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Great words list

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  • #31
    I think we need to have a pronunciation key with some of those words
    I think I said this word right. pneumonocoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
    this one was super hard to say! I'm just glad there is such thing as "cutting and pasting" 'cause that would take a some time to spell out. not to mention, spell XD
    I think it was kk who put that word on here first. not trying to steal any credit whatsoever. just saying, that word was hard to say, let alone spell XD
    [Edited to consolidate double-post.--kli]


    • #32
      Antidisestablishmentarianism (however it is spelled) means "to destroy." The long word (pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis) is pronounced:

      New-mawn(ryhmes with "lawn")-oh-ul-truh-my-kroh-scaw-pic-sil-i-coh-vahl-cane-oh-cone-ee-oh-sis.
      Yesterday's word was "perchant," todays is flagitious."
      Dif-tor heh smusma.


      • #33
        Vibrant and vivacious are words that are so fun to say and so full of life! Maybe it's the v's that make them so cool...I dunno. Counterrevolutionary is one we've been discussing in History, means "against the revolution" (no surprise there!)
        "...For my own part, I known my job; my commission comes from Those Who Are. My paw raised is Their paw on the neck of the Serpent, now and always..." - The (Kitty) Catechism
        Define the universe and give 3 examples.


        • #34
          Today's word is "bombast." My church's youth group leader asked me and a few of my friends how we were doing, and I promptly answered, "phantasmagorical." He gave me a strange look, and said, "WHAT?!" The look on his face was priceless! Oh, and my friend made up a word: Manicades. She says it is a mixture of "mermaids" and "unicorns." Other fun words:
          fiat, delectation, polymath, and ergo.
 is awesome!
          Dif-tor heh smusma.


          • #35
            Awesome! Alright - Young Reader, I can imagine you using all those old-school Shakespearian insults, biting thumbs, etc.

            My favorite words of interest?

            "Elongate" - it basically explains what it means in the word! I said how much I liked it during bio in 9th grade and the teather gave me a very odd look. I was spazzing on account of being bored in his class. O_o;

            "Discombobulate" - trying using that, gerbil and frying pan in the same sentence without sounding like the gerbil's dying.

            "Silicon" - I sometimes think it means a convention for the silly... then again, I suppose the computer chips makes this Internet place pretty silly.

            "Neologisms" - which includes the following words:

            Pimple (n.): Pimp's apprentice.

            Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops brigh ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunatly, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

            Cashtration (v.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinate period.

            Giraffiti (n.): Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

            FAVORITE -> Sarchasm (n.): The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient who doesn't get it.

            Inoculatte (v.): To take coffee intravenously when you are running late

            A favorite of mine -> Hipatitis (n.): Terminal coolness

            Karmageddon (n.): It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like a serious bummer.

            Glibido (v.): All talk and no action

            Dopeler Effect (n.): The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

            Intaxication (v.): Euphoria at getting a refund from the IRS, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.

            Another favorite -> Anarcholeptic Fit (n.): The frantic dance performed after accidentally walking through a spider web.

            Beezelbug (n.): satan in the form of a Mosquito tha gets i your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

            Tatyr (n.): A lecherous Mr. Potato Head.

            Reintarnation (v.): Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

            Caterpallor (n.): The colour you turn after finding half a grub in the fruit you are eating.

            I suppose all of those aren't real words, but they're pretty neat. Anywho - a neologism is a word that is changed from the original word to mean something completely different.

            Edited to remove trigger words - GF


            • #36
              Originally posted by kk:
              Antidisestablishmentarianism (however it is spelled) means "to destroy."
              I thinks it actually means 'the state of being opposed to the separation of church and state' or something. It's definitely not a verb.


              • #37
                Did you hear about "ginormous" being added to webster's dictionary? I think it is stupid. However, that's just me. I think it is as ridiculous as if "Superfragilisticexpidalousdocious" was added. Why do we need "ginormous" when it is a the same as saing "Look! there's a gigantic and enormous horse!" It's the same as saying that something is more than perfect, it can't get better than perfect, and it can't be both enormous and gigantic. Does that make sense?
                I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


                • #38
                  Yeah, but the dictionary is almost obligated to add words to it that's in popular use. For instance, words like 'Sblood used to be insults, but now all of the insults are listed int he dictionary. The dictionary's supposed to keep up-to-date with new words being included into today's language. That's about all that I have to add to this topic that's relevant. =\


                  • #39
                    That is the problem. Very soon,"ain't"will be in the dictionary, too. "Ain't" isn't in the dictionary becauseit's a contraction, but it's a contraction of one made up word, "ai" and "not."
                    I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Rubywolf:
                      That is the problem. Very soon,"ain't"will be in the dictionary, too. "Ain't" isn't in the dictionary becauseit's a contraction, but it's a contraction of one made up word, "ai" and "not."
                      No it ain't...

                      Seriously though, the dictionary has to include even slang, because when used in any popular literature, people may need to reference it in the future.

                      Using a dictionary correctly, however, does manage to tell you when a term is slang and when it isn't.
                      "Teenagers who are aesthetically pleasing, in other words "fly"...-soul coughing.


                      • #41
                        The distinction needs to be made. It doesn't sound like Websters is making that distinction. Slang is very different from proper speach. The proper speach is different from slang. One'smade up, and the other isn't.
                        I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


                        • #42
                          hate to break your bubble, but it WAS put in the dictionary a while ago. ain't i mean. it was listed as an improper contraction, true...but it's in there. :P to the great amusement of those who's teachers had told them "if it isn't in the dictionary, it's not a word" *is remembering dad telling me this a while back*
                          I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                          For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                          • #43
                            hate to break your bubble, but it WAS put in the dictionary a while ago. ain't i mean. it was listed as an improper contraction, true...but it's in there. :P to the great amusement of those who's teachers had told them "if it isn't in the dictionary, it's not a word" *is remembering dad telling me this a while back*

                            Here in denmark, our language has changed a lot in the past ten years or so, amazingly. For one thing, it's very normal for sic year olds to be cursing at each other at every possible second, in full veiw of the adults. "@¤¤#&/ pass the @¤/&%¤ jam! You're so @$%$#$ stupid, I didn\t want the strawberry jam!I want the raspberry!" Drives me insane.
                            I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


                            • #44
                              what's REALLy annoying is when kids start saying things like that, or singing certain songs and just ahve NO idea wehat they mean....but as times go on, curses become more common, till one day they won't even be curses any more. they'll just be things you say as a part of the every day language, and people will create entirely new curseses to fill in the gaps...
                              I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                              For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by young reader:
                                one day they won't even be curses any more. they'll just be things you say as a part of the every day language, and people will create entirely new curseses to fill in the gaps...
                                I'm rather partial to "Tanj!" (there ain't no justice) on general principles, but "Gorram" is the only cussword from SF that I've adopted on an ongoing basis. :-)
                                "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                                "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."

