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Freaky (lucid?) dreams!!! (post them here!)

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  • kk should be happy now. You tried to translate a dream. Yay!! Anyway I think what you said probably made the most sense. Ever thought about studying Psychology. But I always wonder about some of the friends I have both on and off the computer. And if I have to wonder about certain ones maybe it isn't a good thing. And it would be nice to know that just because I'm talking to you on the computer doesn't mean they should lie to me. I mean I don't lie to them. But I have many internet friends and the beauty as well as the ugliest thing about the internet is that you can't see who you're talking to. I mean it's good because people can only judge you for who you are and not what you look like. But it's bad too. I don't know if I'm talking to the pedophile down the street from my school or from a kid in England. It's anyone's guess. Maybe I should evaluate my friends both on and off the computer more.

    Or maybe I'm taking this too seriously... Anyway thanks Young Reader that was good. I'm not good at trying to translate dreams.
    Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
    Writing is an art, and words are like colors.


    • I had another freakish Harry Potter related dream. It was like Harry and the Gryffindors were preparing for an underwater quidditch match, and Cho and Ginny came to watch. The match was to be held at a local swimming pool, and Ginny pushed Cho into the pool. Cho acted as if she was drowning, and was screaming for Harry to help her. Harry tried to glare at Ginny, but ended up smiling, and said as kindly as he could to Cho that she could stand up, because she was in the shallow end. I can remember the sound of Cho screaming, and Ginny laughing wickedly. Muahahahaha...
      Dif-tor heh smusma.


      • Okay, I have two.


        I was dreaming that I was talking to my parents in the morning and I was like "Oh you guys should be proud of me! I woke up right when my alarm clock went off." and then RIGHT AFTER I said that I _felt_ (yes felt) my alarm clock was going off so I jerked my self up and shut it off, but before I did that I saw a figure walk down the hall.. (I had to sleep on the couch this week) It scared me.

        I found out later that the figure was my grandpa walking back to the bedroom from the bathroom.


        I was walking with what I assume is supposed to be my parents (I didn't look like me) to watch my little sister play some basketball or something. My 'parents' found some people and sat down and I just walked past them, walked on the bleachers, saw the ref make a stupid call and I walked to go behind my parents as I boo'ed. Then this lady was like oh I gotta take a picture of the couple (meaning my parents)! I tried to back away and she saw "me" and was like I need a picture of you too. I was like "No, get the camera away from me!" and I started to run out of the gym, with her following behind me. Then I was outside and she was standing with me, somehow I managed to get the camera in my hand and I started yelling at her. This guy (that she works with I assumed) came up and was asking what's going on. She just looked at him and whispered something and walked away. The guy looks at me and was like "look, can you just give the camera back, we promise to not take pictures of you guys anymore" so I had a crazy idea of dropping it in this big crack I saw earlier so I walked up to it and it was filled.. and then I just threw it up behind me, hoping to land in the middle of the bush but it didn't and the guy ran over there chucked and ran off as his pants fell down (don't ask).

        THEN I woke up. After that dream I was like, that's what I'm going to write about for NANOWRIMO. lol weird huh? Anyone understand what they mean? I mean that person didn't look like me AT ALL.

        Well, that's all folks.
        Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
        Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
        It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
        Check out my video: LET GO


        • I had a dream about the Jonas Brothers. I've definitely been reading too much. I know, you'd think that I've been watching too much television, but the Jonas Brothers in my dream weren't the actual Jonas Brothers. They were Galen, Erik, and Jacob from the book Troll Bridge, which I just finished reading. There's a band in it called the Griffson Brothers, and they just remind me of the Jonas Brothers. The dream was probably what would happen if the Jonas or Griffson Brothers were to suddenly be kidnapped by a mad scientist and taken to a lab for scientific examination. I was Moira, the main character from Troll Bridge, and I was trying to save them. I woke up just after we all were rescued. It was a weird awakening. My first words were "Jonas Brothers?" and to wake me up, my sister brought in out neighbor's cat, and made it walk across my bed. I wish she had just let me sleep! Oh well. Still, it was a pretty cool dream.
          Dif-tor heh smusma.


          • last night had had this really weird dream. I was going to a swim meet with the whole swim team on the bus. (I think it might have been an invitational because there were a lot of people there.) when my team entered, we were walking on some sort of plattform that was over the pool. they said that we were late and were going to be in all kinds of trouble if we didn't go down there.

            For some reason (i forget what happened), we were running being chased by the building security. We run through the whole building and eventually got split up in our attemp to escape. There was an anouncement saying that no one on our team could leave the building. Some of us found a door that led to somewhere behind the building and hid in, under, or behind the 18 wheelers that where in that lot.

