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Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

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  • #16
    OMG, Im srry... see, i shouldnt listen to my dad :P he said i was going to have to wait like 3 weeks ARGH.... then he said the mailmen just hadnt picked up the books.... so, when we were at the mall, my mom bought me it to save me 3 days.. then when we got home there was a package in ourr mailbox... a book shaped package soooo now we have two copies...
    My thoughts:
    <span class="ev_code_WHITE">AARGH! I like hated Sirius, but, Harry just kinda, flicked him away.. he wasn't anywhere near as screwed up as he was in the fifth book.... it seems so messed up... and, I knew it was snape as soon as he looked through the book.. a.) notes about potions, snape is like obsessed with it b. umm, i read spoiler that the HBP would kill AD.. so it was obvious what the plan he swore to help draco with was.... well, i can't believe it... Snape can't be evil.. i looove snape.. and Harry was scary... in the begining of the year, he wanted him dead! *shudder* creepy harry.. and, i JUST realized something.. I laughed Soooo much.. its kinda mean, but Im kinda twisted, and like snape to much... Dumbledore, PLEADED! he begged severus not to kill him, he was scared! *LMAO* Here is the "greatest wizard of all time" begging Snape for mercy... Harrys parents didnt beg LV for mercy, and they were in much deeper trouble.. what happened to death is the next great adventure? srry, guess im evil :P well, as soon as i saw RAB, regalus (SP?) instantly popped into my head sooo, yeah... I cant believe Harry dumped ginny, she let him.. and THEN he let Ron and Hermione come with him! Whats up with that? What happened to not wanting Ginny to be used against him? i guess Ron and Hermione dont count? I told yall it was him and ginny all the way I feel sorry for Draco.. he almost got out of it, he almost did.... And i still wont believe Snape is Evil! srry, but im going to go on with my mad theory that dumbledore wanted him to kill him, and that he did it to keep up his appearance as a spy, and that he would have died if he hadnt, soooo, well, cya guys :P</span>


    • #17
      Originally posted by Lisa:
      One quote was "The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Guess where that's from!
      Life, the Universe and Everything by Douglas Adams or it may be So Long and Thanks for all the Fish. I know that topic crops up in both books.


      • #18
        Kat: You're right! Yup, I didn't even know, and I made a near miss with trouble-I wasn't supposed to read those, and I said "Oh, I know I've read that somewhere. I remember it!" Then someone gave us the answer and said "It's from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Mentally, I went Oops!

        Ooh, I wrote an HP fic! Based on <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Bill and Fleur's wedding, and things that happen there. Well, it's before the wedding, but still. VERY pro-Harry/Ginny...kinda...with some Ron/Hermy and Lupin/Tonks and other goodness. Plus, an annoying OC, or Original Character.</span>LOTS OF SPOILERS, BUT NOT THE DEATH...but I hint at who died. Please read and review, if you don't mind spoilers.

        <span class="ev_code_WHITE">When I "told my mom about the theory," of course, I didn't tell her I got it here. I can't. But the whole idea requires MORE RESEARCH! TO THE BOOKS! Er, I just want an excuse to reread them, really. We should give <STRIKE>our</STRIKE> alla and PM's little idea a name. How about...the YW Regulas Alphard Black Conspiracy Theory? Or not... </span>
        Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
        "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
        "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


        • #19
          FUNFUNFUNFUNFUN! I just ran down to Chapters, and read HBP in about 3 hours. Then I had to leave. Noo! I had less than a hundred pages left. Darn.

          *goes into AOL noobster mode* ZOMG!!!1111!!!eleven!!111oneone! HPB WAS TEH SUCK!!!@#1!1elevnone!!!


          <span class="ev_code_WHITE">It wasn't THAT good. Frankly, it was horrible. I mean: the story was all wrong. It wasn't Harry Potter any longer. It actually seemed like fanfic! I could seriously imagine reading this on a fanfic site, as a story written by an overboard fan. I'm serious!

          I think that's all I have to say. I didn't really get the part where Ron/Hermy. I don't paticularly care. The Horcruxes were very weird.</span>


          • #20
            <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Seriously.

