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Carmella a Wizard?

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  • #61
    Which begs the question: Is the Speech edictive?

    Haw haw. Rysade made a funny...

    --Dai Stihó

    ha (hä) interj. [echoic] an exclamation variously expressing wonder, surprise, anger, triumph, etc.: repeated (ha-han. the sound of this exclamation or of a laugh
    -Webster's Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition


    • #62
      You lot are really bringing up some very interesting subjects, and all of them are possible. But I do think that some how Carmella WILL meet the lone power, even possibly unknowningly help/work for it!
      God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

      Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


      • #63
        Nah...Carmella's not a wizard. It can (rarely) run in families, but to have Carmella become one after Dairine did...wouldn't that be a little repetitive? She's good with languages, but facility with the Speech can come from any number of sources and does not automatically convey any power. I believe it was mentioned that many people could actually read a spell if they saw an open manual but nothing would happen if you weren't a wizard. Carmella seems a little too flaky to me. Imaginitive and intelligent enough, certainly. But essentially, at the moment, shallow. One of the people who help the Powers without being aware of it. I could be wrong...the Manual said not everybody has the traits you'd expect in a wizard...but I really don't think Carmella is or will become one.

        As for the nature of wizardry: Things like to hear the Speech. Sometimes they can be convinced by it to do certain things. But I'm almost positive that nobody can get the real power of wizardry...the full force and ability of it...until they're bound by the Oath. It doesn't make sense to grant the power of wizardry without the obligation.
        I solemnly swear I am up to no good...


        • #64
          When you think about it, Nita wasn't exactly what you would see as prime wizard material in the beginning of SYWTBAW, eiher. She proved herself through her ordeal with Kit. Carmela might seem a bit shallow now, but there's a good possibility she may be offered the Oath, especially after reading the WAW exerpt. Sounds like the Powers that Be might need some extra power on their side.
          Metaphors be with you.


          • #65
            Currently, my opinion on this topic is a bit skewed. Yeah, after reading the WAW excerpt it DOES seem like the POwers could use some extra help on their side... But I almost shudder at the thought of Carmela being a wizard. I agree with the earlier comment of her being a little flakey. It seems like she thinks of the whole wizard thing as a hobby more than life. To me she seems like the person who would pick wizardry up for awhile and be like, 'Eh, been there, done that.' and decide she was bored with it.
            ~Wizards, the 8th wonder of the world.

            ~The Last Cyber Unicorn, yeah that's me.


            • #66
              Now that we've seen Millman, I'm more inclined to put her in his catagory: someone who has seen, enjoyed, and might even be able to use the speech, but not one who is able to devote her life to wizardry...
              A physics geek
              And proud of it...

              Loyal reader and Young Wizards books, great lover of Moon Cakes, and engineering feminista...


              • #67
                I think that FireWitch is probably right, but who really know...
                The question I have been wondering about is what has been causeing teh wizardly leakage at Kit's house? I know that there is usually some, or at least it usually rubs off on wizards pets, but Kit hasen't been a wizard for that long, and there seems to be alot of leakage at his house. Especially compared to Nita's where there are 2 wizards living there, and now three more visiting. It might have something to do with Ponch...
                "The Second Law of Thermodynamics shows that disorder inevitably tends to increase in the Universe as time passes. Entropy is a measure of this disorder. Living things are not exempt from the Second Law of Thermodynamic


                • #68
                  Originally posted by HunterJumper197:
                  The question I have been wondering about is what has been causeing teh wizardly leakage at Kit's house? I know that there is usually some, or at least it usually rubs off on wizards pets, but Kit hasen't been a wizard for that long, and there seems to be alot of leakage at his house. Especially compared to Nita's where there are 2 wizards living there, and now three more visiting. It might have something to do with Ponch...
                  At Nita's house, who would it leak onto? The only "pet" they've got is Spot - and how could you tell with him :-) ? The only non-wizard living there is Harry, and he's too old to become a wizard now. (Of course, Marina Rodriguez is too old too, but... oh, I don't know.)
                  Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                  • #69
                    I think Carmella is going to end up being a wizard, even if she might work for the Lone Power. Im reading Wizadrds Holiday and in it Nita and kit are getting all worried b/c she is getting fluent in the speech. She even communicates with all the other aliens. This is just confusing!
                    No idea what cold be causing that leakage in Kit's house. It said in Holiday that even Tom and Carl don't know
                    CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                    Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


                    • #70
                      Personally, I think there's a rather worrying tendency in multiple fandoms to assume that anyone who takes, say, shopping or gossip or sports as hobbies instead of stories... fictional stories... um, written down fictional stories, and there I think I've managed to establish the distinction from gossip... is incapable of taking anything seriously or doing anything worthwhile. Carmela is interested in people, and in some ways that in itself would be an advantage in a wizard.

                      On the other hand, it's been made clear repeatedly that it's possible and in some areas quite usual for people to use the Speech without being wizards. Wizardry does use the Speech, but is over and above that.

                      And why on earth would Carmela work for the Lone Power? Just because she has assorted potential boyfriends and likes Girl Stuff? Or because Kit finds her irritating sometimes? People are stupid about their siblings periodically, y'know. It happens. I've got one.


                      • #71
                        PK I think the general consensus was that Carmella MIGHT work for the lone power unintentionally. But I think we all think that the wizard leakage at the kit household has effect Carmella in a way, but I think the powers at be may have a job for her!! Keep it cool everyone
                        God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                        Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


                        • #72
                          Carmella won't be a wizard. I think she'll just be a character like Millman. Besides, wasn't Dairine thinking in Holiday that the contact with the exchange students would be good for her, because it would let her pick up more of the speech? Knowing the speech does not make you a wizard.


                          • #73
                            I can see what your saying Drea but I do think that becasue she's learnign the speach so well and off wizards she may be able to slightly affect the local eniviroment. Also theres no saying the someone might lend her the wizard power like Ed in deep wizardary!!!
                            God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                            Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


                            • #74
                              I think that they go through quite a bit in the books to emphasize Carmela's wizardly qualities, so whether she becomes a wizard or not, something is bound to happen to her in atleast a semi wizard-like way.

                              But as for becoming actually a wizard, I think she could be. She's good with the speech (not nessecarily meaning she's a wizard, I know), and she's excellent at interspecies relations. So I think it's plausible, but then I'm biased, since Carmela has been one of my favorite characters in the last couple of books.


                              • #75
                                I was thinking with all the wizardry leakage at kits house (cause in a way thats aidded Carmella in learning the speech!!) Could it not also be effecting Kits parents in some way as well? We have seen them talk to aliens/dogs etc and they acept it without much questioning now?! could that be part of the leakage?? And I was also thinking that was there mentioned that one of Kits sisters DID NOT acept what Kit is?? I think that could be used to the Lone Powers advantage!!!! and now I've gone right off topic I'm leaving
                                God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                                Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).

