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You know you read too much YW when...

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  • #76
    Peter- very good! The quote I was thinking of WAS from The Hitchhiker's Guide. Though now that I've looked at it again, the computer in question doesn't seem all that intelligent.


    • #77
      Yes! David, you are a COMPLETE genius! Thank you! That's so where! And it was Calvin who came up with the fractions! *sighs with relief*

      I only got the one reference, I think. "It ends tonight." TMR, right?

      <insert numeral here> Ask It: So, have you not read the 100 Things I will Not Do When I Am Evil Overlord, or are you just a really slow learner?

      *grins* The Evil Overlord List can be found here. it is very extremely funny. You will appreciate it.

      Annoying songs? Why... "This is the song that doesn't end..."

      Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


      • #78
        Haha! I SO did #91 of 'You know you read too much YW when...' I made this 'Best of' thing for my friends at school who read YW with some of the stuff you guys put up on the boards, but don't worry, down at the bottom I put 'None of these were my original ideas. I had thought of a few of them before I read these but these are mostly credited to...." And then I went on to proceed in saying whose ideas were in there so I am not acredited to being smart when it was all you guys.

        126. (If you have partner or fellow wizard allong with you) As the Lone Power talks on and on about stuff, in the middle of a random sentence that seems sort of important, turn to your partner and say, "So as I was saying-"

        127. Show up for your Ordela late. (Did someone already put this? Is it possible to show up late for your Ordeal? And I apologize if these are really stupid. My brain might not be working too well considering the fact that it's four in the morning.)

        128. Start playing a violen as the LP rants.... Really badly.

        129. Eat something that makes a big mess, and when your mouth is full and half of whatever you're eating is gone ask Him if He wants some.

        130. Say, "You poor, lost soul..." sadly every time He trys to say something.

        131. Bring pictures of your friends and family to show Him.

        132. Tell Him you've been dying to get back at Him for when the printer wouldn't print your term paper because you know it was Him that made it do that. Don't stop insisting that it was His fault.

        Again, sorry if someone already came up with these and that some of them are just reallt stupid thoughts that came out of my head. For now, I better go to sleep so I can think strait again. Kepp up the good work guys! You did a heck of a lot better than me!
        ~Wizards, the 8th wonder of the world.

        ~The Last Cyber Unicorn, yeah that's me.


        • #79
          in resp. to 132: HA! I just KNEW it! It WAS It, WASN'T it? GRAAAAAAAH! *has had one too many grades lowered due to a five-year-old-printer that is constantly out of ink*

          133. Insist on calling It "Mr. Rogers"

          134. Offer It tickets to your best friend's garage band's first concert, because they're really good, really, even if their vocalist's a bit out of tune all the time and their guitarist doesn't know scat about music theory... are You sure You don't want to go? Really? Absolutely positively? Oh, come on....

          135. tell It that, yes, Its shoe's still untied. Really. Now learn to tie a proper bow, You lackw--*ducks energy bolt*


          • #80
            136. Instead of Starsnuffer, call It Mr. Snuffalupagus.
            137. Demand muffins.
            138. Make silly anagrams out of Its name, such as "leer when poot."
            139. While wearing a whale sark, ask, "Does this make me look fat?"


            • #81
              Okay, I tried posting this a couple of days ago, but my computer started to post before I clicked on "post now" and my post seemes to have disapeared. Has this happend to anyone else or is it just my computer?

              140. Whenever It threaterns you with death, etc tell It in a stern, mock perental voice, "You are never going to win friends with THAT attitude."
              141. If you feel brave enough, add "young man" to the end of that last one.
              142. Whenever It speaks to you correct It's grammer even if none of it needs corrected.
              143. When coming across the Lone Power after being on erentary for a few years, run over to It, throws your arms around It, give It a big hug and yell, "You're my best friend, you know that?"


              • #82
                Please, for the people who are new here, what is Poot?
                CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


                • #83
                  this is fun, here are some more:

                  144. Try to convince It to become a vegan
                  145. or eat tofu
                  146. make sure It brushes It's teeth before (s)he goes to bed every night.
                  147. recite poetry in pig-latin to It (this drives my teacher's MAD)
                  148. Insist that It takes a chidren's multivitamin before going to bed
                  149. Ask It to sniff your toes (haha, I do this to Chance)
                  150. Tickle It!!!!
                  ... But he was looking through the window at the one joy from which he must be forever barred.


