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Has anyone read books by Tamora Pierce?

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  • #16
    Yes, indeed.
    Tamora Perice rocks my socks off. I actuly an taken to all the Tortall books. I never really got way in to the Circle of Magic books but I have read a few of them. Actuly (again) I'm re-reading Tricksters choice right now.
    My fave. would have to be Kel because like Blue said shes not as Mary-Sue-ish. She has bigger fears and she didn't have to find love by the end of the book unlike others though I do like a bit of flufy-ness in the books I read.
    I like fluffy-ness.

    Car doors will soon take over the world! The little blender who could told me so!

    I was a newbie for a whole year!!*newbie dances* I will always be a newbie at heart though.


    • #17
      Originally posted by seabiscuit1009:
      I rather like Tamora Pierce's books...but at this point in my life, I've read them too many times to keep track (something odd, like 50+) and have to put them away for awhile. As a result, they're behind...some other books on my bookshelf, can't see which ones, and don't want to go find them. But whatever...

      Bookworm=me. I read massive amounts of books, usually somewhere near 200-300 a year, which is sort of sad, considering how much other stuff I do in addition to that. Very's also sad how fast I read books...but who cares. Not me...I'm too tired to care.
      Dont feel bad, I have read approx 100+ (I have not loged all the books I have red within the past year (since April 1))
      No Comments...Wait, that's a Comment!


      • #18
        Bookworm? hah you guys got nothing on me, My name Says it all. Tamora Pierce is awesome super excellent. I have most of the books, and Ive read them all so often I can Rattle off a summary on each one, without looking at the books for checking facts. I could go on about her books far to much, so I'll stop here. TP FOREVER. This doesn't mean I like DD anyless, But I found TP first, so she gets high honors.
        "Absurdity is the spice of life, the little things that always make the one being absurd laugh, and no one else"-me, being serious
        Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set him alight and he's warm for the rest of his life ~ Jingo, by Terry Pratchett


        • #19
          OMG I love her books. a lot. as you can tell. especially love Squire and Cold Fire. I know this isn't the topic of this discussion, but can someone recommend me some books that are that good, but maybe not as well known, so i probly haven't read them?

          -7th grade bookworm

          Go Roadrunners


          • #20
            I love the "Song of Lioness" series! I have read them about 90+ times. Also, I really like the "Immortals" series. I always bug my friends with stuff about Alanna and Daine! I like the parts about George, or Numair.


            • #21
              *gasp* I'm back! And NOT posting in the ToGR (yet).

              LOVE her books. Yeah, the characeters are Mary-Sues, but I love 'em all. Kel is awesome! She's definitely my favorite "main character" person in the Tortall books, because she has such a sense of right and wrong - and she acts on it. I was like that all through fifth and sixth grade. Sadly, middle scared the conscience out of me. Now I sit in the back of the room and mope. Anyways, I'm overdue for a re-reading of those; my (totally awesome) librarian recommended them in fifth grade and I read them all about twice a year.

              Off to read the other boards!
              Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
              "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
              "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


              • #22
                Huh. I think mostly I don't remember how I found or started reading a lot of books. Well, for some of them (like, say, Robin McKinley or Roger Zelazney), they were my sister's books and I, er, "borrowed" them. For a lot of older books (in both the sense of "for older readers" and "written longer ago", eg Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke), I did the same "borrowing" thing, only from my parents' SF collection.

                But for most newer books, I don't necessarily know how I found them. I have no clue how I first found Tamora Pierce. I do know that I started with Alanna: The First Adventure (possibly the dorkiest name for a book ever) quite a long time ago, because the edition of the first four books that I have is very very hard to find. I know, because it took me something like 8 years of off-and-on used-bookstore-website-searching to find a new copy of the first book in the that edition. I could look up the publication date, but it's over there *waves vaguely towards the other end of her apartment, through a door, down a hallway, past the get the idea*

                I do know more-or-less when/where/how I found my first YW book (as explained in another topic). But finding books makes me think of meeting people - sometimes the way they come into my life leaves an impression, and sometimes it doesn't. Hmm.



                • #23
                  Oh, boy. You want to find bookworm in the dictionary? It'll come up with a (probably very bad) picture of me. I LOVE the Tamora Pierce books - I own all of the Tortall books from Kel onwards, and all of the Circle books. I'd like to own the others, but my little sister is establishing a monopoly on the Immortals books in my house, and the school library has them all. This may be because me and all of my friends (who are also fans) badgered the librarians, but anyway...

                  Has anyone heard the audiobook, "Melting Stones"? I would love to get a hold of it, but like Alla, I'm an Aussie and it can be seriously hard to get obscure(ish) books here. For instance, ALL OF DD'S BOOKS ARE OUT OF PRINT HERE!. Sorry. Arrrgh. It really gets me.

