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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Oh! You didn't offend me! I was more annoyed with myself if anything. But you know what? Your 'thank you' was probably the most I've gotten from anybody over a forum in a looooooooooong time. So thank you good sir for being human! I really appreciate your apology and think you a better person even if there was no offense.

    But that is why I like this forum: People have souls and treat other like they would if there were talking to them face to face.

    Anywho. . . I really like your list. O.o It's very extensive! I think I'll tuck that away somewhere for future reference. When I was learning English, my friend told me this to help me remember what a homonym means: Some Americans may sound alike, but may have different meanings of happiness. ((Did I hear a refrence to American Dream?! O.O *plays song non-stop for the next hour and a half*))

    *cough* *cough* . . . . . Anywho. I SECOND STELLY! (that shall be your new nickname Stellazira since I kinda forgot how to spell your name halfway through typing it and it ended up being pretty awesome.) Teachers go through years of schooling to learn how to teach not dictate.

    What I dislike is when teachers lecture in MONOTONE! That's when it just becomes a jaunt through hell and back. Between it being morning, a lecture, and monotone? I think I'm lucky if I don't nod off to much! BLHE!

    But does anyone besides me find this smilie really creepy? -------->
    Give a man a fish, and he'll stink up the entire village. Give him a fishing pole, and he'll poke your eye out.... See where I'm going?


    • Glad I brightened your day.

      What bugs me is when math/science teachers get excited and rush through a problem, or, in the middle of explaining one, say, "Now, what if we were going to this? Then, we'd do this, this this, and this." Then digress to the original problem.

      This is true of Mr. Physics. You know what else Mr. Physics does? He loses work and blames it on the students. Or he viciously accuses us of never handing it in in the first place and stands behind his argument, to have the student later go and find the assignment GRADED when the teacher was reading off the computer that they didn't hand it in when he DID mark it in the grade book that they did. Then he blames the computer, saying he doesn't know why it wasn't on the computer. Probably because he didn't put it there! Not only is he never wrong about that, but... he's never wrong about anything. Try to tell him otherwise? In the clear cut words of Mr. Trig, "It doesn't work." There was a huge fiasco when I gave him assignment once and he said I didn't do so, twice and he said I didn't do so, and finally a third time. I told him, "Here it is, I've handed it in three times now." "Yeah, according to you." "Let me know when you do find the other copies." "They're not there!" All right, if you say so. And if he DOES find something, it'll be our fault for handing it in late or whatever. Even if it gets in on time with everyone else's, he'll still lose stuff. Funny thing, though... he's never lost something that got handed in early. Go figure.
      Last edited by EricG1793; January 25, 2012, 07:55:10 PM.
      "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


      • Hehe, Stelly works. Usually people call me Azira since I use that name when I can, although when I signed up here I decided I was going to try growing into Stellazira. I get all sorts of variations of Azira: Az, 'Zira, Az Ma Taz (only one person uses that one). I would get Az most since even though the PS3 has a text chatroom most people don't have keyboards and want to shorten everything.

        I had an Intro to Atmosphere instructor and he was just so boring to listen to I'm sure I almost fell asleep in a few classes. He had next to no emotion in his voice so it was so hard to listen to. Reading the textbook was more interesting (and easier since I was able to stay awake while reading it). My Intro to Physical Geography instructor, on the other hand, is loud and energetic and "makes up" his own words when lecturing: if he's talking about animals he'll call them "beasties" and says so in the first lecture of class. His classes are amusing.

        My high school physics teacher was an interesting person. He'd give us the notes, talk about them for a bit, do some practice questions with us then let us loose with some questions. He makes himself out to be a no-nonsense sort of person which keeps the class quiet, but after class he's a cool guy.

        Last year of high school... jeez, what a roller coaster ride.
        How do you wake Lady Gaga up in the morning?
        You poke her face.


        • I KNOW RIGHT! I don't know about you, but my last year in high school was WACK! ((lol, 90's reference. . . . NOT THAT I"M THAT OLD! *cough* 91' baby!. . . . NOT THAT I GRADUATED IN 91'! NONONONONO! Baby
          Give a man a fish, and he'll stink up the entire village. Give him a fishing pole, and he'll poke your eye out.... See where I'm going?


