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  • Injokes

    Welcome to the revived Injokes threadTumbleweedsChime (and SigmaChat)
    These are the two old chat rooms that we have had. Sigma, I believe was the first, and then we had Chime for about a year. Chime

    <LI> Old Screen Names and NicknamesThe story of PootDenial

  • #2
    We have wayyy too many injokes to remember, I think, but I can try to help with this. XD


    The Penguin Craze was started by either Z or M, with a penguin avie. Almost all the rest of the forum followed suit (even PM!) and penguins took over the forums.

    You'll notice I have a penguin avie now... penguins are sort of a general injoke, especially as avies. XD

    <LI>Reading all of togr.

    I have done this.

    Other newbies have attempted this, too, several succeeding, but I was the first (well... when it was very small, only about 16 pages, other people read it. But that doesn't count, because it wasn't a monster then).

    This earned me the title "Newbie who Read Togr", so that's why I'm a newbie for life (even though I'm not quite a newbie as far as anything else goes). I suppose you could say I'm an honorary newbie. XD

    I've also read all the other topics in all the other forums on YW. I have too much free time.

    <LI>Denial cont'd

    To add to this, Sharky is in denial. He thinks he's sane, when it's quite obvious that he isn't. *ducks out of reflex* Sharky hasn't been around lately, though.

    <LI>DG & GN

    Dead Grass and Grass's Neighbors. The tumbleweeds (see Alla's post) are their enemies.


    I think the first of them was founded by Sharky and Nita, and possibly Fox as well. The Save the Topic Foundation was closely followed by the Kill the Topic Foundation, and more have followed since then. Sunstar's Diane Duane for Queen of World Foundation, for one...

    Oh, nevermind. M says the first foundation was either the Save the Ants Foundation or the Save the Evil Kawaii Bunny Foundation (founded by her and Papercrane).

    <LI>M's marbles

    She's lost them, you know.

    Should you find any, especially the gold one, please send them to Agent M's Marble Hospital.[/list]

    And a load of other stuff. I'll edit or post again when I remember more, but these are the first that come to mind.


    • #3
      <LI> Foundations continued:

      The foundations were a rather large craze that lasted for a while, and are still going today. People abbreviated them in their signatures to make space for other things. For example, the Save the Topic Foundation became STTF. This became a bit of a joke when we started to try and come up with the longest legitimate foundation name. WF (wildflower) started to come up with a different foundation each week.

      <LI> Breaking the formatting in threads (in TOGR in particular)
      this happens from time to time, although I don't know if it can still happen. One of the most infamous incidents was with the funfuns. I belive that it has also happened with hugs - and accidentally a couple of times.

      <LI> Breaking Chat
      While we were on the 'Chime' chat system, it was possible to break the formatting on the window, resulting in groans from everyone. If you hear "That link would have broken chime" it means that it is really long. Some suggest that using is a good idea if you have a long link

      <LI> Emoticon nicknames
      Along with the tumbleweeds and their emoticons, some of the other emoticons have nicknames, such as is Mr. Bobbles. There are a few more names to be found here

      <LI>Emoticon themes
      Around christmas time, some people put their avatars into the spirit of things, mainly by attaching a christmas hat to them somewhere.

      Several of the avatars became 'phantomitised' during my, uh, three month obsession with the Phantom of the Opera movie. There was a thread saving all of these somewhere, but I believe it has been eaten.


      • #4
        <UL TYPE=SQUARE>

        Diego-wts stands for Diego with the stash. Diego shouted, once, "YOU'LL NEVER FIND MY STASH!!!! ...uh, don't go calling me Diego with the stash now..."

        To which Gryph replied, "nah, that's too long. We'll just call you Diego-wts for short."

        <LI>A couple of memorable avies

        Besides the penguin ones, I mean.

        Crookedfrog (Audrea)'s avie: One of the default avies that came with the forum, but it was named Mutch. Several people thought it was slightly creepy.

