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The Topic of Great Randomness

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  • Originally posted by Garrett Fitzgerald View Post
    I just ordered:
    The Door Into Sunset (never saw it in bookstores, just at the library)
    Wizards, Inc.
    Witch High
    Wizard's Holiday (one of the few I had never gotten around to for one reason or another)
    The Book of Night with Moon (my original copy got lost when an unnamed Romulan took it to school)

    Talk about All DD, All the Time! (I got the two anthologies recently as well, and IMO they're really great anthologies in and of themselves, especially Witch High.)

    I have New Book dance as well: today I bought Guardians of the Dead, by Karen Healey, which I have already raced through (and guys! You should go and read it too! And buy it! It's awesome! And it's set in New Zealand, so it's like cool and stuff? And you can read my review here.) Also I bought The End of the Alphabet by Fleur Beale, because it's up for the New Zealand Post Children's Book Awards and I'm trying to read all the YA books nominated (it's the first one I've read, guilt guilt).
    Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


    • I'm happy now I just got AWoM Barnes and Nobles didn't have it so I had to go to the Borders just down the street from that. Luckily between my mom and I we have both Barnes and Nobles and Borders rewards cards. I just noticed it is rather strange that in my area we have two Borders and one Barnes and Nobles all within a mile or two of each other.

      I have to go and actually read AWoM now instead of talking about it so I'll get on later.
      "These are my principles. If you don't like them, I have others."-Groucho Marx

      "What is scientific fact? An oxymoron. Science does not deal in facts. It deals in hypotheses, which are never fully and finally correct."-Orson Scott Card


      • I swear to God I posted in here last week. It musta gotten eaten.

        Well hola, everybody. I would just like to say that I am intensely jealous of everyone who's gotten AWoM already. I, for some reason, have decided to stick to an old principle of mine, buying books in stores. I've actually caved this year, and in March ordered twice from Amazon, which is more than I've ever bought online in my life, and it's a so-so experience. The best part is getting to the mail before my dad, so's he doesn't see the boxes and get annoyed (read as somewhat stronger word). But I'm almost going crazy knowing AWoM is literally a few clicks and a few days away. I don't know why I do this to myself, abide by these crazy principles.

        On another note: school. I've chosen my college! As many of you know, I live in Texas. This college is in Pennsylvania, which is about as different as it can get. It's also rather expensive, being private, but they're giving me a $15,000 a year scholarship, along with some loans and grants, which helps. And I've decided to work instead of go for the volleyball team. I probably wouldn't make it anyway, and people say to start paying back the interest on the loans as soon as possible. I love this place; at first the parentals told me I'd have to go to the local university, which was really my only other serious choice. I was in tears, halfway to crying myself sick. But then they changed their minds! I just have to keep my grades up, or my butt is on a plane back home.

        The only bad thing about living up north for four years is the food. It's so blah. Seriously. Ever heard of SEASONING?

        Any college advice?
        I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies. I have not got one who is a fool.--Oscar Wilde


        • marina salem, as someone who KNOWS PA schools, and lives in NJ, I am VERY offended! We have food! Or are you just eating Amish food??? We have seasoning! Honest! LOL. The school I applied to transfer to actually just accepted me, too... except now that things are calming down now... ugh. Anyway, what school in PA are you going to? There's an 85% chance I know it and can tell you about it =D

          So tonight, my friend Mike had a rap about Romeo & Juliet. My friend Devin beat-boxed. I love boys. Aaaaand, after the TV show that I help out with, they THREW me! Mike and my other friend Duke! Aaaahhh! Ohmygosh.

          Also it's waaaaaaarmmmm!!!!!! I'm so so soooo happy! Wolf can wear SHORT SLEEVES and SNEAKERS again!!!!!! After the hellish winter we've had, it's almost a miracle. I never want to see that much snow again. Even if it's a picture of the Antarctic. Dude.

