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are you smart enough to get into ravenclaw? riddles only

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  • are you smart enough to get into ravenclaw? riddles only

    ok i was thinking about how you have to get into the ravenclaw common room and i think i wanna try a little test to check how smart all of us are... ok heres the rules
    1)you must make a riddle and place it on the forum.
    2)wait a few days of a few posts to see who tried to answer it. now you can ether PM the awnser to them or post it WHITED OUT on the forum.
    3)when you awnser a riddle you also have to try to make one. just try, this is just to get your brain working.
    4)no limit to how many you do just have fun.
    5)try not to have other conversation. i dont mind a little but we cannt have too much... ok ill start,

    many a colour
    many a shap
    transparent am i thou life is fate
    i float though the sky
    to see the world
    before i disapper forever.
    its a long long walk to the end of the earth... but let me tell you if im walking to you then i'll walk farther than you would have dreamed possible.

  • #2
    answer towizy123's "many a colour
    many a shap
    transparent am i thou life is fate
    i float though the sky
    to see the world
    before i disapper forever."

    answer: <span class="ev_code_WHITE">a cloud?</span>

    ok. Let's see....

    an orb I may be
    not solid, nor liquid, nor gas,
    perhaps a mixture of all, but don't be sure,
    I give you your light, I give you your life,
    warmth, heat, light, and vitamins are my gifts to you.
    half of your life you shall not see me,
    the other half you dare not look.
    I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


    • #3
      Answer to

      "an orb I may be
      not solid, nor liquid, nor gas,
      perhaps a mixture of all, but don't be sure,
      I give you your light, I give you your life,
      warmth, heat, light, and vitamins are my gifts to you.
      half of your life you shall not see me,
      the other half you dare not look."

      Answer: <span class="ev_code_WHITE">The Sun</span>

      I have words but no mouth,
      wear a jacket, but am never cold. What am I?
      In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

      Douglas Adams


      • #4
        Answer to:
        I have words but no mouth,
        wear a jacket, but am never cold. What am I?

        Answer: <span class="ev_code_WHITE">A book</span>

        A valley full, a hillside full, but never a bowl full; What am I?
        "...For my own part, I known my job; my commission comes from Those Who Are. My paw raised is Their paw on the neck of the Serpent, now and always..." - The (Kitty) Catechism
        Define the universe and give 3 examples.


        • #5
          I have words but no mouth- answer: <span class="ev_code_WHITE">a book</span>

          umm, ummm,

          night falls, sun rises,
          I am of the night,
          I am of the day,
          neither here nor there.
          What am I?
          I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


          • #6
            wizy123:<span class="ev_code_WHITE">a cloud</span>
            Rubywolf's first:<span class="ev_code_WHITE">the sun</span>
            fred22:<span class="ev_code_WHITE">a book</span>
            Rhi:<span class="ev_code_WHITE">grass</span>
            Rubywolf's last:<span class="ev_code_WHITE">twilight</span>

            I consume all within reach,
            yet I have no mouth.
            I have no tongue,
            Yet I lick until there is no more.
            What am I?
            "Half of the ehhif on the planet go to bed with empty stomachs: the other half die of eating themselves sick...." -Rhiow,The Book of Night With Moon


            • #7
              myss: Answer: <span class="ev_code_WHITE">fire</span>

              A loyal friend I'll always be,
              the bearer of secrets and fleas,
              all abuse I'll take without a word,
              for woe to he that bites the hand that feeds him. What am I?
              I can create a world, out of letters and words. I can make you believe something in a paragraph. I can make you love someone in a page. I can make you go places that don't exist in a book. That's all the magic I need. [url]http://melpomene.freeforums


              • #8
                Answer: <span class="ev_code_WHITE">dog</span>

                What does man love more than life,
                Fear more than death or mortal strife,
                What the poor have, the rich require,
                And what contented men desire,
                What misers spend, and spendthrifts save,
                And all men carry to the grave?
                Yes I'm a witch, deal with it! So mote it be! My other car is a broom. Blessed Be! A.D.


                • #9
                  what has eyes, but can not see?
                  what has a toung, but does not speak?
                  what has a soul, but has no life?

                  and i'm not sure ofor yours, nitta_kit...<span class="ev_code_white"> friendship and love were the first things to pop up...but i'm not sure with the last part at the moment...*doens't like riddles that much*</span>

                  fixed color tag-gf
                  I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                  For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                  • #10
                    Nita_Kit: <span class="ev_code_white">Nothing</span>

                    Been reading Babylon 5 books, by any chance? :-)

                    Alive without breath,
                    As cold as death,
                    Never thirsting,
                    Ever drinking,
                    Clad in mail never clinking.
                    "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                    "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                    • #11
                      Nita_Kit: <span class="ev_code_WHITE">nothing</span>

                      What is so fragile that when you say it's name, you break it?

                      I have a face that cannot see
                      And hands that cannot hold
                      I count to twelve, but cannot speak

                      Answers (are you sure you want to know?): <span class="ev_code_WHITE">silence</span>; <span class="ev_code_WHITE">clock</span>

                      Edited to provide answers--MS
                      I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


                      • #12
                        Marina Salem Answer ( 1): <span class="ev_code_WHITE">silence</span>

                        Answer 2: <span class="ev_code_WHITE">a clock</span>

                        Only my foe can turn me to tufts before I conquer him again to give life. What am I and my foe?

                        Have fun with that one!!

                        Hint: <span class="ev_code_WHITE">go outside, it helps you think </span>
                        just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                        • #13
                          What is so fragile that when you say it's name, you break it?
                          answer:<span class="ev_code_WHITE">promise</span>

                          I have a face that cannot see
                          And hands that cannot hold
                          I count to twelve, but cannot speak
                          answer:<span class="ev_code_WHITE">clock</span>

                          give me somthing warm
                          give me somthing sweet
                          with all your heart
                          only you can give
                          what is this thing.

                          in walls as white as milk
                          with skin smooth or rough
                          if you look inside
                          a golden prize you'll find
                          but as hard as you want
                          theirs only one- way to get in
                          you have to breack it open
                          and let out what it held so dear

                          TO EARLYER RIDDLE: CLOUD, SMOKE

                          removed dup text-gf
                          its a long long walk to the end of the earth... but let me tell you if im walking to you then i'll walk farther than you would have dreamed possible.


                          • #14
                            Answer to
                            A valley full, a hillside full, but never a bowl full; What am I?
                            <span class="ev_code_WHITE">fog</span>
                            wizy123's #2: <span class="ev_code_WHITE">an egg</span>

                            The longer she stands
                            the shorter she grows
                            with a white petticoat
                            and a red nose...(anybody familiar with old Mother Goose rhymes?)
                            "...For my own part, I known my job; my commission comes from Those Who Are. My paw raised is Their paw on the neck of the Serpent, now and always..." - The (Kitty) Catechism
                            Define the universe and give 3 examples.


                            • #15
                              <span class="ev_code_white">um....a snow woman? it WOULD melt the longer it stood there, it could be given a red nose, and it would be all white...</span>

                              what is bound, but yet spellbinds others?
                              delivers a message, but never doth speak?
                              to unbind it is your folly, and its own loss,
                              in solids it may deteriorate,
                              but in memory last forever.

                              edit to fix color tag-GF
                              I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                              For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.

