling it off!! eeeeewwwwww*barf*

          Me? Whenever I go to the beach I get sick or get hurt so I can't walk on some big toe. One time I was biking and all and I stopped really fast because i was in the alleyways and going really fast and a street was coming up and I didn't feel like getting run over (please excuse the run-on sentence).

          so my knees got all sraped (not that bad) and my hand...they were kinda bad. to this day, i still have a beice of gravel in my hand. eewww! But the worst part is, there wasn't even a car on that road, so I got all scaped up for nothing!!

          Posted By Abby:
          Originally posted by Mel:
          a mound of speeling homework (again)
          Sorry, this just amused me. I find it ironic that the typos came to attack so that the word "spelling" is misspelled. *is amused*
          heh heh... nobody will notice....

          So now I'm going to scan through the forums and read my Scholastics book order.

          Oh, and its good that you got it off your chest. It's not good to bottle things up...makes things waaaay complicated.
          just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


          • Well girls swim team is a fall sport here and boys swimming is a winter sport, but that's only for high school. There are also club teams that go all year round, or other teams that are just in the summer. Slightly crazy.
            Char-what insane hour did you have to get up? I had to be in the pool by 6:45...OVER THE SUMMER!!!!!!!! Crazy isn't it?
            In other news...wait. I have no other news.
            Oh yeah. I'm going to Homecoming this year, only because one of my friends wants me to go and all the older people feel the need to teach me how to dance and force me into wearing a dress. I think it will be a slightly painful experience.
            The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
            I promise not to funfun anymore
            Be happy cause life is good


            • Cress: Ouch. I feel your pain about the whole Homecoming thing. My friends are doing the same thing to me. AND they actually want me to put on make-up and get my hair done. I told them I'd possibly get my hair done, as it looks horrible otherwise, but no way would I put on make-up. It makes me itch. (No joke. I think I'm allergic to it.)

              Abby: that stinks about missing the cross country race. It's cool that you might get on varsity. There's no way in h-e-double hockeysticks that I'd make Varsity. I'm too slow. But then again, I only did cross country to stay in shape for basketball, and now that I'm not doing basketball...hmmm. I need to work harder in practice so I can keep up my steady 26 minute average per 5K. (I know that's pretty slow compared to varsity, but there ARE some people on my team who're slower. For example, last race someone got a 39:45. I'm sort of wondering why she runs, which sounds mean...)

              Horseback riding: FUNFUNFUNFUN! Many funfuns. I'm tired, and I should go to bed, but it was a fun lesson, and I can't sleep...I had a bit too much sugar today. Oh well...SUGAR!

              *Huggles Angel* Hope you got your Bio homework done. I know I didn't get mine done. The teacher won't care, I'm in a class with a bunch of people who never do their work. She'll be happy even if she sees me doing the work in class.

              Mel: the screenname thingie is answered in that name stories category in chatter...I just answered it today...I think... Yes, I do horseback ride, and I do rather like the movie, but the book was better in my opinion. I'm a complete book addict though, so I'm a bit biased.

              HUNGRY! Some ice cream would be really good right now, despite the fact that it's 11:00 at night...hmmm...something to ponder. Good night all.

              -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


              • I have what, about ten minutes until I have to put my books together and leave. Last night was another one of those homework packed nights. I never beleived that I could get so much work! But luckily I tackled a lot of stuff that wasn't due immediately. Also, I picked up the part of Rad's story that I printed and read it. I loved it! Rad, I'll e-mail you my review today. (And I'll print up part 2).

                As for W@W... How fickle can I get? DD is amazing!!! It's like stepping into the pages and reentering the world after going so long without a YW-fix. I choked, trying not to laugh (my parents were asleep).

                *huggles for you all!*
                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                • Wow, I have a few things to comment on. First I'm going to say: YAY HK *huggles* I'm looking forward to reading your review of the part you read. Perfect timing too, b/c I'll be coming out of ACCOUNTING which I HATE, and the review will make me feel a lot better, I'm sure. I mean, even if you would have thought my story sucked and wrote a negative review, it prolly would still make me feel better after accounting

                  Hehehehe injuries. I've had my share of injuries, as have my sisters. I have several stories to tell, although that would prolly take a long time so if you guys are interested I can space them out. I'll mention my WORST injury, although I REFUSE to go into any detail b/c it's embarrassing. I was 8 and I was out riding my bike. I saw some of the neighborhood boys riding their bikes, and they were going down this one hill REALLY fast. I figured they weren't using their brakes, like I usually did b/c I'm a chicken. So I tried it, and it was fun! Then the boys went off somewhere else, and I tried it again. But this time I freaked out at the curve on the bottom of the hill and slammed on my brakes. As far as I know that's the only time I ever passed out. From the point of slamming my brakes, the next thing I was aware of was that my bike was thrown up on the sidewalk, I was across the street from it, and my shoes were thrown rather far in random directions. I felt fine at first, so I stood up and gathered my shoes and bike. I started walking down the street back to my grandma's house, and then suddenly a sickening pain hit me...and I'll stop there. Sorry to leave you guys in suspense, but I can guarantee that most of you DO NOT want to know. Let's just say it resulted in a LOT of blood and I had to take several weeks off of school.

