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An Idea For Another YW book

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  • #16
    Well, there are wizards (and Powers) who screw up while not, as far as I can tell, actually going rogue. I'm not really quite sure whether DD was going anywhere other than "This is serious, be careful" and possibly reinforcement as well of the idea that the Powers are fallible when she said one of them had blown up a planet accidentally.


    • #17
      I agree- also i think the planet story was an example of how sensitive the Speech is, as a tool. Most of us wouldn't consciously watch our verb conjugations any more than we'd watch our tongue- literally, I mean. As a result, we do misconjugate them all the time- say, "there's numerous factors," which you hear on TV ALL the time- should be "there are numerous factors."
      Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


      • #18
        So it would be "There're numerous factors?"

        (I can put that question mark inside the quotes because I'm an American!)

        Also, I think that the verb misconjugation story was just a parable. Not actually real. Well, I STRONGLY SUSPECT that it is. Not making any commitments to it, now.


        • #19
          *grins* Yep. Or just "there are." (I generally put punctuation inside them too... I make exceptions but it strikes me as tidier)

          Do you think so? I always thought it was fairly literal- if it's not, there doesn't seem to be any point- I mean, if the Powers aren't fallible, if they relly are on a different scale in terms of personality or humanity as well as in terms of power, then... it loses some of its charm, I think.
          Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


          • #20
            Mmmmmm... *weighs ideas*

            I suppose it's probably true in the way that mythology is true when concerning the Powers: It's true, but so are all the other stories.


            • #21
              it wuld be interesting if their was a alternet universe and the kit and nita there would be evil.
              In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

              Douglas Adams


              • #22
                I agree it would be cool if there was a universe with like evil twins of everybody. Then maybe those twins got out somehow. Nita and Kit would have to go in and fight them. It is just an idea so let me know what you think.
                "Life is pain, highnes. Anyone who says differently is selling something."
                ~The Princess Bride~