        Papercrane (Amber)'s avie: It was a bunny. ^^' A kawaii bunny. So it was named the Kawaii Bunny Avatar, or the KBA. It was believed to be evil by quite a few people. This is the origin of the Save the Evil Kawaii Bunny Foundation.

        <LI>Singing in chat

        Possibly not quite an injoke, but often the source of much confusion and amusement. In the chat room, some members might suddenly start typing out lyrics. If you see something really out-of-context with everything else, violent, and/or in another language (*cough* Rammstein!), chances are it's a song.

        Chances are it's also Gryph doing the singing. XD

        PM says we should use the smily to distinguish between singing and not singing, but since it doesn't work in the new chat interface and all the new smilies suck, it's never used. Not that it was used in the old chat, either, because usually the song was going to fast to bother with typing out a in front of each line.

        <LI>Newbie roasts

        Wasn't here for this, but from what I've heard, Rysade used to eat newbies.

        Judging from a recent togr post, he still does... we've got about a million newbies now, too.

        <LI>The difference between US and Aussie slang... the source of an extremely large amount of amusement. Alla likes to confuse new members on purpose by hitting them with a lot of Aussie slang at once, but lately she's only been using thongs.

        ...I'm not going to ruin her fun by clarifying that for you, either. XD[/list]


        • #5

          They're forum spirit, so feel loved! (Or huggled)

          Chime Murdering & Chime in General -- the Chatroom

          First there was Sigma (Or maybe there was something before Sigma, but that would have to be wayyy too ancient, so anyway, moving on...). It was a monster, required passwords, and made noises. Ultimately, it was thrown away and Chime was put in its place. Yeah, you could say Sigma had its problems, but it was a trade off; we lost Sigma's bugs but got Chime's mess of new ones. Sometimes people would enter the chatroom only to find that they'd been turned into "ghosts" -- you could talk, but you weren't on the visitors list, and your avatar was nonexistant (back then, people had avatars in chat XD It wasn't that long ago). Along with the ghosty problems, people were kicked, lost lines, and in some cases, they spontaneously combusted. ... Umm, so people got creative with their retaliation.

          Currently we have a new chatroom -- called Chime, Chime 2, Ced, Cedric, Chimer, and whatever else people'll come up with. It's still getting abuse from members.


          He's as good as a smiley face. It's like typing (: or O.o, but this one thinks something is insanely funny. See how his mouth is stretched into a huge grin and the eyes are squeezed tight?

          PM the Axe Murderer

          PM (Peter Murray) happens to be one of the two mods who lurk arond this forum -- the other is Kli. To give some background info, he enjoys old music, puns, and confusing newbies, and he lives in Chime. I don't really know why he's an axe murderer, but beleive me, he is.
          Because of a photo of myself which I took for another website. I forget who thought it made me look like an axe murderer - it might have been me. - Peter


          n00bs are bad things. They're almost like newbies, only... the newbies-from-hell version.


          Some members are known mostly by their initials, such as PM (Peter Murray), WF (Wildflower), and others. RC is for Radical Cream, and it's a nickname of Rad's. HK is Hyper Kitty (that'd be me, but only Rad calls me it). NKoD is for Ninja Kitty of Doom. Several of the acronyms that make appearances, espescially the one-letter names, are really for friends that members know outside of the forum. For those, you won't have to ask who they are because you probably wouldn't know them anyway.
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • #6
            "Wasn't here for this, but from what I've heard, Rysade used to eat newbies."
            Yes, Rysade used to eat newbies (Nancy Drew, who is no longer here, was perhaps eaten the most...) But now he's back, and my guess is, he's hungry ROASTED NEWBIES ON A STICK!!!
            Now, for a few injokes of my own.... buwhahaha...

            I am Queen. No one else, ONLY ME. I am the Queen of the Universe, and always will be. There is no point in trying to stop this, just go with it....

            Short Posts
            is still a short post Diego, Poot WILL eat you.

            Possibly Posts Too Much
            I possibly post too much. I have more posts even than Tui. One time, Tui did have more than me. And at first, it seemed impossible to beat her, especially since at the time her posts were probably worth a lot more "intelligence points" than mine were... *ahem* But now have more. So I win.