          Uhmmmmm what else. It's 1:23 in the morning and I'm going to sleep. AWOM has it's own twitter hashtag- thanks, DD! <3 So you guys on twitter, keep tagging it! ^_^
          AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
          Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


          • marina salem: advice? Shower shoes. A fan. A fridge, and storage containers. These are the things that I always either wished I had, or appreciated.
            And I too am offended! The mid-Atlantic coast states have amazing food. Maryland Blue Crab anyone? And if you come to Maryland, some people cover everything that they can in Old Bay, so there is some seasoning...
            I personally don't like spicy food, so anytime I go southward, I find everything too hot.

            I am jealous of your R&J rap Wolf. It makes me want to move Shakespeare up on my reading list and go out of order, however, changing the List could cause the world to end.
            And I totally concur about the amazingness of the warm weather. I wore jeans to class today and ended up changing into my gym shorts. The paleness of my legs was blinding, especially compared to the sunburn on everyone else!
            Has anyone else noticed this? One nice day, and the next day everyone and their alien houseguest is sunburnt!


            • I, too, am offended about the food comment! There's nothing wrong with Northern food! I also don't really like spicy food AT ALL, so it's just right. really, though, the food here rocks! Also, welcome to Pennsylvania! If you're in North western PA, remember your warm clothes! seriously...always have some warmer clothes! it gets freakishly cold up here sometimes!!

     brain is officially fried, and I am trying to recover for tomorrow! I had the first day of standardized testing today...yuck with a capital Y. 2 sections today (1 math and 1 reading) and then 2 tomorrow and 2 the day after. it takes the whole morning.....just sitting there. absolutely NO moving around!!!! The only good thing is that the teachers feel bad for us afterwards and we get to watch movies the whole afternoon Today I watched parts of Indiana Jones and Back to the future, as well as (in science class-astronomy) The Magic School Bus get Lost in Space!!it was pretty awesome. Then our science teacher showed us this short clip about the "Metric Alphabet" It was hilarious!!!

              I think that's all for now... must go rest my weary brain for tomorrow......
              All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened. And after you are finished reading one you feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse, and the sorrow, the people and the places, and how the weather was.


              • I gave in today and order AWoM with 2 day shipping. This means my copy will be coming in Friday, yay.

                Also coming in friday is the microlathe I bought for my boyfriend for his birthday. He's been incredibly excited and its rather amusing. This means I'll probably spend Saturday afternoon reading and watching him play with the lathe. Today we went to a used tool store and happened to find a 4-jaw chuck of the right size for $20 less than can find on ebay, was good. Also I got a slide rule sized such that I can carry it with me always. I'm trying to get faster on it so I can beat people who are using calculators .

                I almost ordered a new waterproof case for my kindle with AWoM but instead found and am having to wait on that instead. It is just exactly the type of case that I'd want, and for me personally would be worth the money if I'm spending money that was from gifts.

                It is way too hot here. Seriously, it is not supposed to be 90 in April. It's not.

                I actually found food, including having seasonings, way better in the north than the one time I went to Texas. Personally am really a fan of cultural foods. Indian is probably my favourite .

                Reading stuff in here is making me feel older, its odd. All these people talking are making me aware that the people being active won't be graduating college in a month and a week. It's a really odd feeling. Elseware on the internet I'm always young and in person I'm this odd situation of people treat me like I'm older but tease me for being young, because of my year in school and how I act are both older than my age.

