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Character Ages

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  • Character Ages

    I've read all the Young Wizards books (that have come out) and I'm still kinda confused about the ages of Kit and Nita. I know there's a difference between their ages, but I don't remember how much of one!
    PART OF THE PROBLEM, Nita thought as she tore desperately down Rose Avenue,is that I can't keep my mouth shut.
    Interesting (adj.) - Oh God, Oh God, we're all gonna die?

  • #2
    I've read all the Young Wizards books (that have come out) and I'm still kinda confused about the ages of Kit and Nita. I know there's a difference between their ages, but I don't remember how much of one!
    PART OF THE PROBLEM, Nita thought as she tore desperately down Rose Avenue,is that I can't keep my mouth shut.
    Interesting (adj.) - Oh God, Oh God, we're all gonna die?


    • #3
      I think Nita is a year older than Kit, but it's a little uncertain in the books.


      • #4
        Nita's one year older than Kit, but it also says Kit was moves up a grade... but they're still not in the same class.. I dunno how that balances...


        • #5
          It sounds like they go to a fairly large school...surely the place has more than one classroom and class for each grade.

          Inside every cynic there's an idealist desperately yearning to be let out, and when they are let out they're usually a real pain and cause all sorts of trouble. --Chris Boucher


          • #6
            Thanks, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks it's weird. So that's why Nita's always being told how good Kit is doing when she's not doing as well, it's cause they're in like the same grade I suppose.

            PART OF THE PROBLEM, Nita thought as she tore desperately down Rose Avenue, is that I can't keep my mouth shut.
            Interesting (adj.) - Oh God, Oh God, we're all gonna die?


            • #7
              Yup, Nita is one year older than Kit. I'm pretty sure they're in the same grade though, that Kit skipped. Either that, or they just go to the same school. However, in Wizard's Dilemma, Nita would be in high school, and kit would be in middle school - unless he moved up a grade, so that's why I think he did, cause otherwise they'd be at two seperate schools. I still have yet to read A Wizard Alone.... I don't want to buy it just yet, because the rest of the collection I have is paperback. I went to the library, but they only have one copy and it's checked out. *sighs* it's eating me up, but in the meantime I've made myself content by reading more of Dragonlance, and I also rented the Eye of the World (part of teh wheel of time series by Robert Jordan). SO, I'll be busy reading anyways. But I will probably drop everything I'm reading once I get ahold of AWA!! Sorry, I'm babbling again. It always happens. Rambler and babbler, that's me....
              Have a cookie. it makes life better. If you don't like cookies, I suggest you seek professional help.

              "So why should I take your hand when you can't promise happy endings?"
              -Amber Pacific "Thoughts Before Me"


              • #8
                Yeah, ok. It gets really confusing trying to keep track, so I was just trying to figure it out. The school thing is probably what set me off track.
                I own off all of the series, however my copy of Deep Wizardry is a paperback with a different and older looking cover than the others, and The Wizards Dilemma and A Wizard Alone are both hard covers instead of paperbacks! It's an odd collection...
                I got my brother to read the series though, and so far he hasn't questioned the ages.. Maybe he gets them more than I do.

                PART OF THE PROBLEM, Nita thought as she tore desperately down Rose Avenue, is that I can't keep my mouth shut.
                -Diane Duane, So You Want To Be A Wizard
                Interesting (adj.) - Oh God, Oh God, we're all gonna die?


                • #9
                  Don't worry the ages of kit and nita confused me to but, I've read the books a milloin times.Okay,in the first book nita is thriten and kit is tlweve. Nita was moved up a grade and kit moved up one to so since kit was a year younger that means he was already a year below nita.Just read the books carfuly and you'll get the hints when it's summer and when it's school time for them then you'll get when the year is over.In the second book there still the same ages as for as I can tell. In the thrid book there a year older(it's close to summer because of the fourth book being in the summer).In the fourth book this means nita is fourten and kit is thriten.In the fifth book nita is around fiften because she was in ninth grade and moved up one and kit is around fourten.In the sixth book it's hard to tell but, there still in school so that means there still the same age.



                  • #10
                    Nita did NOT move up a grade, although Kit did.


                    • #11
                      Come on, how else would it be possible without moving up a grade you have to read between the lines I mean if I am missing something please tell me

                      I'm not tring to be mean or anything okay

                      Night owl,Up till Dawn


                      • #12
                        Another thing: It says in Deep Wizardry that Kit has skipped a couple of grades. How is this possible? It would put him way above Nita....

                        Yours till the bed spreads,
                        Rowen Avalon
                        Rowen Avalon

                        "I told you she was going to turn you into a soggy beermat. No one ever listens to me." - Jonny, AWAb (My fav moment!)
                        "IB helps you with stress management. It throws all this stress at you and says, 'Manage it!' Then you have your b


                        • #13
                          thats why nita had to at least go up one grade.....Wait I just thought of something you know how sometimes it depends on you b-day to see what grade your in. Maybe kits is late and nitas is in a earlier month.

                          Night owl,Up till Dawn


                          • #14
                            Well, if kit's B-day is in August and he moves up at least two grades and Nita's b-day is in September and she moves up one grade . . . Argh! Tooooo confusing!

                            Yours till the bed spreads,
                            Rowen Avalon
                            Rowen Avalon

                            "I told you she was going to turn you into a soggy beermat. No one ever listens to me." - Jonny, AWAb (My fav moment!)
                            "IB helps you with stress management. It throws all this stress at you and says, 'Manage it!' Then you have your b


                            • #15
                              This age thing is getting really confusing. What's the last book in which their ages were actually listed?

