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So You Want To Be A _ _ _ _ _

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  • #16
    I really DON'T want to be a..nything that has to do with fighting (police, army, guerilla fighter) or sick people. I can't stand germs. I have a small phobia of toilet seats...although, when I was little I wanted to be a fire fighter. Not anymore, definitely.

    Teacher, meh. I can't handle little kids. I DEFINITELY wouldn't want to handle teens, except as a librarian. College professor, maybe. MAYBE.

    Mostly, I want to be an author or a singer. I don't know how I can be both, though. Both take lots of time, and lots of publicity. If I'm an author, it will probably be through a penname, at least at first. My name is really boring. Especially my middle name. Yuck. I'm Lisa Marie. Icky.

    Hmm...out of a random impulse, I did a random search of peoples' names on this forum (not using real names, of course) and the first thing that came up was VGDawn. According to Sharky, "Gryphon is a power ranger." I am sooo bored...oh, yeah. This isn't the ToGR. G'night.
    Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
    "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
    "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


    • #17
      I would like to be a teacher or an editor, I love correcting people!
      Dai, everyone!!!


      • #18
        I either want to be a palentologist or a geologist. I have wanted to be a palentologist since I was like 5 and I would love to be a geologist because i love rocks! Wooooo go rocks! Okay now it is official- I have completey lost my sanity!!
        Dai stiho cousins


        • #19
          wizardsrreal said: I have wanted to be a palentologist since I was like 5
          Same here! When I was little I was obsessed with dinosaurs so I planned on being a palentologist. I thought it'd be so cool, to uncover the secrets of the great beasts that roamed all those thousands of years ago...

          And then when I got older I wanted to be vet, except then I realized that they had to put animals to sleep and see the sick pets so I dropped that idea.

          Now I'll stick with an author or journalist, or anything that concerns writing. I may not be the best writer, but it's what I enjoy doing.


          • #20
            *giggles* try being 5 when Jurassic Park came out. That was so much fun! My brother had a set of DinoRiders toys (dunno if you're old enough to remember them), and yeah. We'd spend hours memorising all the dinosaur names. I forget who says it, but in Jurassic Park, one of the characters says 'If you don't learn how to pronounce them when you're six, you never will'.

            Geology Rocks



            • #21
              Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I never have anything of worth to say anyway. I would love to be an author, I LOVE to write, a painter or artist of some sort, or a clarinet player, (I totallysupport traveller with magic)I love music!


              • #22
                Viral pathologist. To work with emergent diseases and the really, really nasty stuffe in the CDC's Hot, that's teh ****. I just...I think it's so cool how summat so small like Ebola can kill you in under a week. It's just...awe inspiring.

                But since I realized whilst doing dissections last year in AP Bio that I haven't really the stomach to deal with that stuffe in the filed, and I don't really want to just work in the lab (I'm totally a people person), I want to teach. Chemistry, genetics, or literature, not really sure what. (There are more jobs for the first two.) And I can't pick between college and high school, but thankfully that decision can wait (as in I have five more years, till I'm off to grad school. That should decide that.)
                PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                Follow the bouncing poot


                • #23
                  So I want to be a... Senator or White House Chief of Staff (or some other political position)

                  I really want to go into politics. I want to be able to change lives for the better. I guess I really figured out I wanted to be Chief of Staff after I got hooked on The West Wing. I am SUCH a West Wing junkie. My best friend and I practically converse in quotes from TWW.

                  Politics is also really interesting, I think. I'll quote Leo McGarry:
                  "Because I'm tired of it: year after year after year after year having to choose between the lesser of who cares. Of trying to get myself excited about a candidate who can speak in complete sentences. Of setting the bar so low, I can hardly bear to look at it. They say a good man can't get elected President. I don't believe that. Do you?"

                  so to sum it all up, I want to be a politician!
                  Nitwit, blubber, oddment, tweak! --Albus Dumbledore

                  I <3 Jamie Lawrence!!!!!! *squee*


                  • #24
                    So you want to be a...

                    FBI Agent. Originally, I was fascinated by the idea of being a crime scene investigator(CSI, anyone?), but when I realized that my interests lay more towards humans and less towards the mechanics, I turned my mind to Psychology.

                    I would like to be a Criminal Psychologist(commonly referred to as a 'profiler') and help track down criminals by getting inside their minds.

                    ...want to know something scary? I'm good at it. -.- I analyzed these two businessmen by the leftovers on their breakfast plate, one girl by things she kept forgetting, and then my friends by the type of candy they chose to eat. -shivers- But I love people I love knowing what makes them laugh, cry, tick...
                    You know when people see a cat's litter box, they always say, "Oh, have you got a cat?" Just once, I want to say, "Nope. It's for company. Help yourself. Make yourself comfy. Take your time."


