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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Ella, I agree with you completely. Though, I don't think Kerry is a God, and I don't think he's GREAT either, he was better than Bush, and Ohio will pay for what it has done. *bombs Ohio*

    Nah, I'm jk. I'm gonna post this here, you tell me what you think about it.
    My first thoughts about the election...

    Cpl. Roberto Abad, Sgt. Michael D. Acklin II, Spc. Genaro Acosta, Pfc. Steven Acosta, Capt. James F. Adamouski, Pvt. Algernon Adams, Sgt. Brandon E. Adams, Spc. Clarence Adams III, 1st Lt. Michael R. Adams, Pfc. Michael S. Adams, Lt. Thomas Mullen Adams, Spc. Jamaal R. Addison, Lance Cpl. Patrick R. Adle, Capt. Tristan N. Aitken, Spc. Segun Frederick Akintade, Lance Cpl. Nickalous N. Aldrich, Spc. Ronald D. Allen Jr., Sgt. Glenn R. Allison, Lance Cpl. Michael J. Allred, Capt. Eric L. Allton, Cpl. Nicanor Alvarez, Cpl. Daniel R. Amaya, Pfc. John D. Amos II, Lance Cpl. Brian E. Anderson, Airman 1st Class Carl L. Anderson Jr., Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael C. Anderson, Spc. Michael Andrade, Pfc, Spc. Yoe M. Aneiros, Lance Cpl. Levi T. Angell, Army Spc. Edward J. Anguiano, Chief Warrant Officer Andrew Todd Arnold, Lance Cpl. Alexander S. Arredondo, Spc. Richard Arriaga, Staff Sgt. Jimmy J. Arroyave, Spc. Robert R. Arsiaga, Sgt. Evan Asa Ashcraft, Pfc. Shawn M. Atkins, Maj. Jay Aubin, Capt. Matthew J. August, Lance Cpl. Aaron C. Austin, Spc. Tyanna S. Avery-Fedder, Lance Cpl. Andrew Julian Aviles, Pfc. Eric A. Ayon, Sgt. 1st Class Henry A. Bacon, Sgt. Andrew Joseph Baddick, Staff Sgt. Daniel A. Bader, Staff Sgt. Nathan J. Bailey, Spc. Ronald W. Baker, Spc. Ryan T. Baker, Sgt. Sherwood R. Baker.

    Pfc. Chad E. Bales, 1st Lt. Kenneth Michael Ballard, Maj. Spc. Solomon C. Bangayan, Lt. Col. Dominic R. Baragona, Pfc. Mark A. Barbret, Pfc. Collier E. Barcus, Sgt. Michael C. Barkey, Spc. Jonathan P. Barnes, Command Sgt. Maj. Edward C. Barnhill, Lance Cpl. Aric J. Barr, Sgt. Michael Paul Barrera, Maj. Carlos Barro Ollero, Sgt. Douglas E. Bascom, Spc. Todd M. Bates, Sgt. 1st Class Michael Battles Sr., Gunnery Sgt. Ronald E. Baum, Spc. Alan N. Bean Jr., Spc. Bradley S. Beard, Spc. Beau R. Beaulieu, Capt. Ryan Beaupre, Spc. James L. Beckstrand, Sgt. Gregory A. Belanger, Cpl. Christopher Belchik, Sgt. Aubrey D. Bell, Pfc. Wilfred D. Bellard, Staff Sgt. Joseph P. Bellavia, Sgt. 1st Class William M. Bennett, Spc. Robert T. Benson, 1st Lt. David R. Bernstein, Spc. Joel L. Bertoldie, Staff Sgt. Stephen A. Bertolino Sr., Staff Sgt. Marvin Best, Cpl. Mark A. Bibby, Sgt. Benjamin W. Biskie, Sgt. Michael E. Bitz, Sgt. Jarrod W. Black, Chief Warrant Officer Michael T. Blaise, Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco, Command Sgt. Maj. James D. Blankenbecler, Spc. Joseph M. Blickenstaff, Spc. Nicholas H. Blodgett, Sgt. Trevor A. Blumberg, Lance Cpl. Jeremy L. Bohlman, Gunnery Sgt. Jeffrey E. Bohr Jr., Lance Cpl. Todd J. Bolding, Sgt. Dennis J. Boles, Sgt. 1st Class Craig A. Boling, Petty Officer 3rd Class Doyle W. Bollinger Jr, Sgt. 1st Class Kelly Bolor, Staff Sgt. Stevon A. Booker.

    Chief Warrant Officer Clarence E. Boone, Capt. John J. Boria, Pfc. Rachel K. Bosveld, Spc. Mathew G. Boule, Staff Sgt. Elvis Bourdon, Pvt. 1st Class Samuel R. Bowen, Staff Sgt. Hesley Box Jr., Pvt. Noah L. Boye, Lance Cpl. Aaron Boyles, Spc. Edward W. Brabazon, Cpl. Travis J. Bradach-Nall, Staff Sgt. Kenneth R. Bradley, Staff Sgt. Stacey C. Brandon, Spc. Artimus D. Brassfield, Pfc. Joel K. Brattain, Pfc. Jeffrey F. Braun, Chief Warrant Officer William I. Brennan, Staff Sgt. Steven H. Bridges, Spc. Kyle A. Brinlee, Staff Sgt. Cory W. Brooks, Sgt. Thomas F. Broomhead, Sgt. Andrew W. Brown, Tech. Sgt. Bruce E. Brown, Lance Cpl. Dominic C. Brown, Cpl. Henry L. Brown, Pfc. John E. Brown, Spc. Larry K. Brown, Spc. Lunsford B. Brown II, 1st Lt. Tyler H. Brown, Spc. Philip D. Brown, Pfc. Timmy R. Brown Jr., 1st Lt. Tyler H. Brown, Cpl. Andrew D. Brownfield, Petty Officer 3rd Class Nathan B. Bruckenthal, Lance Cpl. Cedric E. Bruns, 2nd Lt. Todd J. Bryant, Sgt. Ernest G. Bucklew, Spc. Roy Russell Buckley, Pfc. Paul J. Bueche, Lt. Col. Charles H. Buehring, Lance Cpl. Brian Rory Buesing, Sgt. George Edward Buggs, Spc. Joshua I. Bunch, Staff Sgt. Christopher Bunda, Staff Sgt. Michael L. Burbank, Staff Sgt. Richard A. Burdick, Spc. Alan J. Burgess, Lance Cpl. Jeffrey C. Burgess, Pfc. Tamario D. Burkett, Sgt. Travis L. Burkhardt.

    Pfc. David P. Burridge, Pfc. Jesse R. Buryj, Pfc. Charles E. Bush Jr., Pvt. Matthew D. Bush, Pfc. Damian S. Bushart, Sgt. Jacob L. Butler, Capt. Joshua T. Byers, Cpl. Juan C. Cabralbanuelos, Pfc. Cody S. Calavan, Sgt. Juan Calderon Jr, Sgt. Charles T. Caldwell, Spc. Nathaniel A. Caldwell, Staff Sgt. Joseph Camara, Spc. Michael C. Campbell, Sgt. Ryan M. Campbell, Spc. Marvin A. Camposiles, Spc. Isaac Campoy, Spc. Ervin Caradine Jr., Spc. Adolfo C. Carballo, Pfc. Michael M. Carey, Cpl. Richard P. Carl, Pfc. Ryan G. Carlock, Pfc. Benjamin R. Carman, Staff Sgt. Edward W. Carmen, Spc. Jocelyn L. Carrasquillo, Sgt. Frank T. Carvill, Capt. Christopher S. Cash, Spc. Ahmed A. Cason, Pfc. Jose Casanova, Lance Cpl. James A. Casper, Capt. Paul J. Cassidy, Staff Sgt. Roland L. Castro, Sgt. Sean K. Cataudella, Lance Cpl. Steven C. T. Cates, Pfc. Thomas D. Caughman, Staff Sgt. James W. Cawley, Spc. Jessica L. Cawvey, Petty Officer 3rd Class David A. Cedergren, Lance Cpl. Manuel A. Ceniceros, Cpl. Kemaphoom A. Chanawongse, Spc. James A. Chance III, Staff Sgt. William D. Chaney, Chief Warrant Officer Robert William Channell Jr., Spc. Jason K. Chappell, Pfc. Jonathan M. Cheatham, Sgt. Yohjyh L. Chen, Lance Cpl. Marcus M. Cherry, 2nd Lt. Therrel S. Childers, Spc. Andrew F. Chris.

