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  • hainterj. [echoic] an exclamation variously expressing wonder, surprise, anger, triumph, etc.: repeated (ha-han. the sound of this exclamation or of a laugh
    -Webster's Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition


    • My 1 piece of advice Rysade!!! Use poles and watch out for snowboarders!

      The monkey made me do it!
      penguins will rule the world.


      • Don't use poles. They're annoying and useless unless you're speeding or doing hairpin turns, and you will not be doing those. I started with poles, and they were so redundantly USELESS I dumped them. They were stupid, I didn't need them, it was just extra stuff to carry.

        Kitsune Rei ~kisses taste nice~


        • *Agent~M*
          "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
          "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
          "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
          "I could live


          • I'm going to say something very astute here, I hope you forgive me for it.

            You're a klutz then, aren't you?

            Because only people with no sense of balance need poles for that reason. Either that, or you're going on real mountains, not manmade ones.

            I would have thought most people had an excellent sense of balance, or maybe that's only me. And I doubt that Rysade will be on actual mountains. I've been on very very big hills, but they were smooth and didn't require any fancy stuff to navigate.

            But honestly, you don't NEED poles unless you're a klutz or are going to be doing fancy stuff.

            Kitsune Rei ~kisses taste nice~


            • Listen Aurora...I"m not a klutz apparently skiing is just not my sport, some people are horrible at singing but that doesn't mean they must be deaf or dumb! Anyways the hills I were on her all iced over so it was harder for me to learn plus I have no arches in my feet which my mom says might make it impossible for me to learn because I'll be applying pressure on the insides of my feet instead of the outside edges...(You'll get it if you have flat feet or else it might not make any sense.) Anyways Aurora I'm NOT a klutz! I even won the balancing contest...(You use big sticks to hit people with on a balancebeam.)

              The monkey made me do it!
              penguins will rule the world.


              • hainterj. [echoic] an exclamation variously expressing wonder, surprise, anger, triumph, etc.: repeated (ha-han. the sound of this exclamation or of a laugh
                -Webster's Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition


                • I think poles are more of a security know, confidence-building an' all. As in, skiing newbies feel better when they've got something to hang on to and therefore ski better.
                  All of the above is, of course, unsupported by any actual evidence.

                  The important thing about adventures, thought Mr Bunnsy, was that they shouldn't be so long as to make you miss mealtimes.
                  -- (Terry Pratchett, The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents)
                  My art place thing -
                  OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
                  --Douglas Adams, HHGG


                  • I use poles a lot. Mostly on real mountains and hills...when I skied in Switzerland I used them. Aurora: it's actually more professional to use poles for balance...I don't think M is a klutz...just maybe really good.

                    the crinkled paper bag
                    "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." "But why is the rum gone?" --both from Captain Jack Sparrow, "Pirates"
                    the crinkled paper bag
                    "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." "But why is the rum gone?" --both from Captain Jack Sparrow, "Pirates"


                    • I said I was astute. Astute means blunt.

                      I feel poles are COMPLETELY unnecessary. I learned without, and I had the hang of it within an hour.

                      And skiing isn't my sport either. I can wipe out FANTASTICALLY on skis, but really... falling down is worse with poles, because then you've got MORE metal thingies to hit you when you fall. And THESE thingies aren't strapped to your feet.

                      Ice... ^^ I've skied in icy conditions. I had fun. And I wiped out really nicely, rolled some five or six meters before I slid to a stop.

                      I never use poles anymore, useless things. Unless I'm crosscountry skiing, which is completely different. Downhill, you don't need poles unless you're doing fancy footwork.

                      Kitsune Rei ~kisses taste nice~


                      • Astute does not mean blunt, it means perceptive. *hunts around for Chambers* "Astute- sage, sagacious; wily."

                        As for poles- I like 'em, but that's cause i suck, and also, actually, you do tend to go uite fast when you're skiing recreationally, (I mean, that's kinda the point...) and NZ slopes are quite crowded.

                        Uhm, what are man-made mountains???? 'Cause here, you just have the one sort: the natural sort, ie either Ruapehu (volcanoe) or the Southern Alps...

                        Aslo, falling down isn't usually a problem, unless you fall badly. If you have to fall, fall towars the mountain. That works just fine, I should know: I do it ALL the time. Only little kids ski without poles here.

                        "We are philosophical geniuses [sic] who will one day rule the world!"
                        --Agent M
                        Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha!
                        Still the Typo Queen
                        Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                        • *blink blink*

                          Then tell that to A-kun, he defined the word for me. I was reading, and I came across it, and I asked him because he was smart and he told me it meant blunt. Then again, he also told me I was his "Friend with Benefits" and if you know what that means, IT'S NOT TRUE!!!! Anyway. He just came across THAT phrase in a Alanis Morrisette song, and decided to use it. Then we found out what it meant. It was funny. Then again, in the same song, that singer sounds like she's talking about a "cross-eyes teddy bear..."

                          OKay. I meant blunt.

                          Our slopes here are crowded too, that's why if they catch you speeding (I mean actually speeding), they kick you off. ^^ POles hindered me... More stuff to carry. I always skied without, some others ski with- it's a matter of personal preference. If you're implying I'm a little kid, I'd like to remind you that even if I am a little kid, I know how to screw up your internet... Or I can learn.

                          Manmade slopes- where people make a mountain of dirt, you know, and people ski on it. The local place does that, the hills aren't that good... However, you go up past Toronto or so, you get some worn down mountains.... ^^ Still easy hills though. ^^

                          Kitsune Rei ~kisses taste nice~


                          • I don't ski much anymore. Just once a year in Svitzerland, as my mum calls it.
                            I miss Diana. She left for a trip and she isn't coming back because her mum likes it so much, and her mum is very sick and needs some fresh air before she dies. That's what she says. I know she's lying. She just doesn't like me and wants to move out. But I like her a lot.

                            the crinkled paper bag
                            "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." "But why is the rum gone?" --both from Captain Jack Sparrow, "Pirates"
                            the crinkled paper bag
                            "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." "But why is the rum gone?" --both from Captain Jack Sparrow, "Pirates"

