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do you think the Lone power was right or wrong in creating death and entropy?

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  • do you think the Lone power was right or wrong in creating death and entropy?

    personaly, my feelings are mixed. by itself, death is what makes us appreciate life. But i think that, if Death is exist, it should be a peaceful thing, and it should not be permanent. you know, like the cats in book of night with moon, except there would always be another life, as long as you really are a good person that is, (evil really shouldn't live for etternity, it doesn't work out.)and the deaths should be a peacful thing,maybe a death of old age. And i'd rather the entropy didn't exist. that's just my oppinion though. what do you think?
    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
    For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.

  • #2
    Oh, I think death and entropy were inventions of someone with a warped and twisted soul. They can be used for good--the One can mold even evil and destruction to his own purposes, though what we make of them and learn from them depends on us--but in and of themselves they are not meant to be. Physical death is only temporary anyway and will eventually be put right. Other manifestations of entropy, though? The decay of the soul? That's a different matter and is never okay. Problem is, even the highest powers won't interfere with our ability to choose. So whether spiritual decay happens or can be repaired is largely a question of whether we're willing to put in our part to fix it. So, I don't believe death and evil are precisely necessary. Though intelligence has to have some potential for evil, I suppose, if it's going to have any potential for good. That doesn't mean any intelligent being has to fall into evil.

    Does this make any sense? Hope so!
    I solemnly swear I am up to no good...


    • #3
      yes the LP was right to make death. if he didn't the earth would be crowded! seriously.
      Yes its just me. heheheh.


      • #4
        I've occasionally wondered if the creation of entropy was intentional, or if at it's creation there was a fatal flaw within the spell. If, when it was cast it backfired and changed the lone one's nature along with the nature of the universe, both a dark corrupted version of their previous glory.

        I guess that's looking at things from the perspective of a programmer, rarely does a program work right on the first attempt, there always seems to be a small flaw that keeps it from working exactly as intended.
        -Positronic Cat
        (I have sat between the great lion statues, hoping for a glimpse of the future.)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Lamarquise:
          Oh, I think death and entropy were inventions of someone with a warped and twisted soul. They can be used for good--the One can mold even evil and destruction to his own purposes, though what we make of them and learn from them depends on us--but in and of themselves they are not meant to be. Physical death is only temporary anyway and will eventually be put right. Other manifestations of entropy, though? The decay of the soul? That's a different matter and is never okay. Problem is, even the highest powers won't interfere with our ability to choose. So whether spiritual decay happens or can be repaired is largely a question of whether we're willing to put in our part to fix it. So, I don't believe death and evil are precisely necessary. Though intelligence has to have some potential for evil, I suppose, if it's going to have any potential for good. That doesn't mean any intelligent being has to fall into evil.

          Does this make any sense? Hope so!
          Makes sense enough for me. Like i said, entropy? never should have happened.
          I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
          For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


          • #6
            I believe death has to happen. Actually, I seriously agree with Storm: Earth would get much too crowded. The life cucle couldn't go on, no one could eat. You couldn't kill plants to eat them because there was no death. You couldn't kill animals to eat because there is no death. It would be a living, over-crowded Hell. Always hungry, in unbearable places, wi th disease that couldn't kill you; just make you weak. Cummon, that's pretty bad.

            Now, you must understand, I don't like the LP. He could have made death and entropy a nicer way. Less darkness and evilness. But still enough so that life wouldn't be unbearable because of the non-dead.

            Do you get what I mean? Death is essential, but could've been less painful. That would certainly help.
            just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


            • #7
              With out light there is no dark, with out death, there is no life.
              Perhaps. Is death the opposite of life?


              • #8
                If you assume something like wizardry exists, where certain people or Powers can create universes and do all kinds of things, than there could be space for everyone without inventing death. Not to mention if you posit people with physical bodies being able to exist outside of time/space, so not everybody was physically present in the same place and/or time. It's something to think about, at least.

                If there is a life/death duality, I think it's another one of those where perhaps the possibility of death must be present, but not necessarily the inevitability. If (again) that makes any sense.
                I solemnly swear I am up to no good...


