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Have you got the Manual?

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  • #31
    Vashmata: yeah, I thought also that it could be the computer's fan or proccessor, but that theory pretty much stopped when the computer was on my left, and I heard nothing out of my left ear, while I heard the noise clearly on my right. Which brings up other odd theories about other random computer parts and electronics...
    Dif-tor heh smusma.


    • #32
      kk: Hmm... interesting... you know, I sort of have that happen to me too, but not like I can't hear anything part. I tend to hear the radio waves and stuff.. I think it's partially because my hearing aids are digital, but that might not be. But high pitch noises make them go wacky.

      Sometimes I wished that my new hearing aids would be like my "manual". Haha, you know, how Darryl has a wizpod and Dair has a laptop as a manual... Sadly I don't hear speech.

      Wolfy good to know I'm not the only one.
      Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
      Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
      It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
      Check out my video: LET GO


      • #33
        Emi: you can hear radio waves? that's pretty awesome! I think that it would be pretty cool to have a manual that was a book, though I also think that it would be pretty nice to have the peridexis... I don't know. i don't think I would like it as like an ipod or anything, because I don't like reading stories and stuff on the computer. I like paper and the feeling of turning the pages and stuff... it's just different for me.

        strangely enough, when I'm alone near animals and plants, as in it's really quite, I hear a soft buzzing sort of sound. I think it may be something similar to what you guys are describing. I could be wrong...

        It's sad that so far in the books there hasn't been... Wait. I don't want to say it. no fanfic. and it may count... I really don't want DD to get in a sticky legal situation for looking at it.

        I think that I can hear high pitches better than a lot of people. it's pretty interesting. I say this because sometimes I hear really high noises that other people in my family can't hear... I don't know.

        Anyway, I think that in a way, we all have a manual. it's our imagination. just because we can't have wizardry and a manual in real life doesn't mean that we can't have it in our imagination. just an idea. Ok, I will now (try) to stop rambling...

        Dai All
        Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


        • #34
          I don't know how many times I've read/recited the Oath. (I always make sure no one can hear me- my Dad exspechally, he hates that I read so much...)I think that I will remember the first time for the rest of my life. It was 10:30 at night. The house was quiet. I was the only one up. I read it silently to my self several times- so I wouldn't mess it up reading it outloud- then I slowly started reciting and it seemed like every thing stopped and was listening to me. When I was done it seemed even quieter! I was scared to move it was so quiet!! >.< The air conditioner came on and it sounded like it sighed because it had gotten impationt with me because I hadn't done anything. Since then my pets walk up to me for no reason and stare at me. Usually I know what they want, but they don't do what they did before then. ( They used to dance and prance until I figured out what they want. ) My german shepard has gotten super attatched to me since then too- he wakes me up in the mornings with a good face wash! LoL!
          No, that's ok. I'll take the bird with me.


          • #35
            Wow. your dad hated it that you read so much? that's TERRIBLE!!! I first read it when absolutely no one could hear me. I mean, I wouldn't want to freak anyone out... because wheen i was little I kinda thought HP was real... DON'T STARE, OK? I WAS REALLY LITTLE. and it's their fault it was my 1st chapter book. Anyway... I know what you mean about the quite... I was wierd. Everything just kinda seemed to stop... Oh, that's what you said... sorry for repeating it. Ummm, what's strange is that my dog seems to be following me around more than normal, and he jumps around other people to get their attention until they realize what he wants. He just walks up and looks at me now. and he listens a little better to me... I mean, he seems to understand a little more of what i say... I know, it could just be because he is getting older, but he doesn't do it as much around other people... Odd, isn't it.

            Ok, now I will apologize for this post, as it was a little off the topic of the manual, but I think that it is close enough. If you could count observations as close...

            Dai all
            Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


            • #36
              Yeah, my Dad thinks that all the reading I do will corrupt my mind. ( He also thinks that the only book I should read is the Bible. *sigh* I tell him that every book has it's time and place but he just gets mad at me. )

              I think if my first chapter book was about wizards I'd have thought that it was real too. I thought that my first chapter book was real. 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea is fairly plausable now-a-days. I was all watching the news with a religious vigor waiting to see that come boats where getting destried and Professors had gone missing. LoL. That died away after a month ( What can I say? A five year old really can't be that interested in the news. Bsides- the violence was making me edgy.)