          • A '91 baby, eh? I think I might know another '91 baby around here...

            I got my first bit of actual homework this semester yesterday. Geography courses seem to be big on the reading but not so big on the homework. I'm excited about these second-year courses 'cause we get to go on field trips!!!

            I think there was a sale on Bluetooth keyboards so my dad bought one and that's what I use when I send messages on the PS3. My dad hardly ever uses the thing but when he does he thinks it's worth every penny.

            How is MGS online? You need MGS4 to play it, right? I downloaded the demo for MGS4 years ago but couldn't get into the stealthy-patience-crawling-around idea (maybe getting used to the controller had something to do with it). Now I'm playing all sorts of games now.

            And yeah... you do seem like you've been up for a while. :P
            How do you wake Lady Gaga up in the morning?
            You poke her face.


            • Who else be the 91' baby, ARg!?

              Pirate moment over with.

              What kind of field trips do geography students take? O.o In my sarcastic mind set I 'm tempted to make the smart remark that geography is anywhere and you could technically just walk outside to see it ((And techincally I still made the comment. . .)). But do you get to go to the Grand Canyon or something!?

              When playing MGS4, I tend to not sneak. . . Only when it's imparitive to the mission do I, but usually I go in guns blazing or I snipe everyone from afar so I can just waltz on by. But yeah, you do need the game to play online.

              What kinds of video games do you play? Personally, I preferr RPGs and FPSs. GO ME3!
              Give a man a fish, and he'll stink up the entire village. Give him a fishing pole, and he'll poke your eye out.... See where I'm going?


              • I'm not sure what kinds of things geography students do on field trips. I have four of them in March so I will share what I do then. I can tell you they're local field trips so no Grand Canyon for me (but that is a very interesting place geologically).

                In terms of games I play what I'm in the mood for. There's a developer called thatgamecompany who made flOw and Flower, and if you have a PS3 I would definitely recommend getting them. No scores, no time limits, just enjoy the game and the beauty in it.

                This past Christmas I got Uncharted 3, Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One, Resistance 3 and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I've finished UC3 and R3, working on A4O and I'm playing through DX again on the hardest difficulty. I'm really enjoying that game. Of course, that's just what I got for Christmas. I only bought three games last year (Killzone 3 which I sold a few months after I bought it, terrible game, and Portal 2 which is awesome and Battlefield 3). Er, lots of age gates if you look up those games on official sites. And yes I'm an FPS person myself.

                I'm not a huge RPG person, although I have played Skyrim on the PC. I'm sorry, but it's just so broken I can't play it for more than five minutes. What kind of game crashes all the time? I'm sure if you ask others they'll say they won't have problems, but there are a number of people who do.

                Ah... Flower. Love it. <3
                How do you wake Lady Gaga up in the morning?
                You poke her face.


                • I'm back, hopefully for good this time.

                  So, hello... Because I'm sick and having not much else to do but watch reruns and think about the past, I've randomly decided to come back to the forums.

                  Eric: That list of words is quite exciting indeed! I think it needs to be posted in most if not all fanfiction groups. XD

                  And video games... Uhm, I play Atari... Haha, I still don't play many video games, mostly because of the price. I have a thing for DOS games and can beat people at Pole Position and Pong, but the only really modern game I've played is Portal. XD Oh, and Star Trek Online.

                  I've suddenly realized how much I missed these smileys. Tumbleweed of Doom, I missed you.
                  And this face: It's very useful when you come across something that just should not exist. Like some fanfictions, or b-movies *shudder*.

                  So, I think I'm going to stop lurking now and actually post. Things...haven't really been good. It's been kind of hard in the past couple of years, actually. But I really miss the forums, and the talking, and the people and everything. I've been out of the loop for too long now, and I really need to stop ranting or this post is going to be pages long. XD

                  *hugs for everyone!*
                  Dif-tor heh smusma.


                  • Welcome back!

                    *hugs back* Been holding down the fort for people like you, sir, yes sir...

                    All of my posts have been playing around mostly, though. But laughter's a good thing, yessir, even if it doesn't draw that much online response, nossir... Don't know where this little typing quirk got picked up, nossir.

