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Favorite Characters

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  • Favorite Characters

    Here is a place to post and talk of your favorite characters. I hope to be hearing from all of you very soon, and for those who have done this before help me out!!!!! I'm new at this and am having a heck of a time trying to figure it out!

  • #2
    Heyyy! Welcome, Tiff.

    My favorite character... well, that's always a tough one. Sometimes I side with Kit over Nita, and Fred and Ed are great. I can't make any new opinions; I've been giving the same answer for the longest time, and it's all because I've forgotten the books.

    Well, I'll run you through the rules. You could also always pop into the Newbie Ultima topic, but that's an insane mess (as it was made by us insane members).

    Lesse, no short posts, no one liners, no over sized avies (icons/pictures/avatars -- mine is a cat with a Christmas hat). No problems with you there. DD chats with the members about once a month unless she's busy. Huh. S'all I can remember right now.

    Well, if you ever have a question, ask! Ask anywhere! The best place for you to get to know the other members is to post in Topic of Great Randomness where we post about everything, and it's always great to chat about members. Don't be pressured to give out personal information. Some people give out maybe their first names and state/country, but really, it's not what's important, and I'm infamous for sharing nothing.
    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


    • #3
      I would have to say of the reoccurring characters (those who appear in more than one book) Kit and Dairine are my favourites. Kit wasn't an equal character to Nita until Dilemma when the story followed each of them separately. Dairine's personality is very entertaining and the fact that she is a science fiction and computer nerd only makes her more likeable.

      Welcome Tiff, and we hope you stay with us here. Gryph mentioned some of the guidelines and the Avatar rules (max 65x65 or 100x65 pixels) and the no one-liner posts are the ones most enforced. The fact is that they drive up the bandwidth and cost DD money.

      Gryph: You still share one thing I don't
      "If Time has a heart, it is because other hearts stop"-The Book of Night with Moon 9.v.IX


      • #4
        *eye role* Yeah, but we're almost sure you are a girl. I couldn't stand being thought of as a boy, but hey. By the way, the majority of the US (or world, I think) is female.

        Tiff, here's Sunstar, a relatively new member. I've been here since October, but I didn't really start posting until December or January. I did post, but not frequently, not like I do now. We've had a rush of new members lately (always a good thing-- white belts grow up to be black belts ) and old members who we haven't seen in a while.

        About the Topic of Great Randomness (aka togr -- yes, no caps. It's become a word, and I pronounce it tau-grr or toe-grr), really, don't bother reading the entire thing. Just jump in with a post about anything on your mind or comment on some other people's posts. If you want to, however, you can read the entire monster. Wildflower, another newbie of a few months, has read the entire thing, silly thing that she is, while other members, like Ella, have been there since its beginning and are still loyal members.

        I hope to see more of you.
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • #5
          Welcome Tiff! I'm the silly newbie who's read the entire monster.

          My favorite character. . .I like all of them. Sker'ret, Roshaun, Filif, Ed, Fred, Peach. . .Those would probably be my favorite non-reccuring characters. Other than that, probably Dairine.

          You're newer than me, but I haven't made a topic yet. Soo. . .I can see you'll have no trouble with that. If you need help with the colors(and bold and italics), though, I have recently found out how to work them and they're FUN.

          And on the subject of one-liners, if someone posts a one-liner you might see them talking about Poot. This is something I was kind of confused about for a while. Poot is the forum's demon. There's a fanart or two someplace of It, but I can't find any. . .anyway, just to clear a few things up, Poot isn't an admin (Lol, what I thought at first) or Papercrane's avie (Oh, she changed it though. Ack).
          Added, because of my little brother: Poot isn't the Lone Power either. Argh.

          And yes, visit the TOGR. (It's not a word. No matter what Gryph says. *Resists urge to call Gryphon Skitty*)


          • #6
            Hey, Tiff!! Welcomeses!!! I'm semiramis (the Fanartist whose participation in the forums is highly erratic).

            (The Poot art is in my and PPC's deviantart accounts--here and here,, respectively. You'll have to find them yourself, though--I don't feel like going through myself, at this moment. Although I think PPC's and possibly mine are also in the fanart forum... they should be in our threads. PPC's has her name in it, and mine is called "muahahahahaha" with however many "ha"s. Or I think there was a thread that had Poot in the title, but I don't remember anymore... 0.o

            (...anyway, plugs aside...)

            My fave character is the LP, actually (because what kind of story would this be without a conflict?). And Peach is a close second. And Spot, too XD


            • #7
              dai, tiff!

              Macchu Piccu. Peach is funny! (panic now and avoid the june rush!)

              "'Don't be afraid to make corrections,' Peach said. 'Don't be afraid to lend a hand.' She fell silent, seeming to think for a moment. 'And don't look down.'
              Tom stared at the macaw. 'Can't you be a little more specific?'
              'Human lives,' Peach said irritably, 'aren't much like the Dow-Jones Average. No, I can't.'"

              "Well, hi there yourself," Tom Swale's voice came back. He would likely have gone on with more of the same if someone else, farther away from his end of the line, hadn't begun screaming 'He-LOOOOOOOO! HEL-lo!' in a creaky, high-pitched voice that sounded as if Tome were keeping his insane grandmother chained up in the living room.

