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  • Originally posted by meteorite:
    Minor spoiler for Cars (my husband pegged it first. ...
    Yeah. I loved that moment in the film. I nearly died laughing when I figured out who they were. I wonder how they're handling that particular bit of voice casting in the international versions. The podcasts for CARS, btw, are also a lot of fun.

    There were a lot of guest voice spots. I think that most of the famous cars were voiced by actual famous drivers.
    Yup. The fact that Schumacher voiced the Ferrari that was named after him was particularly cool--and that he not only did his role in English, but also for the French and Italian tracks. And I believe the man's German.

    When they start releasing memorabilia from the movie, I want one of the cels looking out over the Radiator Springs valley from the Wheel Well. I've actually seen views like that!
    Well, except for the buttes shaped like fins and hood ornaments. Yeah, I'd love to have the concept art for that background. But I think you're out of luck hoping for cels on a cgi flick...
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    • So, in the last 3 weeks, I've seen more movies than I normally see in 3 months!

      Cars: I love it! It's just a cute story. Of course, anything about famous car drivers or really good brands of cars goes over my head, but it was still a cute story all the same. And there was more humor on other levels than on kid levels than I remember there being in Disney/Pixar films...maybe I should go rewatch some other ones or something.

      Pirates II: Wow...That's all I can say about it. I'm not going to be able to wait until Memorial Day next year! Too long!

      And lastly...The Devil Wears Prada. If you're into the whole fashion thing, go see it. If not, was good, but it just wasn't my type of movie. Too much worrying on the main character's part about what clothes she would wear. Wasn't the book based on a true story? I haven't read the book yet, and am not planning on it, since I didn't enjoy the movie that much-but then again, I was forced to go see it against my will.

      Grr! There was another movie I wanted to see this summer, and I can't for the life of me remember what it is! I don't think it's out yet though, so I'll worry about it later.



        [<span class="ev_code_white">You see I will spoil a lil bit you know the part the Jack Sparrow dies well to bring him back they need blood of a family member so to do that they get one *sneezmesneez*. So the hole time they are on the ship floating around trying to fined the flying duchmans ship to put the blood on the little music box davy jones hads to bring him back to life, know the only reason they can't go stab his hart is becouse that will just take all of the flying duchmans crew members to heven... so then they do that and Mr. Turnner does that so his father dies and every thing is fine and dandy! The end!</span>]

        "spoiler" turned white. Just 'cause I'm getting annoyed with Slash's one-liners and too-big avatar. --kli :-).


        • On another note, lookie what I found out today:
          <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> Newcomer Dakota Blue Richards has landed the coveted role of Lyra Belacqua after an extensive casting search conducted across England and numerous follow-up screen testings. Says Pullman in regards to casting, "I'm delighted with the casting of Dakota Blue Richards as Lyra. As soon as I saw Dakota's screen test, I realized that the search was over. Dakota has just the combination of qualities that make up the complicated character of this girl, and I very much look forward to seeing the film take shape, with Dakota's Lyra at the heart of it."
          Looks like the Golden Compass is finally getting back on its feet! Woo-hoo!
          However, we're all probably going to have to wait a year or two....but...that's ok. i can live with that. </div>[quote]

          OMG! I love that book! *girlish scream*


          • i do too! pullman rocks, and if he apprves of the actors, then i can't wait!!!!





              • *looks at Slash, rolls eyes, and grins*

                You know what was really good? I didn't think it would be at first, but Monster House I really adored. I actually saw it twice!

                If you're looking for a scary movie, this isn't it (except if you are likee, between 4-8 ish). If you are looking for a funny movie, this is much better. It has a lot of comedy for the older kids and adults, and some for the younger ones.
                ex. "That's the uvulla." "Ohhh. So it's a girl house." [pause] "What?? The Uvulla is nature's gag reflex. Everyone has a uvulla." "Well, I don't!"

                For some reason, I found this hilarious. They had a lot of puberty jokes,I suppose 'cause the main characters are about 12.

                I really liked it, it had good plot, a good story, and an excellent cast. See it!

                Also, PotC was amazing. I did like the ending, and cannot WAIT for the third installment. It should come out faster than the second because part of it was filmed on the same locations at the same time as the second. That's got to be confusing to the actors. Kudos!

                On another thought, did anyone stay until after the credits? *So* cute! (omg, I sound!)

                Anyway, good movies out. Excellent.

                Later Days

                EDIT: Oh my goodness, I almost forgot about Lady in the Water. I didn't see it, but I very reliable source from which I get accurate ratings said that it was horrible. Not scary at all. Better not waste your money, apparently.

                Okay, NOW I'm done rambling. I swear. Like, really. Now.

                just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                • I'm really excited for the Northern Lights movie.. or I guess its called the Golden Compass in the US I love the dark materials trilogy pullman is a great writer even if his religious views are a little wacky--he thinks CS Lewis is the root of all evil.. which i can kind of understand... BTW speaking of Philly Pullman you guys should read the Sally Lockhart Mysteries by him. They are really really good and well written too!
                  "He who made kittens put snakes in the grass."