    Staff Sgt. Thomas W. Christensen, Spc. Brett T. Christian, Spc. Arron R. Clark, Staff Sgt. Michael J. Clark, Lance Cpl. Donald J. Cline Jr., Pfc. Christopher R. Cobb, Lance Cpl. Kyle W. Codner, 1st Sgt. Christopher D. Coffin, Pvt. Bradli N. Coleman, Cpl. Gary B. Coleman, 2nd Lt. Benjamin J. Colgan, Sgt. Russell L. Collier, Sgt. 1st Class Gary L. Collins, Lance Cpl. Jonathan W. Collins, Chief Warrant Officer Lawrence S. Colton, Spc. Zeferino E. Colunga, Sgt. Robert E. Colvill, Sgt. Kenneth Conde Jr., Sgt. Timothy M. Conneway, Spc. Steven D. Conover, Capt. Aaron J. Contreras, Lance Cpl. Pedro Contreras, Sgt. Jason Cook, Command Sgt. Major Eric F. Cooke, Sgt. Dennis A. Corral, Chief Warrant Officer Alexander S. Coulter, 2nd Lt. Leonard M. Cowherd, Spc. Gregory A. Cox, Pfc. Ryan R. Cox, Lance Corporal Timothy R. Creager, Sgt. Michael T. Crockett, Staff Sgt. Ricky L. Crockett, Sgt. Brud J. Cronkrite, Lance Cpl. Kyle D. Crowley, Pvt. Rey D. Cuervo, Pfc. Kevin A. Cuming, Spc. Daniel Francis J. Cunningham, Staff Sgt. Darren J. Cunningham, Spc. Carl F. Curran, Cpl. Michael Edward Curtin, Staff Sgt. Christopher E. Cutchall, Pfc. Brian K. Cutter, Pfc. Anthony D. D'Agostino, Spc. Edgar P. Daclan Jr., Capt. Nathan S. Dalley, Lance Cpl. Andrew S. Dang, Spc. Danny B. Daniels II, Pvt. 1st Class Torey J. Dantzler, Pfc. Norman Darling, Capt. Eric B. Das.

    Spc. Shawn M. Davies, Pvt. Brandon L. Davis, Staff Sgt. Craig Davis, Staff Sgt. Donald N. Davis, Spc. Raphael S. Davis, Staff Sgt. Wilbert Davis, Staff Sgt. Jeffrey F. Dayton, Pvt. Jason L. Deibler, Spc. Lauro G. DeLeon Jr., Sgt. Felix M. Delgreco, Sgt. Jacob H. Demand, Staff Sgt. Mike A. Dennie, Spc. Darryl T. Dent, Pfc. Ervin Dervishi, Spc. Daniel A. Desens, Pfc. Michael R. Deuel, Pvt. Michael J. Deutsch, Petty Officer 3rd Class Christopher M. Dickerson, Cpl. Nicholas J. Dieruf, Spc. Jeremiah J. DiGiovanni, Spc. Jeremy M. Dimaranan, Spc. Michael A. Diraimondo, Spc. Anthony J. Dixon, Spc. Ryan E. Doltz, Sgt. Michael E. Dooley, Chief Warrant Officer Patrick D. Dorff, Petty Officer 2nd Class Trace W. Dossett, Lance Cpl. Scott E. Dougherty, 1st Sgt. Robert J. Dowdy, Pfc. Stephen P. Downing II, Spc. Chad H. Drake, Pvt. Jeremy L. Drexler, Cpl. Jason L. Dunham, Staff Sgt. Joe L. Dunigan Jr., Spc. Robert L. DuSang, Spc. William D. Dusenbery, 2nd Lt. Seth J. Dvorin, Petty Officer 2nd Class Jason B. Dwelley, Pfc. Sheldon R. Hawk Eagle, Staff Sgt. Richard S. Eaton Jr., Cpl. Christopher S. Ebert, Sgt. William C. Eckhart, Spc. Marshall L. Edgerton, Pfc. Shawn C. Edwards, Spc. Andrew C. Ehrlich, Sgt. Aaron C. Elandt, Spc. William R. Emanuel IV, Lance Cpl. Mark E. Engel, Spc. Peter G. Enos, Senior Airman Pedro I. Espaillat Jr.

    Pfc. Analaura Esparza Gutierrez, Sgt. Adam W. Estep, Pvt. Ruben Estrella-Soto, Pfc. David Evans, Cpl. Mark A. Evnin, Pfc. Jeremy Ricardo Ewing, Sgt. Justin L. Eyerly, Pvt. Jonathan I. Falaniko, Sgt. James D. Faulkner, Pfc. Raymond J. Faulstich Jr., Capt. Brian R. Faunce, Capt. Arthur L. Felder, 2nd Lt. Paul M. Felsberg, Spc. Rian C. Ferguson, Master Sgt. Richard L. Ferguson, Master Sgt. George A. Fernandez, Staff Sgt. Clint D. Ferrin, Spc. Jon P. Fettig, Cpl. Tyler R. Fey, Sgt. Jeremy J. Fischer, Sgt. Paul F. Fisher, Lance Cpl. Dustin R. Fitzgerald, Pfc. Jacob S. Fletcher, Spc. Thomas A. Foley III, Sgt. Timothy Folmar, Gunnery Sgt. Elia P. Fontecchio, Spc. Jason C. Ford, Capt. Travis A. Ford, Chief Warrant Officer Wesley C. Fortenberry, Sgt. 1st Class Bradley C. Fox, Spc. Craig S. Frank, Lance Cpl. Phillip E. Frank, Staff Sgt. Bobby C. Franklin, Pvt. Robert L. Frantz, Pvt. Benjamin L. Freeman, Sgt. David T. Friedrich, Spc. Luke P. Frist, Spc. Adam D. Froehlich, Pvt. Kurt R. Frosheiser, Pfc. Nichole M. Frye, Sgt. 1st Class Dan H. Gabrielson, Lance Cpl. Jonathan E. Gadsden, Capt. Richard J. Gannon II, Spc. Tomas Garces, Lance Cpl. Derek L. Gardner, Cpl. Jose A. Garibay, Spc. Joseph M. Garmback Jr., Sgt. Landis W. Garrison, Sgt. Justin W. Garvey, Spc. Israel Garza.

    1st Sgt. Joe J. Garza, Pfc. Juan Guadalupe Garza Jr, Spc. Christopher D. Gelineau, Lance Cpl. Cory Ryan Guerin, Cpl. Christopher A. Gibson, Pvt. Jonathan L. Gifford, Pvt. Kyle C. Gilbert, Command Sgt. Maj. Cornell W. Gilmore, Petty Officer 3rd Class Ronald A. Ginther, Pfc. Jesse A. Givens, Spc. Michael T. Gleason, Cpl. Todd J. Godwin, 2nd Lt. James Michael Goins, Spc. Christopher A. Golby, Spc. David J. Goldberg, Lance Cpl. Shane L. Goldman, Cpl. Armando Ariel Gonza***, Lance Cpl. Benjamin R. Gonza***, Cpl. Jesus A. Gonza***, Cpl. Jorge Gonza***, Lance Cpl. Victor A. Gonza***, Cpl. Bernard G. Gooden, Pfc. Gregory R. Goodrich, Sgt. 1st Class Richard S. Gottfried, Spc. Richard A. Goward, 2nd Lt. Jeffrey C. Graham, Sgt. Jamie A. Gray, Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael J. Gray, Sgt. Tommy L. Gray, Lance Cpl. Torrey L. Gray, Cpl. Jeffrey G. Green, Lt. Col. David S. Greene, Pfc. Devin J. Grella, Spc. Kyle A. Griffin, Staff Sgt. Patrick Lee Griffin Jr., Cpl. Sean R. Grilley, Pvt. Joseph R. Guerrera, Chief Warrant Officer Hans N. Gukeisen, Pfc. Christian D. Gurtner, Lance Cpl. Jose Gutierrez, Pfc. Richard W. Hafer, Staff Sgt. Guy S. Hagy Jr., Spc. Charles G. Haight, Lance Cpl. Michael J. Halal, Pfc. Deryk L. Hallal, Pvt. Jesse M. Halling, Pfc. Andrew Halverson, Chief Warrant Officer Erik A. Halvorsen, Capt. Kimberly N. Hampton, Sgt. Michael S. Hancock.