                  Also, I have mentioned my second worse injury would prolly have to tie for first actually, b/c of all the problems it has caused since. I dislocated my left knee in gym class in 9th grade, a week before I moved to TN. I was playing basketball...well not even really playing. I was a sub, and another girl that was a sub wanted to practice. So we were practicing passes, but when I tried a long pass I jumped to throw it far. I landed wrong and my leg twisted out from under me. I fell down and couldn't get up again. I thought it was just a sprain, and if I rested for a bit it would get better. Half an hour later class was over, and I still couldn't hardly move my leg, much less stand up. Everyone went to the locker rooms, and the teacher noticed I was sitting on the floor. He came over and I told him what happened, and he examined my knee. The he grabbed it and pushed on the side, where it was really swollen by now. I hadn't noticed it, but my kneecap had slid over to the side. When the teacher pushed it, it popped back into place. I could move my leg a little better then, but still couldn't put any pressure on it at all. The teacher helped me to the phone, and I called my mom at work to come get me. I waited with some ice on my knee. I couldn't go to my next class (the last class of the day) so I told this one girl who had class with me to tell the teacher I wouldn't be coming. Soon my mom came and she took me to one of those orthopedic sports medicine doctors, and they x-rayed my knee and said a small piece of the knee bone had chipped off and was under my knee cap. He wanted to operate, but my mom didn't want to. So they just put on a leg brace and gave me some crutches. I didn't go to school the next day, but the day after that I went back and for the rest of the time until I moved I used crutches. Then the day before I moved I could walk without the crutches. I had to wear the brace for a couple of months, but finally I was able to take it off. I couldn't run and I had to be really careful with stairs. For a couple of months after that, there was a few times when I would step wrong and I twisted my knee a little bit, but it was never bad enough to have to wear that brace again. I limped for quite awhile afterward too, b/c the brace had held my left leg straight for so long it needed adjusting to learn to bend a little while walking. I still walk a little funny, I think...anyway, things mostly went fine until the first Monday I was in college (last year). They have a rock climbing wall in the fitness building, and I thought I would try it. I ended up twisting my knee badly AGAIN, and I had to wear another brace for most of the semester. The main bad thing about that was that there is a lot of walking to do around here and a lot of stairs, and also at the time I was taking a self-defense class. The brace was a bit annoying in self-defense, especially when we were learning how to drop kick...Anyway, it's better now, although I still try to be careful how I step and I can't run very well either...

                  Eek, that's kind of long hehe. I had better go now. If you guys are interested, there are a few other injuries I could point out, including one extremely funny one. Anyway, I might try to watch Resident Evil again in a bit, and later tonight I'll watch the second one...or I might decide to take a nap, in which case I'd watch RE tonight and the second one tomorrow morning or something.

                  *wanders off, marveling at the length of the post*


                  • Pure black and white, or are you allowed shades of grey? If you can use greys, and black is the positive colour, use successively lighter greys for more distant objects.
                    Peter Murray

                    I am not allowed to have any gray in it. Just pure black and white. No middle ground (if you will). But I feel as if I am doing a decent job on it. I have been working on it for the past week, and have a few days left to finish it up, then we move on to the next project.

                    It seems lik 9-11 is the topic of choice here, which is understandable. It is a sad time to remember events of the past, especially when those past events are of tragic and distraught.

                    ----------story about my eventsend of personal story
                    "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


                    • I remember It was Tuesday,(I dont know how i remember it was a tuesday, but i do)September 11, 2001. I was in third grade(lol I was young) and it was lunch time. Me and my friend Tiffany was sitting at the lunch table together, then all of the suddden our teachers aid (mrs. Desire) came up to us and looked very sad. I asked her what was the matter and she said that some bad things were happening in our country, but she would not tell us any more. That night when my dad was driving me and my little brothe home, I found out what had been happening. But it really didnt hit me untill a few days later when i saw on TV pictures of all the people who were killed one that day I remember just cring and cring. And even though It happend four years ago I will never forget this, ans neither should you.
                      Don't take life so seriously- you wont get out alive anyway.
                      I just got lost in thought…it was unfamiliar territory.
                      If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?


                      • Today, hmm....It was your basic day, except my one teacher was especially nice (yay!). History was kinda gory, but it was also really funny (if that makes sense). My History teacher makes everything funny, but it's kind of interesting how he can change from talking about mesoamerican people and how they devolped weapons, talking about how the spearheads hurt really bad, to talking about how cute his granddaughter is when she's talking in spanish, getting english confused weith it, and it being extremely funny because she's Anglo-Saxon.

                        Uck. Around here, the weather is sooo weird!! In the morning, (like at 8:00) It's like 40. Then by the time I get out of school (3-4:00) it's 95 degrees!! Uck. By 3rd period, everyone was sweating visibly. Blag...

                        Anyways, here I am, wishing I didn't just finish my mac n' cheese, debating whether or not to do my homework now or after dinner.... I suppose I should now....

