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Ronan or Kit?

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  • #76
    Personally, I'm all for Nita/Kit, and I've been that way ever since I read the first book. Ronan on the other hand... I think he makes a great friend but I don't know about boyfriend... He's apparently too old... too stubborn... too goth (no offense against goth people, I just don't see Nita with a goth guy)... just too-too. Not to mention he's angry all the time: I think Nita needs a cool, calm guy that can control her(considering she's very independent, and apparently has a temper ).


    • #77
      Just a thought, Ronan is already taken. Remember Majella in the chicken place. She wasn't his sister and the other people were paired up. When they kidding Nita about Kit, the girl talking to Nita was having her back rubbed by a guy. Ronan may not of been officially dating Ronan, but I bet they liked each other alot. Ronan and Kit were a bit frightened after the meeting and probably couldn't resist the urge. And besides that, Ronan being a 16 year old guy couldn't resist the urge to kiss Nita.

      Roshuan and Dairine was mentioned in one of the replies. Roshaun is a different species of hominid, some primates on earth have mating seasons. He mentioned that he would have to seek a wife until he was about one third of the way through his natural life span. I just half to say it I'm sorry, Can you a imagine Kit showing up on Wellakhit during mating season, the confusion alone, would be hilarious.

      Ronan and Carmela, Carmela is to smart for him, she'd just use him and abuse him and go on to the next guy. Ronan is better of with Majella.


      • #78
        Umm, actually I got the impression they were siblings. Or just good friends. But definitely not a couple. And I think it's pretty clear that Ronan likes Nita, most guys don't just randomly kiss girls they don't like. And as for Ronan being creepy, only when he's being controlled by the power. Otherwise he's just sort of emo. (He's definitely emo, not goth, I have friends who are both.) But my main argument for Ronan is this, it would be more interesting. Yep, that's it. It would be more interesting. I agree, IF they were real, a NitaKit relationship might work out better. But they're not. They're fictional characters. And they're primary job is not to be happy, it's to make the book more interesting. A NitaKit relationship would probably go something like this. They would eventually realize they like eachother, start dating, maybe go out for a few years, either stay together, or slowly lose interest, break up, be awkward for a bit, then go back to being friends. Great for them, but kind of boring. Nita and Ronan's relationship, as we've already seen, is lot more rocky, but more fun to read about too. And pretty much any seen that Ronan is in is going to be funny. And it has so many possibilties: rivalry between Ronan and Kit, (if only because Kit doesn't want to share his partner, or maybe more), Nita having to introduce Ronan to her dad (which would be HILARIOUS), etc. Also, Ronan might actually be better for Nita. Nita and Kit are very similar people, pretty much well-behaved kids, kind of nerdy, not really rebellious or risk takers. Nita and Ronan are very different, allowing for more growth. Ronan might actually be able to get Nita to lighten up and have some fun, because he's NOT her partner and they don't have to think about wizardry. Besides, he has an adorable accent.
        -Dreams are nice, but sometimes you have to live in reality. -Perhaps, but dreams are MY reality.
        -It's only impossibe if you believe it is.
        -Existence is belief. I believe in magic, so it's real to me.


        • #79
          I'm actually on the other side of things, I think Nita and Kit should end up with eachother--the end. I do think it would be funny to see Kit and Ronan fight though, maybe if Kit and Nita got together and Ronan felt strongly enough about Nita to be jealous of Kit... I still think it would be great to see a Carmela/Ronan relationship. I just think it would be funny to see how their strong personalities and opinionated natures mesh--it could work out very well.
          Dai stiho cousins


          • #80
            Wizardsrreal, it's great to hear your opinion. I'd love to know why everyone seems to think Ronan and Carmela should get together, I personally can't see it at all. I doubt Ronan would be that jealous of Kit, seeing as he's at least 3 or 4 years older and would probably think of Kit as just a kid, particually considering Ronan's somewhat condescending personality. But that's just my opinion and I might be wrong. I actually think once they got over their rivalry they would be friends, Ronan's weird, but Kit's not particually judgemental. It would actually be really funny if they fell in love, poor Nita!
            -Dreams are nice, but sometimes you have to live in reality. -Perhaps, but dreams are MY reality.
            -It's only impossibe if you believe it is.
            -Existence is belief. I believe in magic, so it's real to me.


            • #81
              dude i totally agree he definetly sucks

              boo snotty princes and kings
              i think it would be really cool if they (kit/nita) went out
              get it, its them
              Last edited by Kathy Li; August 6, 2009, 09:08:44 PM. Reason: merged double post. --kli.


              • #82
                Omg, you're totally right, mollyculeofwater! I completely agree! Nita/Kit are SO cute. But Ronans cool too, I have nothing against him.


                • #83
                  If Ronan and Kit got in a fight Ronan would almost certainly win because Ronan is more experienced than Kit and is probably willing to be a little cruel in a fight and Kit might not be willing to because of his age. Ronan would probably fight like ab adult. You know, bring a shotgun to a knife fight. Sorry to be so graphic.


                  • #84
                    Who's better for Nita? Why expect her to limit herself to dating one of those two guys? Or even a guy at all? *g*

                    My personal favourite is Ronan, but that's mostly because he reminds me of a lot of my friends (those "big heavy boots"? New Rocks FTW!) and I like his sense of humour.
                    Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Trialia View Post
                      Who's better for Nita? Why expect her to limit herself to dating one of those two guys? Or even a guy at all? *g*

                      My personal favourite is Ronan, but that's mostly because he reminds me of a lot of my friends (those "big heavy boots"? New Rocks FTW!) and I like his sense of humour.
                      Trialia, you should join me in the Nita/Carmela and Ronan/Kit corner. Someone else has to ship these with me!

                      Also, polyamoury.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Nights Mistress View Post
                        Trialia, you should join me in the Nita/Carmela and Ronan/Kit corner. Someone else has to ship these with me!

                        Also, polyamoury.
                        *giggles* I 'ship Dairine/Carmela, but I wouldn't be averse to either of the pairings you mentioned. In fact, I've read some good Ronan/Kit out there.

                        And mwahaha. How did you pick up on my leaning? Did I phrase it that obviously? (I'm poly myself!)
                        Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                        • #87
                 I could see Dairine/Carmela. It would result in the universe subjugated under their heels, but it would never be boring!


                          • #88
                            Nita and Ronan? Nian?

                            What about Nita and Ronan? If Kit and Nita get together, it might make things awkward if they break up and their wizardry bond might awkward too. They've been wizard partners for like ever, and I'm not sure if I want to let go of that.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Nights Mistress View Post
                     I could see Dairine/Carmela. It would result in the universe subjugated under their heels, but it would never be boring!
                              So say we all!
                              Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                              • #90
                                It's all up to Nita and DD anyway. It is fun to speculate. My guess is Nita wouldn't want to; unless she was absolutely sure, because if they don't last. They will go their separate ways. In just four or five years Ronan won't be to old for her and he will of mellowed enough for her dad. Besides all that, their are plenty of other chioces, anyway.