                  "Even if love does not dawn,
                  The sun also rises,
                  The day goes on."


                  • I'm exceedingly excited over the BBC's planned adaptations of the Sally Lockhart series. (Billie Piper!)

                    I did something a little unusual movie-wise, last night. I decided to go to the drive-in. I hadn't been to a drive in since college, and it seemed appropriate to go see an 11:30pm showing of Cars at the drive-in.

                    San Diego, unlike most places, actually has two drive-in theatres. I went to the one in Santee. It was a lot of fun. Pirates 2 and Cars as a $6 double-feature. No clunky window-speakers, though. Now they broadcast the sound in FM (the Santee drive-in used FM 88.1), and you use the car radio. Yes, your car battery can last through a 5-hour double feature, even when you open and close the windows and sunroof. (It was really nice outside, except when it rained a little).

                    The fun part was being able to sing along with the soundtrack to Cars without bothering anybody else.

                    Every now and then, you just gotta support the vanishing institutions.
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                    • ARE YOU SUPER SEREAL????(serious) Are they really doing the Pullman Sally Lockhart series??? That has the definate possibility of being absolutely amazing!
                      "He who made kittens put snakes in the grass."

                      "Even if love does not dawn,
                      The sun also rises,
                      The day goes on."


                      • Gosh, there are a lot of movies out I want to see (although The Prestige is probably at the top of the list), and it's only going to get worse with November: (Flushed Away, Stranger Than Fiction, Happy Feet, The History Boys... a movie practically every week...]

                        What are you most looking forward to seeing?
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                        • I'm planning to see The Prestige sometime, though it's not the kind of movie that I go see alone (I don't go to the movies by myself usually). I am disturbed that I want to see Stranger Than Fiction, because I absolutely hate what's-his-name, but the rest of the cast is amazing, and he looks not-awful. Happy Feet looks cute and funny and my sister and I are planning to see it around Thanksgiving (hopefully).

                          That's all that's on my list for new movies, I think (that I know of, anyway).



                          • Well, as you said the pristeige...That's always a good thing...And flushed away...and countless others...ERAGON! STORMBREAKER! stuff like that...
                            I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                            For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                            • So I've seen some movies...I saw Stranger Than Fiction just recently, which was absolutely fabulous. Even with Will Ferrell - he didn't manage to ruin it by being, er, him, the whole thing was really great, I loved it.

                              Then I saw Finding Neverland for the first time Sunday night. Oh my. That was an amazing, amazing movie. Yes, two amazings. Also, I sobbed. As did my mom, who accidently stayed up and watched it with me. She had to get up for work early the next day - she teaches first grade - but she sat down to watch the first few mintes and ended up watching the whole thing. We both started crying <span class="ev_code_WHITE">when we realized they were going to put on the play in the parlor for her, and didn't stop until 5 or 10 minutes after the movie ended.</span> Whew. Just. Whew. It is an incredible movie.

                              Then Tuesday afternoon while I was doing laundry and my parents were at work, I watched In Her Shoes (it was the only thing on their cable free-movie listings that looked remotely interesting) and, well...I wasn't a big fan of the first third of it, but the rest of it was ok. Except the title has basically nothing to do with the story. If they're going to title it that, at least make the shoes a little more important.

                              Although if anyone saw that movie and liked what the lawyer-sister said about why she bought shoes, let me know, and I'll upload a song for you that you might like. It's hilarious, and so apropos.

                              And, uh, my mom and I watched Disney's Beauty and the Beast that evening. That is another wonderful movie, I love the music. The only thing I don't like about it is how the animators totally failed at making any males the slightest bit attractive. Yup. It's bad that I liked him better as the Beast.



                              • Let's see...I saw the Prestige twice. I really liked it. Highly engaging, and very twisty/suspensy. Good fun and worth the second time around for finding all those bits you missed the first time. I saw Happy Feet, which I didn't particularly like, but the viewing of it wasn't helped by my parents who were sitting next to me making bored, exasperated or disgusted noises for the vast majority of the movie. They thought it was probably the worst movie in existence.
                                I saw In Her Shoes...I don't remember most of it, but I'm pretty sure I thought it was relatively OK. Not outstanding or anything, but good for one afternoon's entertainment.
                                I'd really like to see Stranger Than Fiction, but I have no time this weekend and I'm currently broke, plus I've got no one to see it with and I never see movies alone. Other movies on the list include A Good Year, maybe that Jack Black one that I just blanked on the's subtitled the Pick of Destiny. I'm sure there are others, but as I'm not looking at a list of movies out right now I can't think of them.
                                The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                                I promise not to funfun anymore
                                Be happy cause life is good

