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Nita's Future

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  • Agent M
    Eh... What does POV mean? Sorry, I can't figure it out. I'm slow. As to Nita dying, I don't think so, All of the books have been mainly from Nita's point of view, except for HW and Alone. Other than that though... mainly Nita, Dairine gets some credit in WH, but again, mostly Nita. But with the way Nita is.... it's like she's immune. She can't die. Now Kit... Or Dairiene... That's another story. OH! NOW I get it!!! POV stands for Point of View!!! DUH!!! So I just said what Tui said, pretty much. Sorry.
    But about Kit and Dairine, like Rysade said, people keep coming and die for Nita, so one day... Maybe Kit or Dairine, more likely Kit, will have to die for Nita.... God I hope that doesn't happen. I LOVE the Nita/Kit realationship, Kit CAN'T die!!! And even though I know that some people are kinda against Dairiene, she's one of my fav. characters!! And also if someone died for Nita she'd look kinda like a wimp... Or maybe having someone die for you is harder than dying for some one else....
    But it's very possible though. *sigh* I just REALLY don't want it to happen.

    "Do what the night tells you, and read the fine print before you sign!" -Peach.
    "In the Cookies of life, your friends are the chocolate chips" -Sam
    "I never thought I'd die standing side by side with an Elf." "What about dying side by side with a friend?" "Aye. I could that."
    - Return of the King
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  • Nature_Wind
    Hehe. My first post on this forum.

    As people have mentioned earlier, Nita is and has been the driving force for the series. It was her POV solid throughout SYWTBAW, DW, and AWAbr, which makes sense since in SYWTBAW and DW she and Kit were constantly together, so it would have been just confusing for the POV to bounce between the two of them. Kit doesn't play that much of an important role in AWAbr, so his POV would have been brief and somewhat superfluous. We do get Dairine's POV in HW, but that's to be expected, since the book was about her Ordeal and if it had just been Nita's POV, the whole turtle thing would have made a lot less sense.

    When the POV splits into Nita's and Kit's in TWD and AWAl, it makes sense since the two of them are starting to go down their own paths and work on separate projects. I haven't yet read WH, so I don't have any opinion on that.

    Anywho, what I'm trying to say is, I doubt Nita is going to die any time soon. It does seem likely she will not die old and grey in bed, but she isn't going to be killed off while still a teenager.

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  • Birdhead
    You say that Nita's been making a bunch of sacrifices, and yeah, to some extent, that's true (though I think PK's POV point is valid.) However, throughout the series Nita's sacrifices, such as they are, have been voluntary. She wants to make them, and while they have definitely affected her, I think they've also benefited her. (At the very least, on a grand scale.) However, I think that these sacrifices Nita's making are... not exactly standard, maybe, but close. In Abroad, Nita remarks that sometimes she thinks it's only the sacrifices that wizards and their ilk make on a day-to-day basis that keeps the mutiverse on an even keel. Wizards do their job, and sometiem that involves sacrifices- all the time, in fact. For every wizardry there is a commensurate price, right? So to me, Nita's sacrifices are nothing but a consequence of her being in a dangerous job.

    The things like the blank-check spell and the Binding Oath are dangerous, yes of course, but they are also a choice thing. And to me I think they are just part of Nita doing her job- though Kit definitely has a point when he suggests that they share the cost.

    And apart from all of that: Nita's is the guiding POV of the series, right? So I agree, she's very unlikely to be killed off any time soon.

    *menacing* right, DD?

    "We are philosophical geniuses [sic] who will one day rule the world!"
    --Agent M
    Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha, Ahahahaha!

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  • Rysade
    You say she's been making big sacrifices, but I think you're wrong.

    -In SYWTBAW, The Lotus and Fred make the largest sacrifices. Nita and Kit just read from a book.

    -In DW, Nita ALMOST dies. Ed dies instead, making the sacrifice in her place.

    -In HW, Nita does do some pretty heavy sacrificing. Loses something like three years off her life. I think that was the biggest thing there. I'd say that Peach died, but I'm not sure Michael would mind dying as a bird anyway... I'm sure it happens all the time to It.

    -In Abroad, Nita doesn't make any sacrifices that I can remember. Ronan, though...

    -For WD, she ALMOST sells out. No sacrificing there. Actually, I don't think anyone makes a sacrifice.

    -Alone... no sacrifices to speak of. Mostly, that one was just time and effort. Sacrifices generally come in the form of a life-price or a few years off your life, or a lifetime commitment of some kind.

    -in WH she hasn't actually started paying for that oath. It will be interesting when it kicks in though.

    I think that Nita's starting to guilt out. Every time she is about to make a huge sacrifice, someone butts in and dies. She's probably wondering why nobody will let her die for them. I'd say that's why she isn't telling Kit about her little plans. That way, he doesn't butt in at the last second and take the full force of it. He would do it too, I know he would.

