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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Yeah, Tui had brain surgery! She needs it...
    He thinks he's funny, doesn't he? *patient sigh* Well, he'll find out, won't he?

    I LOVE your Spot, Alla, BTW. So very Spot-ty.

    As for the topic thing... I dunno, that one's kinda hard, for my money. Firstly, no matter what you're posting about, ALWAYS make it of a reasonable length and try to make it something that's gonna get people interested in it- don't just say "I think Nita and Kit should get together." At least give reasons why- "I think Nita and Kit should get together because I'd love to see how that affects their dynamic as wizards. We've already seen that Nita and Kit have, at different times, been attracted to each other- like Kit's "revvng up"- and plus I think it'd be really cute!" I mean ideally it's be a bit longer, but at least that kinda thing means people could come along and say "Naah, nah, I disagree, I think Kit's "revving up" just means he's growing up- he's not attracted specifically to Nita," and so forth.

    Secondly... um, the example I just gave might not have been the best one, because Nita/Kit and potential thereof has really been done to death on the forums- everyone's posted about it at least once and I guess that, to a lot of the older members, every time we see a new post saying "OMG Ronan's so HOT!!" it is kinda sorta annoying because OMG WE'VE HAD THAT DISCUSSION SO MANY TIMES ALREADY. So that can be annoying... but... is it fair that, just because we're all talked out about it, we get to complain about other people talking about it? I think that if someone wants to talk some more about Nita/Kit, and there isn't an open topic still around, they should be able to post a new on- I personally don't have to post in it and the newer members have maybe not talked themselves to death about it, right?

    Of course, ALWAYS ALWAYS check whether there's a new topic around first. I mean, ALWAYS.

    ETA: I just went and browsed my way through the Newbie FAQ area, and I would like to LINK EVERYONE TO IT, especially THIS EXCELLENT THREAD. Go read it, people, because it's very thorough and has pretty much everything you need to begin with. Someone should probably have linked wizardsrreal to it in the first place... So yeah, check it out.
    Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


    • Actually that's a good example. But I just don't like it because I don't want them to get together. Go figure.

      I went to Newbie Ultima when I first joined, and then wandered around a bit getting used to the forums before I posted. I haven't been there in a while, and now that I've read TTOGR I understand some of it better, like why to always call Diego 'Diegowts', PM's avie thing- the "and it probably shouldn't be a penguin either," (Which, upon rereading it I have ignored, as you can see ), and a lot of other stuff. When I first joined I actually thought Poot was an Admin. . . .

      hehe. My dad just put the Christmas carols on the stereo. I LOVE CHRISTMAS! *Iz happy, and really overexited*

      Tui, I made you something! You have 'Not a member of any foundation' as your siggy. Well, I made you a NAMOAFF (Not A Member Of Any Foundation Foundation)!
      Wheee. . .I like creating paradoxes.


      • Wildflower said:
        PM: Yes! That's it. I was trying to remember because for once I don't have all the books checked out from the library. Partly because the library doesn't have them. *Grr*
        I've bought them all, over the years, so I can quote fairly easily. I just have the problem of trying to find the text I want to quote.

        Uh... Wildflower, you changed your avatar to a penguin. You've read all the old TOGRs, you know what happened last time...

        PM's avie thing- the "and it probably shouldn't be a penguin either," (Which, upon rereading it I have ignored, as you can see )
        Our posts crossed . You must have seen the comments about them, although the actual avatars won't have been there.
        Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


        • I know. I changed it on purpose. I like penguins.
          And you thought M's penguin looked high. . .

          Originally posted by Semi, several hundered pages ago:
          My mind is a red balloon. Pistachio? I believe in apple sauce. Marmalade. Lemon sock. I have a Communism in my hair, would you mind getting it out for me? Thank you. My mouse is still on fire. Please don't point your anchovies at me. may I borrow that cynicism?

          (this random moment brought to you by Darth Vadar and his Lovely Assistant, Mr. Bunnikins).
          *Dies lauging*
          It's. . .so. . .random. . .

          I remember when Gryph was obsessed with this smiley:
          And now I'm obsessed with this one:
          But is fun too.


