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Young Wizards Movies?

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  • Things are what they are I say if your going to make a movie out of a book you had better stick to it because I've seen some books that got mutalated by movies and when they stuck to the book it just semed out of order in the movie so to all directors that try and stray from the path be warned if I write a novel and dicide to make a movie and you try and stray from the path I'll sue you and pull the movie and go to a diffrent company.

    *Many have gone and many have stayed but one thing stays the same: Love and Hate they never go away but they can be beaten- Devin
    *Many have come to this place and most have left it but let not their life be a mystery- Devin
    *Many have come and gone so we need to leave a ripple before this planet is washed away- Devin
    *Many have come and gone but few are here to stay-Devin
    *Many have gone and many have stayed but one thing stays the same: Love and Hate they never go away but they can be beaten- Devin
    *Many have come to this place and most have left it but let not their life be a mystery- Devin
    *Many have come and go


    • Fortunately, the movie industry is getting flooded with movies that are being made EXACTLY how the authors of the books or the fans or the writers want them to. LOTR is a pretty good adaptation, minus the two towers (aka. LOTR 2) and The Matrix was written, directed, and totally controlled by the Wachowski brothers. JK Rowling has a good amount of control over her movies.

      DD, as an experienced screenwriter, should have no trouble getting people to do what she wants with the movie.

      --Dai Stihó
      "Our world is rule by people with issues, not brains." - Gryphon
      ha (hä) interj. [echoic] an exclamation variously expressing wonder, surprise, anger, triumph, etc.: repeated (ha-han. the sound of this exclamation or of a laugh
      -Webster's Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition


      • Personally, I wouldn't like a movie to come out. For one thing, I have this "sound picture" in my mind already about how all of the characters look, talk, sound, etc. Even how they move! Bascially, movies and TV shows tend to restrict people's thoughts. For that exact reason I haven't - probably never will - see Holes. I already have a way in my mind that is changed derastically (sp?) when I see pictures. Heh. First Harry Potter movie killed me; I'm not going to see the third one (I was dragged forcefully to the second one and had absolutely no say in the matter >.&lt. *shrug* I don't know, it just doesn't seem like a great idea to me, 'specially since so much would be lost.
        Hidden Sanctuary...


        • I have the whole picture aswell. Movies always ruin books. There is no making up your own things.

          "Many that live deserve death,
          Many that die deserve life"
          --Lord of the Rings

          "A positive attitude might not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort"
          "How are you today, missus Darcy?"

          "keep holding on" avril lavigne


          • *Agent~M*
            "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
            "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
            "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
            "I could live


            • I gotta read Timeline but I got a waaayy long list of books. I just read The DaVinci Code. Awesome book!!! You guys have got to read it. And now I'm reading a book I left over while I read DaVinci Code, and after that I'm thinking of re-reading His Dark Materials and then I'll read Runaway Jury and then I'll...

              And the oscar goes to...The Lord of The Rings!!!
              Comradely, Diego

              Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
              "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

              "Be a real


              • Ooh! Ooh! I just got the Da Vinci Code and will read it asap. Yayness!
                *happy dance*

                The important thing about adventures, thought Mr Bunnsy, was that they shouldn't be so long as to make you miss mealtimes.
                -- (Terry Pratchett, The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents)
                My art place thing -
                OK, so ten out of ten for style, but minus several million for good thinking, yeah?
                --Douglas Adams, HHGG


                • I've been hearing so much about the DaVinci Code!!! It sounds so great.

                  Heh. I just told my grandma what you posted, db_pr. And she's been talking about it for about 10 minutes... Such a great book, it sounds like. I have got to read it.

                  "What's a solar system? Am I a solar system?"
                  "Hehehe. You smell funny."
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • *Agent~M*
                    "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                    "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                    "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                    "I could live


                    • Muth to many there are so many books that I heard that if you layed the books on the earth that was covered it would reach a mile up but not positive or if just a lie. But all books are good it just depens on your point of view.

                      *Many have gone and many have stayed but one thing stays the same: Love and Hate they never go away but they can be beaten- Devin
                      *Many have come to this place and most have left it but let not their life be a mystery- Devin
                      *Many have come and gone so we need to leave a ripple before this planet is washed away- Devin
                      *Many have come and gone but few are here to stay-Devin
                      *Life is a book, all thats good is when one is in suspense-Devin
                      *Many have gone and many have stayed but one thing stays the same: Love and Hate they never go away but they can be beaten- Devin
                      *Many have come to this place and most have left it but let not their life be a mystery- Devin
                      *Many have come and go


                      • Gryphon - "*blink* No, no you're not. I'm not a solar system either. But we can I pretend!!!" *grin* Yes. Me and my odd ramblings...

                        My friends have highly recommended the DaVinci Code, but I probably won't get around to reading it for forever... *sigh*
                        Hidden Sanctuary...


                        • Uhm, speaking of books people just got (were we? anyway) In America I finally justified my existence and contributed to royalties- that is, I finally bought actual real YW. (In my defense: I haven't not bought them until now out of miserliness, only 'cause I can't get them.) Anyway, I got Alone and SyWTBAW: Aniiversary Edition and the Anniversary Edition is great! It has the nicest cover without the jacket- this nice brown leather that looks exactly like the manual, I'm sure...
                          Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


                          • DaVinci Code rocks! It's fiction but the thing is that that author (Dan Brown) writes his books with lots of interesting , real, facts and then makes up a story with those facts that could be real. Or maybe it couldn't be real but he writes it in a fashion that makes you think sometimes that it is real or that it could happen. I'm gonna read Angels & Demons when my Grandpa finishes it. That's from that author too and I suspect it is good.
                            Comradely, Diego

                            Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                            "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                            "Be a real


                            • Everybody's got good points here, but I'm personally much happier now that I know the fabulous DD will have creative control. However, I vote for really good unknown actors for Nita and Kit ( I know that they're 12 when the books begin, but for god's sake,don't let them be cute) and absolutely NO unnecessary sappiness/peppiness/britney spears on the soundtrack. Anyone who's seen LOTR knows it's possible to keep the integrity of a book while making it clear and of a reasonable length, as long as DD doesn't fall into the merchandising trap, which I don't think she would (if there is evera YW Happy Meal I'll cry), or the bad sequel trap, ie the Matrix, which I also don't think she would. Good luck with this venture, DD, and know we all support you! By the way, The DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons, and Deception Point are all amazing, though I was not quite as enchanted by Deception Point. The Symbolism in The DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons is absolutely fascinating. After you read about the paintings, you can look for them online, and everything described is there, like Mary Magdalene in The Last Supper. Of course, they'll probably make both of these books movies, too, and who knows how that will turn out. This is my 1st post here! I'm so excited! You can tell by all the annoying exclamation points!
                              Dai Stiho,



                              • That's a thought... YW Happy Meals... blue burgers, for Kit and Ponch's benefit...

                                I suppose there could be a book instead of a toy... no, they're only allowed 50p or 50 cents or something as the cost of that, aren't they? Hmmm.

                                I have this strange urge to use 3D software to do a picture of this sort of thing at the Crossings' snack bar. I probably ought to keep quiet about that, though.
                                Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.

