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  • hehehe, Risky Safety, with the two little angels. . . Well, one's an angel, the other is a devil like cute thing. They were both cute.

    I still really really like Confidential Confessions. But it still makes me cry. Because it's so saaaaad....... I got book five today, its stories are rape and AIDS, and then I read t and cried. And then I read Fruits Basket and got all happy again.

    FRUITS BASKET!!!!!!! me loves me loves me loves. . . I love Furuba, it's so awesome and kawaii and awesome.

    Heeyyyy Cartoon Network is really set for anime. . . Adult Swim and Toonami and you gets Rurouni Kenshin and Wolf's Rain and Gundam SEED and all sorts of stuff like that. . . dang, you're lucky. A full and complete list of animes in Canada are Pokemon, Digimon, Beyblade, Gundam SD, Dragonball Z, Dragonball, Gundam SEED, Inuyasha and Witch Hunter Robin. And the only thing out of the list that I watch are Gundam SEED, InuYasha and Witch Hunter Robin. you guys are LUCKY compared to us. . .

    freaking CRTC. stupid Cancon. Stupid regulations.


    • I always miss InuYasha. I really want to see it because people say it's really good.
      Okay, sorry for sounding stupid Aurie but how do you say kawaii? Ka-Why-E? Ka-Why? Yes there was a big arguement about that at school....we have estupido arguements...yes that's how boring school is!
      I'll check out Fruit Basket then...thankies! *huggles*
      penguins will rule the world.


      • Damn damn damn damn DAMN....

        Friend of mine e-mails with Alan Brennert all the time. Just got a forwarded message that read:
        I'm emailing you and a few other friends who've enjoyed my work in the past to let you know that Star Trek: Enterprise and I have reached a parting of the ways. It's a long story, one which I won't go into just now, but I did want you to know that the two episodes on which I have a writing credit (episode 5, "Cold Station Twelve," and episode 10, "Daedalus") were completely rewritten, with barely a line of my dialog left in them. If you were planning on tuning in to see a Brennert story, I'm afraid you'll be rudely disappointed.

        Feel free to share this information with any other fans of my work you know.
        Sound at all familiar, DD fans? Shades of ST:TNG's "Where No One Has Gone Before". (sigh).
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        • Ka-wai-i. Ka-why-ee. Silly people.

          Fruits Basket rules. Yesh it does.

          *is a furuba obsessive*


          • THANKS! Now I can rub it in their faces tat I was right and they were wrong. *skips away*
            penguins will rule the world.


            • Such sweet words, Z. I'm sure they'll love you for it.
              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


              • Hee-hee. Aren't I a princess?
                lol maybe not.
                Whoa. The first time gryph has ever done a 1 liner.
                penguins will rule the world.


                • I am currently plotting to go to the next anime north con. . . BECAUSE I MUST GO THERE! It's every may, it's SO great, it's like a huge party with all your friends and a bunch of people you don't know. . . ^^ yeah, it's great, I'm sure kli has experience. ^^

                  Last year, this guy had a big sign saying "Glomp me." on him. My friend went a glomped him. I was too wussy. XD.

                  Last year, I was a con n00b, so I didn't really know much of where to go and stuff. . . So yeah. ^^

                  And this is in May. heh.


                  • I've never been to an anime con with crowds of otaku. I've been to Comic-Con, though, and that's close enough.

                    I'm going to Fiddler's Green in November (Sandman convention to benefit the CBLDF). That should be fun.

                    TV "media" conventions are also different but fun. There's one I really really really really really really wished I'd known about before it happened so I could have attended. Creation held a Muppet Convention, Muppet fest, and all the muppeteers showed up and did a live episode of The Muppet Show.

                    Can you imagine? Seeing all the muppeteers running about with their characters over their heads and performing like it was a stage piece? Man, that must've been sweet. I loved The Muppet Show and Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock and The Storyteller and ...

                    [see, there how I brought us back to tv? ;-]
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                    • Aaaarrrrgh! Fiddler's Green is the same weekend as the SOA protest. Who planned that? Mope, mope, mope. Is Fiddler's Green an annual event? I would love to go.

                      Correction: Silly me. I had moved the information up a box in my calendar. The protest is the weekend AFTER Fiddler's Green. Maybe, just maybe, I can pull this off! And if they're really short of people, I'd hate not to be supportive...


                      • And we slide right back off topic.

                        Sorry, nope. Fiddler's Green is a one-time-only offer. And it's kind of sad, but they've got less than half the expected sign-up. We're talking the con's probably only going to be 200 or so people. Plenty of chances to get next to Neil.

                        Is anybody else freaked out by how much fun Smallville is this season? I normally don't like it this much. Or maybe it's just the absence of anything Mutant Enemy--suddenly everything else looks much better than it did before.
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                        • bump.

                          So, is anybody else watching Lost? I came back from vacation and I ended up with three episodes in a row to get through. I really really loved "Walkabout," the one where we learn Sloane's back story. I love David Fury. He wrote that episode so well, that you kept changing your mind about what kind of guy Sloane was until that last shot of him, when you realized it all made a coherent whole person. That was so neat!
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                          • I only occasionally watch Lost, mainly when one of our friends comes over with intent to suck up our a/c, and flips it on.

                            New season of CSI: YAY!
                            New season of CSI: Miami: Who cares?
                            New season of CSI: New York: I like the main character (can't remember the actor's name, darnit!), but haven't been captivated by the stories, at least not yet.
                            New season of West Wing: disappointing. Why, oh why did they get rid of Sorkin? Even if he tooted half the writing budget, he wrote like an avenging angel on speed, to paraphrase Stephen King. They are now apparently bent on tossing any character he developed, or at least making them so unsympathetic you don't care what happens to them and they haven't replaced them with anything even as good. Will Bailey, sorry, but feh.
                            "Thus is Balance maintained." A Wizard of Earthsea
                            "Condensing fact from the vapor of nuance." Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash


                            • meteorite: well, Lost wouldn't have the added fun element of seeing actual Hawaiian scenery for you! I do love, though, that they give Hawaii a screen credit all on its own at the end of the show.

                              Agree with you about the CSIs (though the new font they're using for the opening credits makes the show look much less hip), although I was happy that CSI:M killed one of their regulars in the season opener. I'm just disappointed that they're trying to clone Greg from the original show into the CSI:M version; and I still can't tell the female lead in CSI:NY from Yelena in CSI:M.

                              Still, nice to see Summer Glau (aka River of Firefly) doing a guest shot. That makes Mutent Enemy actor #8 I've seen guesting on a CSI.

                              Oh, and the CSI:NY actor's name is Gary Sinise. He's the only reason I tune in. I keep waiting for him to break out and build a character, only the scripts keep getting in his way.

                              As for West Wing, they didn't have a choice about Sorkin. He and Schlamme walked out on the show, not the other way 'round. That Schlamme went on to do Jack & Bobby is very disappointing. I'm still hangin' in there, but only because I like John Wells (ER, China Beach). Not sure how I feel about (spoiler) <span class="ev_code_WHITE">CJ becoming CoS</span>, it feels pretty artificial.

                              Can't wait for House to premiere. Love Hugh Laurie.
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                              • I just downloaded season 1 & 2 of Teen Titans. :P
                                Comradely, Diego

                                Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
                                "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

                                "Be a real

