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Harry Potter vs. Nita and Kit

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  • #61
    I think it would probably be because of a misunderstanding. each would think that the other is using some dark magic unknown to the other. and as for shields harry can to that to protego (spelling) i actual think that if shields were all they were using neither woulds give until the other could think of a spell of such destruction it could break them.

    another thing i was thinking about, would the shields even work??? i mean they are using different kinds of magic after all.
    It is better to die on your feat then to live a life on your knees-Emiliano Zapata.
    That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.-dad


    • #62
      First - Different Worlds -- Different Magics. I love YW because it deals with language and will being most of what is behind your ability to use the Speech and the Gift. HP seems to have it given to all, in varying powers. I agree with an earlier post that says you can't compare the stories as they come from different worlds. Apples to Oranges. Both have their strong points - and weak points on the part of HP - I can't think of any weak points in YW. Just be glad that we have both and can choose which to read.
      There is Always DEEP Shadow where there is MUCH Light!
      "I will meet the terminally clueless today...idiots and those with hairballs for brains.... I do not have to be like them, even though I would dearly love to hit them hard enough to make the empty places between their ears echo..." Rhiow - TVTQ


      • #63
        I think it would be a tie, or they would both find a way to settle it. I love how the young wizards use languages to try to understand, rather than brute force. They would probably try to settl eany issues that pop up with the Harry Potter kids.
        Magic exists everywhere you look because you choose to see it. Magic exists inside of me because I welcome it. Magic and energy are one and the same. Energy and magic will always exist.


        • #64
          you know what your probably right it would be a tie, after all I see no reson why Harry Potter or Kit and Nita would fight, and even if they did no-one would die! neither groups kill so even if one group was stunned out they would get back up and find the other group gone.
          It is better to die on your feat then to live a life on your knees-Emiliano Zapata.
          That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.-dad


          • #65
            Yeah. If you really think about it, if Nita and Kit met, they probably wouldn't start fighting each other... Really. The YWs are about preserving life, so attacking people isn't really part of that. Also, if they got talking, they'd probably get along fairly well, if anything, for the common enemy, evil.
            "at least i thought it was a wall. It sure felt like one. It was hard, it was flat. It stretched out on either side of me. You know... wall." -Bobby Pendragon


            • #66
              Originally posted by Zirsta View Post
              Yeah. If you really think about it, if Nita and Kit met, they probably wouldn't start fighting each other... Really. The YWs are about preserving life, so attacking people isn't really part of that. Also, if they got talking, they'd probably get along fairly well, if anything, for the common enemy, evil.
              I can totally see that in my mind, "We're hunting for the Lone One, we're on errantry and we greet you." Watch Harry talk about Voldemort, and then Nita would be like that sounds like the Lone One. That would be funny.
              Magic exists everywhere you look because you choose to see it. Magic exists inside of me because I welcome it. Magic and energy are one and the same. Energy and magic will always exist.


              • #67
                OMG! realazation just hit! what if the two universes combined?!?! then just think...Voldemort could be just a person being overshadowed by one of the Starsnuffer's avatars!
                It is better to die on your feat then to live a life on your knees-Emiliano Zapata.
                That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.-dad


                • #68
                  OMG! That would be awful! Voldemort with all of his horcruxes lieing around and then Nita and Kit trying to help snuff those out too.. That's too complex though lol
                  It makes my heart rench a little, and my stomach
                  Magic exists everywhere you look because you choose to see it. Magic exists inside of me because I welcome it. Magic and energy are one and the same. Energy and magic will always exist.


                  • #69
                    It would totaly work.It would make an awesome story!
                    "Just how have I failed to notice Neets is hot?" ~Kit

                    ~Lover of great books ever since she could read~


                    • #70

                      The Manual and the Advisors and the Seniors (and the peridexis?) and the Powers and the philosophy of learn-on-the-job and "only those who want it for the right reasons are given it"
                      Hogwarts, Beuxbaton and Durmstrang (books, curriculum, and faculty) and the philosophy of required education and you've either "got it" or "not" depending on accidents of genetics at birth.

                      As an educator myself, I'd have to say the former educational philosophy works wonders. People learn better when they have to do it to do their jobs. Which means that while Nita and Kit have a whole host of wizards like this to call on for aid, Harry has a few like this and a bunch who might really rather dedicate their lives to the study of electric plugs.

                      Second: The philosophy of a secret, closed, separate society
                      vs. the philosophy of working IN society, FOR society, and WITH societies even if, in some of those societies, you must work in secret.

