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Tom and Carl...some missing pieces

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Nights Mistress View Post
    That said, I'd be pretty skeptical if we ever saw anything about that because it's largely irrelevant to how they interact with Nita and Kit. They don't interact with her as her guide into sexuality, but instead into wizardry. It's honestly largely irrelevant to Nita's journey into adulthood whether her mentors are secretly having fun in the bedroom.
    I like to think that it may all come (hahaha) out of the closet if there is a serious Event that forces a breakdown of those social walls - one of them going missing or having their integrity threatened, say, and Nita being assigned the case. It would be hard to maintain an adult/child relationship when the fate of a loved one is hanging over the adults head. After all, wizards or not, T&C are also human, and their fallibility has been proven before.
    I would EAT THE HELL outta that steak, then try to guilt the cow into dying just for being a cow. I'd be all "NOM NOM HEY COW YOU'RE NOT MEAT YET WHAT GIVES JERK" and then I'd glare and give it the silent treatment. Same goes for pigs and chickens... I would guilt a FLOCK of chickens into poultrycide in a heartbeat. "HEY YOU'RE A CHICKEN HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THAT"- Madhatte


    • #17
      I'm going to be terribly subversive in my hope that if it did come out, it would really just be an off hand mention. Something like how Nita asks a replacement Advisory from outside her region why Tom and Carl are out of contact, said Advisory replies that they're on a date off-planet and that's that. The rest would be Nita looking at the issue and going "huh, I wonder what I make of it".


      • #18
        Originally posted by wizardsrreal View Post
        I personally would hate the idea of Tom and Carl being a couple. Not that I have anything against gay people but I've just never though about them like that so it just seems so weird and out of place to me. I might have thought of it the first time i read the books but it was just a passing though, nothing i cared to explore more for myself because i feel like it would make things akward for me after finding out that they were a couple when i never thought they would be.
        Lol, wizardsrreal, I had the exact same thought when I first came across a Tom/Carl fic. My brain was shrieking 'NO! NONONONO! DOES NOT COMPUTE! NOOOOOOOO!! '.
        Its not that I had anything against the general idea of them being gay, it's that the thought had never crossed my mind so it completely freaked me out. But now I'm entirely a Tom/Carl shipper! (Well, not just Tom/Carl...there's also Nita/Kit, Dairine/Roshaun, Carmela/Ronan, Lone Power/Any character, and about a billion more)
        I think Tom and Carl definitely could be a gay couple, although I don't know if they are, obviously. They seem to care about each other deeply and they do act like a couple in some instances. Not to mention, as Nights Mistress said, they share a house.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Nights Mistress View Post
          I'm going to be terribly subversive in my hope that if it did come out, it would really just be an off hand mention. Something like how Nita asks a replacement Advisory from outside her region why Tom and Carl are out of contact, said Advisory replies that they're on a date off-planet and that's that. The rest would be Nita looking at the issue and going "huh, I wonder what I make of it".
          I would love that. Especially as they're the only gay pairing in the series that's pretty much canonical, and it would make me happier and probably feeling more able to identify with the series' relationships if theirs were to be just casually acknowledged like that.
          Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


          • #20
            I think this issue started to get discussed a lot about the time J.K. Rowling announced that Prof. Dumbledore was gay. Which I believe was about 4 or 5 years ago. In the past, people would mention that Tom and Carl were probably gay but until Dumbledore was outed,sort to speak, the discussion was always tentative. I believe DD has said in several interviews over the years, that they are. Does it really matter? It is fun to speculate though.