                    • #25
                      Er... Am I allowed to say what I am?

                      I'm a professional ninja. I like to do lots of ninja stuff, like dissapearing quickly and sneaking up on people. My job causes me to travel sometimes (hence my three week trip) but I can for the most part stay in one place. It's good work, really.

                      How cheerfully we consign ourselves to perdition...


                      • #26
                        At this point in life, I'm pretty sure I want to be a research mathematician, for a number of reasons.

                        Well, ever since I was in elementary school, I always knew I wanted to be an explorer of some kind, and learn new and fascinating things that most people only dream of. Watching the various Star Trek series at the time only encouraged my desire for exploration, and at the time, I thought I'd become an astronaut. That way, I could experience first hand the kind of stuff that was out there and be the first to see it. When I got into highschool, I got more into the other sciences, and due to various circumstances, also ended up on the HS math team. My favorite subjects quickly became physics and math.

                        At first, I realized that research physics offered plenty of opportunities for exploration right here on Earth! In particular, the nascent field of quantum computing seemed enticing, combining computer science physics and math to develop something new.

                        My experience with experimental physics and pure math in college then changed my views yet again. Lab work was cumbersome, and I didn't enjoy it, but college math opened up entire new horizons for me. I knew since HS that there was a lot of math I didn't know about, but I had no idea how much until I went further as an undergrad. I realized that mathematics was much more than just problem solving, there were entire areas to explore involving abstract objects beyond some of our wildest imaginations ... except, it's all in our imagination . That's probably what I like most about math, namely, it's a subject where there's endless room to explore, and all you need is your mind. While a lot of this my seem too abstract to be of any use, it does in fact have it's uses. At the very least, is no less useful than say cosmology, for while black holes and dark matter may seem exciting all the more because it is real, the fact is, none of us will ever experience such things, so it may as well be as abstract as any mathematical object.


                        Originally posted by Nightvol: Lord of the Horde:
                        I'm a professional ninja. I like to do lots of ninja stuff, like dissapearing quickly and sneaking up on people. My job causes me to travel sometimes (hence my three week trip) but I can for the most part stay in one place. It's good work, really.
                        Say NV, you wouldn't happen to be working for the Ninja Burger Company now, would you?
                        "The law of entropy is just a complicated way of explaining why some things don't happen very often."
                        -Norman Christ, Professor of Physics, Columbia University (Does the Lone One know this? :P)


                        • #27
                          I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to play with computers.

                          I do both: I'm a technical writer. I write manuals.

                          Nightvol, what are the bennies? Are you salaried or contract?
                          New to the board? Please take the time to read the YW Board-Specific Rules, or Why We're Not Like Other Boards FAQ.


                          • #28
                            My life has been a rollercoaster ever since I got into college. What do I want to do during my life? What can I see myself doing in the next twenty or so years? Do I really want to go through with this in order to do something like that?

                            That topic is one that can scare people away. While they might have a general idea on what they want to do, once they are asked to state exactly, and specifically, what they would like to spend the rest of their life doing, then it comes to a realization that life is not long at all.

                            But as I grew up, I never really made a decision. I tinkered with the ideas of being a teacher, a musician, an artists, but when I got into college and started to experiment in those fields, I found that some of those would not be adequate for me.

                            The only reason teaching was ever considered was for the influence that I got from my mother, my grandmother and my great-grandmother, all of whom were math educators. So, I naturally started in college as a Mathematics Education major. But upon reaching a few classes, and coming to the conclusion that I would not really enjoy it as I hopped, I have now gotten myself in the process of changing it.

                            At this time, I am still a Mathematics Education major, but I have been strongly leaning towards the Computer Graphics department. As my advisor has told me, before I go through all the paperwork and all that, they suggested I take a few classes in that field and then make my decision before signing up for classes next semester. I agreed and am now taking two art classes. But as of right now it is too early to make a decision on weather or not I will like this field or not.
                            "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." ~G. K. Chesterton


                            • #29
                              Nope, I don't work at Ninja Burger. Those guys are wimps compared to me ^_^

                              I'm freelance, and the pay depends on who I'm working for. But you'd be surprised how many people are willing to hire a ninja for tasks.
                              How cheerfully we consign ourselves to perdition...


                              • #30
                                I need a break
                                and I wanna be a paperback writer...

                                But the chances of that are fairly slim, me being both lazy and more inclined towards poetry than anything else, and poetry not paying especilly well.

                                So when I grow up, I think I'll kick around at university until they either kick me out or start paying me (insted of me paying them...) If I do leave of my own volition it'll probably be with a BA/BSc in... some stuff... Then I might try working for the Government (*sigh* But a policy analyst could be a kind of fun job. My mother did it for a while).

                                Or maybe I'll just have kids. :P Hey, it's a contribution, right?
                                Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!

