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  • #61
    *inspired by angel_stars last post in this thread*

    Twinkle twinkle angel_star,
    How distracted that you are,
    Chasing your puppy around the house,
    then getting distracted and chasing a mouse!
    Twinkle twinkle angel_star,
    How distracted that you are!

    ok, so she never mentioned a mouse, but i needed something that rhymed ... and don't pay out the grammar of the thing either... ... ... please...


    p.s. more will come


    • #62
      I don't chase mice! That's Gryphon's job! ~LoL~ Very good! *dances listening to music* I don't like this song. I've never even heard it before...Let's see... *stops dancing* Midnight Rider? by Willie Nelson. Hm... Nope, don't really like it. *skips song*
      the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


      • #63


        I LOVE PAPA ROACH!!!!!!!! *sings along*
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • #64
          I've seriously never heard of Papa Roach before.
          I'm tired...
          penguins will rule the world.


          • #65
            Hmm. Here's the whole of my story, it's in various parts of TTOGR so I thought I'd post the whole thing.
            Edit after Artemis's post: The whole of it so far.

            The Mad, Completely Insane, Really Crazy, Slightly Pointless, Typo-Ridden Adventures of Penguin Woman and Mr.Eggnog (Genie)

            Penguin Woman walked into the large castle of Iz, the world concocted by none other than Sharklord, who also went by Sharky, Mad Killer Jaws, and, rather more recently, Mr. Eggnog. He claimed to be the Wizard of the imaginary land of Iz, but with a name like that Penguin Woman wondered why she was even bothering to try to visit him. Ah yes, she remembered, there was the whole 'I- shall- smite- your- poor- innocent- little- penguin- known- as- Ralph' thing. Considering that it WAS an imaginary land and Mr. Eggnog wasn't really a wizard, but an insane shark who was in denial, Penguin Woman decided that it was perfectly safe to enter the castle along with her army of penguins.
            As she climbed the really insanely tall tower-type-thing where Mr. Eggnog lived, she vaugely wondered if penguins could climb stairs. Looking back, she noticed that her penguin army was not behind her. She shrugged. Seing as she was a wizard too- the all-powerful Wizard of Fuzzy- she could always conjure more penguins when she reached the top, which seemed to be nowhere in sight. In fact, she would probably dump the penguins directly on top of Mr. Eggnog until he admitted that penguins were indeed a superior species over sharks. Which they were, of course. How could anyone possibly doubt the fact. Sharks don't even have wings- while it is true that penguins can't USE their wings they've still got them, haven't they?
            Looking back over the message that was left for her by Mr.Eggnog, she noticed a small detail she had overlooked- he refered to himself as the LEGENDARY Wizard of Iz. Uh-oh.
            Well, even if Mr. Eggnog WAS legendary she still wasn't going to hail him, even if his insanity overcame her precious penguins. For she had a secret weapon-- Water Buffaloes. Water buffaloes were heavier than penguins, and if she dumped them on him he would have to succumb to the Powers of the Penguins (Patent Pending, mostly because of the alliteration, otherwise it would be even more pathetic than it already is).
            Finally reaching the top of the tower, she threw open the door to reveal none other than-
            A giant pair of wings made of nothing but toblerone?
            A girl popped out from behind the wings. "HI!" she said brightly. Startled, Penguin Woman jumped sidways, only to find herself falling into a giant hole. Landing at the bottom, she noticed a girl on one side of the hole. "HIHIHIHI!" said the girl. "I'M BiW!! You wouldn't happen to have brought some of that chocolate from up there, would you? I was going to get some but then," she sighed, "I fell in a hole.
            If you didn't get any chocolate, anyway, did you bring any bananas? That's Semi over there-" she pointed at a girl Penguin Woman hadn't noticed before, "And she refuses to draw us a ladder to the chocolate without bananas."
            Penguin Woman stared, at a loss for words. Apparently it wasn't just Mr. Eggnog who was insane in this crazy world.
            Just then a black-and-white puffball fell from the sky. It hit the ground with a small 'fwump' and started wrestling with a fuzzy blueish demon on the end of it's tail. The cat looked up at BiW and said, "Poot got me," before returning to struggling with the blue demon. "Get OFF, Rysade!"
            The cat pried the demon off it's tail and dumped it on the ground. Panting, the cat turned to Penguin Woman and said, "Hi. I'm Gryphon, and I'm a girl, so you can tell your crazy author person to stop reffering to me as 'It'."
            "Uuuhh," said Penguin Woman, once again at a loss for words. The cat had started singing.
            "Oh, but I forgot something!" Gryphon said. "Will you join my roleplay? If you don't join my roleplay I won't stop singing. And," she added as an afterthought, "I will dot dot dot everything you say."
            Penguin Woman wondered, not for the first time, if SHE was going insane.