            Aurora, though she doesn't come on much anymore, was involved in a lot of injokes waaay long time ago. If she does come back again, don't get on her bad side, it's a very bad idea

            The Wris****ch and the Peanut M&Ms (and of course, the fireballs)
            Well, wildflower told you about Mutch. But she didn't mention that I looove to throw things at Mutch. Or loved, because Mutch and Crookedfrog are nowhere to be seen.... Crookedfrog and Mutch, loved to throw things at ME. Including peanut m&ms, which I hate. And I threw a once. Which didn't work... because of censorship.

            Monkey is a primate. Give her bananas, she likes them. (love ya Monkey!)
            More detail on the names
            Two big ones: NEVER EVER call me by (as wildflower puts it) The Name That Was (I think that's what she said...) if you do not know what The Name That Was... was, then don't ask. The second: Also never ask about Gryphon's Name That Was, and don't ask
            And finally, newbies, warning: Don't call me AM. I am called Agent M for a reason (which is another injoke...) So call me Agent M, or M. If you don't, you shall forever have to call me "Your Higness" (which I strongly encourage anyways) and if you call me by the Name that Was... well, you just don't want to know what happens
            It means chicken, and it's a great conversation starter, get over it
            "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
            "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
            "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
            "I could live


            • #7
              I think I may as well post these here....

              The AoNRs
              The AoNRs are the SAoNR, the GAoNR, the RAoNR and the HAoNR. 'AoNR' means 'Aybss of No Return' and the letters I put in front of it mean, in the same order as they are up there, 'Slytherin', 'Gryffindor', 'Ravenclaw' and 'Hufflepuff'.

              CaMaTACA means 'Clone`s and Mousey`s and Their Awesome Cat`s Aybss'. Yes, more 'aybss' stuff. And I started it.

              'Evil' sides
              <STRIKE>BP</STRIKE>Emb started this with a unknown evil side. Then Aschiel (BP`s evil side) came. Finaly I decided 'If you can`t beat `em, join `em'. So, 'Amenae' came along. Aschiel and Amenae are the 'King and Queen' of Chat. Emb`s evil side doesn`t show up alot, so he`s not important.

              Fireballs, waterballs, airballs, oh my! (and infinity)
              I started this with fireballs. Then I think someone added waterballs in, and then another, I think it was Monkey, put in airballs (Or maybe just air). It started on 0:00 EST Jan 1 2006. I remember it clearly. I was throwing fireballs around in chat, and I almost hit someone, I think. So, they started to fling waterballs at me. I made my fireballs hotter and bigger, until infinity deicided to come along. >_< It was fun, though. And I think a few minutes/hours/days later, I think Monkey used her air power to suck all the air out of chat. I know someone did.....
              "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
              Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


              • #8
                Wizgal emb started the evil side stuff (unles it was a fad in the forums).
                The Answer to life the universe and everything: CREW 42!!!!!!!!
                DON'T PANIC!!!!! *two seconds later once the plan does not work* OK PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                I have a spelling problem. SYWTBAW


                • #9
                  St: I didn`t remember that. (And you know the evil-side thing is mostly a chat-only thing.)
                  "Accomplishing the impossible means only the boss will add it to your regular duties." - Anonymous
                  Nita, Kit, pay attention to that one!


                  • #10
                    I would like to point out that Embs dark side binded itself to him and hasnt been seen seperately since, Aschiel however, has since reappeared occasionally and can often be found tormenting st in chat.
                    also PM has a new title instead of Newbie Confuser, he is now the Pun Master, or PM for short
                    also due to the new "wisper " function, normal chat will likely be low for a loong time
                    "Absurdity is the spice of life, the little things that always make the one being absurd laugh, and no one else"-me, being serious
                    Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set him alight and he's warm for the rest of his life ~ Jingo, by Terry Pratchett


                    • #11
                      As a random quote of no particular relevance to anything, I would like to quote Tui, because it's awesome and needs quoting, or something: "Oh, and in the Newbie FAQ, SPAM would be ALL POSTS ABOUT PENGUINS. Penguins are, like, the epitome of SPAM; they are what spam strives to be. "

                      Erm... considering this is a thread devoted to getting the newbies less confused, I think I want to sort some things out as far as the more recent posts to this topic go...