                • #9
                  makes perfect sense to me.
                  I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                  For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                  • #10
                    Well, Yes and No..If you think long enough just to where you start to understand way it was made that way then you will see that in some way it was correct..Yes, I know that most of us people dont understand way..Like when some one close to you dies..You get through it eventually but when it has just happened you hating death so much..
                    Then, You have the question of why was it even made and who was it made by?.Thats the question to ask..But either way death is a important part of this world..Know matbe not on others but this has to havE IT, Know before you start to think that im crazy ..(If not already), Stop, THink and relize that if death was not here nothing would change nothing would evole, Everything would keep its self alive with only the same people more or less.
                    Peronsanly I belive that it was good forwho ever created death to have created it.,.I dont mind it that much. For each of us will come a point when we have to take our chances and move on, If we were to not then the this world would be a boring place.
                    When i die which will happen not soon (hopefully), But i will welcome it, I dont mind to think thAT i wont come back (I believe in coming back once you have died just as a different person) I wont know anything and i can change the way i am! I Think that the death creater was correct to do so..
                    ANy way I will continue on with my journey where ver it takes me!>?
                    Dai All,
                    Love and be loved


                    • #11
                      Because we exist in a universe with entropy, it is impossible for us to conceive of an alternative.


                      • #12
                        well, I don't know about that, I have a pretty active imagination.

                        but anyways, the powers did have another way, so deathmay not always be the best thing, but I think rowan is right in that we appretiate light more when there's dark.
                        "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."

                        ...and eyes, sweet as honey, soft as moss, that hold in their black vessels the bitterness of old wounds and the tired peace of growing wisdom.


                        • #13
                          Death.... is both a horrible thing that causes unimainable pain, but it's also something that we can't live without (ironic, aint it?). I don't think that I'd ever say the Lone One was "RIGHT" about creating death, but without it, humanity and the world would never be were they are today. You can't divide it as simply as "is the Lone One right or wrong?" There are too many other options to do that, what about the shades of gray between black and white? Death is neither Right nor Wrong. It may seem like something bad, but it also serves a purpose in this world that we couldn't be without. There are also cultures in the world that invite death, and think that when you die you become something more, which is a good thing. Are they bad, or immoral just because they respect this death?

                          If there was no death, and nothing ever runs down or breaks, then the world would be utter chaos and hell. Imagine, either the human species would never even have evolved, or the apocolyspe of some sort would have already happened. All life, animals, dinosaurs, plants, going on forever... the over-population would be so sickening. Take all the people plants technology and anything that's ever lived and put it all out on Earth. Like on Alaalu, there's nothing to advance to. You can't change, or get any better, just be trapped eternally in one stage.

                          I don't agree that death is always twisted and warped and sickening, because in a way, the Lone One WAS right. I mean, Death really does balance Life out. One without the other... wouldn't even work. Death can also cause great pain and heartbreak, both emotional and physical, it devastates people and any forms of life. But without it, where would humanity be, if at all? Not only do physical things need to eventually run out, but imagine your mind if you've lived forever. Even the Powers get "tired." I think, after that much time, people may lose the will to live, and after millions and millions of years of life, after you've done everything there is to ever do and see all there is to see, this blessing called "life" is bound to seem more like a curse... People tend to take the miracles they have for granted, and if everyone could live forever, there'd be nothing special about it, and when you're finally weary, you may just want it all to some day go away...

                          When the Powers created light. When they created the worlds, and began life... it was invitation to something else, death. It would balance out eventually, and I agree with Mel that "death has to happen." It may not be rejoiced upon, or a happy thing, but that doesn't make it full-out "bad" or useless and hindering.


                          • #14
                            well, while i'm not certain about the whole life becoming a curse thing or anything like that, i mean it seems to work in time heart just fine, but I do think that death is an important part of life, or at least an important part of OUR life.
                            I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                            For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                            • #15
                              I will post again on this topic for the reason that I am very interested in it. I dont believe in the "curse' thing either, just to say , (no offense), But I do believe thAT you can and will come back as someone else, some one intirely different than who you are now..?!>
                              Say, If I were to come back, After I have died as a different person then I wouldnt know a thing, a whole new person and By chance on a different World or Universe, Now, Wouldnt that be cool?..Death is not a scary thing if you open up to it, When your time comes you cant stop it, I dont think it is that bad in a way of life.?>! Death can be an enemy or friend your choice but I would choose friend , because for all you know, If you do open up to death it may let you just die when you are old and sleeping and it would be a peaceful death rathewr than say a car crash, ect.
                              Any way Im gonna ramble if I dont stop....Lol
                              Dai All, Have fun on your journey of life as well..
                              Love and be loved