            Gryphon had started singing again, Semi was going on about something that sounded like "bananananananannanananana," Poot/Rysade was muttering to itself, something about finding Diegowts so it could squish him, and BiW was bouncing around yelling at the top of her voice about silly beans and taking over the world with a giant chocolate carrot while repeatedly falling into the same small hole that had apparently been dug by Poot/Rysade.
            Penguin Woman, in a desperate attempt to escape the insanity, conjured a giant banana from nowhere and gave it to Semi. BiW, noticing this, suddenly aquired the need to act like a human ping-pong ball.
            Ducking BiW, who was bouncing from wall to wall, Penguin Woman climbed Semi's pencil ladder. Gryphon, Semi, BiW and Poot/Rysade followed, for slightly different reasons each. The first three just wanted to get to the chocolate, but Poot/Rysade knew that the being it had earlier referred to as 'Diegowts' was outside the hole.
            Reaching the top, Penguin Woman quickly got out of the way as everyone stampeded out of the whole to get to the chocolate. All of a sudden Gryphon stopped and looked back with a look of terror on her face. "Tell your crazy author woman to use a different word!" she said. "Quick! Hurry! Anything but 'St*mp*d*'!!"
            Penguin Woman stared. "Why? What's wrong with stampede? And how can you tell what the author is writing?"
            Too late.
            Penguin Woman panicked. Armies of penguins were good. Armies of tumbleweeds were bad.
            A girl stepped in front of the tumbleweed. "Down, Spot! DOWN! Good boy. No more tumbleweed stampede, at least not for now."
            She turned to Penguin Woman. 'Hi!" she said. "I'm Alla! I see you've met Spot, my tumbleweed. He gets a little carried away sometimes."
            Alla put the tumbleweed on a leash that appeared magically out of nowhere and led it out of the room past a Puerto Rican boy who was just coming in. Penguin Woman never got to meet him, however, because he was immediately squished by Poot/Rysade. She assumed that this was Diegowts.
            A girl walked in (Another one! Wow. The shock of it, the world is falling apart). She was carrying a large stack of books, all of which seemed to have the same title- "The City of the Beasts". "HERE!" she said, handing a copy to Penguin Woman. "Everyone must read the City of the Beasts. I'm AgentM, by the way. Call me M."
            M dropped the stack of books and ducked into the handily nearby closet. Coming out with another stack of books, this time with a different title, she shoved a copy of one of those at Penguin Woman too. "HERE!" she said. "Everyone must also read Timeline."
            Penguin Woman droped the books into her backpack (Also magically appeared out of nowhere). She tried to walk out the door, but was stopped by BiW, who said: "I've gotten lost and I can't find Dead People Land. Can you help me find it? If you can't, I am the Queen of Moths and I will send a moth ARMY to ATTACK YOUR SOCKS!!" BiW started laughing manaically. "DEAD PEOPLE LAND!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Your socks are DEAD, Penguin Woman! They will join Dead People Land's ranks along with my army of Dragon-Moths and CONQUER THE WORLD!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! Also join Gryphon's roleplay, or my Moths will attack ALL THE SOCKS IN THE WORLD!! YOU WILL BE LEFT SOCKLESS!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD PEOPLE!! HAHAHA!!!!!"
            Penguin Woman slowly backed away. "Powers help me," she muttered. Hearing her, Gryphon started to bounce around. "Powers? What Powers? You mean like admin. powers? I like admin. powers. They let me change the layout. I like to change the layout. Changing the layout is fun. I changed the colors to blue and black. I like blue. Blue is a happy color. Black is different. Black is the color Icy Pole wears. Icy Pole isn't nice. Icy Pole made entropy and death. Why did Icy Pole make death, Penguin Woman? Do you know why? Why is your name Penguin Woman, anyway? Do you like penguins? Do you have a penguin army? Where? I like penguins. Penguins are fun. Penguins-"
            Penguin Woman cut her off. "What is with you? You used to be. . .coherent!"
            Gryphon stopped bouncing and looked up at Penguin Woman. "My alternate self said the crazy author woman was making me coherent. My alternate self said the crazy author woman killed me. Why is there a crazy author woman, Penguin Woman?" Gryphon started bouncing around again. "Do you have an alternate self? Does your alternate self like penguins like you do? My alternate self likes Linkin Park. What's Linkin Park, Penguin Woman? Is it a park? Parks are fun. I like parks. Only sometimes there are dogs. I don't like dogs. Dogs lick me and make me wet. I don't like being wet. Do you like being wet? Penguins like being wet, so you should too, right? Why do you-"
            Penguin Woman cut her off again. "Look, I'm on a mission to save Iz from Mr. Eggnog's insanity. If you want to come, you'll have to be quiet."
            ". . ." said Gryphon. "What's a quiet?"
            Penguin Woman slapped her forehead. "I don't have time for this." She tried, again, to walk out the door.
            The girl who had popped out from the toblerone wings started following her. "Hi!" she said. "I'm Z! We're all crazy. . .but Sharky is the craziest. . .oh and we're random too, did I mention?"
            "Um. . .maybe. . .I think so. . .or not. . ." said Penguin Woman ellipses-ly.
            Since the chocolate had dissapeared, everyone had been listening to Penguin Woman's conversation. They decided to come, and help her defeat the insanity of the POOFing Genie. . .