                  I found Tamora Pierce's books through a friend - also one of the people who I badgered the librarian with. The absolute best thing about the TP books (apart from the decent female protagonists, even if they are Mary Sues) is that we Aussies get them released here as trade paperbacks at the same time as the North Americans get them. This only started a couple of years ago, and I l-o-v-e whoever it was at the publishing house that decided that it was a good idea.

                  On a totally unrelated (well not really) train of thought, TP's next book "Terrier" is coming out at basically the same time as Wizard of Mars - unless they've pushed the publication dates around, which they better not do!

                  *rereads post* Oh my god, that was really quite long. Oh well - it might not actually be that long when I hit the "post now" button.
                  Bright star that was, dark star that falls, in your downward arc we greet you. Do your poor worst!


                  • #24
                    Yep, looks like it was pretty long. Oh well, I like making long posts, because no-one can tell me to shut up, which they do frequently in real life, because when I start talking it's hard to stop, which seems to be happening again. And actually I probably can be told to shut it online, but will it do any good? Probably not. There, I stopped. *types slower so it feels like she's talking slower* Sorry about that, it's just that I got a new keyboard recently and it's a major improvement on the old one, ie it actually works.
                    Bugger, I gotta go. Will yabber again some other time.
                    Bright star that was, dark star that falls, in your downward arc we greet you. Do your poor worst!


                    • #25
                      I love Tamora Peirce, especially her Tortall ones, the Trickster's Choice and Queen, and the Circle of Magic books (and the Circle Opens and Circle Reforged.)
                      Gryphon: i had this scary dream with a lot of blood, and there were these cute demon goats, and a car of a train on
                      the beach


                      • #26
                        big Tammy fan here. I own the last two Immortals book and Tris' Book. Tris and Daine are my favorites.

                        i'm the biggest bookworm in my family/neighborhood that I know. my only compostion is my neighbor behind me. I re-read all 18 of the Redwall Chronicles all this year from Febraury. I re-read all of Garth Nix's Key to the Kingdom in a month, one per week. I read the Order of the Phoenix in 1 day as Christopher Paolini's Eldest.
                        the most amazing band in the world... The Science of Sleep...


                        • #27
                          Hey singer, is that a quote from a redwall hare that you have as your sig? I love the Redwall books (by Brian Jacques), even though I don't read them as much as I used to. My favourites are Pearls of Lutra and The Long Patrol - the hares are priceless!
                          Bright star that was, dark star that falls, in your downward arc we greet you. Do your poor worst!


                          • #28
                            *Waves hand emphatically* Me too, me too! My English teacher of two years ago thought I was the biggest Tamora Pierce fan in this universe, and probably all the rest of them, too. I even wrote a paper on her for a massive English project, which was really fun. I'm still a pretty big fan, although since I first started reading her books I've begun to find the early ones a little simplistic, especially in terms of characters, and also idealistic (I have big big BIG problems with idealistic fiction). What I've noticed, though, is that her writing has developed a ton as she's written more books, and those problems have faded out almost completely. By the way, yay for Alanna, Aly, and Kel! (My three favorite characters, did you guess?)

                            I'd say that my favorite Tamora Pierce books are the Daughter of the Lioness duet. The writing, characters, plot, and everything else that I can't think of right now were so good. The only problem with it is what Blue said (a while back) about the unoriginality of the main character finding her "true love" in the end; I can deal with it, though, because everything else was so good. Interestingly enough, I learned while doing that English project that Tammy didn't have much luck with boyfriends when she was young. Maybe that has something to do with the "true love" issue?

                            And yeah, I also love Protector of the Small, because Kel is such a tough and original character. At the end, you get the feeling that she really earned everything she got. I hope Tammy writes more about her in the future.

                            I also don't like the Circle books as much as the Tortall books. For some reason they didn't click with me very much. I can't put my finger on why, though.
                            "I found the pieces in my hand/They were always there/It just took some time for me to understand"

                            --Vertical Horizon, "I'm Still Here"


                            • #29
                              I love TP especially the PotS books. She is in my top 5 favorite authors with Garth Nix, Diane Duane, J, K, Rowling, and D. J. MacHale. Please don't ask me to rank them.

                              I didn't really like her last three books as much as the others.


                              • #30
                                I actually have The Woman Who Rides Like a Man in my backpack for a re-read at the moment. I think I like Protector of the Small best, though.

                                I'm also partial to Elizabeth Moon's The Deed of Paksenarrion for learning-to-be-a-warrior fiction, but that one's not as kid-friendly as TP's series.
                                "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                                "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."

