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Great words list

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  • #16

    Because of the YW memories that arise from just one, simple word.

    Jabberwocky and Balderdash are good words too, but for other reasons.
    Interesting (adj.) - Oh God, Oh God, we're all gonna die?


    • #17
      Rapacious. It means greedy. I don't know where I got it. I like surprising people by using big words, like once I went up to my mom and said, "do you have anything that you would allow me to deflagrate?" You should have seen the look on her face :-) Someday I'll post a complete alphabet of interesting words. I think I'll Start it now. Some of these words I might have said before:

      Byzantine (souns cool)
      Credulus (probably spelled wrong)
      Gravitational (ok, I just enjoy that word)
      Kraut (I think that's a word)
      Nadia (not a name, is said with a long A)
      Panjandrum (spelled wrong probably)
      Xenial (or perhaps Xenophobe)
      Yoke (sounds silly)
      Zephyr (or perhaps Ziti)

      Ta Da! A complete alphabet of my favorite words!
      Dif-tor heh smusma.


      • #18


        • #19
          How about a list for all you H.P. Lovecraft fans out there?

          Now I have to look over my shoulder and make sure nothing is sneaking up on me, but make sure I don't look in the corners...
          "Thus is Balance maintained." A Wizard of Earthsea
          "Condensing fact from the vapor of nuance." Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash


          • #20
            I like that word! I have no list , but I'm sure I can make one! ooh, and combobalatedheehee


            • #21
              I made up a word last night! Tetrafying! It is a mixture between terrifying and petrafying! Last night's dream was tetrafying! Hahaha! Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
              I only said that because:
              1. I like that word
              2. I needed more than a one(or two)-lined post
              Dif-tor heh smusma.


              • #22
                You know, I just tried to pronounce that word.

                But I like the word glib. Its just fun to say. 'You are a very glib talker.' It is just fun to say. I don't know why I like it, I Just do.
                Reading is important. Reading is a way of life. Without reading you are nothing. Without reading you are stupid. Without reading there is no language. READ READ READ!


                • #23
                  I love the word "defenestration". As in, the Defenestration of Prague. Defenestration=to throw a thing or a person out of a window. My AP European History teacher taught us about the Defenestration of Prague (where two representatives were thrown out of a VERY high window and landed in maneur. They said it was the grace of God that saved them. Other people said it was the maneur) and since then, defenestration has been my absolute favorite word.
                  --I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!


                  • #24
                    Odd words are awesome. So far, I'm still in the "lycanthropy" family. That's very different form werewolves, mark you.
                    I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Kinz:
                      I love the word "defenestration"...
                      One of my favorite musings upon the word "defenstration" is in a Tom Stoppard radio play called Artist Descending a Staircase where one of the characters mentions what an odd thing it is there there's a word for pushing someone out of a window. "There isn't a word for stuffing someone up a chimney" he says. "Although.. 'influenced' I suppose...."

                      I love Stoppard.
                      New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                      • #26
                        How about enthusiasmic? (if, of course, that is a word) Or Hesperus? Sign up for's word of the day email, it is fun! Today's word is "doughty"
                        Dif-tor heh smusma.


                        • #27
                          i like speaking old crazed cove you! or twixed or...well...many others! and it's just fun sometimes to speak in archaic language to those who are in shakespeare club or something and watch them interpeting what you're saying...sometimes they can, but can't speak it...and sometimes people get totally messed up on something as simple as the word "thou" how hard is the word thou! plus, it's strange learning how horridly insulting some of the commonaly used words once were...they meant different things then, so it's no insult now, but still! *looks up at horridly long rant* sorry about that! i was afraid of making it too short. *grins* and interestingly enough, everyone in my family knows the word defenstration...they constantly threatened to use it against me even BEFORE the word came into play in the house! since...they don't use it so much. which i can't say isn't a reliefe, when you consider i can now look out the windows in piec. (is joking, as were they)
                          I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                          For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by young reader:
                            ...and sometimes people get totally messed up on something as simple as the word "thou" how hard is the word thou! ...
                            Well, it can depend on how you've heard it used. Quakers have used "thee" for both the nominative and accusative cases, which is sort of distinct and separate from the usual thou for subjects, and thee for objects. There's that one scene in Philadelphia Story where Jimmy Stewart is asked by a Quaker librarian, "What does thee wish?"

                            Ok, I really like the precision of case adjectives: nominative, dative, ablative, accusative, vocative, etc. Words about words rock.
                            New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                            • #29
                              I love big random words!! The looks on some people's faces are just priceless! It makes me want to carry a camera around!!

                              Obnauxiating-a word used to describe one's younger siblings (particularly when they're eating) A fusion of obnoxious and nauseating.

                              lapidary- concerining stones

                              denouement- the spot in a book after the climax; an outcome

                              bibliophile- a lover of books

                              abbreviation-i love this one because it's funny that it's such a long word when it means a shortened form of something

                              plethora-an excessive amount of; too many/much

                              discombobulate-to confuse or upset someone
                              And these are just plain silly....

                              floccinaucinihilipilification- when you catagorize something as trivial or worthless

                              antidisestablishmentarianism- I can't believe nobody put this down yet!! Well maybe they did and i didn't notice...anyways, I'm a little unsure about this one...i think it means being against getting rid of the church of England.. .But it's super fun to say


                              [edited to combine double-post. --kli.]
                              I just got out of the hospital. I was in a speed-reading accident. I hit a bookmark.
                              -- Steven Wright


                              • #30
                                what i find interesting about the archaic language is how when time progresses people use it interspaced with our own...and not necessarily with any clear rules of what term they use. *thinks of words*presentiment sounds fun. well, ong anyways. *shrugs* ubiquitous is a very goiod one! *grins*
                                I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                                For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.

