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Harry Potter

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  • #46
    oops, I made a mistake. Earwen means sea maiden, not sea lover. Can Poot be blamed for this or is he just responisble for one-lining?


    • #47
      Err, a way to avoid the wrath of Poot would be to edit the mistaken post. In the upper right-hand corner, for the posts you authored, there will be a little pencil eraser over a folder icon. That will let you edit or delete a post after you've created it.
      New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


      • #48
        Yeah, I know how to edit posts. It's just that once when I tried to do it a message came up saying that it could only be done within an hour of posting. This was a few months ago so I don't know if it has changed or not. I guess I should really find that out.


        • #49
          Kathy: No, I've only seen the online Neil Gaiman one you pointed me at.

          Earwen: Ah, I just wondered if you'd heard but not read the name. Ok, no problem. Alan Rickman is also too old to be in his early 30s - they probably had to cast the Marauders to match him. (Why? The fact they were in the same year at Hogwarts wasn't mentioned in the final film.) Sirius doesn't look like a skull with skin stretched over it, but I don't think anyone else would, either.
          Yes, I used a Dilbert book to inspire me, plus a mirror to make an avatar that resembled me, drawn in Scott Adams' style.

          I've edited posts a week after making them - apparently the time limit on editing has either changed or been removed with Eve.
          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


          • #50
            Silly PM.

            I think that the fact that Gary Oldman looks old is ok. Sirius is supposed to look on in PoA. Because he's been in Azkaban for 12 years. With dementors. The funny part was that my sister got more freaked out by the part where Trelawny puts her hand on Harry's shoulder when he brings the crystal ball back, then when the dementors appeared.

            The timeline screwups is what ticked me off. It's all in the details. But I still love the new director, so to you.


            • #51
              I saw Harry Potter on wed, and I have to say that I was really really disapointted!!!!! They misssed loads of great bits out (I know that was for timeing reasons), Prongs was all wrong. One of the best bits of the film I was looking for was seeing Prongs charge down the dementors but no that does not happen!! I was so angry!!! I'm sorry people they changed it too much from the book for my likeing so I would only give that movie 4 out of 10
              angry Fox
              God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

              Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


              • #52
                the four Pevensey children moving from our world to Narnia via the wardrobe.
                --Penvesie, I think. *checks* No! Pevensie. Ouch. I've been hearing the "n" in the wrong place for at least 10 years. That stings.

                As for frames- Tolkien's rejection of frames make it even more tragic that some of the staples of (bad) Lord of the Rings fanfic are the (oh so very) tired "Portal opens to Middle Earth, Dragging Mary Sue with it/Mary Sue Lands in Middle Earth/The Lord of the Rings Goes California And Meets- Mary Sue!" And all variations thereof.

                I (still) haven't seen PoA- but I have to say that my biggest plot problem is that, according to one of my friends, they didn't explain whoMooney, (Moony?) Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs were. I mean, it's one of the crucial points- and how hard would it have been? *sigh*
                Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                • #53
                  What??? No Prongs running the dementers down??? Are there any good parts left from the books in the movie? Ahhh! *sniffles* Now I'm scared. I loved book 3. And they didn't say who the Marauders were? So... I feel bad for the clueless non-book-readers seeing that movie. In fact, it'll probably scare them away from HP.

                  Oh hehe. I had a friend who knew nothing about LOTR trying to ask me to explain it to her. She saw the second one, but didn't get it. Heh. *shakes head*
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • #54
                    You think thats bad Gryphon!!! Thats just the start!!! Theres no quidicth (sorry about the spelling but I have not got the book to hand!!) match!! The first time Harry and co win the cup and get one over on Malfoy and its not in the film!!!! Hagrids huts been moved!! Mooney is not what I thought he would look like, and the film overall feels rushed!!! I know they have a lot on there plate but you think that they would ask people that read the book what they want to see in the movie...... All my friends where saying how great it was and how much better it was than the other two!!! How wrong they where!!! I felt really upset afterwards!!! I felt like writing a letter to the film makers saying that they are destroying my happyness and joy of Harry Potter!!! I felt robbed!!!! as you can tell I'm well and truly peaved!!! All my friends where shocked with my thoughts towards the film!
                    Angry Fox
                    God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                    Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


                    • #55
                      Like I said it's pretty good, but I havent read the book in a while and you just pointed out a whole lot that they didn't have! I compleatly forgot about all that. The thing I noticed was they didn't explain who Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prong's were. That's a major part of the movie! Especialy the part where Remus, Sirius, and James were best friends. I thought they should have AT LEAST put in the Quidditch Cup, too. I thought that Chris Columbas would have done alot diffrent. I liked what he did with the first 2 movies.

                      CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                      Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


                      • #56
                        Drea: Ah, I said it before (though not here): No film in which Hermione punches Malfoy in the jaw can be all bad.

                        Fox: I thought the bit with the stag Patronus getting rid of the Dementors was close to the book, as was Harry's reaction to the figure he saw cast it.

                        Birdhead: Augh! I must be getting mixed up with Pevensey Bay - now, if that's spelt the same way as those four kids, I give up. I've never read any LotR fanfic, so I didn't know about that - yes, I agree that's bad.