                  • #84
                    Nitafan, Poot is the forum demon. He's not something from the books or anything like that. He just makes forum members post short posts and stuff like that. Heh. And Semiaris drew a picture of Poot somewhere. Anyone remember where exactly?

                    Hehe... Poot.

                    And errr, your post was too short. ((Poot's fault)) :P
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • #85
                      They (2 of them) are on my devart site somewhere. I dun feel like looking up the links right now. But there's a link to one of them in the TTOGR (good luck finding it), and the other's in the Fanart section under "poot has stolen Nita's manual" and they're both somewhere in either the newbie ultima or the other big newbie topic that was originally under a different heading, I forget what it was called. Yay. (I think I'm becoming the official Poot-picture monger...)


                      • #86
                        Here are more ways to annoy/anger teh lone power(or voldermort or Snape or any other type of evilish character.
                        151. Spell his bed to end up on the lake of pirahnas
                        152.Get together 5 very young wizards then while they're ready to attack jeer, "You're gonna get it, You're gonna get it!"
                        153. In the most 'Motherish' voice you can muster whisper to him, "Oh, Dear if only you could've been a good power like your siblings. Then we wouldn't have to deal with attacks, would we?!?"
                        154. Trap him in one of your lucid dreams(So many possibilities)
                        155. Force him to do the chicken dance
                        156. Make him watch a montage of cancer survivors, fuel verypowerful shields on these people
                        157. Force him to watch Barney
                        158. Force him to watch Tellitubies
                        159. Make him do your laundry
                        160. Kidnap one of his forms and stick him in a shielded jar
                        161. Force him to give you three wishes before you let him out of the spell-proff jar
                        Lone Power:I will not be a common genie!
                        4 days later...
                        okay! okay!
                        162. Bring him to Chuck E Cheese's
                        163. Make him smell the playtubes at Chuck E Cheese's
                        164.Sing 'Grandma got run over by a reindeer' replacing all of the Grandmas with Lone Powers and all of the reindeer with wizards
                        165.Take him to church try to get him to tak ecommunion
                        166. Wake him up at three in the morning and yell "All of your sick are well again!"
                        167. When he wakes up yell"Just kidding!"before running
                        168. Tell him he needs a nose job
                        169. Tell him he got job but it looks like Michael Jackson's
                        170. Go through his stuff
                        171. Count how many times you can half-yell "My preciousssss.." While going through his stuff before he wakes up and notices
                        172. Read his diary
                        173.Find out which mortal he has considered leaving alone (crush)NOTE-This might be hard use method shown on 174.
                        174. Play 'this little piggy' on his toes until he tells you what you want to know
                        175. Yellin a sing-song voice from the top of the crossings station, "The Lone Power's got a crush on******,The Lone Power's got a crush on******.
                        176.Blog his diary on the internet in the speech.


                        • #87
                          Pootdoes not bug me....
                          where can I get a picture of poot again, I got a litle lost semiramis.
                          Vegan chick, I love your avatar!


                          • #88
                            Okay, I don't know if these have been done yet.. but..

                            177. Poke him over and over with your freshly peeled and moonlighted rowan wand.
                            178. Invite him to a sleepover and then when he comes over start reading the YW books to him with your friends.
                            179. At this sleepover, when he sleeps, put makeup on him.
                            180. Make him listen to some 80s music.
                            181. Start singing to him "You're too sexy for this..." and add things like Ordeal, death, etc.
                            People around the world are like ongiri. Everyone has an umeboshi with with a different shape and color and flavor. But because it's stuck on their back... they might not be able to see their umeboshi. Maybe that's the reaso


                            • #89
                              Uh, Sohma Kodora, I'm probaly being far too nit-picky posting this, but the Lone Power is an It, not he.
                              *snickers* I love 178 and 179.


                              • #90
                                Even better, do no. 179 while he's awake...

                                "Ooh, ooh, this eyeshadow is, like, totally your color!"

                                "TRY THIS ONE!! TRY THIS ONE!!"

                                "Are you sure you don't want to put on some blush?"

                                "You know, you kinda look like Martha Stewart with that lipstick..."

                                (Lulu: for the time being, both of them are onthis page. They won't be forever, since it changes as I add more, but... yeah.)

