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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Originally posted by Garrett Fitzgerald View Post
    Yup, that's filk. :-) Whatever filk is, at least -- the best definition I've heard is "Filk is music performed by filkers." :-)
    Given both songs are by Tom Smith, who has gone by the handle "The World's Fastest Filker" (though I know folk who could give him a run for the money on that title), that'd make them both filk. As a filker, I won't disagree.

    Mind, as a filker, there's quite a few songs I've heard that fit my definition of filk, but the writers and performers concerned would object if I called their songs filk. It gets complicated...
    -- Rick.


    • illiriam: Congratulations on your book!!! I hope many people will love it. I also have seasons 1-3 of Bones on DVD, and I am currently working my way through season 3. I watched seasons 1 and 2 together in six days, which means I had some not so good dreams, 'cuz the voodoo one from season 1 is CREEPY, holy Carlisle. Congratulations on your 4.0!

      bookworms: Congratulations on your part! I hope you have a blast preforming it!

      Mona: Welcome back! I hope you stick around!

      Emi: Ummm... I think toes heal on their own, but don't quote me on that, and I would go to the doctor's just to be sure.

      Wolf: Welcome back! I hope that things get better at home.

      estar: Congrats on getting into your dream high school! I hope you love it there.

      SilveredBlue: Welcome back!

      Now that I have replied to mostly everybody, I guess it's time to talk about my life at the moment. One month of summer is almost done and there is three more months of summer to go. I get to work four days a week even though it doesn't seem like that much. I don't have anything particularly exciting happening at the moment. My friend, step-dad, possibly another friend and I are planning to go to a midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show this Saturday. The best part is I have work on both Saturday and Sunday, so this shall be interesting. It will also be interesting to see the guys dressed up in corsets and heels, I can't wait!
      I stand tall, proud, brave, straight, and strong.
      Fairest and Fallen, greetings and defiance.
      ~Book junkie~


      • I'm back I'm back I'm back! Without ever really being gone... See, I don't really leave, I just lurk for a while...

        Illiriam: Oooooh, book!

        Estar: Congrats on being accepted into the High School!

        It's International Towel Day! And Geek Pride Day! We should all be happy and celebrate.

        Yay, Tom Smith and filk! That's some good stuff, there. The "A Boy And His Frog" song always makes me melt.

        How long do you think it'd take to watch all of the existing Doctor Who episodes in order, starting with the original 1963 ones? Because...that's kind of what I'm going to do. This summer. It's my motivation to keep concentrating on schoolwork right now. And the 1963 episodes I've seen so far were good!

        Speaking of schoolwork, I need to get back to that...

        Dif-tor heh smusma.


        • Randomness

          haha good luck on your school work, kk. My friends and I just made plans for the summer. Me and my two friends, ( one of which is my best friend, and is also in love with the series) are going to run around my yard dressed as ninjas and have a Nerf water gun fight. ( Shall we bring out the water balloons,too? We shall see, young wizard. We shall see.) I am really looking forward to this summer! Also, my best friend and I may go to Tiana Beach!
          "Fear of the name only increases fear of the thing itself" Hermione Granger Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


          • Nita13579: Thanks! I'm definitely gonna need that luck...
            Oooh, Ninjas and Nerf Guns! My friends and I did that once, it's a ton of fun!

            I'm really excited about this summer as well. It's gonna be a blast. I cannot wait until the teen summer reading program begins! I'm going to see how many times I can complete it. It's just too easy. It begins June 19, and ends August 15. You only have to read 20 hours or so to complete it - that's even less than the children's summer reading program!

            Aand if anyone's in the DC area in late June, I can point you towards the annual used book sale...
            Dif-tor heh smusma.


            • Originally posted by kk View Post
              I cannot wait until the teen summer reading program begins! I'm going to see how many times I can complete it. It's just too easy. It begins June 19, and ends August 15. You only have to read 20 hours or so to complete it - that's even less than the children's summer reading program!
              I know! The teen programs are always pushovers for us book maniacs, no? I wonder how many t-shirts and passes to fun stuff I have received in total for the reading programs- bags and bags, most likely, because during the summer, I do that much reading in a WEEK. One time I even won the raffle for the grand prize, which I like to think was because I had so many raffle slips in. *evil grin*

              That was the year they started to impose a LIMIT on the number of slips you can put in....

              *big innocent eyes*

              So yes, summer is funfun. And I'm taking a sort of French crash course, too, which I am happy about. And I will impress the teacher with my massive vocabulary of two, I repeat, TWO WHOLE French words. *drumrolll* Oui! Bonjour!
              Oh, and I almost forgot: Eiffel Tower!

              See, aren't you impressed?!?


              • A Bad Smell

                Wow, good luck on your French, SilveredBlue! (I must say, you know more than I do!) Over the summer, I am going to try to finish my Latin, ( Yes, I am trying to teach myself Latin, and I am constantly made fun of for that.) and maybe have my friend teach me Spanish! Also, I am going to take a creative writing course at a nearby college and join a drama club! Yay!