    Pfc. Fernando B. Hannon, Sgt. Warren S. Hansen, Sgt. James W. Harlan, Sgt. Atanacio Haro Marin, Staff Sgt. William M. Harrell, Sgt. Foster L. Harrington, Pfc. Adam J. Harris, Sgt. Kenneth W. Harris Jr., Pfc. Torry D. Harris, Pfc. Leroy Harris-Kelly, Pfc. John D. Hart, Sgt. Nathaniel Hart, Sgt. 1st Class David A. Hartman, Sgt. Jonathan N. Hartman, Staff Sgt. Stephen C. Hattamer, Staff Sgt. Omer T. Hawkins II, Sgt. Timothy L. Hayslett, Chief Warrant Officer Brian D. Hazelgrove, Sgt. David M. Heath, Spc. Justin W. Hebert, Pfc. Damian L. Heidelberg, Pfc. Raheen Tyson Heighter, Spc. Jeremy M. Heines, Staff Sgt. Brian R. Hellerman, Staff Sgt. Terry W. Hemingway, Cpl. Matthew C. Henderson, 1st Lt. Robert L. Henderson II, Staff Sgt. Kenneth W. Hendrickson, Sgt. Jack T. Hennessy, Spc. Joshua J. Henry, Pfc. Clayton W. Henson, Spc. Armando Hernandez, Spc. Joseph F. Herndon II, Pfc. Edward J. Herrgott, Spc. Jacob B. Herring, Sgt. 1st Class Gregory B. Hicks, Spc. Christopher K. Hill, Spc. Stephen D. Hiller, Sgt. Keicia M. Hines, Pfc. Melissa J. Hobart, Sgt. Nicholas M. Hodson, Sgt. 1st Class James T. Hoffman, Spc. Christopher J. Holland, Staff Sgt. Aaron N. Holleyman, Staff Sgt. Lincoln D. Hollinsaid, Spc. James J. Holmes, Spc. Jeremiah J. Holmes, Cpl. Terry Holmes, Airman 1st Class Antoine J. Holt, Pfc. Sean Horn, Master Sgt. Kelly L. Hornbeck.

    Staff Sgt. Jeremy R. Horton, Capt. Andrew R. Houghton, Lance Cpl Gregory C. Howman, Pfc. Bert E. Hoyer, Spc. Corey A. Hubbell, Pfc. Christopher E. Hudson, 1st Lt. Doyle M. Hufstedler, Staff Sgt. Jamie L. Huggins, Spc. Eric R. Hull, Cpl Barton R. Humlhanz, Lance Cpl. Justin T. Hunt, Spc. Simeon Hunte, 1st Lt. Joshua C. Hurley, Lance Cpl. James B. Huston Jr., Lance Cpl. Seth Huston, Pvt. Nolen R. Hutchings, Pfc. Ray J. Hutchinson, Pfc. Gregory P. Huxley Jr., Spc. Benjamin W. Isenberg, Spc. Craig S. Ivory, Pfc. Leslie D. Jackson, Spc. Morgen N. Jacobs, Chief Warrant Officer Scott Jamar, Cpl. Evan T. James, 2nd Lt. Luke S. James, Spc. William A. Jeffries, Petty Officer 2nd Class Robert B. Jenkins, Sgt. Troy David Jenkins, Spc. Darius T. Jennings, Pfc. Ryan M. Jerabek, Sgt. Linda C. Jimenez, 1st Lt. Oscar Jimenez, Capt. Christopher B. Johnson, Spc. David W. Johnson, Pfc. Howard Johnson II, Spc. John P. Johnson, Pfc. Markus J. Johnson, Spc. Maurice J. Johnson, Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Michael Vann Johnson Jr., Spc. Nathaniel H. Johnson, Staff Sgt. Paul J. Johnson, Chief Warrant Officer, Pfc. Rayshawn S. Johnson, Pvt. Devon D. Jones, Capt. Gussie M. Jones, Staff Sgt. Raymond E. Jones Jr., Spc. Rodney A. Jones, Lt. Kylan A. Jones- Huffman, Sgt. Curt E. Jordan Jr., Sgt. Jason D. Jordan.

    Staff Sgt. Phillip A. Jordan, Cpl. Forest J. Jostes, Spc. Spencer T. Karol, Spc. Michael G. Karr Jr., Spc. Mark J. Kasecky, 1st Lt. Jeffrey J. Kaylor, Spc. Chad L. Keith, Lance Cpl. Quinn A. Keith, Lance Cpl. Bryan P. Kelly, Cpl. Brian Kennedy, Chief Warrant Officer Kyran E. Kennedy, Staff Sgt. Morgan D. Kennon, 1st Lt. Christopher J. Kenny, Spc. Jonathan R. Kephart, Cpl. Dallas L. Kerns, Chief Warrant Officer Erik C. Kesterson, Capt. Humayun S. M. Khan, Spc. James M. Kiehl, Pt. Jeungjin Na Kim, Staff Sgt. Kevin C. Kimmerly. Spc. Levi B. Kinchen, Staff Sgt. Lester O. Kinney II, Pfc. David M. Kirchhoff, Staff Sgt. Charles A. Kiser, Lance Cpl. Nicholas Brian Kleiboeker, Spc. John K. Klinesmith Jr., Sgt. Floyd G. Knighten Jr., Petty Officer 3rd Class Eric L. Knott, Spc. Joshua L. Knowles, Staff Sgt. Lance J. Koenig, Cpl. Kevin T. Kolm, Pfc. Martin W. Kondor, Chief Warrant Patrick W. Kordsmeier, Capt. Edward J. Korn, Sgt. Bradley S. Korthaus, Cpl. Jakub Henryk Kowalik, Sgt. Elmer C. Krause, Pvt. Dustin L. Kreider, Pfc. Bradley G. Kritzer, Capt. John F. Kurth, Sgt. 1st Class William W. Labadie Jr., Sgt. Joshua S. Ladd, Sgt. Michael V. Lalush, Lance Cpl. Alan Dinh Lam, Spc. Charles R. Lamb, Spc. James I. Lambert III, Pfc. James P. Lambert, Sgt. Jonathan W. Lambert, Capt. Andrew David Lamont, Staff Sgt. Sean G. Landrus, Gunnery Sgt. Shawn A. Lane.

    Pfc. Moises A. Langhorst, Spc. Tracy L. Laramore, Spc. Scott Q. Larson Jr., Chief Warrant Officer Matthew C. Laskowski, Staff Sgt. William T. Latham, Pfc. Karina S. Lau, Cpl. Jeffrey D. Lawrence, Staff Sgt. Mark A. Lawton, Lance Cpl. Travis J. Layfield, Staff Sgt. Rene Ledesma, 2nd Lt. Ryan Leduc, Cpl. Bum R. Lee, Pfc. Ken W. Leisten, Staff Sgt. Jerome Lemon, Spc. Cedric L. Lennon, Pfc. Farad K. Letufuga, Spc. Justin W. Linden, Spc. Roger G. Ling, Spc. Joseph L. Lister, Staff Sgt. Nino D. Livaudais, Sgt. Dale T. Lloyd, Sgt. Daniel J. Londono, Spc. Ryan P. Long, Spc. Zachariah W. Long, Pfc. Duane E. Longstreth, Sgt. Edgar E. Lopez, Lance Cpl. Juan Lopez, Sgt. Richard M. Lord, Staff Sgt. David L. Loyd, Capt. Robert L. Lucero, Pfc. Jason C. Ludiam, Lance Cpl. Jacob R. Lugo, Pfc. Jason N. Lynch, Pfc. Christopher D. Mabry, Lance Cpl. Gregory E. MacDonald, Lance Cpl. Cesar F. Machado-Olmos, Pfc. Vorn J. Mack, Lance Cpl. Joseph B. Maglione, Spc. William J. Maher III, Staff Sgt. Toby W. Mallet, Chief Warrant Officer Ian D. Manuel, Pfc. Pablo Manzano, Pfc. Lyndon A. Marcus Jr., Staff Sgt. Paul C. Mardis Jr., Cpl. Douglas Jose Marencoreyes, Master Sgt. Jude C. Mariano, Spc. James E. Marshall, Sgt. 1st Class John W. Marshall, Pfc. Ryan A. Martin, Staff Sgt. Stephen G. Martin.