                      Um. I'm not entirely sure Wizgal's post would quite count as injokes. *wince* I sound incredibly harsh, but yeah. Injokes usually... god, I have no idea how to explain this, but when someone yells "I'm not _____ today, I'm my evil half ___!!" at you, repeatedly, it's not incredibly injoke-ish, mostly it's just annoying. :/ I'm not an evil midbie/oldbie/honorary newbie/tumbleweed/whatever, I swear, no matter how much this post is making me sound like it.

                      Except maybe the evil tumbleweed part but that doesn't count and oh, hey, that's an injoke too and I'll get to that later but really, I completely forgot the point I was going to make because this sentence is too long and hasn't got enough COMMAS. *pause to breathe*

                      *Poot pokes the newbies in this thread* Watch the one-liners, guys, lest you be eaten by the fuzzy blue demon. (Also, he doesn't eat people who don't capitalize etc., so far as I know, but he should.)

                      also PM has a new title instead of Newbie Confuser, he is now the Pun Master, or PM for short
                      also due to the new "wisper " function, normal chat will likely be low for a loong time
                      PM's a mod... he shouldn't be newbie confuser at all; it might happen from time to time, but with puns and nothing else. And it's not like he doesn't explain stuff to get the newbies unconfused.

                      The whisper function isn't completely new, exactly. XD It's new to Cedric, our current chat, but we'd always had the feature in the chat before Cedric, Chime (Cedric's sometimes called Chime, too... it's kinda confusing).

                      ...and I guess I'll finally get to the evil tumbleweed part now. Alla calls me an evil tumbleweed because I decided I was a tumbleweed once, which should've meant I was part of her army, but then I sided with the DG & GN, soo... yeah. XD

                      Also, Alla loves to be called Lala. Same goes for Gryph; Gryph loves being called Skitty. And you should always call M marnie or marniebrown.

                      *ahem* [wildflower not responsible for death, dismemberment, removal of limbs and/or vital organs, or any related mutilation should you attempt to follow her advice. Said advice not endorsed in any way by the aforementioned Alla, Gryph, and M; should you attempt to ask them if wildflower's advice is correct they will likely tell you it is not; wildflower would like to refuse any potential lawsuits should they arise (read: newbies dun sue plz, kthx). Should you find yourself impaled on a sharp weapon of any sort, dicontinue advice. Do not operate heavy machinery after taking sleeping pills. Reproduction of this <STRIKE>horrible</STRIKE> brilliant advice is prohibited in Iowa. ©2006 by NoOneInParticular, Inc.]


                      • #12
                        *groan* Gryph would like to express her feelings that newbies should not be posting in the injokes topic.

                        PM's a mod... he shouldn't be newbie confuser at all; it might happen from time to time, but with puns and nothing else. And it's not like he doesn't explain stuff to get the newbies unconfused.
                        It might also happen intentionally, espescially regarding his theories about a certain member's age. That certain member has theories and potential evidence about that said mod's real name and gets headaches when the initial theory is dropped in a crowd full of newbies who fall for it and must then be educated.



                        *eye twitches at WF's advice*

                        Yeah, and because I'm feeling just a little bit of guilt about submitting this post when it's partially in third person _and_ has no real injokes, I was digging around in the lengthy entrails of the Chatter 2 forum and found this:

                        'NEW' RP YW WEBSITE

                        Aiiieee, it's Abroad! In the beginning, there was an RP called The Playroom, a YW roleplay. Then there was Abroad, a fresh, new version that started when I was a newbie. Following that was the White Forest and The Circus, one fantasy and the latter took place on a circus (if you couldn't guess XD). All three died, and VGDawn started. Some other RP that just made an appearance via a new member is up too, but VGDawn (supposedly midieval fantasy) and The Playroom are still standing.