                Also, a Young Wizards T-Shirt I just ordered online a while ago just came! It has the Crossings Intercontinual Worldgating Facility logo on it! I wouldn't be surprised if it came from another planet, it took so long to get here. Also, it smells like some sort of demented maple syrup... I'm afraid to ask....
                "Fear of the name only increases fear of the thing itself" Hermione Granger Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


                • Originally posted by nita13579 View Post
                  Also, a Young Wizards T-Shirt I just ordered online a while ago just came! It has the Crossings Intercontinual Worldgating Facility logo on it! I wouldn't be surprised if it came from another planet, it took so long to get here. Also, it smells like some sort of demented maple syrup... I'm afraid to ask....
                  Hee! I have the Will Do Magic For Food shirt. I love it, but it's getting a little bobbled now.
                  Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                  • Cool! I also have the On Errantry T-shirt. When I ordered it, I ordered it a tad bit large by mistake. Now I have one that fits me! Yay! I may get a spacey one next, like the one that says Pluto is still a planet to me. I love their T-shirts! I also have one that I made myself that says Camp Half-Blood. I wore it to gym class one day and had about five classmates ask me what cabin I am in.

                    kk: You inspired me! I just went to the bookstore and entered the local Summer Reading Double-Dog Dare program. Read 10 books, get one free. This is gonna be a piece of cake! Wait, no, something easier than that....haha! A scoop of pudding! Hmmmm.....*looks at list of free books* ....I think I will get Hoot.
                    Last edited by nita13579; May 29, 2010, 12:07:50 AM.
                    "Fear of the name only increases fear of the thing itself" Hermione Granger Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


                    • SilveredBlue: Yay, French! *applause* That's almost more than I would know.... I know some Irish, though! Diah duit, conas ata tu? Is ba liom caca milis. Tubhar dom an caca milis! Randomacha...

                      Nita13579: Yay! Only ten books? Wow...that is a scoop of pudding! And I've heard that Hoot is good, but I haven't read it myself.

                      YW T-shirts... Aahhh, I really wanted some of those. My mom wouldn't let me buy them, though. I love the:

                      "My sister went to the crossings - and completely shot the joint up, thereby becoming some kind of big deal hero while I was somewhere else doing something worthwhile, like saving the universe, but never mind that, and then we wound up in the gift shop in Concourse Three-A and I had to stand there watching her getting everything for free when I had to pay, and it was more than I could bear, so finally I snuck off to one side by the alien clothes - And all I got was this lousy t-shirt!"

                      That made me laugh like crazy when I first read it. Heehee.... Also, I love the "Reading one book is like eating one potato chip" messenger bag. And the "Caffeine First - Wizardry Later" mugs.

                      *sigh* I really need to get one of those sometime...

                      Except my parents would think this was going to send me into some kind of insanity, which is why I can never talk about YW with them at all...They give me the, "I think I remember where we put the psychiatrist's phone number..." look.

                      I'm gonna do one last reread of the series, and then get AWoM from the library, I think... That is, if Wolf (-poke-) will also do that. And assuming my library actually did buy it like I suggested they do so. Which I think they did. And it's ridiculous now that I've been waiting like a crazy person for this book, and have not yet read it... Wolf? We can still buy the book together at the book signing...

                      I go to read and do schoolwork now. And yes, I'm well aware that it's a Saturday. Being homeschooled, school often happens on Saturdays as well. I'm almost almost done with math for the school year!
                      Dif-tor heh smusma.


                      • Finally

                        I've been trying to post this message all week, but for some reason it hasn't let me on. Now, I did the same thing that I've been doing and it let me on. I have no idea what's going on. So, sorry if some of this reply is slightly outdated.

                        tuttle: Congrats on your graduation from college. I just started and get freaked out and sad when I think about graduating. Good luck out in the "real world".

                        crazy_bookworm: 2 seasons of Bones in six days! That's impressive! It took me all of fall semester to watch all of the epsiodes. Granted, I was studying hard and whatnot. I don't like that voodoo episode either. It's just a little to creepy. The only other ones that I will not rewatch and the ones with Brennan's super-creepy, over-obsessive stalker.
                        I do plan on sticking around for a while. Thanks!

                        I loved those summer reading programs! They were so easy. Unfortunately, I think I'm too old for them now.

                        Although I really like the T-shirts, I haven't bought any yet. Maybe some day. One of my favorites is "Reading one book is like eating on potato chip".

                        I'm am out of school now for the summer and my sister is still in school. I am actually going to and coming back from 2 trips abroad before her summer break starts. I think this is pretty hillarious. But out of a sudden streak of goodness, I haven't mentioned this to her, even though I know she knows.

                        You know how sometimes in the middle of a conversation, you think of something, but for one of many possible reasons, you decide not to say it? (maybe because it's rude, not appropriate, or just doesn't add to the conversation.) But once in a while, you just want to say it anyway. You say something like "I was going to say [blank], but then I decided against it". Didn't you just say it? I mention this because I just did it. After I stepped back and thought about it, I recognized how contradictory. This has always puzzed me, along with other similar things.
                        Shoot for the moon. If you miss, at least you'll be among the stars. ~ Les Brown


                        • Sigh....