    Sgt. Francisco Martinez, Pfc. Francisco A. Martinez Flores, Pfc. Jesse J. Martinez, Spc. Michael A. Martinez, Pfc. Oscar A. Martinez, Spc. Jacob D. Martir, Sgt. Arthur S. Mastrapa, Chief Warrant Officer Johnny Villareal Mata, Lance Cpl. Ramon Mateo, Spc. Clint Richard Matthews, Lance Cpl. Ramon Mateo, Cpl. Matthew E. Matula, Staff Sgt. Donald C. May Jr, Pfc. Joseph P. Mayek, Spc. Patrick R. McCaffrey Sr., Lance Cpl. Joseph C. MacCarthy, Pfc. Ryan M. McCauley, Cpl. Brad P. McCormick, 1st Lt. Erik. S. McCrae, Spc. Donald R. McCune, Spc. Dustin K. McGaugh, Pfc. Holly J. McGeogh, Sgt. Brian D. McGinnis, Spc. Michael A. McGlothin. Petty Officer 2nd Class Scott R. McHugh, Hospitalman Joshua McIntosh, Spc. David M. McKeever, Spc. Eric S. McKinley, Pvt. Robert L. McKinley, Staff Sgt. Don S. McMahan, Sgt. Heath A. McMillin, 1st Lt. Brian M. McPhillips, Cpl. Jesus Martin Antonio Medellin, Spc. Irving Medina, Spc. Kenneth A. Melton, Cpl. Jaygee Meluat, Petty Officer 3rd Class Fernando A. Mendezaceves, Gunnery Sgt. Joseph Menusa, Staff Sgt. Eddie E. Menyweather, Spc. Gil Mercado, Spc. Michael M. Merila, Spc. Christopher A. Merville, Sgt. Daniel K. Methvin, Pfc. Jason M. Meyer, Sgt. Eliu A. Miersandoval, Spc. Michael G. Mihalakis, Pfc. Matthew G. Milczark, Cpl. Jason David Mileo, Pfc. Anthony S. Miller, Pfc. Bruce Miller Jr., Staff Sgt. Frederick L. Miller Jr.

    Sgt. 1st Class Marvin L. Miller, Sgt. Joseph Minucci II, Sgt. First Class Troy L. Miranda, Spc. George A. Mitchell, Sgt. Keman L. Mitchell, Sgt. Michael W. Mitchell, Spc. Sean R. Mitchell, Pfc. Jesse D. Mizener, Staff Sgt. Jorge A. Molinabautista, Pfc. Anthony W. Monroe, 1st Lt. Adam G. Mooney, Lance Cpl. Jason William Moore, Pfc. Stuart W. Moore, Sgt. Travis A. Moothart, Spc. Jose L. Mora, Sgt. Melvin Y. Mora, Pfc. Michael A. Mora, Master Sgt. Kevin N. Morehead, Capt. Brent L. Morel, Petty Officer 3rd Class David J. Moreno, Sgt. Gerardo Moreno, Spc. Jaime Moreno, Pfc. Luis A. Moreno, Spc. Dennis B. Morgan, Staff Sgt. Richard L. Morgan Jr., Pfc. Geoffery S. Morris, Pfc. Ricky A. Morris Jr., Lance Cpl. Nicholas B. Morrison, Sgt. Shawna M. Morrison, Sgt. Keelan L. Moss, Spc. Clifford L. Moxley Jr., Sgt. Cory R. Mracek, Sgt. Rodney A. Murray, Sgt. Krisna Nachampassak, Spc. Paul T. Nakamura, Spc. Nathan W. Nakis, Pvt. Kenneth A. Nalley, Chief Warrant Officer Christopher G. Nason, Maj. Kevin G. Nave, Spc. Rafael L. Navea, Spc. Charles L. Neeley, Staff Sgt. Paul M. Neff II, Pfc. Gavin L. Neighbor, Spc. Joshua M. Neusche, Cpl. Dominique J. Nicolas, Lance Cpl. Joseph L. Nice, Spc. Isaac Michael Nieves, Lance Cpl. Patrick R. Nixon, Spc. Allen Nolan, Spc. Marcos O. Nolasco.

    Sgt. William J. Normandy, Spc. Joseph C. Norquist, 1st Lt. Leif E. Nott, Staff Sgt. Todd E. Nunes, Spc. David T. Nutt, Cpl. Mick R. Nygardbekowsky, Spc. Donald S. Oak Jr., Pfc. Branden F. Oberleitner, Lance Cpl. Patrick T. O'Day, Spc. Charles E. Odums II, Spc. Ramon C. Ojeda, Cpl. Terry Holmes Ordonez, Cpl. Brian Oliveira, Spc. Justin B. Onwordi, Spc. Richard P. Orengo, Lt. Col. Kim S. Orlando, Lance Cpl. Eric J. Orlowski, 1st Lt. Osbaldo Orozco, Pfc. Cody J. Orr, Staff Sgt. Billy J. Orton, Sgt. Pamela G. Osbourne, Lance Cpl. Deshon E. Otey, Pfc. Kevin C. Ott, Sgt. Michael G. Owen, Lance Cpl. David Edward Owens Jr, Sgt. Fernando Padilla- Ramirez, Pvt. Shawn D. Pahnke, Spc. Gabriel T. Palacios, Capt. Eric T. Paliwoda, 1st Lt. Joshua M. Palmer, Staff Sgt. Dale A. Panchot, Pfc. Daniel R. Parker, Pfc. James D. Parker, Pfc. Kristen Parker, Cpl. Tommy L. Parker Jr., Sgt. Harvey E. Parkerson III, Sgt. David B. Parson, Staff Sgt. Esau G. Patterson Jr., Master Sgt. William L. Payne, Sgt. Michael F. Pedersen, Staff Sgt. Abraham D. Penamedina, Spc. Brian H. *****ten, Sgt. Ross A. Pennanen, Staff Sgt. Gregory V. Pennington, Pfc. Geoffrey Perez, Staff Sgt. Hector R. Perez, Sgt. Joel Perez, Spc. Jose A. Perez III, Pfc. Luis A. Perez, Lance Cpl. Nicholas Perez.

    Spc. Wilfredo Perez Jr., Petty Officer 1st Class Michael J. Pernaselli, Staff Sgt. David S. Perry, Pfc. Charles C. Persing, Staff Sgt. Dustin W. Peters, Spc. Alyssa R. Peterson, Staff Sgt. Brett J. Petriken, Staff Sgt. James L. Pettaway Jr., Staff Sgt. Erickson H. Petty, Pfc. Jerrick M. Petty, Lt. Col. Mark P. Phelan, Pfc. Chance R. Phelps, Sgt. 1st Class Gladimir Philippe, Sgt. Ivory L. Phipps, Capt. Pierre E. Piche, Pfc. Lori Piestewa, Capt. Dennis L. Pintor, Spc. James H. Pirtle, Pfc. Jason T. Poindexter, 2nd Lt. Frederick E. Pokorney Jr., Staff Sgt. Andrew R. Pokorny, Spc. Justin W. Pollard, Spc. Larry E. Polley Jr., Sgt. Darrin K. Potter, Pfc. David L. Potter, Sgt. Christopher S. Potts, Spc. James E. Powell, Lance Cpl. Caleb J. Powers, Cpl. Dean P. Pratt, Pfc. James E. Prevete, Pvt. Kelley S. Prewitt, Sgt. Tyler D. Prewitt, Pfc. James W. Price, 1st Lt. Timothy E. Price, Lance Cpl. Mathew D. Puckett, Sgt. Jaror C. Puello- Coronado, Staff Sgt. Michael B. Quinn, Staff Sgt. Richard P. Ramey, Sgt. Christopher Ramirez, Spc. Eric U. Ramirez, Pfc. William C. Ramirez, Pfc. Christopher Ramos, Spc. Tamarra J. Ramos, Pfc. Brandon Ramsey, Pvt. Carson J. Ramsey, Sgt. Edmond L. Randle, Pfc. Cleston C. Raney, Capt. Gregory A. Ratzlaff, Spc. Rel A. Ravago IV, Spc. Omead H. Razani.