          • Z:
            Okay I think I'm gonna commit myself to learn Japanese, (speaking not kanji or anything yet,) I got a book at borders today. I think it's a really cool languagee.
            Same. I wish my school taught it, and I have a friend who is learning Japanese. I only know fighting terms and not their spelling. I can count to four! Ich ni son... was it chi? I think it's chi.

            have any of you out there ever been like me in where i like this guy at my school but he has like no idea that i igsist
            Yay, you've found the togr! Welcome. To answer your question, yeah, but I didn't care if he asked me out or not. I wouldn't know what I'd do, anyway.

            Um. *sticks head out sheepishly from under a rock* Guess who's back now?
            *running tackle huggle* Loved Thanksgiving. I still have some pie left. *shares*

            I don't know any numbers yet. *keeps reading*
            Wait, wait, maybe I can count higher. I've heard it so many times. Ich ni son chi go ro ach ku ju? Ah, no good. Ju is 10, and I only counted to 9.

            Z's background is supposed to be orange. It's on my computer too, and I can't possibly think of how it could do that.

            Wildflower, if you get a chance to go to a really neat highschool or a private school for highschool, I'd take that chance. It's right before college, afterall, and the person I shadowed when I switched to mine was homeschooled in her freshman year (and the years before that) before she went to a public school. Also, evil joe's nice brother was homeschooled up until he started college, but that was because he practiced violin 6-8 hours a day, and no school would let him only take math and english.

            Yeah, I noticed... all the topics have sprouted numerous aditional pages. I'm trying to catch up on some of them, but I've pretty much given up on TToGR... in its enormity it's a little daunting.
            Ehehehee... Our new member, wildflower, has read ALL of the topic of great randomness, back to front. It still surprises me a little when she brings up stuff that happened.... forever ago. Like Mr. Buggles and Fuzzbuzz.

            (must distract readers from the TRUTH)
            And for some reason that line makes me think of Sharky. Sharky who is NOT sane no matter how much he denies it.

            the SSATTF (Sing Songs At The Topic Foundation): I made this one for Gryph.
            Gryph: *No Comment*
            Angel_Star: I don't have a foundation.
            What foundation? Wait, that one was for me? OoooOooo.

            the ATQFF (Abuse The Quote Function Fundation): This one's for Gryph too.
            Ehehehe. It used to be that I'd use none and get eye twitchy because other people used to many. Ironic, yes, yes.

            Is is considered wrong to start two topics replying to things said a long time ago and have since been ended? If not then at least should those comments be of some length and have a worthwhile purpose for costing DD money?
            Its not my place to judge so I will leave it up to the older, more experienced members to detirmine whether I am mistaken, or whether wizardsrreal should stop doing this.
            *sigh* I know I've said a lot about this, and I've even cited the Newbie Ultima topic. Wizardsrreal, I know I've warned you, and I know others have too. All we're asking is that you watch what you're doing, and I'm not kidding about this.

            Thanks, Tui, for posting the link to that topic.

            When I first joined I actually thought Poot was an Admin. . . .
            Hahahaha... omg, funny! Ah, but I thought it was the rabit in Amber's avie. Dunno where that idea came from, but that's what I beleived as a newbie. Hehehe.

            That smily is still my favorite!
            Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


            • Nice avie wildflower!

              Gryph:They don't teach any languages until 9th grade at my school. It really sucks...I'm first learning vocab words out of this book and then I'll probably work my self up to kanji and phrases. So far numbers, colors, and rooms... I'm pretty rusty on numbers though....

              ((I agree with gryph about the warnings...their's always that little exclamation point box at the top of every post.))
              penguins will rule the world.


              • EGGNOG!! Eggnogeggnogeggnogeggnog. I LIKE eggnog.

                Uh-oh. My compy's messed up again. The exclamation point is on the bottom for me.

                Thanks Z! I like my avie too.

                The KBA is NOT Poot! Iz fuzzy!! Ahahaha. The people on the Harry Potter forums don't like fuzzy anymore. My fault. . .

                Violin practice 6-8 hours a day? Wow. I don't know how long my mom practices for (She's learning violin).

                I can't count to anything in Japanese.

                This smiley is me and my brother:
                And this is me with eggnog:
                And this one is my puppy:
                Oh, that reminds me, I was telling Jake how this smiley: is named Mr. Bobbles, and he wanted to name one. So now is George.

                I use smileys too much. The smileys are taking over the world!


                • It doesn't matter if Rysade is Poot!

                  Rysade is still kawaii........