                        To all those people who have broken bones, dislocated bodyparts, and gotten cuts muchj much worse than mine, ouch! And thank's for sharing! (Wow, it sounds like I'm thanking you for telling me about your 'inspirations' or something. hahaha)
                        just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                        • Got my blood drawn and got a cat scan today. Its testing for to see what kinda allergy I have. Anyway so Im like 230 into W@W and so far its really good! Perhaps better then her other books in the series! Im sorry Hungry about the book. I would lend you mine but.... * Trys to put book through screen...* I can't.... School was good except for me ramming my stomache into the corner of a desk. LOL that hurt. My friend and I got into a slap fight and spent the majority of the last class avoiding each other and strinking out as well.That was fun! Then we had Tornado drill etc. Pretty boring day. Anyway see ya all later!
                          In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

                          Douglas Adams


                          • Thanks for the sentiment Azen, but I've got my own copy now! FINALLY! Mom was home when the UPS guy came this time, so...I'm happy! I can't read it though. I have to do homework first, and I'm supposed to be doing it now, but I need a break. I've been working on history for close to 2 hours, so...break time! *gets out the banana cake* Yum.

                            Injuries: the worst one I ever had was during basketball last year. We were doing suicides (also called Cincinnatis and sewersides), and I was turning and I did something to my left knee. I still don't know what I did, but it hurt for awhile when I tried to run. The trainer gave me a brace for it, and that helped it...but now I can't find my brace, and my knee is starting to hurt when I'm running for cross country. I need to find that brace...oh well.

                            Blech. I just had a cup of milk, and it was really sour, which makes no sense. It was in the fridge.

                            I almost fell asleep in A.P. U.S. History today. I kept dozing off, and missing parts of the notes I was supposed to copy. Now I have to go find someone who took really good notes about President Theodore Roosevelt...K. might have some...hmmm...

                            I'm going to go do my homework, so I can read W@W...dai!

                            -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


                            • Yay for Hungry!! You have to start reading it as soon as you can 'cause it is the besxt book ever!!

                              Ok, I'm probly exaggerating a bit, but it is still really good.

                              I'm finally finish history after like an hour of writing without stopping, which is a lot for me. That means I wrote like 4 pages. Ick. *stretching arms, back, legs, fingers, various other body parts...*

                              Oh, I don't think I'll like tomorrow...I have my first piano practice and I haven't been playing too much (with the beach, school shopping, homework and the what-not)...and forgetting..heh heh...
                              That should be fun...

                              Oh, and my cousin wants me to post this injury: My cousin (the cousin who wants me to post this's brother) and his friend were playing with some paintball guns 2 or 3 years back. Now, they were about to get started, when his friend pulls the trigger on the paintball gun. My cousin, however, doesn't have his goggles on...he gets hit in the eye. Hard. He gets rushed to Will's Eye (eye specialist hospital) in Philadelphia, PA. It really hurt his eye. It was bleeding and all, and he couldn't see out of it for a couple months. He had to sleep sitting up and got eyedrops every few hours. Slowly, his eyesight started to improve. Eventually, after maybe a year or so, he could see (but it was very very very blurry,l so he could mostly only see colors) out of his one eye. His eye has been like that ever since. Currently, he is in Texas training to combine things he has set his heart on. He is training to be a fireman for the Air Force. He wanted to inlist in the Army just for this reason to help his country. He is almost done training, and will be graduating soon.

                              Recently, a couple months back, I was at a softball game. We didn't have enough people show up, so it was a throw-away game. There are some woods right around the school where we play at, and some reckless teens were shooting off paintballs. One flew out of nowhere and hit my friend right beneath her eye...

                              ...but she was ok. She got a bruise and had to go home, but it was a really close call. A centimeter higher... well, she may not have been able to regain sight.

                              And that, my friends, is why I will never pick up a paintball..

                              On a lighter note, if anyone can top that, tell me!

                              NO MORE HISTORY UNTIL THURSDAY!! YAYYYY!!!
                              just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                              • Well... injury stories huh?

                                My most recent one is my ankle (and its really bugging me). I stacked it at netball... I think I mentioned this a couple of pages back. Anyway, other than that, I've stacked it off my bike, been hit in thumb, shin and bridge of nose with a hockey ball... umm... nothing really that permanent.

                                I'll hopefully be getting W@W soon... either the end of this week or the beginning of the next. So I need to make sure that I have the money to get it when it gets in. *bounces* Its probably the wrong time of the year for me to be getting it, as I have a midsemester exam coming up, but it shouldn't take too long to knock over.

                                *sigh* I don't think I'll be able to make it to the DD chat this weekend . Mum's having a market stall again (I missed one around the same time last year for the same reason) and we have to leave early in the morning. I don't even think that I'll have the chance to pop in . Can someone say hi to DD for me, and some *huggles*?

                                My b'day is coming up. In a little over a month, I will be 18 - able to do anything, but also responsible for my own actions. I need some good party ideas. Does anyone have any?

                                Anyway, I have to leave early in the morning sos I'd better go and get some sleep.