    Spc. Brandon M. Read, Pfc. Christopher J. Reed, Pfc. Ryan E. Reed, Sgt. Tatjana Reed, Staff Sgt. Aaron T. Reese, Spc. Jeremy F. Regnier, Sgt. 1st Class Randall S. Rehn, Sgt. Brendon C. Reiss, Staff Sgt. George S. Rentschler, Sgt. Sean C. Reynolds, Lance Cpl. Rafael Reynosa- Suarez, Sgt. Yadir G. Reynoso, Cpl. Demetrius L. Rice, Sgt. Ariel Rico, Spc. Jeremy L. Ridlen, Pfc. Diego Fernando Rincon, Cpl. Steven A. Rintamaki, Sgt. Duane R. Rios, Capt. Russell B. Rippetoe, Pfc. Henry C. Risner, Sgt. 1st Class Jose A. Rivera, Cpl. John T. Rivero, Spc. Frank K. Rivers Jr., Sgt. Thomas D. Robbins, Sgt. Todd J. Robbins, Lance Cpl. Anthony P. Roberts, Lance Cpl. Bob W. Roberts, Spc. Robert D. Roberts, Staff Sgt. Joseph E. Robsky, Sgt. Moses D. Rocha, Pfc. Marlin T. Rockhold, Pfc. Jose Francis Gonza*** Rodriguez, Cpl. Robert M. Rodriguez, Spc. Philip G. Rogers, Sgt. 1st Class Robert E. Rooney, Cpl. Randal Kent Rosacker, Staff Sgt. Victor A. Rosales, Pfc. Richard H. Rosas, Sgt. Scott C. Rose, Sgt. Thomas C. Rosenbaum, Sgt. Randy S. Rosenberg, Spc. Marco D. Ross, Sgt. Lawrence A. Roukey, Capt. Alan Rowe, Spc. Brandon J. Rowe, Sgt. Roger D. Rowe, 2nd Lt. Jonathan D. Rozier, Spc. Isela Rubalcava, Pfc. Aaron J. Rusin, Sgt. John W. Russell.

    1st Lt. Timothy Louis Ryan, Chief Warrant Officer Scott A. Saboe, Spc. Rasheed Sahib, Cpl. Rudy Salas, Cpl. William I. Salazar, 1st Lt. Edward M. Saltz, Capt. Benjamin W. Sammis, Spc. Sonny G. Sampler, Spc. Gregory P. Sanders, Pfc. Leroy Sandoval Jr., Spc. Matthew J. Sandri, Staff Sgt. Barry Sanford, 1st Lt. Neil Anthony Santoriello, Spc. Jonathan J. Santos, Pfc. Brandon R. Sapp, Staff Sgt. Cameron B. Sarno, Staff Sgt. Scott D. Sather, Lance Cpl. Jeremiah E. Savage, Capt. Robert C. Scheetz Jr., Spc. Justin B. Schmidt, Spc. Jeremiah W. Schmunk, Pfc. Sean M. Schneider, Cpl. Dustin H. Schrage, Maj. Mathew E. Schram, Lance Cpl. Brian K. Schramm, Spc. Christian C. Schulz, Master Sgt. David A. Scott, Pfc. Kerry D. Scott, Spc. Stephen M. Scott, Spc. Marc S. Seiden, Capt. Christopher Scott Seifert, Pfc. Dustin M. Sekula, Lance Cpl. Matthew K. Serio, Sgt. Juan M. Serrano, Staff Sgt. Wentz Jerome Henry Shanaberger III, Spc. Jeffrey R. Shaver, Maj. Kevin M. Shea, Spc. Casey Sheehan, Sgt. Kevin F. Sheehan, Sgt. Daniel Michael Shepherd, Sgt. Alan D. Sherman, Lt. Col. Anthony L. Sherman, Pfc. Harry N. Shondee Jr., Lance Cpl. Brad S. Shuder, Capt. James A. Shull, Pfc. Kenneth L. Sickels, Lance Cpl. Dustin L. Sides, Cpl. Erik H. Silva, Pvt. Sean A. Silva, Sgt. Leonard D. Simmons.

    Pfc. Charles M. Sims, Lance Cpl. John T. Sims Jr., Spc. Uday Singh, Spc. Aaron J. Sissel, Pfc. Christopher A. Sisson, Pfc. Nicholas M. Skinner, Petty Officer 3rd Class David Sisung, 1st Lt. Brian D. Slavenas, Pvt. Brandon Ulysses Sloan, Lance Cpl. Richard P. Slocum, Lance Cpl. Thomas J. Slocum, Pfc. Corey L. Small, Sgt. Keith L. Smette, Capt. Benedict J. Smith, Sgt. Benjamin K. Smith, Pfc. Brandon C. Smith, 2nd Lt. Brian D. Smith, Chief Warrant Officer Bruce A. Smith, Cpl. Darrell L. Smith, 1st Sgt. Edward Smith, Chief Warrant Officer Eric A. Smith, Pfc. Jeremiah D. Smith, Lance Cpl. Matthew R. Smith, Lance Cpl. Michael J. Smith Jr., Spc. Orenthial J. Smith, Sgt. 1st Class Paul R. Smith, Capt. Christopher F. Soelzer, Sgt. Roderic A. Solomon, Cpl. Adrian V. Soltau, Maj. Charles R. Soltes Jr., Sgt. Skipper Soram, Pfc. Armando Soriano, Cpl. Tomas Sotelo Jr., Pfc. Kenneth C. Souslin, Spc. Philip I. Spakosky, Pfc. Jason L. Sparks, Cpl. Michael R. Speer, Staff Sgt. Trevor Spink, Maj. Christopher J. Splinter, Sgt. Marvin R. Sprayberry III, Pvt. Bryan N. Spry, Sgt. Maj. Michael B. Stack, Pfc. Nathan E. Stahl, 1st Lt. Andrew K. Stern, Staff Sgt. Robert A. Stever, Maj. Gregory Stone, 2nd Lt. Matthew R. Stovall, Pfc. William R. Strange, Sgt. Kirk Allen Straseskie, Pfc. Brandon C. Sturdy.

    Spc. William R. Sturges Jr., Spc. Paul J. Sturino, Lance Cpl. Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar, Spc. Joseph D. Suell, Spc. John R. Sullivan, Spc. Narson B. Sullivan, Lance Cpl. Vincent M. Sullivan, Staff Sgt. Michael J. Sutter, Pfc. Ernest Harold Sutphin, Chief Warrant Officer Sharon T. Swartworth, Spc. Thomas J. Sweet II, Staff Sgt. Christopher W. Swisher, Maj. Paul R. Syverson III, Sgt. Patrick S. Tainsh, Sgt. DeForest L. Talbert, Sgt. 1st Class Linda Ann Tarango-Griess, Spc. Christopher M. Taylor, Maj. Mark D. Taylor, Capt. John R. Teal, Staff Sgt. Riayan A. Tejeda, Lance Cpl. Jason Andrew Tetrault, Spc. Joseph C. Thibodeaux, Master Sgt. Thomas R. Thigpen Sr., Cpl. Jesse L. Thiry, Sgt. Carl Thomas, Staff Sgt. Kendall Thomas, Spc. Kyle G. Thomas, Sgt. Anthony O. Thompson, Spc. Jarrett B. Thompson, Sgt. Humberto F. Timoteo, Capt. John E. Tipton, Pfc. Joshua K. Titcomb, Spc. Brandon T. Titus, Spc. Brandon S. Tobler, Sgt. Lee D. TodacheeneCpl. John H. Todd III, Sgt. Nicholas A. Tomko, Master Sgt. Timothy Toney, Pfc. George D. Torres, Lance Cpl. Michael S. Torres, 2nd Lt. Richard Torres, Spc. Ramon Reyes Torres, Lance Cpl. Elias Torrez III, Sgt. Michael L. Tosto, Spc. Richard K. Trevithick, Pfc. Andrew L. Tuazon, Staff Sgt. Roger C. Turner Jr., Pvt. Scott M. Tyrrell, 2nd Lt. Andre D. Tyson, Spc. Eugene A. Uhl III, Lance Cpl. Drew M. Uhles.

    Rick A. Ulbright, Pfc. Daniel P. Unger, Spc. Robert Oliver Unruh, 1st Sgt. Ernest E. Utt, Sgt. Michael A. Uvanni, Staff Sgt. Gary A. Vaillant, Lance Cpl. Ruben Valdez Jr., Sgt. Melissa Valles, Spc. Allen J. Vandayburg, Spc. Josiah H. Vandertulip, Chief Warrant Officer Brian K. Van Dusen, Lance Cpl. John J. Vangyzen IV, Lance Cpl. Gary F. Van Leuven, Staff Sgt. Mark D. Vasquez, Spc. Frances M. Vega, 1st Lt. Michael W. Vega, Staff Sgt. Paul A. Velazquez, Cpl. David M. Vicente, Sgt. 1st Class Joselito O. Villanueva, Cpl. Scott M. Vincent, Staff Sgt. Kimberly A. Voelz, Staff Sgt. Michael S. Voss, Spc. Thai Vue, Lance Cpl. Michael B. Wafford, Sgt. Christopher A. Wagener, Sgt. Gregory L. Wahl, Staff Sgt. Allan K. Walker, Sgt. Jeffery C. Walker, Sgt. Donald Ralph Walters, Pvt. Jason M. Ward, Pfc. Nachez Washalanta, Lance Cpl. Christopher B. Wasser, Pvt. David L. Waters, Staff Sgt. Kendall Damon Waters-Bey, Maj. William R. Watkins III, Petty Officer 2nd Class Christopher E. Watts, Chief Warrant Officer Aaron A. Weaver, Spc. Michael S. Weger, Staff Sgt. David J. Weisenburg, Spc. Douglas J. Weismantle, Pfc. Michael Russell Creighton Weldon, Lance Cpl. Larry L. Wells, Chief Warrant Officer Stephen M. Wells, Spc. Jeffrey M. Wershow, Spc. Christopher J. Rivera Wesley, Sgt. James G. West, 1st Lt. Alexander E. Wetherbee, Spc. Donald L. Wheeler, Sgt. Mason Douglas Whetstone, Pfc. Marquis A. Whitaker.