                    Well, to most people my side of the mountain, my life hasn't been too good lately (there were a couple of shocky emergency things that turned out okay, mostly) but... actually the emotional distress has dropped off since last year. Well, except for anxiety about college, which is usually dismissible, until people start poking into barely sealed-over wounds. If you can't remember what I told you the first time when I was still sensible, why


                    • XD Well, the typing quirk made me laugh. And yes, laughter is a good thing, haha.

                      What kind of shocky emergency things? Health problems, or family things, or something? (You don't have to tell about them if you don't want to, mind.)

                      And oh gosh... As welcome as country music indeed. *shudder* That's one thing I'm still not used to, living in Virginia. I've been here for 8 years now, and I'm still horrified by all of the country. *hides behind wall of vinyl records, hums David Bowie music*

                      In other news, I turned 18 yesterday. So, I can vote now. I would be happier about this if the politicians weren't all horrible. XD

                      In other wonderful delicious news, I made fish and chips. Curry sauce, om nom nom... Chips are like heaven sometimes. I'm officially spoiling myself.
                      Dif-tor heh smusma.


                      • Comment

                        • Hey!

                          Hey guys! I remembered this forum a while ago, but for some reason it wasn't asked for a password every time I tried to get to the site...

                          Amyways, I'm back! I looked through a lot of my old posts, and man was I hyper ;P I never thought I was like that, but I suppose I just got excited. Also, I tended to post late at night. I really enjoyed the grammar posts- they are near and dear to my heart =)

                          kk-I hope you are feeling better by now (I know it's been a few months)!

                          How is everyone enjoying the Olympics this year?

                          Speaking of which, my dad had a conference in Vienna in April, and he invited me to go with him! We ended up being in Europe for almost 3 weeks, hitting London, Bath, Brussels, Ouddorp (a small town in the Netherlands that our ancestors came from), Amsterdam, Berlin, Vienna, Bratislava, Hungary (no big city, just passing through), and Venice! whew!

                          Also, since the topic of teachers came up- my biology teacher last year was the worst! Thankfully she's not teaching next year. And there is also a teacher at the school (English Teacher) who does the same "Oh what? you never handed that in!" thing! I haven't had her yet, but I've heard the horror stories.

                          Originally posted by Mitsu101 View Post
                          Speaking in a language no one understands means you can say whatever you want and no one is any wiser.
                          Exactly! My dad's from South Africa, and our family speaks Afrikaans at home, and it's technically my first language. It's so cool to be able to talk without having people understand you-especially when you are complaining or saying something private =) I also know English (obviously) and have been taking German in school for a few years. And this year in school I'm taking an online course in Latin!!

                          Edit: Actually, I'm still pretty hyper...
                          All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened. And after you are finished reading one you feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse, and the sorrow, the people and the places, and how the weather was.


                          • Yay! The forum is back!

                            I stayed up and watched the Olympics opening show, and it was a lot more enjoyable than I expected. Definitely a decidedly quirky show, with some excellent laugh-out-loud moments. I do wonder how much of it was comprehensible to people in far-flung regions, though.

                            Oh, there's one Afrikaans word that's hard to mis-understand. Phonetically, it sounds like "foot-sack!" and, from the contexts in which I've heard it, it's a (most probably very impolite) way to tell someone to go away.
                            -- Rick.


                            • Wow, nice to see the forums back up and running again. :3 While it has been some time since I last posted on these forums, I have continued to be a lurker, observing and reading what was posted. Hopefully with my schedule now with work on a more consistent and set schedule, I should be able to post more often.
                              "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


                              • The forums are back!

                                96bookworms: XD Yes, I am feeling better, thanks!

                                I've only been sort of following the Olympics. I haven't seen all of the opening ceremony yet (I want to see the non-NBC version), but what I have seen of it looked awesome. As for the sports...not really my thing. And they haven't been airing anything interesting, recently. Every time I turn on the TV it's either volleyball or swimming. No matter what time of day it is. *grumbles*

                                Also...I finally finished AWoM. *hides* I started it a long time ago, but got distracted, kind of. But hey, I can go on the "Spoilers!" board now that it's back! Haha ^_^

                                Speaking of Mars, Curiosity lands fairly soon. I'm very excited.
                                Dif-tor heh smusma.