    --Dai Stihó

    Foam Poet
    "It was a bad line and a prank call, someone spouting insane babble; I couldn't make sense of it. But I had an overwhelmeing sense of deja vu, and the caller's voice sounded oddly familiar."

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  • Quill
    I don't think Nita will go down. The story is in a sense about the K&N partnership, but it's not until the fifth book that we even get to see inside of Kit's head, if I recall correctly. We get Dairene's POV in book three, but isn't that the only time? Nita's the center of the series.

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  • PK
    Well.... actually, I rather suspect that some of this is a result of the POV. It's also sort of amusing since I think at some point people were fretting over Nita not getting to do anything lately.

    -In SYWTBAW, Nita and Kit actually worked pretty much evenly throughout: Nita was the one who edited the Book, but I'm fairly sure that she and Kit were both reading together at the end.
    -Point taken for DW -- they went into it together and then she was the one who ended up putting herself into a situation where she would have had to repay it -- but then, I certainly wouldn't regard Kit's role at the end as inactive. (For one thing, I think he headbutted the Lone Power.)
    -In your last three examples, she tends not to tell Kit what she's planning: I suspect actually that this may be an indication of the Lone Power trying to undermine her (It doesn't seem too keen on explaining Its plans to partners, if you recall...) -- but she might be getting somewhat better about it. She was not forced in any of the cases, though; they were all by choice, even if the WD one wasn't very good and ended up getting reversed. (Also, Kit was not exactly inactive in WD either....)

    I do suspect the Binding Oath will end up coming back in a manner somewhat reminiscent of the blank-check spell, but I don't really think it's likely we'll lose Nita to it....

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  • Nerine
    I was thinking about what might happen in future books -- to Nita in particular. And I started to get a bad feeling about what might happen.

    Consider this. In almost every book in the series so far (except perhaps AWA), Nita has borne the brunt of whatever has happened, and paid the highest price.

    - in SYWTBAW, Nita was the one to successfully read from the Book and drive away the Dark Power (an act that even the Senior Wizards regarded as dangerous.)
    - in DW, Nita was the one who had to repay the power used in the "blank-check" spell from the last book, and was nearly eaten by a shark.
    - in HW, Nita gave several years of her life to power the shield spells against the Lone Power (the long-term effects of this have not yet been realized)
    - in WD, Nita's mother died, almost forcing Nita into a pact to give up her wizardry to the Lone Power
    - and finally, in WH, Nita invoked the Binding Oath to force the Lone Power to help them -- an act that, it is hinted, will have dire consequences for Nita.

    Does anybody else get the feeling that Nita's not going to be around much longer? It seems that DD keeps hinting that something's going to happen to her soon...

    Why does all the bad stuff happen to Nita, anyway? She's usually the one to act, while Kit is still standing there thinking. If it wasn't for her, they probably would have been killed off several times by now. But I guess her very impulsiveness often gets her into bad situations (like in DW) or forces her to pay the price in order to combat the Lone Power (as in HW). Still, the Lone Power seems to be going after her with a vengeance, while Kit is left relatively untouched. I have the feeling that she may not be able to hold up much longer...


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  • Nerine
    started a topic Nita's Future

    Nita's Future

    I was thinking about what might happen in future books -- to Nita in particular. And I started to get a bad feeling about what might happen.

    Consider this. In almost every book in the series so far (except perhaps AWA), Nita has borne the brunt of whatever has happened, and paid the highest price.

    - in SYWTBAW, Nita was the one to successfully read from the Book and drive away the Dark Power (an act that even the Senior Wizards regarded as dangerous.)
    - in DW, Nita was the one who had to repay the power used in the "blank-check" spell from the last book, and was nearly eaten by a shark.
    - in HW, Nita gave several years of her life to power the shield spells against the Lone Power (the long-term effects of this have not yet been realized)
    - in WD, Nita's mother died, almost forcing Nita into a pact to give up her wizardry to the Lone Power
    - and finally, in WH, Nita invoked the Binding Oath to force the Lone Power to help them -- an act that, it is hinted, will have dire consequences for Nita.

    Does anybody else get the feeling that Nita's not going to be around much longer? It seems that DD keeps hinting that something's going to happen to her soon...

    Why does all the bad stuff happen to Nita, anyway? She's usually the one to act, while Kit is still standing there thinking. If it wasn't for her, they probably would have been killed off several times by now. But I guess her very impulsiveness often gets her into bad situations (like in DW) or forces her to pay the price in order to combat the Lone Power (as in HW). Still, the Lone Power seems to be going after her with a vengeance, while Kit is left relatively untouched. I have the feeling that she may not be able to hold up much longer...
