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What to Read While Waiting

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  • Zirsta
    Try Maximum Ride, by James Patterson. It's a good series, although the short chapters can get a little annoying if you read fast for the plot. The author likes to crank up the suspense, but you can't always end in cliff hangers every 3 pages. JP tries, though. There's some romance, although it doesn't kick in totally until the 3rd book. Still, the wait is worth it. The first two books are amazing without it.

    Also, if you haven't already, read the Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale. There's romance in each book, and you get to follow different characters in each book, so the main characters don't get on your nerves the way they can do with series'. Shannon Hale also wrote The Princess Academy, which was a Newbery honor book. (that's gotta be a good sing, eh?)

    If none of those seem good, try Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. It was a high school Battle of the Books book, and I loved it. It's definately romance- it has a sort of classic love triangle, and it's fantasy too. Faeries and stuff, although not the typical kind. They are darker, sorta.

    Anyways, I'll probably have more once I go look at my bookshelves... Hope this helps!

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  • SaxySullivan
    The first thing I would recommend (besides HP, which is an awesome series) would be the Wrinkle in Time series by Madeleine L'Engle. They say it's a children's series, but I think a lot of children's authors are better writers than adult authors.

    I'm not sure if you may be into this one because there isn't really a fantasy element, but I think it's extremely well written and has an awesome storyline. It's a series by VC Andrews that starts with Flowers in the Attic. Four kids get locked away in the attic and they escape. There's more to it than that, but I don't want to ruin it for you. After that one it's Petals on the Wind and If There Be Thorns. I haven't read it since middle school-ish.

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  • Tsakaki
    started a topic What to Read While Waiting

    What to Read While Waiting

    Sooo, I didn't see any thread like this anywhere (granted, I tend to get a bit loss when trying to find things on here), so if there is one out there, let me know.

    Lately I find I've been extremely picky when it comes to books, which is a bit disappointing since it makes finding books all that much harder. And I'm currently waiting on sequels to just about ALL of the series' I'm currently reading.

    So I was hoping people could point me (and anyone else looking for something to read) to a few they enjoyed.

    Anyone looking for books, please give examples of what you have liked, and possibly why.

    Anyone posting book names, please try to keep it to what searchers are interested in. I'd like this to be a recommendation thread, not a list of likes/dislikes. At least for the first while, if this thread ends up taking off, then feel free to take some leeway.

    So, some books that I enjoyed:

    -Young Wizards by DD (obviously)
    -Stardust by Neil Gaiman
    -The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
    -Graceling by Kristin Cashore
    -Evermore by Alyson Noel

    I like paranormal teen novels that are well written with some romance in it. I usually get dragged into a series because of it's characters first, story later.
    I do also read romance novels, but I'm picky, and some adult fantasy novels.

    So, any recs out there?