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  • I'm waiting for CSI: Peoria, myself.

    I think my favorite guest star on a TV show ever was when Mr. Chekov played an evil PsiCorps agent on Babylon 5.


    • That was good, but for me, Penn & Teller showing up on a B5 episode written by Neil Gaiman was even better.

      What about CSI: Hoboken?
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      • <snort!> Ha ha! Which episode was that? I was watching B5 well before I knew who Gaiman was. Did he do many episodes? I will have to track down someone with videos...


        • He only did that one episode, but J. Michael Straczynski named an alien race the Gaim after him. (They're the ones with the mask, rather like the old Sandman mask.)

          Day of the Dead was the episode's title. That episode guide page notes: " This episode was the first one not written by JMS since 'Knives' in season two." Harlan Ellison played the voice of Teller in the episode.
          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


          • Anybody else watching Veronica Mars? It's sort of doing for the noir detective genre what Buffy did for horror. I'm really enjoying the heck out of it, and the ratings are so low, I have this horrible feeling it won't last out the season.
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            • Wow, I really thought Teen Titans was stupid, but I saw two episodes and it's addicting. I hope it doens't end up like Justice League.
              Comradely, Diego

              Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
              "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

              "Be a real


              • OMG! I love Veronica Mars! So cool.
                Wow Diego I thought the same thing about Teen Titans. But it's the coolest show ever! Justice League I've never seen though.

                Whoa! Veronica Mars is on now. gtg.
                penguins will rule the world.


                • These days, more anime got on the Canadian netwarks, so yay. . . I only watch the non-kiddy ones like Gundam SEED, InuYasha and Witch Hunter Robin though. I particularly like Witch Hunter Robin, s'great. . . I love the atmosphere the entire thing creates.


                  • DB: Teen Titans got better, but I still don't watch it. I know it's addictive, and I don't have the time. Actually, I think Justice League is really going for the gusto and firing on all cylinders this season. It helped a lot that they went back to the single-half-hour format. Plus, with JL Unlimited, they can now use any DC character they want. And they adapted Alan Moore's "For the Man Who Has Everything" well. After The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and From Hell it was really nice to see someobdy adapt Moore correctly. And Warren Ellis is doing an Atom episode, and the season finale is going to have voicecast from Firefly (Adam Baldwin) and Farscape (Ben Browder). How cool is that?

                    Zgirl: I am so loving Veronica Mars. I'm even happy they repeated the second episode this week, since that means everybody who got confused by the pilot airing on a Wednesday when the show is slotted for Tuesdays got to see it. The writing is so tight. I love it.

                    Aurora: Anime Network's VOD feed suddenly got cut down a bit, so I'm waiting something like three to four weeks for a new Chobits or Comic Party. I love Comic Party--I've been to waaay to many comic book conventions, so for me it's kind of Know What THAT Feels Like when I'm watching it.
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                    • Ohh Comic Party!

                      ^^ I've read the first book of the manga, it was AWESOME. . . but I can't seem to get my hands on the anime. How is the anime, anyway?


                      • The anime is really fun. More comic-style than serious dramatic style. It's hilarious when the hero's otaku-crazed friend goes off on this big "inspirational" speeches.

                        There are some good quiet dramatic moments, too. My favorite so far is when the hero goes to a con for the first time with a title to sell, and at the end of it, the woman he's been sharing a table with trades him an issue of her comic for one of his. I can't begin to tell you how true-to-life that moment was. And then there's a quiet little three-image montage of him reading her book that really captured the feeling of finding and reading a good comic for the first time.

                        Great shtuff. I'm kind of bummed that there are only 13 episodes altogether.

                        Manga-wise, I've been reading Iron Wok Jan. It amuses me no end to see combative gourmet Chinese cooking.
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                        • Yeah! I'm glad we're on this topic. Any good manga books anybody has read lately? I'll check out Comic Party...
                          Does anybody know any other good anime shows? The only thing I've found so far is on cartoon network...*frowns* (It's not that much anime I know.) I don't know any other channels though...So does anyone know any good shows on regular cable?
                          penguins will rule the world.


                          • How about Samurai Jack? Although they really need to get a better theme song.

                            For something unusual, try reading Barefoot Serpent. It's quasi-manga, and it caught me off guard.

                            When we went to the mainland for our vacation this year, we went to Las Vegas. Since we don't gamble, we ran out of things to do really fast. Jon's feet were killing him because he only had a pair of Tevas, so we went to a mall to buy him some sneakers. In the mall was a store with all types of movie posters and art. Hidden away in the very back was a lot of Cartoon Network art, including some of the luscious Alex Ross prints he did for the comic books. Don't care about the slot machines, just drag me out of that store before I blow $800 on a fabulous Superman print!
                            "Thus is Balance maintained." A Wizard of Earthsea
                            "Condensing fact from the vapor of nuance." Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash


                            • The mainland...gotcha.
                              I've watched Samurai Jack, kinda boring to me but I guess I could try again.

                              Las Vegas is kind of annoying. All the sand gets into your eyes if it's windy and they have fake grass everywhere. I'm to used to being a sandless girl living in Minnesota.

                              I want to go to Hawaii. Maybe I'll visit you sometime.
                              penguins will rule the world.


                              • Last anime I watched was Risky Safety. It was a cute little thing with a thing in it. Umm. Well. Hard to explain.

                                Hehe. I watched Samurai Jack once. It was... weird.
                                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