                Anyways, being kicked out of the coffee shop now.
                We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


                • Originally posted by Tuttle View Post
                  Reading stuff in here is making me feel older, its odd. All these people talking are making me aware that the people being active won't be graduating college in a month and a week.
                  Heh. You're feeling old? I'm coming up fast on my 20th reunion, never mind graduating. :-)

                  You want scary, try hanging out on a forum where a significant portion of the members are younger than your internet handle. :-) I first signed on to one of the predecessors of RELAY@YALEVM.BITNET as SAREK one night in February 1986 when SPOCK was already taken. It just stuck with me, I guess.... These days, I'd probably get caught on G'Kar, if I were starting from scratch. (Of course, "Londo" would probably be more accurate, but I can dream, can't I?)
                  "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                  "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                  • Originally posted by Garrett Fitzgerald View Post
                    Heh. You're feeling old? I'm coming up fast on my 20th reunion, never mind graduating. :-)
                    I didn't say I felt old just older [than average]. I'm not feeling old, just being incredibly aware of if I'm on the internet then I'm in irc with people who've been on the internet longer than I've been alive, even with the fact that I'm graduating from college in May. In a situation like on here, high school age seems to be how old most members are, though of course there is a large range of ages, and talking about applying and starting to go to colleges is making me aware of that was me when I first joined, and how different of a person I am, and that I'm now, both on a place like here and at school, one of the people who's gone through the college thing and can give advice. It's a weird feeling, and rather apparent when you're needing to go through all the preparing for graduating things.

                    But no, I'm fully aware that I'm only 20, even if there are 19 year olds that the 24 year olds around here will say "I'll tell you when you're old enough" to when I'm 20 and they will point out that they won't to me. Though part of me is interested in going somewhere online and then having people guess my age. I don't know if they'd guess I'm older or younger or my age.

                    Also, now I'm trying to figure out if I have interacted with anyone online who is younger than me going by "Tuttle". I think I have, though it hadn't spread to me using it everywhere until she was 2. So, only sorta, Tuttle became me after it spread.
                    We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


                    • Tuttle, with this thread I always feel older. And in your case, I am older than you are =P I'm 24, and left school and college behind a long time ago...
                      Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...


                      • Tuttle, you're graduating college and you're 20? *I'm* 20 and I'm coming up on the end of my sophomore year... someone please educate me as to the differences in the grading systems of different countries...?
                        Also... it hit 90 here too yesterday! Mostly 88, 89 ish, but... oh. my. goooddddd. It was so hot!!! I decided that it was ok for me to stay inside and watch Eureka cuz there was no way I was sittin out in the sun.. baking. But I *did* open my window! Haha.

                        illiriam - I'm still wearing jeans... lol. There's nooo way I'm letting these pop-princesses (who tan EVERY DAY) see me and my Casper-ness. *shudders* But omg YAY! I've decided that I *am* transferring schools, since the other school I applied to sent me an acceptance letter! WHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        96bookworms - Agg, I remember those testsssss. >_< But the rest of your day sounds AWESOME! I looooove what you're watching. <3 Think of me next time you watch either one of them - I quote Back to the Future aaaaall the time, lol. (As soon as I started writing that sentence, I realized that you're in school right now. Durh.)

                        Uhmmmm. Right now I woke up this morning, and one of the first coherent, intelligent thoughts I had was, "Oh my god, the end of the week is almost here. That means THREE more weeks until I'm done with school!!" Wasn't it five weeks just yesterday? Oh, gosh. Panic, panic, panic! [Avoid the rush!] (Teehee. Peach. <3) Ohmygod. New thought. ONE WEEK AND TWO DAYS UNTIL KK AND I MEET DIANE DUANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        (ahh, you can always trust me for a good fangirl freakout.)

                        Ohmygod. And for other people who watch Eureka and Star Trek on here.... in case you haven't heard... WIL WHEATON IS GONNA BE ON AN EPISODE OF EUREKA THIS SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE FANGIRL FREAKOUT!!!!!!!!!! OH. MY. LORDY LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

                        Ok so before I get scolded for using my caps lock privileges, I'll stop talking. Promise. =)
                        AIM: CeliaWells8 / Twitter: Scifi_Nerd
                        Won 2nd Place for Topic Of The Week 04, January, 2010!!!


                        • Wolf- How can it be that hot?!? Here in Washington it is POURING rain, and about35 degrees.