              It's ture like you said: my dogs are only acting different around me. No one else. I got some fish about a year ago and yesterday two of them showed some oddities. I have seven fish and none of them have acted this way before. I have one beta, three algie eaters, and three corydoras catfish. (Named Davy Jones, A.,D.,D., Ree, Sokka, and Katara.)Well the youngest fish, Katara, came up and sat in my hand as I was rearranging the tank. She even let me pet her! Then her brother Sokka let me do it a couple of minutes later.

              I think that it's close enough! ^_^
              No, that's ok. I'll take the bird with me.


              • #37
                Whoa. i would hate that. He only wants you to read the bible? i mean, no offense or anything, but I think that it should be Ok to read books that don't relate to your religion. or directly relate to your religion... I mean, my parents are fine, so long as i don't start acting strange around them about the books... i learned that from the HP books...

                i wish I had another animal. but it's just my dog, and my brothers turtle. I used to have another dog...
                and a cat. but I don't really remember him that well.
                Wow, your fish are acting wierd, aren't they. it's kinda strange... i think that's pretty awesome. If only i could have another pet...
                Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                • #38
                  My mom's like that...she thinks I'm also corrupting my mind. Only she's been trying to do something about it, in other words, trying to get me into counseling or something. She wants me to read "Good Books" as she calls them, like books about history, the bible, and other books that are Christian.

                  I do read the bible, as well as some Christian books, but I HATE history books. In an attempt to "save" my mind, my mother signed me up for a book club that only reads history books. I could have cried!

                  At first my mom wouldn't let me get anywhere near anyone who said they'd read the HP books, but when my best friends admitted that they had read them (and one gave me a HP book for my birthday), she let me read them (it was only last year when I first read the books). I now own all of them, and my little sister is reading them.

                  And now my mom's freaking out about YW. She claims that those are the only books I read (not true, I read other sci-fi and fantasy books), that they're going to turn me into "some sort of freak" or "crazy person" and other outrageous claims.

                  My pets sometimes act a bit strange around me. I have three rabbits, two fire-bellied toads, and a leopard gecko. The toads only let me pick them up, the gecko eats better when I feed her, and the rabbits keep walking over to me and looking at me weird (with their heads tilted to the side, and their ears up straight).

                  There was this one day that my sister was trying to teach one of the rabbits to climb steps, so she put him at the bottom of the stairs, and then stood at the top repeating endlessly "Angelbunny, climb up! Angelbunny, up!" (The rabbit's name was Angel, my sister had named it that, even though it's a boy.) Angel didn't want to climb the stairs, and wasn't responding to her voice.

                  I saw what my sister was doing, and stood next to her. When she ran out of breath, I said calmly, "Angel, up," and the rabbit instantly climbed the stairs. My sister was shocked, to be sure...

                  There was another day when I was sitting on the ground, thinking to myself that I wished I had one of my rabbits with me at the moment, and one of the rabbits (not Angel, my other one, Cadbury) suddenly ran up and sat in my lap. As if she had read my mind or something.
                  Dif-tor heh smusma.


                  • #39
                    Yah, I've had those wierd momments! I've got this cat right(Kardia) and she is the mellowest cat in the world. I mean she lets me litterly toss her in the air, and hold her in any possition. And, some how i am able to understand exacly how she feels at anytime when she meows. I know when she's hungry, when she wants attention, when she has to use the bathroom, anything in the world. I usually translate for my friends what she is saying. Its really weird, because sometimes I say the most random things that just pop out of my mouth, and I instantly know that its true. Like, "you have to pet me right between my ears", or "you like that dog better than me?" or if some one says "Kardia your beautiful", then she meows and it means,"Thank You, I totally agree!" Its really weird. Okay rambling a bit, but I agree with Wolfy, my imagination is my manual, sometimes I can even have chats with this other part of me, like my councious! It really weird, becaouse this voice in my head tells me things that I sub counciously known, but am not aware off. Ok, don't stare, I am not nutty!


