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Young Wizards Movies?

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  • #91
    I can't explain the Legos. If I'm not mistaken, however, Radcliffe had to stop wearing the colored contacts because he had a bad reaction to them. And while you might have a good argument for having Harry as of OotP go around looking constantly pained, that would be a bit premature in PS, and generally I think red puffy eyes would be more distracting than blue.

    I think Fred would probably be a really bright point of light, like when the sun gets reflected off the corner of something metal.... Not sure how you'd do that technically, though.


    • #92
      Well, CGI solves all problems... if you can have the Ents, and that great scene where the Ents Play Sport (go Bowling with orcs! Play cricket (or baseball, if you prefer) with goblins! Do the Stomp- on Uruk-Hai! play soccer- with still mroe orcs! And at the end? go swimming! Sry, saw the extended edition Two towers and am still on a me-and-my-best-friend -being-silly high.) then I'm sure you can do a convincing Fred. As for the rest... I really don't have enough of an opinion, except pbbviously as to who would write the script. Directing... no idea, really. Children's movies are usually so bad that...

      ... wait. I just had a thought. WHY are children's movies so bad? The great proportion of movies for children are stupid- inane, banal, pointless, plotless, and whatnot. if books can interest children without being daft, why can't movies?

      *annoyed* Now I have to go find good kid's movies... Who did the original Parent trap??

      "We are philosophical geniuses [sic] who will one day rule the world!"
      --Agent M
      Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha!
      Still the Typo Queen
      Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


      • #93
        I know the answer to Fred, the Fire Hydrant, the Helicopter, and everything. Computers. This is not the place to stay on topic beacues we are restless. How's that? Tui--interesting............

        the crinkled paper bag
        "Life isn't like the movies, Toto."
        --Alfredo, Cinema Paradiso
        the crinkled paper bag
        "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." "But why is the rum gone?" --both from Captain Jack Sparrow, "Pirates"


        • #94
          You know, cgi isn't the answer to everything. Just looking at LOTR, they did in-camera forced perspective, "bigatures", practical effects, matte paintings AND cgi to get everything they needed.

          Just because you CAN cg doesn't necessarily make it the best option, because it's not the computers that do the job. It's the animators and FX guys. The computer's just the tool.
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          • #95
            ... yeah, sure. There are lots of ways to do stuff. But I have to ask: how, exactly, else were you planning on having a fire hydrant with a TONGUE???

            I also think it would be the easiest thing for Fred, because I don't think he would be a very large or complicated thing: he's described repeatedly as a "spark," right? Which would be quite simpl, not complex, I don't think, to do as a CGI, but difficult to create physically.

            "We are philosophical geniuses [sic] who will one day rule the world!"
            --Agent M
            Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha!
            Still the Typo Queen
            Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


            • #96
              Unless, of course, you were going for full animation for the feature. Then mostly all you need are guys who are good with pencils. :-)

              And stop-motion could work for the hydrant, especially if you wanted it to have a dirty, grungy, realistic feel and cg was too clean. Look at the Nomes in RETURN TO OZ.

              Fred, you could probably do 90% with lighting setups, and 10% cg.
              New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


              • #97
                All this talk is giving me a head-ache. JK. Grr. I ditched the Harry Potter series a long time ago when the fifth book got delayed three years and when I read His Dark Materials. If it takes three years to write the next two Harry Potter books, I will be way too old! That would be so annoying. sorry, I know its allowed, but that was way off topic... kind of. Just all the former talk of the movies made me think about them. But HDM is also really really engrossing and captivating, and that and YW are my favorite series. And Kat, that line in your sig is very funny. I think that because lots of you are saying that YW movies would ruin the series for you, what they should do is let DD write the rest of the series first, and then when she's done publishing everything then people could make a movie. because if they did that then people reading the books would have the full thrill of the books, then the movies would either add to it or detract from it, but then the series wouldn't be going on after the person doesnt like it any more. See what I mean?

                I love YW series. Blah blah blah blah blah, I also think a;ldskjghas;dglhas;dfgkh. I am really crazy and stupid and funny and dumb and extremely smart. I hope I get to know everybody wish I was registered for this place since it was first here.