                      I'd have to say the latter again wins. It's a stronger way of living that produces less fractured people groups and doesn't foster "civil wars" within itself (how long will it be before the HP "wizarding world" nearly disintegrates over the issue of house-elf emancipation? and you thought a war with voldemort and his cronies was bad!)

                      The Power or Powers That Be in HP are never talked about by the characters nor alluded to by the author. Religion is not even given a passing nod, even with all the deaths and ideas about the afterlife floating around. Nothing like "The One" exists (unless you count references to love, which seems to be the main power in HP that vanquishes evil when all else fails).

                      Whereas Nita and Kit have a whole coterie of wizards who are given wizardry BY the powers the be; whereas they have a dog who is The One; and whereas they have repeatedly with such help faced the power behind evil and lived to tell the tale,

                      I have to say Nita and Kit win here, too. Why? because they are willing to receive help from beyond themselves, whereas it doesn't even seem to be a possibility in HP. Even love in HP is only human love. What if The One loved you like your dog loves you? A dog who can swallow pullullus can certainly swallow avada kedavra or anything else. Plus this dog seems to show up again in another incarnation even after giving up it's life for yours; there's no strange stipulation about having to live in the house of the relative that loved you enough to die for you in order to gain protection from this kind of love.

                      Also on this count, Harry has faced his ultimate life challenge and probably won't face another in the form of Voldemort, another wizard. He did not face a greater power that was overshadowing, corrupting, or tempting voldemort. Nita and Kit face their ultimate life challenge in the form of the Lone Power, who is quite out of their league and, by all accounts, is not going to ever be vanquished like Voldemort. So they have to constantly be on the alert and are continually learning more (remember, this is "on the job" training, not an education that is done at graduation) They become more than themselves when they use their wizardry whereas harry seems to have trouble finding himself at all.

                      Is there any doubt that while Harry may with the popularity contest with the muggles, Nita and Kit are stronger fighters in a stronger society with a better education against a greater and more persistent evil?


                      • #71
                        There's a very simple reason why HP might win - the magic doesn't work the same. Before you kill me, think for a second. Nita and Kit have to go through a whole list of words. Harry has to wave a wand and say one. The charm bracelt helps - but not neccessarily enough.
                        Yes, the powers that be have been known to help out - but this particular fight could only occur through a misuderstanding, they'd stop the fight, they wouldn't help someone win.
                        And as for fighting the lone power - they use their mind, skills, and a bit of luck to not have to go head to head in magic duel at all when possible. It's not exactly. Wizards duel, which would take something entirely different then what they're used too.
                        VEry might be infor a surprise when he tried to disarm them - unless it took the charm and manuel - but I don't think they'd really be able to win in a magic vs. magic battle, if only because HP magic, impractical to use or not, is a whole lot easier.
                        Last edited by Dragon Writer; February 7, 2009, 09:22:47 PM.
                        I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                        For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                        • #72
                          I know I've allreddy poasted on this but I just finisht # 4 in the HP seris. ( for abaut the 17 time) and I came up with some thing interesting, the two can't relly be compared but if Nitta and Kit met Harry I think they might become friends.
                          HP is cool but the YW form of magic is difrint and a little more earthly then all of HP's spells and such. sorry that smily is my favorite.
                          Life is short, eat dessert first!


                          • #73
                            Now personally, I can't see why they'd be fighting. They'd all get on pretty well if you ask me. Nita could hang out with Hermione, and Ginny and Dairine could form a little redheads club. Kit could be friends with Harry, Tom and Carl with Dumbledore, and Ronan can find some goth kids in Slytherin.
                            -Dreams are nice, but sometimes you have to live in reality. -Perhaps, but dreams are MY reality.
                            -It's only impossibe if you believe it is.
                            -Existence is belief. I believe in magic, so it's real to me.


                            • #74
                              Nita and kit are more powerful than HP but they have worry bout the powers and HP doesn't . HP only has to worry about the ministry of magic and after book 7 he owns them. HP's magic is simple by comparison and easily deployed. As far as disarming kit and nita he is smart enough not to try that.
                              All of that logic is fine, but it comes down to who shots first, if roshaun has to worry about being assasinated then nita and kit do too
                              Last edited by Kathy Li; April 13, 2009, 11:14:28 PM. Reason: merged double-post.


                              • #75
                                The magic in the Potterverse works on the basis of pure plot convenience hence is pretty arbitrary whereas DD evidently gives the rules of her universe a lot of consideration. The blank cheque spell from So You Want To Be A Wizard coming back to haunt Nita in Deep Wizardry is a consistency that would not have happened to Harry Potter.