                    • #40
                      kk: Wow. that must be pretty hard to put up with... once my parents tryed to take away my HP books. So, I hid them under one of the floorboards (no, they don't know that it's loose, and I don't plan on telling them... and so they couldn't take them.
                      i think I would practically die if my mom didn't want me to EVER read fiction books, especially the HP books. What does she think of you joining the forum? I mean, does she even know? or is it just that you like to read them... because I can see my parents saying that sort of thing if they didn't want me to read fiction at all...
                      That's pretty cool with your rabits. another strange thing that I noticed today was that when my dog runs off (sometimes he does it to chase a cat or rabbit...) then he only has been coming back when i call him... It's pretty strange.

                      Clara: I don't think you're nutty... I tend to understand my dog kinda like that to... although he's a quite dog unless he has plenty of reason to bark... and, I sometimes have converations in my head to... It's wierd. so, if you're nutty, then i am to.

                      Dai all
                      Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                      • #41
                        Yup- that sounds like my Dad, kk. I love reading- pretty much any genre. Usually non-fiction isn't my thing, sometimes it's nice, but I usually stick to ficiton. I've got a desent sized book case filled with books of varied genres. It's about 6 feet tall and three feet wide with 5 shelves.

                        My dad sees me reading Wizards at War and asks me what I'm reading. When I tell him he flips out and goes in my room threatening to take all my books. I told him, "Fine. Take them- but don't expect me to talk to you for a long time." He said I was being childish, I told him that's reasonable since so was he. He had a long discussion about books and how I felt about them. I think that books written by all sorts of different people about all sorts of different subject is fantastic! Reading them will help me be more accepting of real people that are like the people in the books.

                        Dude! That is awesome with your rabbits. It sounds like my and my Great Pyr, Moses. He will only come inside when I tell him to. No one else can get him in. All I have to do is open the door and say, "Hey!" and he's in! LoL!

                        I love your cat's name- you sound just like my best friend with her cat. His name is Attitude. He will let you do anything to him- IF you're Mary (my best friend). When she holds him he sighs and leanes into her, when I hold him she tells me that I'm annoying him.

                        (Can I call you 'Wolfie'? )I love the hiding place! It's like your own Otherspace pocket!! (Hidden discretely in the floor)

                        @Clare & Wolfie):
                        Whoa! I do that to! Sometimes I crack myself up and start laughing in public. People stare, it's a little sad and funny at the same time.)

                        Wow... I talk a lot! >.<
                        No, that's ok. I'll take the bird with me.


                        • #42
                          River_OF_Ireland: yeah, I like fiction best to. and can I call you Rio? it's river in Spanish, and it'd be easier to type than River_OF_Ireland... Nd, sure, you can call me Wolfy. lots of other people do... And i love that space! it is almost like my otherspace pocket, and no one else has noticed it yet...
                          I hate it when i just start laughing, like in class or something... It's really sad, so I try to advoid it, but you know... sometimes i just can't help myself.

                          Dai all
                          Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                          • #43
                            Sure, you can call me Rio. It's really bad when you are in college and some professor is at the board explaining the properties of light as it is passing though crystal and you just explode into luahgter! >.<
                            No, that's ok. I'll take the bird with me.


                            • #44
                              Rio: Wow. that sounds pretty bad... and then everyone stares at you, and you just sit there as your face starts to turn red...
                              and to be in college... that sounds pretty bad. I hope I don't do that, but I probably will...

                              So, I already said that I think that in the YW universe my manual would be a book, but in this universe that it is a manual. I think that we should get a little more on- topic, you know? Or maybe talking to ourselves in our heads is related... I don't know... but, what do you think your manual would be?
                              Believe something... and somewhere, it's happened


                              • #45
                                I don't think that it would be anything electronic. (It would be for my brother though! LoL ) I'm fairly sure it would be in book form. You can't beat the smell of a book and the thrill of turning pages. *Swoon*
                                No, that's ok. I'll take the bird with me.