    Staff Sgt. Aaron Dean White, Lt. Nathan D. White, Sgt. Steven W. White, Lance Cpl. William W. White, Pfc. Joey D. Whitener ,Spc. Chase R. Whitman, Spc. Michael J. Wiesemann, Cpl. Joshua S. Wilfong ,Sgt. Eugene Williams, Lance Cpl. Michael J. Williams, Spc. Michael L. Williams, Sgt. Taft V. Williams ,1st Lt. Charles L. Wilkins III, Sgt. 1st Class Christopher R. Willoughby, Spc. Dana N. Wilson, Command Sgt. Maj. Jerry L. Wilson, Staff Sgt. Joe N. Wilson, Lance Cpl. Lamont N. Wilson, Lance Cpl. Nicholas Wilt, 1st Lt. Ronald Winchester, Spc. Trevor A. Wine, Lance Cpl. William J. Wiscowiche, Spc. Robert A. Wise, Spc. Michelle M. Witmer, Pfc. Owen D. Witt, Spc. James R. Wolf, 2nd Lt. Jeremy L. Wolfe, Sgt. Elijah Tai Wah Wong, Sgt. Brian M. Wood, Capt. George A. Wood, Spc. Michael R. Woodliff, Spc. James C. Wright, Pfc. Jason G. Wright, 2nd Lt. John T. Wroblewski, Lance Cpl. Daniel R. Wyatt, Pfc. Stephen E. Wyatt, Sgt. Michael E. Yashinski, Sgt. Henry Ybarra III, Pfc. Rodricka A. Youmans, Sgt. Ryan C. Young, Lance Cpl. Andrew J. Zabierek, Spc. Nicholas J. Zangara, Spc. Mark Anthony Zapata, Pfc. Nicholaus E. Zimmer, Cpl. Ian T. Zook, Lance Cpl. Robert P. Zurheide Jr.

    May they rest in peace.

    And may they forgive us someday.

    -- Michael Moore
    Comradely, Diego

    Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
    "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

    "Be a real


    • Dear Friends,

      Ok, it sucks. Really sucks. But before you go and cash it all in, let's, in
      the words of Monty Python, 'always look on the bright side of life!' There
      IS some good news from Tuesday's election.

      Here are 17 reasons not to slit your wrists:

      1. It is against the law for George W. Bush to run for president again.

      2. Bush's victory was the NARROWEST win for a sitting president since
      Woodrow Wilson in 1916.

      3. The only age group in which the majority voted for Kerry was young adults
      (Kerry: 54%, Bush: 44%), proving once again that your parents are always
      wrong and you should never listen to them.

      4. In spite of Bush's win, the majority of Americans still think the
      country is headed in the wrong direction (56%), think the war wasn't worth fighting (51%), and don't approve of the job George W. Bush is doing (52%). (Note to foreigners: Don't try to figure this one out. It's an American thing, like Pop Tarts.)

      5. The Republicans will not have a filibuster-proof 60-seat majority in the
      Senate. If the Democrats do their job, Bush won't be able to pack the
      Supreme Court with right-wing ideologues. Did I say "if the Democrats do
      their job?" Um, maybe better to scratch this one.

      6. Michigan voted for Kerry! So did the entire Northeast, the birthplace of
      our democracy. So did 6 of the 8 Great Lakes States. And the whole West
      Coast! Plus Hawaii. Ok, that's a start. We've got most of the fresh water,
      all of Broadway, and Mt. St. Helens. We can dehydrate them or bury them in
      lava. And no more show tunes!

      7. Once again we are reminded that the buckeye is a nut, and not just any
      old nut -- a poisonous nut. A great nation was felled by a poisonous nut.
      May Ohio State pay dearly this Saturday when it faces Michigan.

      8. 88% of Bush's support came from white voters. In 50 years, America will
      no longer have a white majority. Hey, 50 years isn't such a long time! If
      you're ten years old and reading this, your golden years will be truly
      golden and you will be well cared for in your old age.

      9. Gays, thanks to the ballot measures passed on Tuesday, cannot get married
      in 11 new states. Thank God. Just think of all those wedding gifts we won't
      have to buy now.

      10. Five more African Americans were elected as members of Congress,
      including the return of Cynthia McKinney of Georgia. It's always good to
      have more blacks in there fighting for us and doing the job our candidates

      11. The CEO of Coors was defeated for Senate in Colorado. Drink up!

      12. Admit it: We like the Bush twins and we don't want them to go away.

      13. At the state legislative level, Democrats picked up a net of at least 3
      chambers in Tuesday's elections. Of the 98 partisan-controlled state
      legislative chambers (house/assembly and senate), Democrats went into the
      2004 elections in control of 44 chambers, Republicans controlled 53
      chambers, and 1 chamber was tied. After Tuesday, Democrats now control 47
      chambers, Republicans control 49 chambers, 1 chamber is tied and 1 chamber
      (Montana House) is still undecided.

      14. Bush is now a lame duck president. He will have no greater moment than
      the one he's having this week. It's all downhill for him from here on out --
      and, more significantly, he's just not going to want to do all the hard work
      that will be expected of him. It'll be like everyone's last month in 12th
      grade -- you've already made it, so it's party time! Perhaps he'll treat the
      next four years like a permanent Friday, spending even more time at the
      ranch or in Kennebunkport. And why shouldn't he? He's already proved his
      point, avenged his father and kicked our ass.

      15. Should Bush decide to show up to work and take this country down a very
      dark road, it is also just as likely that either of the following two
      scenarios will happen: a) Now that he doesn't ever need to pander to the
      Christian conservatives again to get elected, someone may whisper in his ear
      that he should spend these last four years building "a legacy" so that
      history will render a kinder verdict on him and thus he will not push for
      too aggressive a right-wing agenda; or b) He will become so cocky and
      arrogant -- and thus, reckless -- that he will commit a blunder of such
      major proportions that even his own party will have to remove him from

      16. There are nearly 300 million Americans -- 200 million of them of voting
      age. We only lost by three and a half million! That's not a landslide -- it
      means we're almost there. Imagine losing by 20 million. If you had 58 yards
      to go before you reached the goal line and then you barreled down 55 of
      those yards, would you stop on the three yard line, pick up the ball and go
      home crying -- especially when you get to start the next down on the three
      yard line? Of course not! Buck up! Have hope! More sports analogies are

      17. Finally and most importantly, over 55 million Americans voted for the
      candidate dubbed "The #1 Liberal in the Senate." That's more than the total
      number of voters who voted for either Reagan, Bush I, Clinton or Gore.
      Again, more people voted for Kerry than Reagan. If the media are looking for
      a trend it should be this -- that so many Americans were, for the first time
      since Kennedy, willing to vote for an out-and-out liberal. The country has
      always been filled with evangelicals -- that is not news. What IS news is
      that so many people have shifted toward a Massachusetts liberal. In fact,
      that's BIG news. Which means, don't expect the mainstream media, the ones
      who brought you the Iraq War, to ever report the real truth about November
      2, 2004. In fact, it's better that they don't. We'll need the element of
      surprise in 2008.

      Feeling better? I hope so. As my friend Mort wrote me yesterday, "My
      Romanian grandfather used to say to me, 'Remember, Morton, this is such a
      wonderful country -- it doesn't even need a president!'"

      But it needs us. Rest up, I'll write you again tomorrow.


      Michael Moore
      Comradely, Diego

      Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
      "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

      "Be a real


      • Your few thoughts about the election? There's like a million! Here's the only thing I have a problem with.

        "9. Gays, thanks to the ballot measures passed on Tuesday, cannot get married in 11 new states. Thank God. Just think of all those wedding gifts we won't
        have to buy now."