            That's when i woke up. I don't know if we manage to get away or not.
            Shoot for the moon. If you miss, at least you'll be among the stars. ~ Les Brown


            • I had a "can't-really-describe-it" kind of dream. In it, my best friend (a guy at my church) kissed me. It wasn't exactly a bad dream, nor was it a good dream, it was just an extremely abnormal dream, and that's about it. It sort of freaked me out, the complete abnormality of it all. I instantly knew it was a dream, which made it lucid, which made it a whole lot more realistic, which made it freakier, or better, depending on how one would look at it. *shudders*
              Dif-tor heh smusma.


              • maby this dosen't fit in this post (because its not a freakey dream) but i often have dreams where i will realise thet i am dreaming and then i can do anything I want. very weird........
                by the way is there a name for this?
                Who says the world has to make sense anyway?


                • That would be a lucid dream. Ususally. Except for my dreams. I have only once been able to control my own dreams, though many times have I realized that I was dreaming. It gets weird sometimes. Whenever I realize I'm dreaming, I say "I know this is a dream" and then something weird happens, usually. Once (I posted this earlier) a person next to me said, "don't be too sure." Weird things like that just happen to me.
                  Dif-tor heh smusma.


                  • I'm not sure if this fits the topic but ever had Deja vu?? Well it seems like I've been having a lot of those lately. It's really confusing because I'll be talking and then I'll look at something. Then a signal triggers in my brain that I've like dreamt this before, which is really true because I had.

                    The exact thing I dreamt actually happens, like I'll be talking about a topic in say Chemistry and then I look at a clock. Then I know someone's going to say something random before they say it, and they do. Then my head get's all lightheaded or something... WEIRD! So has anybody experienced this?
                    Time passes. Even when it seems impossible.
                    Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                    It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
                    Check out my video: LET GO


                    • Yeah, that used to happen to me when I was little, like around four years old. I would always have the dreams on Saturdays, and then at church the next morning, the thing would happen. Like I dreamed that I would be at a certain place at a certain time, and the next day, there I was. It happens every once and a while now, with different things. I had a friend that that happened to, and she remembered about a millisecond before it happened. Unfortunately, she had remembered that in a dream, she had accidentally poured a glass of milk all over herself. Well, I guess it's no use crying over spilled milk
                      Dif-tor heh smusma.


                      • Well I sleep really deeply, so I don't remember many. I did dream I was going to get sick once, which I did. Once I dreamed that I had wings and could fly - I loved that dream. I had just finished reading Maximum Ride, if anyone here has read it. I know that I've had others, but I can't remember them at the moment...
                        "And on he went, out of sight in unhurried grace; the true dark angel, the unfallen Destroyer, the Pale slayer who never really dies -- seeking for pain to end." Deep Wizardry, page 355 Listen, and I'll tell you a story... of the wind in the trees, and the sun, the moon and the stars... of all of Earth dancing


                        • I had a dream last night about an evil doormat. It had a picture of an omelet on it, and was kept at the bottom stair of a big mansion, where me and a couple friends (assorted wizards and nonwizards) in the dream were staying on a sort of vacation. The doormat was a sickly yellow color, and made of straw. The only two people to resist the doormat's evil powers were me, and this other wizard, who turned out to be Kit, or someone similar. Care to translate?
                          Dif-tor heh smusma.


                          • kk, Your dream totally made my day so much better. I think perhaps in this dream, your subconscious is telling you that you really relate to Kit and the problems he goes through in the books. It may also be saying that you don't trust anyone else to help you through your problems except Kit, perhaps because he is a fictional character.

                            Okay, I really have no idea. That was a stab in the dark. But I thought it was an interesting analysis...
                            From your friendly neighborhood wizard, Poliester.


                            • I would describe it just like you did: an interesting analysis...

                              It was just a very weird dream. But no weirder than the dream that I went to Hogwarts and was being chased by werewolves (that was a couple of nights ago). I remember that in that dream, I could do transit spells, but I only remember part of how I did them in the dream.
                              Dif-tor heh smusma.


                              • I once had a dream that I had a time turner (I think i was finishing the 3rd HP book at the time) and it worked except I had to do some complicated arm movment when I turned it andthen there was somthing that I had to get away from and it stoped working.

                                Another dream I had was that my sister and I were helping our dad load wood into our wood shead (we have a wood stove) and for some reson dad got mad at my sister and I tryed to defend her but then he took a knife out of his pocket and said somthing like "i'v had enough of all of you" and killed my sister then came over and stuck the knife in my throught and as I colapsed and he said "and your mother too".

                                can anyone translate either of these??
                                Who says the world has to make sense anyway?

