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The books: the best of the best

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  • #16
    I am in the process of finishing Alone and plan on starting Holiday when I go on vacation in march.

    The greatest pain a wizard can have is losing their partner.
    ~Wizards, the 8th wonder of the world.

    ~The Last Cyber Unicorn, yeah that's me.


    • #17
      I couldn't help it... I finished Alone last night nad started Holiday in Social Studies today... I lack self control. Oh well, I can just reread it on vacation.

      The greatest pain a wizard can have is losing their partner.
      ~Wizards, the 8th wonder of the world.

      ~The Last Cyber Unicorn, yeah that's me.


      • #18
        Well WH is a good book to read on vacation because its about avacation, sort of.
        *Many have gone and many have stayed but one thing stays the same: Love and Hate they never go away but they can be beaten- Devin
        *Many have come to this place and most have left it but let not their life be a mystery- Devin
        *Many have come and go


        • #19
          I think DW builds nicely on SYWTBAW. I was not prepared for Nita and Kit to expose themselves as wizards to her parents, and I LOVE the way Kit and Nita break the news! I also liked Ed's character, being as I like sharks, and Ed's like the perfect example of sharkdom. I don't know if DW's my favorite book in the series, but it is an excellent sequel.

          I am on errantry and I greet you. Dai!

          I am on errantry and I greet you. Dai!


          • #20
            My favorite was Alone... I dunno why. It just kinda spoke to me... partially because I had trouble connecting with others when I was younger, and eventually kinda built up a mental wall around myself (partially out of self-defense... I was one of those "weird kids" who always hung around making odd--usually loud and obnoxious--noises in the background, and my friends were really just the children of my mother's friends/the kids from the local Chinese school... who were, btw, the same group of people). I'm less so now, though ^.^v.

            For some reason, DW is one of the books I read less than the others... it's just one of those books that I like to have sitting in the back of my mind instead of fresh, and then go back to later when it's starting to fade.

            I am Lionfish. HEAR ME ROA--, bubble. Blub, blub. *sweatdrop*

            If you can't spell my name, go ahead and call me semi or S-chan. I don't mind, really.


            • #21
              I, too, was often alone when I was younger, and was still even up to a few years ago. For me, it was because I was quiet and weird. You see, I didn't exacty grow up with a crowd of "wizard-friendly" kids.

              Back to the topic, however, while I love DW, I also really like Wizard's Holiday. I've been writing an original novel of my own, you see, and one of the main characters comes from a mostly-tropical ocean planet. (Not quite as pretty as Alaalu, but nice enough.) I love ocean planets. The other thing that DD does often is give cultural details, which are always important to me, especially when I'm reading a book about a culture not quite like anything on earth.

              Actually, nothing in that post was really on topic, but I hope no one will mind too much...>_<

              And the Dragon's song, so wild and strong,
              Fell from the sky like rain
              Upon my soul; which, watered well,
              Bloomed with a joy no words can tell
              Where once was a dusty plain.

              -A verse from the Song of the Winged Ones
              And the Dragon's song, so wild and strong,
              Fell from the sky like rain
              Upon my soul; which, watered well,
              Bloomed with a joy no words can tell
              Where once was a dusty plain.

              -A verse from the Song of the Winged Ones


              • #22
                Deep Wizardry is probably my favorite. I first listened to it on tape and found myself bawling, wondering what it would be like preparing to deliberately sacrifice your life for someone else. Nita's talk with Carl still gives me shivers. And the talk with Nita's parents, when only Kit really knows what's going on and Nita is facing death but can't tell her family that.

                Question: I thought Nita and Kit did the blank check wizardry together. It was Kit's idea and they both worked it together. So why was Nita individually targeted to pay the price?
                I solemnly swear I am up to no good...


                • #23
                  <span class="ev_code_PURPLE">DW was definitely (sp) one of my favorites. I was so sad cause I thought Neets was going to die! But it all turned out ok in the end, ecept for Ed dying, he was like the coolest character in my opinion.</span>


                  • #24
                    DW plays with my guts every time I read, more tha any other in the series (though I'm like 3 books behind 'cuz I havent convinced my dad to pay Amazon...*grumble-grumbles*).

                    Lamarquise: I'm not clear, haven't read those two in a while but I believe he was paying. Even for anyone else not sacrificing himself the mission was still very dangerous...he almost lost himself to the whale-sark (sp?).


                    • #25
                      I didn't really like DW. I found it a bit boring. This may have somthing to do with the fact that I what I really wanted to read was HW which was the first I ever found.


                      • #26
                        I agree with Earwen here. I don't know what happened, but this was one of the books that kinda... lacked. It was boring, and I just wanted something to HAPPEN!!! Okay, Nita was supposedly going to die, and I was about ready to flip to the end to see how Nita got out of it. I mean, she wasn't going to die. Obviously. Main characters only die at the end of the book series. :P Sometimes. We do find a few reincarnated characters or heh. Has anyone read Pyramids? That character died in the very beginning. What was it? He fell. Hah.

                        Oh. Back on topic. I didn't think Deep Wizardry was the best.
                        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