            It wasn't THAT good. Frankly, it was horrible. I mean: the story was all wrong. It wasn't Harry Potter any longer. It actually seemed like fanfic! I could seriously imagine reading this on a fanfic site, as a story written by an overboard fan. I'm serious!

            I think that's all I have to say. I didn't really get the part where Ron/Hermy. I don't paticularly care. The Horcruxes were very weird.</span>

            *bursts out laughing* <span class="ev_code_WHITE"> I thought the EXACT SAME THING! I was like, okay, if these Horcrux things were so important, then WHY weren't they in previous books? There was BARELY a hint. And the fanfiction thing is sooooo right. It's so sappy. People have used the EXACT SAME LINES as J.K. Rowling, with the SAME TWO CHARACTERS. True, it was one sentence, but STILL! And that was before the sixth book even came out. The Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione stuff ain't gonna cut it. I had de ja vu while reading, thinking "In one of those few fanfics I've read, Harry said the same lines to Ginny, and someone else said the same thing about Ron and Lavender, and this is something out of a fangirl/boy's dream." I seriously think that someone broke into the printing facility and replaced JKR's story with theirs.

            The Horcrux thing was terribly planned too. I read mostly YGO fics, and one was a YGO/HP crossover. Weirdly, it had the same...texture. New theme: Some OC had a dragon inside them or something. Romance: Tons. I mean, it was a good fic, but to have the same qualities in a published book? Nah. Do you get what I'm saying? If you don't, I'll attempt to explain better. </span>

            P.S.- I love the book; these are the few bad things about it. I always vent after a couple days.
            Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
            "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
            "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


            • #21
              Okay, my P to the 3rd. (Potter Pet Peeves)

              Page 10. The word site. Shouldn't it be sight?!?! Angel agrees...but, well, you know.

              <span class="ev_code_WHITE">And, whether Snape wanted to kill Dumbledore at that point or not, he had made the unbreakable vow with Narcissa that he would complete Draco's mission if he failed, and, since his mission was to kill Dumbledore, he had no choice. Or he could've died. That woulda been better, but we know Snape wouldn't do that.</span>


              • #22
                Originally posted by LoveBird:
                Page 10. The word site. Shouldn't it be sight?!?! Angel agrees...but, well, you know.
                What do you mean by that? Are you suggesting that my agreement means nothing? *sniff*

                <span class="ev_code_WHITE">What I don't get is that Harry seemed really surprised when told that Hermione and Ron would be there with him at the Dursley's and help him. I mean, they're his friends! Why would they do anything less? And then, the whole thing about endangering Ginny bugged me. *mutters* They were so cute together. Fleur bothered me until the end where she showed just how much she really cared about Bill. Now she's only a minor irritation. Tonks and Lupin was unexpected, but they seem good together.

                I still can't quite believe that Dumbledore died. It seems too unreal to believe, even more so than Sirius's death. I didn't cry, though I admit my eyes got misty.</span>

                There's more that I just can't quite think of at the moment. My sleep deprived brain isn't functioning quite properly.
                the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                • #23
                  <span class="ev_code_white">Some fans think the Horcruxes have been in there since the beginning of the series, one in every book. We're just trying to work out what they all are now.</span>

                  LoveBird: Yell at Scholastic. My copy (Bloomsbury's UK edition) says "sight". It's one of Scholastic's bits of editing for US readers, like in CoS where Voldemort asks Harry how he managed to defeat him as a baby, and Scholastic's editor changes it to "scrawny child" or something, apparently thinking he means at the end of the first book, not the beginning.
                  Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                  • #24
                    Well, consider Philosopher's Stone to Sorcerer's Stone (I own both a UK and a US copy). Plus the change from sellotape (scotch tape) to spellotape, to make it more readable.

                    I found an actual grammatical error. When Mrs. Weasley is talking. I have the page number marked at home. Anyway. I finished it same day. Couldn't put it down.

                    <span class="ev_code_WHITE">As for's interesting to think that after all he'd been through, he still trusted Snape. I really hadn't thought of him as naive until that moment. I kept thinking maybe Snape was just messing with Bella, even if it was irreversible. Plus it made me feel someting for Malfoy. Up to this book, he'd just really been a snob and a nuisance. But I guess it's all gone very dark, all of a sudden, especially with Lucias in jail.</span>


                    • #25
                      Also, it's supposed to be fog outside of Harry's window, not fug, right?