              "'Look, don't panic yet-'
              'Go ahead! Panic!" screamed Peach from somewhere in the background. 'Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!'
              'Bird,' Carl's voice said, also in the background, 'You're honing for a punch in the beak.'
              'Violence! You want violence, I'll give you violence! No quarter asked or iven! Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead! Don't give up the AWWWK!'
              "Thanks, Carl.'"

              PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
              Follow the bouncing poot


              • #8
                *eye twitchy* I'm. Not. Skitty.


                Heyy, I've never seen Amber's Poot fanart.

                Wow, short post. I've just dodged loosing both my feet to Poot with these extra few lines.

                Other than that, I'm in a three-day sugar-high. And no, newbies, I am not talking about drugs.

                Unless you want to count sugar as a drug, and I'm sure you can, seeing as it has a very weird affect on a few members.

                Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                • #9
                  Ohmygod Semiramis I Like LP too! He's my fav, I love the conflict thing too, But mostly I think he sounds really hott. Thank god someone else like him I thought I was so stupid for that but thanks to you I can finally open up and speak the truth. Oh and Everybody else thanks for the warm welcomes, it really makes me feel great. Does anyone know of the post where you can make up stories with the characters, you know reall fan fiction not the other stuff they got here, cause if no oe does i'll start one of my own cause I got ideas and really want some feed back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please respond ASAP!!!!!!!!


                  • #10
                    *tilts head* Hmm... I think fanfics have been brought up before and DD said no because she'd get ideas from them. Maybe we could press for a fanfic forum? We have a member fanfic with members and Nita & Kit. It's an insane mess, but you'll have a laugh if you get even half of the injokes. Of course, seeing that you're new, I doubt you'd get any -- they are built off all of the members being friends, and you only get a part if you're known for something.

                    If you write one, some people post theirs on fictionpress and things like that, but if not, try making a topic in Chatter.

                    There're also two YW roleplays, and they're pretty similar to fanfics, only, it's more like multiple people with multiple characters working on the same story. They're really fun.

                    If you're familiar with Dungeons and Dragons, it's not like that at all; they're all writing.

                    In fact, why don't you join VGDawn? Heh. No, serious, it's a really great fantasy roleplay. If you've never roleplayed like this before, no problem. Neither have the majority of the members.
                    Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                    • #11
                      Tiff, just to let you know that DD's not happy with the idea of other folks playing with her characters (and generally knocking their corners off).

                      If you're going to start up your own YW fanfic, you'll want to do it on another website. DD pays for this board out of her own pocket, so it's only polite to respect her wishes.

                      The only exception to the "no fanfic" rule is the Fanlib "Wizards on Call" piece, where DD herself is taking part in writing up the new adventure. It's currently stalled, as DD's been very busy with work lately, but she's promised to get it going again, and in the meantime you can read what's been done so far, and get ready for the next round.
                      New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                      • #12
                        we have lots of room for fan fics in the playroom...

                        tiff: the two young wizard rpg's are the playroom and wizards abroad (well, I THINK that's the other one. it would be scary if i didn't know where the playroom was...hee)

                        PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                        Follow the bouncing poot


                        • #13
                          Thanks again guys!!!! I didn't know that you weren't allowed to fool about with the characters, so sorry bout that D.D. But any way why don't we all get back to being friends and try to annoy one and other!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          And oh, Semiramis, I went into dievanArt, i think that's how it's spelled and checked out your stuff, and wow! I couldn't believe my eyes and I thought you were a guy for a while till I read your Bio!!!!! Sorry once again bout that,{Smiles shyly and coughs slightly}. But I had a question for you is your name Chinese by any chance??????????? I mean I could swear that I have heard it before and just couldn't get it out of my head, I watch anime and read manga so it sounded like it, but I was just wondering!!!!!!! Hard to believe I was acutally welcomed into a group of people like you guys and girls, thanks alot for all your help and the warnings and such, I'll try not to cause too much destruction while I'm here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Quotes for future reference:
                          I see said the blind man!
                          Your a lier said the deaf man!
                          And the man with no legs walked away in disgust.

                          Football teaches boys and girls a very good lesson in life. The second you get something twelve people are going to try to take it away from you!

                          Have you ever woken up next to someone so ugly that you'd chew your own arm off just to get away from them? That is the true meaning of "Coyote Ugly"!!!!!!!


                          • #14
                            ::looks over her cup at gryph, smiles, and goes back to consuming her tea::

                            PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                            Follow the bouncing poot


                            • #15
                              Ah, Tiff, there. Well, the other options are to join one of the two roleplays and write fanfics there.

                              Actually, Caitlin... *sobs* Wizards Abroad is deadeth! Ahhhh, the agony... I loved Abroad.


                              Okay, so, as I was saying, there still are two rpgs, but the second is Worldsoul, not Abroad. Caitlin is the head of the Playroom, and Art is the head of WS. I'm your psycho admin. in both. Well, no, my account got killed at the Playroom, and I'll have to reapply.

                              Ahhhaaa, *tackles Tiff*. New fav. newbie. All nice and shiny, too!
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