                        A know a few injokes offhand, but... there's not enough story worth sharing. Heh, Wilf is a vampire, and not even he knows how that one started.
                        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                        • #13
                          Gryph also lieks to speak of itself inteh 3rd person... odd that. Also, I definately don't quailify as a newbie. (Not taht I am being at all defensive)

                          PM - Not an injoke, but still a source of confusion. "PM" on these forum always refers to Peter Murray, moderator and resident forum old guy. It's a conincidence (and source of confusion) that DD's husband, Peter Morwood, shares the same intitals. If you see DD refer to Peter, she means her husband.
                          "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" - Salvor Hadrin, in Isaac Asimov's Foundation


                          • #14
                            Okay I have some!!

                            The Denile thing was when Peter was obssesed with making papaer dolls online! Which woudlent be paper but u get what I mean. So ya we said he was in denile and he said denile is a river in Egypt!

                            As for the Topics. Foxy, Sharky and I started to kill topics where no one would write in them. So we were all in one topic and wen kept killing it so we made the S the Topic Foundation. Then evryone started witht he foundation. (NOTE: This was after I came along. Apparently there was some before but I guess they died and now their back!)]

                            Nicknames! Umm, TwM used to be ATM but she didnt like being called an automatic Teller machine.

                            Okay VGDawn.. There was a very famous topic called 'Waiting for Naeva'. Ya check it out its awesome! NOTE: Pretty much evrythign that goes on in VGDawn is talked abotu here so soemtimes we go off on long rants and discussions about VGDawn so JOIN so u can keep up!

                            Hmmm. Then there was the Wilf/me thing.. Then Wf/Azen but THAT didnt turn out too well. I will let Wf elaborate on that if she wants to.

                            Now the lyric singing! Not this past summer but the one before (I do believe) there was a few of us who would stay in chat all day. Now I know we dont have lives but . So on these all day extravanganza's we decided to have a 'party'. We invited evryone who passed thru that day (umm Childish and I and I do believe Gryph was one of the ppl who stayed all day. Correct me if I'm wrong.) But anyways we started to sing. It used to be we would use * when we sang but it was too much trouble so we just sang.

                            Yes and the infamous Sharky saying he was sane. OH and yes the FluffyhotpinkSharky. ; ) Ya kno I love ya Sharky!

                            Peter Murray aka Pops!

                            YW plays!!!! Thats a good place to look to see injokes!! Gryph and a couple of other ppl started to write plays using active YW memebrs. There are soem REALLY REALLY funny ones. Read em! CLICK HERE!

                            There was also a time when evryone used to say they luff'd everything.(me especially)

                            Im so sorry I havent been around so much lately. I'm gonna be back more often, I miss yall!

                            CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                            Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


                            • #15

                              Diego and his powerplaying. Diego was at one time VGDawns supreme evil guy and his second hand man. He denied being a powerplayer tho.

                              Ghosty. For a long time my compy was messed up and I wasent visible in Chime. This started the Ghost thing. Many people along the way at varying times became ghosts. (This mostly happened in old chime)

                              Pops and being a smashed egg! (hahah) One of Pops's avi's looked like him beign a smashed egg. (I dotn know how to get the pic here but someone could try if they were motivated ) Oh and all of Peter's avis were random drawings of him. I guess he doesnt do that anymore!

                              Z and her Tobleron! Anytime someone was having a bad day Z would give them a Tableron. I do believe Chime was whacked a few times as was evryone else.

                              Chime and it getting killed. Random objects, blunt sharp ect, were used to kill Chime on many occasions. (Wf!)

                              Gryph and her secretness! The most all of us have gotten out of her is she is female. Of course there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I respect her for being able to do that. But yes its not really an injoke but ya.

                              Ah yes and Linkin Park. Just about everyone here likes/loves/woulddiefor Linkin Park. I happen to be one. : ) Soemtimes ppl break out into random LP Lyrics.

                              And yes LP could be Lone Power or LP could be Linkin Park. (One mixup was me saying I loved LP and it got mixed with Lone Power..)

                              So ya thats all I have for now!
                              CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                              Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.