        I don't understand?! I'm not lesbian or anything but...what's so wrong with gay marriage? Why are people so against it? I know it sounds weird but, what's wrong with it. They're still people and they're still in love so why can't they get married? Someone please explain.
        penguins will rule the world.


        • No, math is good for you, Angel_star. Very healthy. Should eat 2 to 3 servings per day.

          Well, I say bush is the only ****ing moron. *shrugs* Kerry is a little milder. Kerry supports abortian, and Bush is against. Because Kerry is easily swayed by the popular views/opinions, Bush chooses to be the exact opposite. That's a _bad_ thing. Both of them are, but we're stuck with a rigid, mental president. The only good thing is that he'll never be president again after this set of four years are over. The republicans will just offer out another candidate that the Christians will love... a very faithful person, and they'll win. ARGGG!!!

          Dunno if I said this here or not, but you can't be indifferent to Bush being in office now just because it'll be over in four more years if you're anti-bush. The Cheif Justice is about to die. He has cancer, a bad cancer, and the worst form of it.

          Wildflower: yay! TP rocks. Mort is really good. I think Equal Rites and Wyrd Sisters are good too.

          Blah, Faerie Wars. I didn't like that.

          Woohoo, Ella rules. ^^ I agree with everything there.

          I ground my teeth at #9. What the heck is wrong with gays? There's nothing wrong with them getting married. So what's his point? GRR
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • Originally posted by Gryphon:
            Wildflower: yay! TP rocks. Mort is really good. I think Equal Rites and Wyrd Sisters are good too.
            Definitely. I don't think I've ever heard if Eskarina is based on Rhianna Pratchett, but the name sounds too similar.

            I ground my teeth at #9. What the heck is wrong with gays? There's nothing wrong with them getting married. So what's his point? GRR
            Whose point? Bush's? I've no idea what his problem/point is.

            Moore's point? I assumed he was being sarcastic and silly about it.
            Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


            • The point of point nine is that "HEY, YOU DON'T HAVE TO SPEND MONEY ON WEDDING PRESENTS! Which means of course, you can spoil yourself."

              It's not a statement on whether or not gay marriage is wrong. It's just a statement on how you now have mor emoney to spend on yourself.

              Bush and Kerry were both pretty bad. . . But were I american, I think I would have voted Kerry, to give him a chance and see what he would do. . . how bad would it have to be before it's worse than Bush?

              I am of the opinion that Bush either HAS started or WILL start World War Three. Only see, it's called "The War on Terror." db_pr once mentioned something along the lines of "How come it's not called Terror when the USA is doing it?" I think that's very true. Yes, you had 9/11. The world sympathized with you, it was a tragedy. And we all supported you going into Afghanistan- We understood the reasoning, we could justify it, we supported it. Now Iraq. Some countries understood it and justified it and supported it- And others don't. You've had your revenge for 9/11. You've proven your country's abilities. Iraq was pointless, except for oil. You said "Weapons of Mass Destruction" although it has been proven OVER AND OVER AND OVER again that those programs were long dead and gone. You've said "Saddam Hussein was a bad man and he needed to go." I agree. But look at the country now? Is it any different? People are more afraid there now than before. And where will you go next? Iran's a good bet. And where will you go from there?

              Relations between America and most Muslim states have been near destroyed. But that doesn't matter, because America is the police of the world. The world's opinions of America has dropped significantly, but that doesn't really matter- You ARE the most powerful country in the world.

              Stem-cell research, abortion, and gay marriage?

              I cannot express an opinion on stem-cell research- I know too little about it.

              Abortion? I feel that there are circumstances where it is allowed, with no questions asked. I don't think it should be entirely open, but there are circumstances where I think an abortion should be given as an option. Such as pregnancy as a result of rape. Why should your dreams be destroyed by another person? And don't give me the stupid crap about how "They deserve it." Because they don't. If it were you, how would you feel if your dreams were totally, completely destroyed by someone else, whether it be a person you trust or a complete stranger? You didn't ask for it, but you got it anyway. Say bye to any dreams you had. Would your kid enjoy the knowledge that you never wanted them, that they were a result of an act of violence?

              And gay marriage. . . By no means should it be forbidden. In Canada, gays and lesbians can legally marry in over half the country. And we haven't descended into chaos. America is not a Christian state, why should the nation abide by one religion's values? Your Charter (Bill?) of rights DOES include a freedom of religion, yes? There are religions that don't care about gay marriage, there is no opinion on it, and there are Agnostics and Atheists that support gay rights. Why do gays want to marry anyway? Because there are rights given to marriage partners that are NOT given to civil alliances and common-law alliances. If there were not any differences, then there's no point to the whole debate because it's the same thing under a different name. (my logic xD.)

              Anyway, I'm really sorry if anyone got offended. . . I started ranting. It's just my opinion, feel free to trash it.


              • My mom's a Christian, and she voted for Kerry. *shrug* From what I see at my school, mostly Christians vote for the person who lines up with their morals best. But for some reason, I have trouble seeing that sending so many people to their deaths in war is a good moral thing. *sighs* I don't believe in gay marriage, because that is against my morals. I won't argue about it, though.

                Gryph- Math is not good for me! It hurts my poor little head! *looks mournful* And I have to keep having math for a long long time! Ack, my mom's already worrying over my high school schedule. "You have to take this honors class, and this one, and this one..." *rolls eyes* Save me from my parents' high expectations.
                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                • Aurora, I agree that some situtations are more important that others when it comes to abortion but I do think its a human right. But the law needs addressing, men need a bigger say in things. Yes its the womens body but what about the mans right! some women are quick enough to say there having the baby no matter what the man wants and then takes his money etc etc, if there was a more even right between women and men it would make it fairer! What if the man wantted the baby but the women did'ant! I really belive that the man has the right to have that baby! and as to Bush being against it! well he's just a dundder head! We live in a modern world that is over populated as it is and he wants to stop abortions! I some times wonder if china have it right you know! Where you get extra benefits if you have less children (up to 2) and then anymore and you get nothing! People that are continully have babies need to stopped! they should only be alload to have that many if they can fiancly afford to support them all. Some people in the UK have loads of babies just to rack in the benefits! which is wrong!

                  And the gay marriage thing, the genetic theory has taken another step forward (as stated in 'new scientist') its found that women with a certain genetic problem have a high % of gay children! So gays are natural! they are in all species but it seems the human condition still seems to think it wrong! Well i think that if gays want to marry then that is there right! as long as its a contract like other marriages I think thats more than fine! Afterall the marriage is the comitment to each other, the feeling! Not the peice of paper, thats just making it legal and letting everyone know how you feel about each other!! In many ways Gay partnerships have been marrid for years! just not leagally!

                  I do believe this is the biggest post I have ever written!! what a load of babble!!

                  Angle_star I'm with you, maths hurts my head to! Well truthly I love maths to bits and enjoy the puzzels but you lot seem to do it a lot higher level of understanding than I can!

                  God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                  Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


                  • I always think the most important thing in the aborition debate is that those in power should not inflict their personal moral veiews on other people. Personally, I have *very* strong views onw hen abortion is right and when it is wrong. However, I woudl never dream to impose those views on other people. At the end of the day, it should be down to the concious of the woman concerned.

                    Two things worry me more about Bush being re-elected than anything else. The first is that because the Republicans control congress, Bush will able to have whatvere judges he wants. This is even more important than last time, because at leats one, and possibbly three Supreme Court judges will need replacing. This gives Bush the chance to impose his own morals on the nation. Bush may only last four more years, but the Supreme court hhjudges will there for another 10, and their judgements will be there forever.
                    The other major worry I have is money-related. As things stand, the federal goverement spends more than it gets in tax. Bush wants to cut taxes, but still spend more on the 'war on terror'. Bluntly, I think the US public debt will grow unmangable proprtions. (It is worth noting that $350 billion per year goes on interest payments for that debt)
                    "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


                    • I just typed a huge post and then lost it. Well, I'll try to cover what I did.

                      My mom's a Christian, and she voted for Kerry. *shrug* From what I see at my school, mostly Christians vote for the person who lines up with their morals best. But for some reason, I have trouble seeing that sending so many people to their deaths in war is a good moral thing. *sighs* I don't believe in gay marriage, because that is against my morals. I won't argue about it, though.
                      I'm talking about the voters who were influenced by the church.