                        And, no, there's no explanation of who the Marauders were, or that Snape was at school with them, unless my ears blinked (?) during a line of dialogue. I want the DVD *sigh* November, I suppose.

                        Gryphon: Well, the stag is still in it. Apparently people who haven't read the book like the film better, as they literally don't know what they're missing.

                        And there may not be a Quidditch match , but it still involves Harry losing to an anonymous Hufflepuff Seeker (but Cedric really), and his broom being smashed to a bag of pieces.

                        I'm not that bothered about Hagrid's hut being moved - the film locations never seemed to fit the descriptions in the book anyway.

                        *sigh* And if they asked fans of the book what they wanted to see in the movie, the answer would be "All of it!" so why ask? They know they can't make a film that's long enough. (I was just rereading GoF and thinking I'd like to see the scene with the trio getting Hagrid to teach again, when I realised it'll probably be cut out - one 2h30 film isn't going to be able to keep much of the book.)

                        I think they did say that Sirius was best man at James' wedding to Lily, and Remus certainly told Harry he was their friend.

                        The books are still there, too. You can read them again; they haven't had any pages mysteriously disappear. Oh - and apparently, if Spielberg had been chosen to direct, he'd have started with this film, as the first two books weren't worth bothering with. I'd say things could have been worse. (Though I'd still like to find a real source for what Spielberg "would have done".)
                        Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                        • #57
                          I still liked it. I think that, yeah, ok, not explaining who they were was an issue. But I don't mind that they moved the hut. The scenes were still gorgeous. And besides, you have to understand that moving from one media to another creates an issue. You can't include everything. And the movie still flowed fine.

                          That's the problem with the first two, in my opinion. They cut out whole chunks of the book, anyway, and created a total flow issue. There would be months without anything at all.


                          • #58
                            Ya know people.. it is very difficult to condense 10 months into 2 hours or so. I thought that they (both directors in turn) have really done the best in each circumstance. Sure, they left out favorite parts, but none of the favorite parts have been the same for all of us.

                            I liked it much better the second time... didn't miss as much as the first. I would recommend a second viewing. *sigh* At least JKR loved PoA. She said that there were several parts that really had a lot to do with books 6 and 7 that no one could know about it, even the director. She said she hasn't divulged that information to anyone and she was pleasantly surprised that they were in PoA. So, guess that is good news... I'm still trying to figure out what they are... Hmm.. gives me something to think about.
                            -----------------------------I'm not paranoid! Which of my enemies told you this?
                            The trouble with life is that you're half-way through it before you realize it's a do-it-yourself thing.
                            I've gone to find myself. If I should return before I get bac


                            • #59
                              I haven't seen PoA yet, but from the preiviews, the movie looks darker. I know that the book has gotten darker, but The colors and such seem not as showy. did this have an effect on the movie as a whole? Am I spacing out?

                              Ask not for whom the dog barks. It barks for thee.
                              And really bad eggs...
                              Go salaí cúnna ifrinn do chuid calóga arbhair.
                              S.P.R.B.I (Semi Puke Related
                              Barf Incident)
                              Weak Sauce!


                              • #60
                                I'm back...
                                Been so busy lately with school and such...
                                Saw the movie, liked the beginning, LOVED the middle, tollorated the end. The very beginning (Aunt Marge) felt slightly rushed. The middle was excellent. Tons of scenery, great little add-ins that weren't in the book, but made sense, in-jokes that only readers would was all good. Then..hmm...then end...
                                SPOILERS ALERT
                                The end was disappointing. Although the Sirius was a good actor and Snape showed a decent ammount of loathing, the lack of explaination left me cold. Alan Rickman is such a fantastic actor, yet his tallents were wasted. If we'd known why he hated James, Sirius, and Lupin so much, things would have been brilliant. Also, the lack of information made things stop making sense. Why would Harry knock Snape out when Lupin had given him no evidence to support Black's innocense?
                                I also wished that Harry hadn't seen Pettigrew on the map. It took all of the surprise out of the movie.
                                AS FOR ACTORS
                                As I said, Lupin and Sirius were brilliant. The whole bit with Sirius acting mad was odd at first, but I got over it.
                                The new Dumblefore (Micheal Gambon) was a big disappointment. I know that he was at a severe disadvantage because Steve Kloves (screenwriter) gave him the most horrible fortune-cookie lines imaginable, but I'm confident that the old Dumbledore could have pulled them off with a bit more style. All in all, Gambon's Dumbledore seems more mad than magnificent.
                                And Peter Pettigrew. I'm not sure that he was a bad actor, but whoever chose to make him look like an overgrown comic rat, really wasn't thinking. He is supposed to be a shameless little snitch and a servent of Voldemort. I'm guessing that no one wanted to scare the small children, so they made him a comic villan. It won't work. He has to kill a man in the next film. It--just--won't--work.
                                All in All
                                The film was good, I'll most likely see it again, but I pray that the next one moves a bit slower so that we can catch the entire story.
                                A physics geek
                                And proud of it...

                                Loyal reader and Young Wizards books, great lover of Moon Cakes, and engineering feminista...