                          I am unreasonably bored right now, my brain hurts from studying for my German final, and I'm gonna miss Tamora Pierces book's been that kind of day.....

                          So...anyways, I checked TP's website, and got super excited that she was doing a signing in Pittsburgh over the summer. I checked the calender, and that happened to be the EXACT day that I'm going to an Astronomy camp. That happens to be the only thing I am not willing/able to move over the summer. So I think, okay, I'll do one later in the year, and I find one in Maryland in November that seems good. Then, of course, I remember that that happens to be the weekend our theater group is going to Disney world! That is, obviously, the only thing I have planned for the school year too. With my luck, TP's gonna come right to our town, and that will be the one week I'm out of town.....sigh...

                          Well, enough with the depressed ranting. I only have * more days of school, and for three of them we are doing nothing but work on our projects!!!!! That gives me a projected 4 more days of work, seeing as we also never do anything on the last day of school. Only for more days, but of course those 4 days will be jam-packed with projects to finish and finals to take...I have a BIG final for German, and one for Math too...then the project is for Soc. Studies and English...i wonder what the plan is for science...

                          And...random subject change!
                          I really, really, really, really, really want one of those tee-shirts! But I think my parents are really getting tired of my YW obsession (obsession being a good thing!! )

                          *sigh* I really need to get one of those sometime...

                          Except my parents would think this was going to send me into some kind of insanity, which is why I can never talk about YW with them at all...They give me the, "I think I remember where we put the psychiatrist's phone number..." look.
                          I think that is almost exactly what goes through my parents head every time I mention YW...except my dad is a psychologist! If only some of my friends would read the series! the only one that is remotely interested lives an hour away!

                          I think I need to get some sleep brain's rambling incoherently at me... that's the best smiley I could find...
                          Last edited by 96bookworms; May 31, 2010, 08:46:10 PM. Reason: quote didn't work...
                          All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened. And after you are finished reading one you feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse, and the sorrow, the people and the places, and how the weather was.


                          • *laughs* That is one thing I'll never get from my parents. My father's favourite book is The Lord of the Rings, and my late mother was the one who got me into reading fantasy in the first place...
                            Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                            • Ok so I promised I'd be around more and I made myself a liar kindof, which is BAD because I told myself that I'm done with liars! Gr. But you guys know I love you, so at least I have that. =) Uhhmmmm so a few pages back you guys were talking about Dr Who!!! kk, you are such a copycat. You saw me talk about Dr Who on facebook! And MAN i wish I was there with you to watch ALL the episodes in order!!! I wanna do that so bad. Right now my DVR is seriously mostly filled with episodes of Dr Who that BBC America has played. Any time, any day. And erm I know it's kind of against policy to post fan fics, but a certain person I know *coughMEcough* wrote one -a Dr Who one- based on a song written by a band called Chameleon Circuit (a band who does songs about Dr Who!) and it's really small and maybe you guys would wanna check it out? Like... on Under some sort of link disguised as just an extra part of a sentence?

                              And. Erm. *COUGH* So OMG whoever it was that said they were going to Rocky Horror -THAT IS SO COOL! Tell us how it was!!

                              nita13579 - link to a picture of this shirt. now. now. now. i literally was scratching above my eye as i was reading your post and i stopped mid-scratch. i NEED to see this shirt. please. i'm not even capitalizing things so i can type faster. =)

                              kk - waitholdon. is there a YW shop that's suddenly appeared and i don't know about it?

                              So I had a good Memorial Day weekend. Party with my friends, happy drama to keep us entertained, and today was a typical Memorial Day which just made me smile. I woke up late-ish, had to crawl under the bed to get dad's shoe because he was late, I played with the dog and my mom in the pool, and my when my dad came back from the firehouse, we had hamburgers and hotdogs. Perfect, perfect, perfect. Also in a week or so I am taking an Astronomy class at the college I'm transferring to! Whoo! Aaaaaand now my dad and I are flipping between the end of a Bones episode and watching the Band of Brothers marathon on Spike tv. Also watching the Flyers game I am a jinx and just handed over the remote. I said "Do someeethinggg!!" and then Chicago scored. Twice. In the second period with two minutes left. Now it's 2 - 0. Ohlordy.

                              Going to go find something to much on, maybe... someone please check out "my friend's" fan fic if you're a Doctor Who fan!!!! I'll -er- she'll love you forever if you send a review. =)
                              AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
                              Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


                              • Hi everyone, I haven't been around for a while. I decided to drop by and read some of the threads for AWoM now that I've finally had a chance to read it. Having it released the week before finals was just cruel. lol. But now summer is here and all I have to worry about is work for the next couple of months, it's great! I've already read more than 20 books!
                                "Doctors help you to live, the Arts give you a reason to live."