                      Parent's high expectations... I am influenced by what my mom wants of me a little, but recently it's been getting on my nerves. No, I don't want to follow her dreams when I have my own. No, I don't want to be a scientist or a mathemetician or anything else like that. Yes, I did go to a math and science school, but I have different reasons. Mom wants to make her reasons my reasons, and that's where I start to draw the line. She asked me if I have any regrets about choosing my school. I said yes, and her reply was, "don't second guess yourself." At that time, in that situation, it meant more than what it said. It meant that I shouldn't doubt my choices even if doubting them means I could find soemthing better. My school was not the best.

                      Fox, I actually beleive the man should have little or no say in abortian. And since when is the woman taking the man's money? If you didn't realize, some women make a lot more than men, and they can take care of theirselves. The man shouldn't have the right to deny the woman the child once she's pregnant; it was partly his fault anyway, and it could've been prevented. Also, the man has _no_ right to force a child on someone.

                      I think abortian should be an option in all cases, even if it was their fault.

                      Yeah, I don't see the craze about cutting taxes. We spend an insane amount of money, our government does, and people complain their taxes are too high. Something has to go, either the low taxes, or the high spending. But we have an idiot president who is pro high spending to fit his wants and low taxes to fit the other idiots' wants. Argghhh.
                      Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                      • One of my friends is very very religious, and she's totally for bush. Also she's against abortion. i tried to explain to her that ifyou were raped abortion is a good thing! Also some people don't know how to raise a kid. What if they hurt the kid in the future? She's so hung up on how many 'unborn lives' we are losing. i think it's better to avoid having a kid you're not ready for than abusing it when it comes!

                        Ugh polotics. Not a good topic. I really want to talk to Chani here's what I have to say...I agree that it's so immature that people blocked you for chat buddies just because of your vote. I wouldn't do that to you...*huggles* Don't stop posting here. We really enjoy you.
                        penguins will rule the world.


                        • And I want to talk to Chani here. I did not block you because of your vote, nor did I call you names or curse. My brother cursed, though not at you, he was quoting something. As I remember, our conversation turned to politics, then to Iraq. I just asked WHAT, were, in your mind, the reasons the army was there. And if I remember correctly, as I know I do, the response I got to that question was you shouting at me, asking my why the fu** do I care anyways (you said it that way, I'm not exaggerating), and that it doesn't affects us, which is a lie.

                          I don't know if were you live in you can insult someone and that someone is still going to be friends with you, but were I come from we sure don't. I unblocked you a long time ago. I will not speak to you till you apologize to me. If you don't believe what I just said, re-read the conversation we had that day.
                          Comradely, Diego

                          Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                          "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                          "Be a real


                          • I'm going off on a tangent completely here...
                            I will post some Aussie Christmas Carols for you to enjoy and learn and confuse people with...

                            ** Aussie Jingle Bells **

                            Dashing through the bush
                            In a rusty Holden Ute
                            Kicking up the dust
                            Esky in the boot
                            Kelpie by my side
                            Singing Christmas songs
                            It's summer time and I am in
                            My singlet, shorts and thongs


                            Oh, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
                            Jingle all the way
                            Christmas in Australia
                            On a scorching summer's day
                            Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
                            Christmas time is beaut
                            Oh what fun it is to ride
                            In a rusty Holden Ute

                            Engines getting hot
                            Dodge the kangaroos
                            Swaggy climbs aboard
                            He is welcome too
                            All the family is there
                            Sitting by the pool
                            Christmas day, the Aussie way
                            by the barbecue!

                            Come the afternoon
                            Grandpa has a doze
                            The kids and uncle Bruce
                            Are swimming in their clothes
                            The time has come round to go
                            We take a family snap
                            Then pack the car and all shoot through
                            Before the washing up

                            Note: thongs are shoes in australia - americans call them flipflops

                            Deck the shed with bits of wattle
                            Fa La La
                            Whack some gumleaves in a bottle
                            All the shops are open sundies
                            Buy you Dad some socks and undies

                            Deck the shed with bits of gumtree
                            Hang some deco's off the plum tree
                            Plant some kisses on the missus
                            Have a ripper Aussie Christmas

                            Say G'day to friends and relies
                            Wave them off with bulging bellies
                            Kids and babies youngies oldies
                            May your fridge be full of coldies

                            Chop the wood and stoke the barbie
                            Ring the folks in Abudabe
                            Pop the stuffing in the turkey
                            Little Mary's feeling ercky!

                            Rally Rally round the table
                            Fill your belly while your able
                            Joyce and Joanie Dave and Daryl
                            sing an Aussie Christmas Carol

                            Have Fun!


                            • hahahahaha! I love aussie Christmas carols. Gosh I wish I had Skype! Then you could sing them. I'm sending those to my friends if you don't mind. (hilarious)

                              Okay I keep getting these weird emails and I just keep deleting them. It gets really annoying though, here's my most recent one. I'll delete the unimportant parts.

                              "Alhaji Mohammed Abacha
                              2/8 Gidado Drive,GRA,
                              Kano - Nigeria.

                              Please as you read kindly open the website :-
                              . Please excuse my intrusion
                              into your private life as i write you this letter ingood faith and to the glory of almighty God who thusbrought me out clean after all the allegations levelled against me after the death of my father General Sani Abacha my release from prison was necessitated by the
                              efforts of the senate president

                              Since my father's death and my detention for close to three years, my family has been loosing a lot of money due to vindictive government officials who are bent on dealing with our family. Nigeria has made me sign some documents that will enable them extract the sum of one billion five hundred million us dollars from my fathers bank accounts it necessary that i seek your assisitance in receiving
                              this money and in investing it on behalf of my family. we must all work together. since this money is still
                              cash,extra security measures have been taken to
                              protect it from theft or with me and also all contentious issues discussed
                              before the commencement of this transaction. you may
                              As soon as i hear from you, i will give you all
                              necessary details as to how we intend to carry out the
                              whole transaction. all necessary modalities are in place, and i assure
                              you of all success and safety in this
                              transaction. Please, this transaction requires absolute
                              confidentiality and you would be expected to treat it
                              as such. if you are interested in assisting me please
                              send me your concent and telephone number.

                              Please, you may also ignore this letter and respect my
                              trust in you by not exposing this transaction, should
                              you not be interested.

                              I look forward to working with you.

                              Thank you"
                              penguins will rule the world.


                              • Delete it. It is SO a scam. --''

                                I think Abortion really depends on the circumstances. I don't really agree with abortion when you've just been screwing around. In a case like that, I'm more inclined to feel that you should take responsibility for your actions and have the kid. The really big issues where I think an abortion should be an option are as a result of rape, or if the mother's life is in danger if she DOES have the kid. If it's a result of rape then obviously the father's not exactly going to be around, so he doesn't get a say. But in all other situations, I think the couple should come to the decision mutually.

                                China does have the right of it, I think, with the laws against too many children. Well, not really, but generally the right if it. Don't have kids you can't support, you're giving them a crappy life.

                                Zgirl is right with her point about how it is better to avoid having a kid you're not ready for. Maybe I'm a bit of an oddity when it comes to teens, because I expect everyone else to make their decisions after thinking about it as carefully as I do. I'm probably wrong there. But when you apply this to a rape situation, how do you think a kid will feel knowing that they're a result of an act of violence, not of love? And how will they grow up? After all, if their mother had them as a teen after being raped, they're either going to be living with grandma and grandpa (ideally.), or in a worse scenario, in a trailer.


                                If you ask me, Iraq had no point. Iraq was about oil. How can Iraq not affect me? How can war not affect anyone? I read the news, I see the latest deaths and the lates bombing and tragedies. I think about the crying mothers and wives and fathers and husbands out there. I think about the kids that now don't have a parent, or the newly made orphans. I think about that thirteen year old girl that got shot in the Middle East. Over fifteen times, she was shot. And I think about the ten year old girl that got shot in a classroom. And I think about those journalists and workers that get beheaded for a stupid president and his stupid war. They didn't do anything wrong. They were just there at the wrong place at the wrong time. War affects everyone on this planet, whether we're fighting it or not.

                                My friend wrote a poem on friday during the Awards Assembly, and it was so beautiful. I don't really remember it, but I'll try to remember it, because it was really good.

                                If you can look at this world and not cry
                                You must be blind.
                                If you can hear this world and not gasp
                                You must be deaf.
                                (and it goes on for several lines more like this that I can't remember, but the finishing couplet was very powerful)
                                If you can live in this world and not react
                                You must be dead.

                                heheh, CHRISTMAS! christmas is great. . .

                                My math really entertains me these days. We're doing complex numbers. . . otherwise known as imaginary numbers that don't REALLY exist but that can be graphed. Like the square root of negative sixteen. That goes down to 4i.