                • #98
                  Good point. I hadn't thought of that. But, yeah all of my friends cheated with the HP and LOTR movies, they don't like to read so they only read the books if they liked the movie.
                  Sorry, not too good w/ computer junk. What's CGI, or is it too complicated?

                  ~Sam (Hifun55) and Dog~
                  When you judge others you don't define them, you define yourself.
                  Anger is just one letter short of dAnger!
                  Silence is golden?... aw! but shouting is fun!
                  ~Sam (Hifun55)~
                  Why do I have to keep telling people I'm OK? Oh, because they aren't sure I am... then why do I have to keep telling me??
                  HYPERNESS IS FUN!!! I'M HYPER 24-7!!!
                  My being born was NOT a natural disater!!! It was just a bad thing to h


                  • #99
                    CGI is computer generated images/imaging. not at all complicated, heppily. of course, I expect the process itself is difficult, but.. *shrugs*

                    No! Not animated! please! Arg!

                    *is a live-action kinda girl*

                    "We are philosophical geniuses [sic] who will one day rule the world!"
                    --Agent M
                    Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha!
                    Still the Typo Queen
                    Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                    • IF WE HAVE TO GIVE THIS BASTARDS OUR LIVES, WE GIVE THEM HELL BEFORE WE DO!! Now where have I heard that? *thinks* I don't know, it escapes me. And please not animated!!! I like cartoons, but good grief! And what's up, Jen? You haven't e-mailed me in a long get on it!

                      I love Superchic[k]!
                      The Moosetrix Alaska


                      • uh.... the Matrix?? If it is, it's either the second or third one.

                        Feliz Vacacion!!

                        Hogwarts Dropout
                        "She leaped off the table and tore into the living room. There was a brief sound of scrabbling, and then from the living room, Kit said, "Uh, Annie, your cat just went up the chimney..."
                        Dai Stiho
                        "She leaped off the table and tore into the living room. There was a brief sound of scrabbling, and then from the living room, Kit said, "Uh, Annie, your cat just went up the chimney..."
                        Dai Stiho:grin&bounce:


                        • I've never heard it so, it is not the second!

                          Not all animated movies are bad, look at Shrek and Monsters. I like Shrek and Monsters!

                          ~Sam (Hifun55) and Dog~
                          When you judge others you don't define them, you define yourself.
                          Anger is just one letter short of dAnger!
                          DON'T YOU DARE LOOK AT ME IN THAT TONE OF VOICE!!!
                          Silence is golden?... aw! but shouting is fun!
                          ~Sam (Hifun55)~
                          Why do I have to keep telling people I'm OK? Oh, because they aren't sure I am... then why do I have to keep telling me??
                          HYPERNESS IS FUN!!! I'M HYPER 24-7!!!
                          My being born was NOT a natural disater!!! It was just a bad thing to h


                          • Hey, I agree with tui. Live action. Most cartoons are computer-done nowadays.... Must make post longer.

                            the crinkled paper bag
                            "Life isn't like the movies, Toto."
                            --Alfredo, Cinema Paradiso
                            the crinkled paper bag
                            "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." "But why is the rum gone?" --both from Captain Jack Sparrow, "Pirates"


                            • Animated movies can be excellent - look at: Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Shrek, Wallace and Gromit, Bugs Life, Chicken Run....
                              Animation has a bad name because is used to do very cheap and tacky childrens' TV series. I htink overall it can be as good or bad as live-action films.

                              YW as an animated film insteadof live-action? Which ever works best for the books. You would need some fairly high quality youth actors/actresses for the leads, so that would tend to push me towards animation. However, I do that live-action offers the better means to convey the depth of the story.
                              "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


                              • I am disinclined to aquiest your request. That means no!
                                Did I spell all that right? Well anyways, I don't agree. I am a live-action kind of GIRL. Thank you. Just because Ludwig is a boy.......

                                the crinkled paper bag
                                "Life isn't like the movies, Toto."
                                --Alfredo, Cinema Paradiso
                                the crinkled paper bag
                                "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." "But why is the rum gone?" --both from Captain Jack Sparrow, "Pirates"

