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  • #46
    I submitted this one for a literary contest in my school, though I really didn't like it that mcuh, I wrote it at last minute. I prefer one I wrote for my english class which I will post when my teacher gives it back.
    Are you crazy? that was great! true, it was kind of sad, but it was great! I look forward to seeing your other one.
    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
    For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


    • #47
      YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
      "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


      • #48


        • #49
          i find that there is a different kind of pain
          other than the sharp piercing of a knife against the skin
          or the dull ache of a twist of muscle or bone
          its a recessive lurching
          coming like a dagger at your throat
          over and over again
          shaking you down to your core
          and leaving you painfully breathless
          your hands shake with fear and disbelief
          and your head aches
          from being in the wrong direction
          all you see is white and clear
          and even that world
          spins over and over again
          your breath comes short
          and you let out a cry of agony
          but no one comes to save you
          and as the tears fall down your flushed cheeks
          your stomach curdles once more
          and to think
          this is all self inflicted
          by an obsession
          with wrong doing
          god help the troubled soul

          Theres Another one of my favorites of my little collecton... Constructive criticisikm always welcome


          • #50


            • #51
              In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

              Douglas Adams


              • #52
                Here's another...

                A Hearts' Remorse

                What is love but an enigma?
                Yet I deny it so.
                But when I look into your eyes,
                my heart is filled with woe.

                I know you can't be mine,
                my appearence guarintees,
                but my heart knows
                that we are destiny

                How I wish I could hold you,
                hug you in my arms,
                and express my true feelings,
                with out fear of your alarm.

                But now I see you,
                slowly walking away from me,
                Now my mind truly knows,
                that we were never meant to be.

                Do you like it? Its one of my best.
                In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

                Douglas Adams


                • #53
                  Azen: that is so good! I love it. Wish I could write poetry...well, good poetry. I am very good at writing bad poetry. XD Hmmm...what can I put here to make this not a one-liner?

                  Why do I love him? I don't understand,
                  His smiles and jokes keep me going on
                  He gives me shivers when he takes my hand,
                  His leaving is midnight; his entrance, dawn.
                  When he is gone, my life is deeply dark,
                  I feel no joy when he is not nearby,
                  Maybe we should go make out in the park (LOL)
                  There is no reason for him to be shy.
                  The reason he's not mine? I do not know
                  We feel the same way, what're we waiting for?
                  I do not want him to let my heart go,
                  I'm beginning to feel love's a chore.
                  Perhaps I'm actu'lly delirious
                  Sadly, I don't think he's serious.

                  Effing love sonnets. Hate them. And this one? It makes even less sense than my last one...which is buried somewhere in TOGR. XD I hope it stays buried...


                  • #54
                    Oh! we can post poetry? Well why didn't anyone say so?!


                    here's one of mine:

                    Shells in the Sand

                    White birds dot the sky
                    Like spots on a blue canvas.
                    The Air sparkles below them
                    From deep turquoise water
                    That goes on forever.

                    The water transforms into heavy waves
                    Crashing and gliding on the shore.
                    The waves are coated in foam
                    Left in a never-ending line on the sand.

                    The sand is gritty, sticky
                    Multicolored specks dot
                    The perfect scene
                    Shells are scattered across the beach
                    In parts,
                    In pieces,
                    Never really whole.

                    The broken shells are memories
                    Left to haunt the sea.
                    They remember life passing by
                    Though life took little notice of them.

                    Runners raced that morning
                    Leaving ghostly prints in the sand.
                    They are alone now
                    Devoid of their creators.
                    Only the shells remember their passing
                    When the sea steals the prints away.
                    I'm a happy person. Do you know why? Because happiness is an excuse everyone understands. Life is full of surprises, but happy people takes them in stride.


                    • #55
                      YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
                      "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


                      • #56
                        Ive been running dry :/

                        I walk on air
                        as black as night
                        with all to fear
                        and none to fight

                        My future comes
                        so close to me
                        and yet I do not grasp
                        my destiny

                        I am not ready
                        I have to wait
                        But what will I
                        have to compensate?

                        So now I sit
                        in this dark hole
                        pondering, thinking,
                        about my soul.

                        Wow, i comletley just made that up. LOL.
                        In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

                        Douglas Adams


                        • #57
                          YW Chat room link. Type in nickname and #youngwizards for channel.
                          "in remembrance of Peter Murray,5/16/06,dai stiho


                          • #58
                            the world is small,
                            but hearts are larger,
                            friends helpall, to the end of never.
                            -snow ear
                            Sigh nomore ladies,
                            sigh no more,
                            men were desivers ever,
                            one foot in sea,
                            and one on shore,
                            to one thing constant never,

                            Then sigh not so,
                            but let them go,
                            and be you blithe and bonny,
                            converting all,
                            your sounds of woe,
                            into hey nonney nonney.
                            -William Shakespear

                            The first one was written by me when I attempted poetry from stories. That peom I created in 10 secounds when writting to a buddy of YW.
                            my heart in in my hands...yuck!


                            • #59
                              A lot of my poetry can be found under my penname DeathMountain at, but I stopped submitting cause the stupid system kept screwing my stuff up.

                              Immortality is Overrated
                              What a terrible existence this must be! (cried she)
                              I find little beauty in eternity. (and weeped)
                              Can a corpse be asked to describe what it sees? (mistakes, surely)
                              When I die I will feed the Earth and its children at least. (hopefully)
                              Perhaps my life is only temporary. (truly?)
                              But it means that much more to have silent rest
                              Than the tired, dull blank of immortality. (and be free)

                              I want to see a truth again
                              Like the one she gave me that night
                              Love and love that love and love life

                              the Road
                              I lurk. It's what I do.
                              "Always put off until tomorrow what you can do today."


                              • #60