                          Tuttle- You feel older? Being on here makes me feel quite a bit YOUNGER than usual, considering I'm only in middle school and everyone is talking about graduating COLLEGE!

                          I am babysitting a new family for the first time this weekend. I've been with the kids a lot before, but I'll be alone with four kids between the ages of 10 and 10 months. We'll see how it goes.
                          Ars longa, vita brevis
                          (Art is long, life is brief) -- Seneca



                            Can you tell I'm excited? Even a little?? *laughs like a maniac* I'm sooo excited, and I've already skimmed it through once and am now starting on my second, in-depth reading. Oh I'm sooo happy happy haaaappyyyy. *dances*

                            The injokes! Oh my, the injokes! Hilarious! =))

                            Off to finish my schoolwork ASAP so that I can get to the next chapter....

                            Oh, and I bought it at the bookstore, so I've been a good little fangirl and helped to drive up the sales ranks. *boosts rankings with shoulder* Get UP, won't you?


                            • Originally posted by Wolf View Post
                              Tuttle, you're graduating college and you're 20? *I'm* 20 and I'm coming up on the end of my sophomore year... someone please educate me as to the differences in the grading systems of different countries...?
                              It's not different countries, just that I'm weird. I've actually already graduated but commencement is in May and I'll be done with undergrad classes then. I graduated in February with one major, and am taking my final undergrad class currently to add the second major. But I was born near the end of the school year, then skipped a grade, then went to a high school that had me take college classes my senior year, so after 4 and a half years of classes I graduated at 20.

                              Originally posted by Trialia
                              Tuttle, with this thread I always feel older. And in your case, I am older than you are =P I'm 24, and left school and college behind a long time ago...
                              24 is not that much older than 20 . My boyfriend is 24 now. Though being done with school makes more of a difference. And Garrett will probably point out to you again the "you feel old[er]?"

                              Daisy- I actually thought you were somewhat older than that -which I think is a complement on the internet.

                              On AWoM- is proving itself true again. I know it'll come in tomorrow, just like I know boyfriend's present will come in. However that doesn't mean I won't obsessively refresh.

                              Apparently a friend of everyone here from California is here this weekend. It was a surprise for him to post on Buzz that he was in Boston. Lots of people are going to be around tomorrow because of this. This'll be weird, but in a good way.

                              Apparently I handed out my resume at the career fair to more companies than I realized. I just got an email from a company saying they had entry level jobs available and they were interested in speaking to me. Hopefully this is them having actually looked at my resume beyond the CS major. I are /not/ programmer. I'm guessing it is, or they'd have a lot of people to talk to. Maybe I will actually get an interview or even a job . I need to get my cover letter checked out and sent to the company that I'm actually really interested in working at. But they're one of those really hard to get jobs at places because of being well known. Now I'm trying to figure out how to reply to this email. I really need to find a way to make money, what with the needing to eat, and pay rent thing.

                              Apparently there are multiple good apartments around here that are smaller and allow kitties that we know are opening up. Yay. This means I'll probably be allowed to have a kitty once we move! I don't think my boyfriend would stop me from getting a cat, what with him also liking cats, and me having been being strongly "I want a kitty" for a noticeable amount of this year (while we're in an apartment with no pets). Also it'll help my mood stabilizing which will be a good thing.
                              We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


                              • I have to say that it does rather amuse me, vaguely, that there are loads of people on this thread going on about college and school and suchlike, when what's on MY mind today is how I'm going to vote in our next general election. *chuckles*

                                Which is to say, not for either of the main two parties, because I refuse to vote for either of them. Labour just rushed through a bill that is anti-net neutrality and to which I'm vehemently opposed, and they are the ones who made it impossible for my sister to attend the same high school I did. The Conservatives' record for homophobia is...bad. And religious issues, and divisive things like abortion. Neither of them have ever appealed to me politically.
                                Las Vegas Boulevard is jammed, and I'm in love...