                      I had to laugh as I read this topic, because it's all whited-out spoilers. And it just loks insanely funny. Like it's a ghost town topic. Or a topic inwhich no one is actually aying anyhtingus, but it goes on and on and on and on....

                      PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                      Follow the bouncing poot


                      • #26
                        The Bloomsbury edition does also say fug. I can't decide if it's intentional or not. says: A heavy, stale atmosphere, especially the musty air of an overcrowded or poorly ventilated room, which doesn't seem to quite fit.
                        Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                        • #27
                          ok: for those theorists out there, this is the LJ that Tui pointed me to for the one-<span class="ev_code_white">horcrux</span>-per-book theory (*MuttersstupidUSspelling*).

                          Spoilers abound for those who haven't read it.



                          • #28
                            Suggestions; (in white)

                            About R.A.B.:
                            <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Regulus was described as an idiot who chickened out, and Dumbledore said that only two people could get to the Horcrux, that's why I think the initials are not of one name but two, united by "AND". Regulus probably did it, with help from B---------- which we don't know... I doubt it's Bellatrix because she's too loyal, but hey... Regulus and B----- is better than R.A.B. </span>

                            About Dumbledore and Snape:
                            <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Dumbledoreknew that the DADA job was jinxed, I think he didn't gave it to Snape 'cause it was safer, Snape wouldn't be drawn back to Voldemort; by giving it to Snape, however, he LET Snape go, which makes me think that there was a plan behind Dumbledore's death.... maybe he let himself die, or maybe it was another plan and he made the mistake of trusting Snape with it... we'll see.</span>
                            Comradely, Diego

                            Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                            "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                            "Be a real


                            • #29
                              I finally finished the book! (Well two days ago.) This is what I have to say:
                              Dumbledore- <span class="ev_code_WHITE">I wasn't sad when he died, just after when Fawkes was singing, that's when i got really sad, although I didn't cry. I think it sucks that everybody was suspecting Snape, and just when you start to trust him, he kills someone. That kind of annoyed me but it was a nice twist.</span>
                              Horcruxes and Book 7- <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Agh!!! Did I read it wrong or was Harry not going to Hogwarts next year??? That'll suck, my favorite characters are Ron and Hermoine, and if Harry's not gonna see them in the next book it might be kind of boring. Now I must go find out who R.A.B. is. </span>
                              I loved the Romance in this book, but it really sucked when <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Harry kind of let Ginny go, I agree with Angel that they were so cute! I loved how he made Dean and her break up without even trying. That was really funny. I also love Fluer and Bill, Fluer was so wonderful I loved saying her parts outloud in a French accent. Lol. </span>
                              Ron made me so angry in this book, at first I <span class="ev_code_WHITE">kind of felt sorry for him when Ginny was talking about how he'd never 'snogged' anyone. (Although it was kind of funny.) But when he starting to go out with Lavender that just bothered me. And I felt sorry for Hermoine because of Ron being an idiot. (*huggles hermoine*)</span>
                              Malfoy also suprised me in this book. <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Like Drea, I actually felt some emotion for him in this book. Even when he was kicking Harry's face in. It would suck being him...and having to kill Dumbledore even though he couldn't. I still wonder if he'll be killed by Voldemort since Snape killed Dumbledore for him.</span>
                              penguins will rule the world.


                              • #30
                                OMG I Just realized: <span class="ev_code_WHITE">Without taking their NEWTS, doesn't that mean Harry and Ron can't become Aurors? And that Hermione is loosing her chances at jobs that require NEWTs?? I can't believe Hermione would throw away her future like that (well, it's not throwing it away, but loosing her chance to do jobs she might want) And, Harry has to die in the seventh book now... he can't be an auror after voldermort, he can't do any other jobs requireing NEWT scores, and I don't think he'd go back to Hogwarts without Dumbledore there, and I don't think he'd go into the ministry... I can only see him either leaving the wizard world, to get away from the fame/memories, or being dead.... because there's nothing for him after Voldermort</span>

                                Srry, just a shock to me :P