                  Konbanwa. Watashi wa Auri-chan. --'' I never learned the basics. I just watch too much subbed anime. So I know things like "SUGOOOOIIIIIII!!!!!!!" and "Daijobe desu ka?" and other random things including "tasogare," "hai," "iie" and "Rysade no baka!!!!" and "BAKA YAROU..... Nani tenda yo?"


                  • kawaiikawaiikawaii, is a cool word. Funny word.

                    It's snowing right now, it kinda depresses me because I know 4 months of long cold winter is coming. (I'm not a winter fan.) I don't do any winter sports, so it's a boring season for me...*sighs at window*
                    penguins will rule the world.


                    • Speaking of Poot, I've been getting weird urges to draw It in a hominid form.

                      ...Rysade, dear, mind providing me with some references?

                      ...I wish it snowed in San Diego. That would be cool. We have stoopid weather here.


                      • Hehe Aurie. I don't know what any of that means.

                        Z!! SNOW! Snowsnowsnowsnowsnow! *Dances like maniac. . .is maniac. . .so what*

                        Lol Semi! Hominid form. . . Can't wait to see that. Wonder if it'll look like Rysade at all.
                        We don't get much snow in North Carolina. Mostly just rain. And cold. Meh.


                        • You live in North Carolina? I used to live there! XD (Chapel Hill)

                          ...and trust me. Perhaps NC doesn't get as much snow as, say, Michigan, but trust me... It gets FAR more than SoCal... >.<


                          • pfft... snow? You guys try coming here for Christmas, 40 degree heat and sometimes the promise of a cyclone/typhoon/hurricane (further north than I am, of course)... then you will want snow... *shakes her head*.

                            Drawing Poot in a homonid form, semi? <span class="ev_code_WHITE">why not ask wizardsrreal for a hint? She seems to be good friends with him</span>.

                            Haha! I am now a member of the AAOFEFTTOTWFC (Abandoning All Other Foundations Except For The Tumbleweeds Of The World Foundation Club). See they don't have to end with an 'F' ...

                            *Hides from Christmas carols* Hey, you try working in a shop that is playing them all day! They get on my nerves sometimes, especially when the tune isn't quite right. Like when they play the American version of Away in a Manger, rather than the one that I'm used to (the tune is different).

                            Counting in LOTEs:
                            ichi ni san shi go roku shi(t)chi hatchi (sp?) kyu ju juichi juni jusan...

                            eins zwei drei vier fuenf sechs sieben acht neun zehn elf zwoelf dreizehn... zwanzig einundzwanzig....

                            And thats all I can think of at the moment. I know some random numbers from other languages, but I dunno which languages they're from, so I won't post them.

                            hehe... for those of you who like smilies and Tamora Pierce, do not join the Dove message boards. They have a limit of five smilies per post .

                            Oh well, food time now. Must go. See yas all tomorrow (or somthing.)


                            Founding member of the AAOFEFTTOTWFC (Abandoning All Other Foundations Except For The Tumbleweeds Of The World Foundation Club)


                            • Originally posted by alla:
                              pfft... snow? You guys try coming here for Christmas, 40 degree heat and sometimes the promise of a cyclone/typhoon/hurricane (further north than I am, of course)... then you will _want_ snow... *shakes her head*.
                              Currently, it's 50-50 whether I'll get snow here before I go home Christmas in mid-December. Not expecting much snow (if any) at home, though it wouldn't be unkown. However, we'll almost certainly have snow here next term... last year it hung rouad for ages, and ended up being cmpacted into ice. Given this city is rather hilly, you imagine the consequences... oh well, I chose to to go to a northern university.

                              Originally posted by alla:
                              *Hides from Christmas carols* Hey, you try working in a shop that is playing them all day! They get on my nerves sometimes, especially when the tune isn't quite right. Like when they play the American version of Away in a Manger, rather than the one that I'm used to (the tune is different).
                              I know of two versions of tha carol... the version everyone knows, and a more obscure version which (I think) is based on an old Norman tune. I personalyl prefer the obscure version, partly because it's nicer (it's also modal), but mostly because the 'classic' version is so clichéd.
                              Actually, part of me prefers Advent music to Christmas music...
                              "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


                              • wildflower you rock!! PENGUINS!!!!!!!!
                                HE WAS NOT A DRUNK PENGUIN!!!!! *goes in search of moderatly insane penguin*
                                "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                                "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                                "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                                "I could live