            High in a tower of the castle, Sharky was plotting. (Cue evil music with dark laugh in the background; screen goes black)

            Penguin Woman and her newly assembled army of maniacs (Maniacs can climb stairs, unlike penguins) made for the door. Starting down the stairs, someone had the idea that they should start singing. Because no one could decide what to sing, they ended up traipsing down the stairs singing God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriffs at the tops of their voices.
            Upon reaching the bottom, several more people joined them, including an AOP (Anime Obsessed Person) yelling at the penguins in Japanese, an Angel who was also the Queen of Nonsensical, A pyramid/vampire (Closely followed by a ghost), and a smashed egg wih new-looking South Park hair (Who was handing out santa hats to everyone while watching a Potter Puppet Pals DVD).
            Everyone kind of gave up on God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriffs when BiW started playing the llama song.. Penguin Woman sighed, thinking maybe they could get rid of Genie by doing nothing other than playing the llama song at him.


            • #66
              Heyyyy. Where am I? :P Sorry, sorry. I'm so dang vain... *starts singing song* *thwaps self*
              "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
              "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair


              • #67
                So, Nita and Kit are walking along in the park when......

                [deleted due to the nofanfic rule. Yes, even if it's just silly RPG or parody or whatever, once it's YW-related fiction in any way, it's gotta go. Wizgal, I saved the text for you--check your private messages.--kli]
                "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
                Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


                • #68
                  Hahahahaha, thats so funny! Wf, thats was just cracking up soo soo much. Gryphon is hyper...funny funny..

                  ahh mother is coming.bye!

                  Love and be loved


                  • #69
                    Hey, I wanna be in a story! lol.
                    Sharky's sane......:P

                    One of these days I'll write a story. lol. Once I get some inspiration. ^_^
                    "People...stop being mean to each other. Especially for the sake of laughs. IT SPEEDS UP ENTROPY." -Diane Duane

